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deelete my account

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Everything posted by deelete my account

  1. I know Joel Smith was starting 22 in round 1 last year, but through no fault of his own, didn't get the time to establish his position in the best 22 yet, nor have we had enough time to assess whether he's capable of being best 22 through consistent application. And Vanders has been too far out to know whether he can recapture his form from 2 years ago. So it's perfectly understandable to not have them in the 22, pending next years 2 to 4 week experimental stints that Goodwin seems to use for each depth player looking to break in.
  2. Garlett is valuable defensively forward, but is it overkill? Defenders arent that fast, there are other players who can immediatly apply pressure for an i50 turnover, if we did have Jeffy up the ground
  3. Sprints in a game Bradley Hill (Frem) 35.3 Tom Scully (GWS) 32.9 Jeff Garlett (Melb) 26.9 Jeremy Cameron (GWS) 26.6 Steven Motlop (Geel) 26.1 Our purported issues with outside run could be solved if we move him up the ground, this would mean we have to play Hannan or Kennedy or whoever fits the bill deeper forward. I know robbing peter to pay paul here, but if we're desperate for outside run then we could turn him into a Bradley Hill over the summer with a training regiment that brings him up to 30-35 pg Additional idea: If we get Motlop who's 5th, we can have them alternating as wingmen/outside mids and goalsneaks, if Motlops salary was not too big to get him to the club.
  4. Is the Roos rebuild over? Of course not, we still need to upgrade and bring in youth and experience across the board and drop youth and experience across the board - tinkering until it clicks. Not until we go deep in September will we need a few 'minor' list adjustments.
  5. I said this a year ago in trade week, but we should have picked up James Stewart last year instead of Essendon. They gave pick 77 to GWS and got a 1.97cm 23 year old forward who's in their best 22 heading into a finals campaign, ffs.
  6. Kent for Lewis Jetta? (Or Motlop FA) I don't think we're getting pick 29 or Taberner for a current VFL playing forward, maybe only a WAFL player. So LJ: We get some outside run and hopefully a guy who [inspired by playing with his cousin] develops some consistent form. His upside is exactly what we are lacking. I'm not sure who else we could possibly get. We should've recruited Eric McKenzie last year (Or not traded Dunn)
  7. This is an out of left field idea that isnt that bad an idea if you look closer and its something similar to the Buddy Deal or Boyd deal, that has to be big enough to get it done and shakes the AFL foundations for a few news cycle. We were better with Pedo in the ruck this year, though its not sustainable. Combined with Gawn not adapting to a ruck infringement rule who's non calling assisted his domination a year early. There is grounds for making a move if you have a pessimistic outlook on his future after this year and think an upside with Kelly is bigger. How hard is it to find a ruckman compared with a Kelly like midfielder? It could be argued that Richmond didnt have to look far for Nankervis and theyre doing ok with a 2 pronged midfield. Oliver/Kelly could be the Dangerwood that offsets the need for having a big max right right now, and gives us time to fill in the ruck hole in the next two trade periods. Who were the A grade elite ruckmen in Geelong and Hawthorns periods of dominance? They had a b grade ruckman. The only elite A grader we have currently is Oliver. Max slipped down and Viney isnt consistent enough.
  8. Fair enough. I suppose we wait and see as to what is available come trade week. But if we could get a year out of him and its nearing the end of trade week and we havent added another mature aged player, do you think it would be worth a punt? Id like to see one of Lewis or Vince more up into high half forward rotating into the midfield and giving us 15 goals next year which opens the door for McVeigh to play a year in defence and mentor Omac and Lever with TMac forward with Hogan. McV could then become our defensive coach and we can then start to model our defence on Sydneys again. Goodwin could use thst Roos style foundation refresh to balance his attacking mindset. Hopefully Johnstone and Weideman throughout the year can contribute to the forward line so it does not lose any speed with Lewis in there. Another Garlett would be of immense help.
  9. And if he contributed 10-12 games with 3 or 4 very important performances, it would still be triple as much impact as JKH, Bugg, Stretch, Harmes, Wagner, White and so on. Are we upgrading our list now or waiting for duds to develop into something they're not?
  10. i shouldve known this would bring out a few Lewis haters. I thought the tune was changed when he had a valuable two months and was in our best in the past month? Was speed the reason why we lost any of our games against North, Coll, Freo or Hawthorn?? Anyway here are a few sydney fans thoughts on keeping him:
  11. How about it? Sydney dont look to be offering him another contract Im not sure if he has more than one year, but it cant hurt to have another mature player. Pro: Another experienced calm head down back and a switched on player that reenforces coaches message Tough uncompromising player and it wpuld strengthen our culture and bring in Sydney IP. His disposal is fine and reliable enough. Part of the process of upgrading our 'bottom 6' and allowing them to fight it out in the vfl to replace McVeigh, Bernie And Lewis in the 22. Allows some scope for Lewis to play more in a drifting role and move forward more in setting up clean inside 50's or kicking goals. Would replace Vince's role or allow him to be primarily a roleplaying tagger. Vince has exausted any cultural impact he might've offered. Would only benefit us if we also brought in outside running mids who could offset the lack of pace we'd get bringing him in and give more solidity to a defence that uses TMAC forward. Could become a valuable addition to coaching dept or clubman. Cons: He'll be 32 next year and there is an injury risk and we'd need to outbid a Gold Coast club who may be looking to strengthen their culture and give him 2 years. At risk of becoming too slow. Anyhow: He's one player to watch in Sydneys upcoming finals series to see how much benefit we could get.
  12. Whatever happened to ol 72-page -Prestia? Didnt hear much about him. Must have had a big off season celebrating his payday.
  13. The AFL likes fluffy made up rivalry games, how about adel v melb r1 - Lever meets old club, and old tankers meets new tankers. Also if we were adrlaides hardest opponent, this makes it the real '17 grand final. (im kidding btw)
  14. Im tired of "i hope" it galvanizes our playing group or "i hope" it burns in the guts. Jones said it too. It either will or it wont, and for anyone that it wont, they should be on the trade table or out so its not applicable. So "IT WILL" galvanize our group and "IT WILL" burn in the guts of every player was something forthright i was hoping to hear from both. But on the other hand, theyre being media managed to not provide black/white soundbytes for the media and opposition to use against you. So its not a big deal. "I hope" internally there is a "YOU WILL" do x y snd z type of bruntness going on now and Goodwin is channelling Malcolm Blight from his playing days with a more authoritarian (but fair) approach. It appears 18-30 year olds need constant reminding and motivating of the tasks they need performing. Perhaps the cotton wooling of independent young men who will make their own mind up if they will let it galvanize them' is not the right approach now.
  15. Probably was sitting with a bunch of immature mates who made a prank?
  16. Simon Goodwin to come dressed as a young 1998 Neale Daniher?
  17. Jetta and Hibberd to turn up in Australian capes I hope.
  18. Biffens profile picture (Sorry Biffen)
  19. Is That Clarry dressed as Pauline Hanson?
  20. They'll be coming in dressed as Riot Police after hearing about what's been written on Demonland. Is that Angus in the green helmet?
  21. Does anyone else think Salem/Tyson kick the ball the same way, the only difference is that Salem hits targets and Tyson doesn't. Their similarity in these dinky little 15-30m chip kicks is remarkable. When have we seen Salem or Tyson do a 40-50m powerful lace out drop punt to a player in space or one that leads the marker to a position they want them to take the mark that is offensively geared? How about a 30-40m bullet pass that has the leather kicked out of it? Maybe they both need to do some leg strengthening exercises like Gus is doing for his neck.
  22. Salem's disposal efficiency is fine, but he's not a long penetrative kick that threads needles with kicks that propell players forward to the space where he wants them to go, like a Watts at his peak. Salem does love to do many dinky little chip kicks that players have to kind of grasp at to mark. Perhaps that would be the knock on his 91DE? But he does hit targets. We need him to be a bit more creative and to do some bullet passes that allow our rebound to be faster. But this conversation should be a 100 miles away from a delisting thread, lol
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