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Out - Robertson, White, Bruce, Wheatley, Miller, Jamar, Bell, Carroll

In - Maric, Valenti, Whelan, Buckley, Martin, Bate, P.Johnson, Meesen

B - Whelan Frawley Martin

HB - Buckley Rivers Warnock

C - Morton Dunn Sylvia

HF - Wonemarri Bate Bartram

F - Maric Green Davey

R - P.Johnson Jones Valenti

I/C - McLean McDonald Meesen Moloney

Glad you are not a selector. What a team! Do you want 100 point thrashings EVERY week?

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Hope Valenti gets a crack this week. Other than that couldnt really give a flying [censored]. I'm over caring about this crap year and just want to see some new names and young guys giving it a go.

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Glad you are not a selector. What a team! Do you want 100 point thrashings EVERY week?

And we aren't getting thrashed now. Lets face it we need to inject new faces they same old players will get us nowhere. I can cop a thrashing when we are developing players, but all we have seen so far is Morton and Aussie and we are excited about them.

This week Bailey has 2 options youth or Safe

Safe we include

Yze, Holland, Bate and Whelan

Out Bartram, Bell, Jamar, Warnock

That achieves a more competitive team, but long term want help us to improve.

Or Youth

Bate, Maric, Martin, Buckley, Valenti(Depends on Grimes if he is close to being fit we cant elevate another Rookie)

Out White, Robbo, Miller, McDonald, Carroll

A blend would be good team as follows

Whelan Frawley Carroll

Buckley Rivers Warnock

Sylvia Mclean Davey

Morton Miller Bate

Aussie Robbo Green

White Jones Bruce

Martin Maric Moloney McDonald


Martin, Whelan, Buckley, Maric, Bate


Jamar, Bell, Bartram, Dunn, Wheatley

At least we are replacing some underperforming players with youth and Whelan.

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I don't mean to be rude but did you watch his game, he gave up chasing missed tackles, and looked disinterested throughout the match, with our list and the way we are playing champions stand up.

So did every one , I say davey do the same, bruce, green, jmac, etc etc

lets drop the bloody lot.

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A blend would be good team as follows

Whelan Frawley Carroll

Buckley Rivers Warnock

Sylvia Mclean Davey

Morton Miller Bate

Aussie Robbo Green

White Jones Bruce

Martin Maric Moloney McDonald


Martin, Whelan, Buckley, Maric, Bate


Jamar, Bell, Bartram, Dunn, Wheatley

At least we are replacing some underperforming players with youth and Whelan.

I like it. However I think Robertson needs to go, if only to give him the message that his position is not safe regardless of his crap performances. He needs to know that mediocrity will result in playing for Sandy. So drop Robbo, and play Dunn out of the goalsquare.

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Out: Robbo Jamar Bell Dunn

In: Newton Meesen Valenti Maric

That's what I want, won't happen.

BTW, Warnock, my number one hate for years, deserves another game after a fine effort.

People should personal bias aside, if they do well, actually give a [censored] etc, they deserve a go again.

Give the keys to Newton, even if just for a week.

Make him prove himself, no Neita and No Robbo for at least a week. We all hope great things, let's see.

However I think we may see an Yze, Holland or Garland next week.

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Agree on Sylvinator's point about their common averageness making dropping anyone difficult but you have to look at who is beating the door down to come back. Valenti is desparate to play, Buckley ran all day against Bendigo - has his moments of awfulness but who in the red and blue doesn't. Plus he's 20.

Bate was ok and Yze was good - But Bate is 21 and a KPP.

Newton, Meesen, Bode, Martin, and Maric would be close but have to string more games together at Sandy. Especially Newton.

With that in mind:

IN - Bate, Valenti, Buckley, Whelan

OUT - Bell (looks low on confidence, but is a good player), Warnock (Rivers, Frawley, and Carroll can handle Freos fwds), Morton (looks burnt out, a couple of weeks off will help him), and Batram (Play him in the guts at Sandy)

Thin Ice: Robertson, Davey, Miller, Moloney, Dunn, and Carroll.

White and Jamar had their best games for the year, although that isn't saying alot. They have both been awful around the ground for the first 5 rounds. Macca is struggling and so is Wheatley.

Pass (for effort): Jones, McLean, Bruce, Green, Rivers, Frawley, Sylvia, and Wonaeamirri.

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For the first time this year Carroll doesn't deserve to be dropped but I still don't want him in the side he should have no future at this club. They must end this loose man stop start crap in the backline they must man up and be given a licence to run no matter what mistakes they make.

Anyone who resembles a midfielder should get a game if Valenti doesn't play this week then it is obvious that all the club wants to do is save money. The midfield depth is disgraceful Joel Selwood is the 5th best midfielder at Geelong if he was at Melbourne he would be the best and unfortunately no one is coming up to put pressure on our under performing midfield.

Davey should be dropped some of his efforts this year have been gutless he must do more but I would like to see how we go with 3 small forwards in the side.

If Robbo doesn't play well this week then he should be dropped for Holland. I want to see Newton in the side no matter what. I hope Martin gets a game he can play all over the ground while Jamar can barely play in the ruck.

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And we aren't getting thrashed now. Lets face it we need to inject new faces they same old players will get us nowhere. I can cop a thrashing when we are developing players, but all we have seen so far is Morton and Aussie and we are excited about them.

This week Bailey has 2 options youth or Safe

Safe we include

Yze, Holland, Bate and Whelan

Out Bartram, Bell, Jamar, Warnock

That achieves a more competitive team, but long term want help us to improve.

Or Youth

Bate, Maric, Martin, Buckley, Valenti(Depends on Grimes if he is close to being fit we cant elevate another Rookie)

Out White, Robbo, Miller, McDonald, Carroll

A blend would be good team as follows

Whelan Frawley Carroll

Buckley Rivers Warnock

Sylvia Mclean Davey

Morton Miller Bate

Aussie Robbo Green

White Jones Bruce

Martin Maric Moloney McDonald


Martin, Whelan, Buckley, Maric, Bate


Jamar, Bell, Bartram, Dunn, Wheatley

At least we are replacing some underperforming players with youth and Whelan.

I agree with your good blending of new and old. YM, as usual, went overboard by wanting to drop good players like Wheatley, White, Bruce and Robbo. Your team I believe, would do quite well. Hope it happens one day.

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i think morton looks a bit tired, and i don't think it would hurt him to have a week off. Would love to see Valenti come into the team, with his attitude and heart. Bate i think must come into the team as well, probably at the expense of Warnock. Wheels to come back in for barts

IN: Valenti, Bate and Whelan

OUT: Morton, Warnock and Bartram

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Bell - Poor form.

Robertson - Hasnt the passion, nor the desire.

Warnock - Not ready.

Davey - Doesnt look hungry enough.


Buckley - If he backs himself with the footy he will have a huge influence running the wings.

Garland - Will do a job.

Yze - Deserves a last chance. Could provide the bit of flair were lacking.

Bate - Self explanitory.

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Warnock most definitely deserves another game. Played probably his best match on Sunday.

Whelan will obviously come in after serving his suspension, Valenti may get promoted and if Bate is fit we have to make room for him.

As for omissions, throw a dart, whoever you hit is out with 'suspected eye injury following tragic dart-throwing incident'.

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For the changes for Freo with Josh Carr out and their midfield not able to maintain the run for 4 quarters they might be ripe for a beating. While I am no fan of Jamar I just cant believe any one would play just one ruckman against Sandilands. Amazing.

BTW, I think PJ will need a match at Sandy to get fitness back and Meesen is along way off IMO.

Given the lack of performance of MFC listed players I cant see big changes

In: Bate (if fit) Whelan

Out: Warnock, Moloney

B: James Frawley, Nathan Carroll, Daniel Bell

HB: Paul Wheatley, Jared Rivers, Cameron Bruce

C: Brad Green, Brock McLean, Clint Bartram

HF: Cale Morton, Russell Robertson, Colin Sylvia

F: Aaron Davey, Brad Miller, Austin Wonaeamirri

Foll: Jeff White, James McDonald, Nathan Jones

I/C: Lyden Dunn, Matthew Bate, Mark Jamar, Matthew Whelan

EMG: Matthew Warnock, Colin Garland, Simon Buckley

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Moloney was actually rly good on the weekend imo.

maybe not necessary all in this week because you can't make too many changes in one go...

but by 2-3 rounds i'd like to see these changes.

out: Jamar, Warnock, Bell (totally out of form), Dunn (totally out of form), Miller (isn't the future), Bartram (totally out of form), Morton (looks like a future champ but is just too skinny to play a full season. looks like he's about to snap in half)

in: Valenti, Garland, Buckley, Maric, Martin, Bate, Newton

Bailey said he's try to develop a team for the future and this is it...

B: Nathan Carrol, James Frawley, Simon Buckley

HB: Paul Wheatley, Jared Rivers, Cameron Bruce

C: Brad Green, Brock McLean, Shane Valenti

HF: Matthew Bate, Michael Newton, Colin Sylvia

F: Aaron Davey, Russel Robertson, Austin Wonaeamirri

Foll: Jeff White, James McDonald, Nathan Jones

I/C: Adam Maric, Coliln Garland, Stefan Martin, Brent Moloney

EMG: Daniel Bell, Lyndan Dunn, Clint Bartram

keep in mind i'd like to still see Cale Morton to play 13-14 games this year. but he just needs to get some size on him. i feel scared for him sometimes haha.

btw...i don't blame robbo and carrol for our poor performances. i can't see any fullforward or fullback succeeding with our midfield

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Idiocy is the majority on this thread.

Why does Warnock deserve to be dropped? He was one of our best on the weekend and everyone says "not ready". He showed more in 1 quarter of footy than Garland ever has.

I think it may be Garland who is not ready, and Warnock a chance to become a solid player.

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I think Frawley has a lot of potential and his work down back on Sunday was quite promising. I dont think he can be left to hold the flag on his own yet but let him play on the good forwards to get that experience. The more experienced ( eg Carroll) will be there to help out but give the kid a chance.

The experience of playing against Bradshaw will be great for the boy - he made mistakes but he had a go and beat Bradshaw on more than one occasion by punching and getting in his face. He will be good when he gets more games under his belt and plays the hard games. We don't want to see him suffer the same fate as Zac Dawson but with seasoned players to help him we could have our next KPP right here eventually.

Go Chip!

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For the changes for Freo with Josh Carr out and their midfield not able to maintain the run for 4 quarters they might be ripe for a beating. While I am no fan of Jamar I just cant believe any one would play just one ruckman against Sandilands. Amazing.

BTW, I think PJ will need a match at Sandy to get fitness back and Meesen is along way off IMO.

Given the lack of performance of MFC listed players I cant see big changes

In: Bate (if fit) Whelan

Out: Warnock, Moloney

B: James Frawley, Nathan Carroll, Daniel Bell

HB: Paul Wheatley, Jared Rivers, Cameron Bruce

C: Brad Green, Brock McLean, Clint Bartram

HF: Cale Morton, Russell Robertson, Colin Sylvia

F: Aaron Davey, Brad Miller, Austin Wonaeamirri

Foll: Jeff White, James McDonald, Nathan Jones

I/C: Lyden Dunn, Matthew Bate, Mark Jamar, Matthew Whelan

EMG: Matthew Warnock, Colin Garland, Simon Buckley

This isn't a bad team..though I would suggest Buckley for Bell who must surely be dropped

Mixing the positions around slightly

B : Bartram Carroll Frawley

HB : Sylvia Rivers Bruce

C : Green Jones Buckley

HF : Dunne Bate Roberston

F : Davey Miller Wonaeamirri

R : White MacDonald McLean

Res Morton, Maloney, Wheatley/Yze, Holland/Jamar

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Gets plenty of it and uses it better than most. In no way should be dropped.

..........Backs: M.Whelan,,, N.Carroll,,,,,, J. Frawley

....Half backs: D.Bell,,,,,,,, J.Rivers,,,,,,, C. Sylvia

....Centreline: A.Davey,,,, B.McLean,,,,, B.Moloney

Half forwards: C.Bruce,,,,, B.Miller,,,,,,,, B.Green

......Forwards: B.Holland,,, R.Robertson, A.Wonaeamirri

......Followers: J.White, J.McDonald, N.Jones

Interchange from: M.Jamar, L.Dunn, M.Bate, C.Garland, C.Bartram S.Buckley, P.Wheatley,

Ins: Bate S.Buckley,

Out: M.Warnock, C. Morton,

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LOL at people dropping Carroll. Frawley at full back would see more goals conceded than Zac Dawson. He is at least 2 years from being an average player!

He's 1 preseason of muscle away from being strong enough. 12 months & he'll be full time selection.

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Idiocy is the majority on this thread.

Why does Warnock deserve to be dropped? He was one of our best on the weekend and everyone says "not ready". He showed more in 1 quarter of footy than Garland ever has.

I think it may be Garland who is not ready, and Warnock a chance to become a solid player.

Warnock is an honest player and does some nice things - I agree keep him in the team

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