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Everything posted by grazman

  1. Carroll was dropped late in the year, though his performances weren't that bad and then promoted again after a week at Sandy. I think it was far more of a disciplinary action. There was also the incidents overseas. I think the club would like him to get back to where he was in 06 rather than taking his career for granted. He's tradable because he's 27 and is a second choice tall rather than a first. If we were offered any pick below 30 you'd have to consider it seriously.
  2. CJ's been taken to China along with other youngsters in Dunn, Bate, Newton and Frawley as part of a leadership development. I can't see him going anywhere, and like everyone else hold high hopes for him becoming the player we want him to be.
  3. You've edited it. Y_M. Clearly in your first post you had tried to trade Trapper twice. I don't know if that's what your orginal post looked like, but five minutes ago you had him going to the Swans and the Eagles.
  4. It's not an exact measure of time exactly... but it wouldn't be long. I'll have to consult my dear ol Ma.... it's obviously from a time when the conotation wasn't quite so loaded... not that there's anything wrong with that
  5. He was playing SANFL reserves for most of the year after he injured his knee. Adelaide supporters think he's lazy and ungrateful, but then say that Maric and Griffen are better ruck prospects anyway. Still they're bitter because they don't see a third round pick as fair... whether that's because Adelaide used a first round pick to get him or they think he's actually worth more is unknown. I think Bailey must have seen something that he liked about him whilst he was in SA, I don't know how many other clubs recruiters would know much more about him than half the [censored] that's written on BF because he wouldn't have been high on their radar. It's clear that he never wanted to be in SA anyway and I hope whatever motivation or attitude issues are overcome by the time he starts preseason training.
  6. I like the other rumour better where Chris Judd was simply asking for too much money. Davey, Trapper and Pick 4 I would have done in a pooftenth of a second if we could have afforded Judd.
  7. Poor Decision making.... looks like it extends to the other fifteen clubs that have all fallen over themselves to offer us...Sweet FA. Travis' short comings are well known to most observers, except perhaps a few loyal dee's supporters.
  8. I think today was just about Father Son stuff, I think most clubs will have laid their cards on the table, but I believe that the official start of trade week is tomorrow and ends 2pm Friday.
  9. Sounds like Chiliboys back!
  10. I've done my list a little differently, I've done it in terms of who I think is the most likely to come to the club. 1. Meesen....has already agreed to terms with us and he has to be first priority. 2. Mark Blake.... not sure how keen Meesen would be on this, but he's thinking about leaving and a number of clubs want him to, including us. Despite his poor semi-final he's not far away from being a number 1 ruck. I'm not sure what deal would be involved, but if we trade our third pick for Meesen I think he's a definate PSD target. 3. Buchanan.... is keen to look for opportunities elsewhere, has pace, good skills and can push into the midfield. I'd think a straight swap for Miller and maybe swapping some picks is a definate possibility. 4. Malceski.... if TJ is keen to leave and the Swans want him, this would be the most likely scenario... it appears Roos has had a rethink about trading away first picks, it's a like for like swap... not hard to see happening, though I think fans from both sides would scratch their heads. 5. Adcock.... is a very good quick midfielder, but I suspect he won't be elite... would definately cost us a first round pick, and I'm not sure whether given that this is supposedly the best big man draft for a while whether we wouldn't be better advised to keep it.
  11. I loved this bit : HELLO! Anyway expect a press release from Swann soon: "Nothing to see here folks move on."
  12. Sorry conflicting reports. The source is Sport 92.7 via BF, though some Brisbane supporters on BF are mixed about whether he has re-signed or is about to re-sign or has asked for a three year contract rather than a two year contract... so I guess it's fair to say... no one really knows. I'm not so sure. I was thinking maybe swapping our first picks and giving up our second pick, but that still doesn't seem enough. I agree with Pants that pick four alone is about right for Adcock. He's going to be very good.
  13. Apparently Jed Adcock has refused to sign with Brisvegas and has asked to be traded back home... What's he worth people?
  14. You'd have to think that Richmond would absolutely be part of that deal, and potentially West Coast will get nothing for Morton as well... oh well Karma's a [censored]. There's lots of risks involved here for both Carlton and Judd, both would be despised, but in the harsh cold realism of footy business it would deliver. Still I've always had faith in the belief that "What goes around, comes around." We're well out of it, so let's see them rip each other apart.
  15. Thanks DA very informative. Personally I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I don't think Mr Cotchin wants his son to go West, I think that undoubtedly the Eagles culture is a big factor in that, but I think in the end that he will just have to accept that the way the draft works means that he will have to accept the situation. Maybe Mr Cotchin didn't feel comfortable discussing the Eagle's dirty laundry face to face with a club official, or maybe Woodhouse did a snake oil spin and allayed any fears, either way it's immaterial, Trent will be drafted and he'll got to whoever he's drafted to, because that's how the system works. It'd be fascinating to see what the Eagles did if they had pick one. Cotchin or Kreuzer?
  16. I hate Carlton and the way they do business and I always have. They are just a bunch of greedy pricks. They have pick 1, Gibbs, Murphy, and Fevola all apparently are untouchable for the best player in the comp.... WTF!. I don't think there should be any onus on a club having to dismantle its list to obtain his services, but they could cough up Picks 1 & 3 and probably have the deal signed sealed and delivered within the first five minutes of the trade period. Instead they're going to try and jerk the Eagles around and basically have their cake and eat it too. It's quite simple really who do they rate higher Kreuzer or Judd? If I was the Eagles I'd cut a deal with Richmond, take their first two picks and Coughlan for Mitch Morton and send Judd to the PSD. It'd also force Judd to lay the contract on the table so it's fully transparent rather than any shonky back room deals organised by Pratt et al. We won't get Murphy. West Coast would take Murphy and Pick 3 if forced into a corner ahead of picks 3 and 4.
  17. Half way through the year Cotchin was thought to be in contention with Kreuzer for the first pick. If he slips lower than two then it will be because the Tigers have organised some sort of sweet heart deal with Mr Morton and they believe that the two Morton's together are better than Cothchin by himself. If he slips lower than three it's because the Eagles will have either Masten, Palmer or Rance rated not far behind him and are worried about Mr Cotchin basically declaring that he doesn't want his son in the West... and considering the likelihood of a Victorian club holding the number one pick in the PSD in two years time, that's a very legitimate fear post Judd. He won't slip past four.
  18. Good work DD. FWIW I think that the club has already offered Meesen a contract. He will either come across for our third round pick or he'll be picked up in the PSD. (Carlton and Richmond have already declared they aren't interested in him). Same for the Bulldogs who are getting Hudson. I think you are on the money with Schneider. I really like McGuane too, but I know a lot more people don't.
  19. I believe the assistant coaching staff at this stage are: Williams and Mahoney (confirmed), and O'Donnell (unconfirmed). I'd like the club to add another dedicated assistant in a dual capacity as Ruck coach with maybe a developmental role as well.- maybe someone like Luke Darcy or Matthew Clarke. I think Mark Williams title is misleading, my understanding is that he's Sandy's senior coach... to call him our development coach is just paying lip service to a very important role at the club.
  20. It's extremely disturbing the lack of serious thought people are giving to this thread. Let's consider for a moment that the Eagles have lost their best player in Judd. Now if you buy into the rumour being true they are going to delist their next best in Cousins.... anyone want to stop and consider why? Not even offer him up for trade for God's sake but just delist him. Why is that do you think... If he get's delisted I'd be very surprised if he nominated for the PSD, I'd be staggered if anyone took him if he did.
  21. Remember the Ben Cousins saga.... if West Coast are dumping him and not even offering him up for trade there's serious issues there to consider.
  22. How do you delist a player whose under contract?
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