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ND has had ten years. still can't win in Adelaide or Perth. No one wins every interstate game but when you lose twice to Carlton and other rabble makes these games even more important.

The MCG must become a graveyard for 15 other teams. MFC takes no prisoners.

We must swap changerooms so ours are permanent and MFC only (whatever the cost).

We tackle like girls, make no mistake (Wheels, Neita and Pickett excluded) Bell and Wheatley had some goal saving tackles in past two weeks, but on whole team is soft in regards to tackling. I have lost count this year seeing a MFC player tackle someone, only for the ball carrier to offload a handball to a teammate running past. when we tackle we hurt people and the ball only comes out if its in our hands.

Other teams are playing great football with injurys. MFC should make no excuses for anything.

IMO Miller must be given CHB all year. make or break the kid. all or nothing. Biz @ Dutchy hold their own, but playing these two ND is not looking to future.

Never have two taggers in a team. Who out of Judd, Kerr, Cousins, Priddus is the run with player? Our attitude should be to win the ball.

We need 22 mentally tough players, not 4-5 with cameos.

Our best football starts week 1, we shouldnt need a backs to the wall mindset to fire up, obliously losing to Freo didnt mean much.

We must have small forward in the forward 50 every second of the game. when ball hits ground Neitz chases but age is catching up, Robbo lacks defence.

For those who say other coaches are untried as i have previously said, bring back Nicho he was bound to come good some time.


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How are we supposed to know that a new coach will be better than Daniher without actually seeing them coach?

Unless Melbourne are looking to sign up someone who has AFL coaching experience then using the argument "we'll wait to someone better comes along" is ridiculous.

Melbourne need to take a risk.

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I had a hard time reading that, and a lot of it is just your subjective opinion and broad motherhood statements that are fun and cuddly but don't really mean anything substantial.

But I will say that West Coast play both Stenglein and Selwood as taggers/run with players.

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i think at years end we should definitely sack Neale Daniher!

this is DESPITE the fact that daniher is quite a good coach, has developed our list nicely, and has quite a good record of success considering the list he had to play with...

this really should not be taken into consideration...the decision to keep or sack daniher should be whether or not 10 years if enough, whether the demons need a change.

do we need a change. i say YES! 10 years means basically every player has only known daniher as their coach. i really like daniher. i think that he does get outcoached on game day, however he bleeds melbourne and is really passionate about the club.

BUT 10 YEARS WITHOUT A PREMIERSHIP! anyone who wants to keep him are just happy with mediocre and are not serious about winning a premiership

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Unless Melbourne are looking to sign up someone who has AFL coaching experience then using the argument "we'll wait to someone better comes along" is ridiculous.

Melbourne need to take a risk.

Getting a new coach is always a risk. Even a coach with a pedigree (ie. Dennis Pagan) is no guarantee of success or improvement.

The only question that needs to be asked is "Can Neale Daniher take Melbourne to a premiership?" If the answer is no, we need to find the best available coach. It's not possible to wait for someone better because you won't know that until probably 2-3 years down the track.

Unless they win the flag in their first year :D

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Yeah, Selwood's silky. :rolleyes:

More silky than Godfrey. :rolleyes:

The fact is, with the likes of Judd, Kerr, (Cousins) and Priddis in the their team West Coast can afford to play with a couple of run-with players. And like I said, Stenglein and Selwood are both good footballers.

Melbourne don't have that luxury so the more players that they can use in an attacking way the better.

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That's my point.

I know. I was agreeing with you.

I like Neale Daniher and think he's been good for the club but I don't want him to coach Melbourne next year because I don't think we are getting closer to a flag with him at the helm.

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I still ain't sure if we should keep neale or not, but it might be tougher now with the support of robbo and neita.

You make alotta good points, but the big question is, who will replace him?

I think Guy McKenna. Pies play games out whether their in front or behind. They travel VERY well,when beaten interstate they dont get hammered. Malthouse gets most out of his list. Some of this must have rubbed off on McKenna. Plus he has won flags as a player. Everyone started somewhere. Longmire would have the wrong gameplan for us. Im interested in what other people think

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I had a hard time reading that, and a lot of it is just your subjective opinion and broad motherhood statements that are fun and cuddly but don't really mean anything substantial.

But I will say that West Coast play both Stenglein and Selwood as taggers/run with players.

youre right, its just my opinion. I think there is plenty of substance - 3/4 of our players are not hard enough and mentally weak. we cant cant tackle and we cant win interstate. we love excuses. we call the G our home and knock back permanent changerooms , what a bloody joke. who do you think should coach next year and why?

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Of course Neita, Robbo & players alike wouldn't want Neil to go, its no secret they would be very close.

None of us would want someone that has helped us to our dream get fired.

Results are facts, and the fact is he ain't getting it done.


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I think Guy McKenna.

Maybe I have my wires crossed but I have heard 'Bluey' McKenna may not be all he is cracked up to be. One keen observer I know from over the west suggested the pies are playing 'typical Malthouse football' , similiar to what and how WCoast played when they were coached by him.

As for longmire, how exactly can we know what gameplan & coaching style he would bring to the club?

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Maybe I have my wires crossed but I have heard 'Bluey' McKenna may not be all he is cracked up to be. One keen observer I know from over the west suggested the pies are playing 'typical Malthouse football' , similiar to what and how WCoast played when they were coached by him.

As for longmire, how exactly can we know what gameplan & coaching style he would bring to the club?

whats wrong with malthouse footy. it won him two flags and chances at two others. longmire is an unknown, i have drawn a parralel with Ross Lyon. My bad.

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i think at years end we should definitely sack Neale Daniher!Agreed.

this is DESPITE the fact that daniher is quite a good coach, has developed our list nicely, and has quite a good record of success considering the list he had to play with...

an adequate coach, but not a very good coach nor a Great Coach.

this really should not be taken into consideration...the decision to keep or sack daniher should be whether or not 10 years if enough, whether the demons need a change.

do we need a change. i say YES![/size] 10 years means basically every player has only known daniher as their coach. i really like daniher. i think that he does get outcoached on game day, however he bleeds melbourne and is really passionate about the club.


anyone who wants to keep him are just happy with mediocre and are not serious about winning a premiership.

Bring on the new Dawn. McLeanise our future now & get out the broom.

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Bring on the new Dawn. McLeanise our future now & get out the broom.

So you say the coach is the problem DV8. Fair enough. How bout tabling your thoughts on the next step then. What are the options?

Who do you believe is capable of taking our list to a flag and why?

Do you suggest we go with an untried commodity or do we seek a candidate with AFL seniors experience.

Just interested in your post here.

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i think at years end we should definitely sack Neale Daniher!

this is DESPITE the fact that daniher is quite a good coach, has developed our list nicely, and has quite a good record of success considering the list he had to play with...

this really should not be taken into consideration...the decision to keep or sack daniher should be whether or not 10 years if enough, whether the demons need a change.

do we need a change. i say YES! 10 years means basically every player has only known daniher as their coach. i really like daniher. i think that he does get outcoached on game day, however he bleeds melbourne and is really passionate about the club.

BUT 10 YEARS WITHOUT A PREMIERSHIP! anyone who wants to keep him are just happy with mediocre and are not serious about winning a premiership

Couldn't agree more! If you want ND to stay then you are accepting mediocrity! In the cut throat business of AFL 10 years is a long time to stay as coach and not win the ultimate prize. A luxury that not many coaches get. I certainly don't want MFC to become another St. Kilda or Richmond who turnover coaches regularly but enough is enough.

ND is a nice bloke, prepares pretty well for a game, is pasionate and has a good rapport with the players but his win/loss ratio is around 50% and that is average. He is an average coach who has had more than an average amount of time to build his list, surround himself with quality people and build a great team.

Lets move on.

The next coach must have an uncomprising approach that is totally focussed on winning and will not accept mediocrity. The next coach must be ruthless, have good relationships with his players but not be their friends and they must bring with them a number of quality assistant coaches. The next coach must be able to control the "backslappers" and keep a lid on it when we start stringing a few wins together. How many times under ND have the Dees been flying and lose the games they are supposed to win because their minds weren't on the job.

The list of candidates in order of preference is:

1. Leigh Matthews. Tough one to lure from Brisbane and may want to retire. But lets not die wondering. Done it all before and will not take any crap.

2. Nathan Buckley - Is also uncomprising and will not take any crap. Has an unrelenting desire to taste premiership success given his playing career is unlikely to achieve that. Has been undertaking an unofficial coaching role at Collingwood for a number of seasons with the younger players.

3. Mark Williams - Has won 3 premierships at Sandringham and led the VFL to a crushing victory against the WAFL recently. Hasn't put a foot wrong and deserves his chance.

4. Mark Harvey - Seems to have all of the above qualities and certainly has done his apprenticeship.

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was wondering how long before someone spotted that article about Voss.. I could just see al the pundits salivating.. I'm not. Hes totally unproven at anythign but a player.. That can often be a very different kettle of fish.

I have a sneaking suspiscion that shoudl be get up a little head of steam, then the board may be convinced to offer him another 2 to 3 years.. to see out the transition. is this good. My gut says NO. With ND at teh Helm we have come close-sih...with ot ever really threatening. i am somewhat bemused at all this 'dcrap' from the players about keep Neale etc. whay do I dismiss it ? it can only be transitatory, where was all th ededication etc earlier, why are suddenly a fewguys starting to actually play to potential I'm not refering to the Brocky's and Neetas of this world....though strangely they are the most vocal, as they always put in, often fitness determining the outcome,, but their effort is always there. many other player's hasnt been

WHAT GIVES ?? Im not talking team achievement.. just the individuals. Something seems not right.

Is it any surprise that we play better when we play "Demon" footy, why had Danners stuffed around with it.

Yes , many questions with few answers. ND goes 'OK" on some days.. and is left for dust on others. Im left to feel it more by luck than design on occasions and this isnt sufficient to take a flag.

Im happy for the board to 'officially' leave it til end of season, but hope they are cavassing options as of now. If in their collective wisdom they decide to literally stay with the devil we know, then I will respect that.

I'd personaly prefer to see someone else come in and reinvigourate the list. Give it a bit of a shake, put some players on notie that they are there to do a job not take in the scenery and that every position of everry game is EARNT !!

An era is ending over the next year or two.. as some stalwarts retire and/or leave. You can see the new growth coming through now and maybe a different caretaker with diferent ways is called for. Its going to be interesting isnt it. I reckon Danners would be a great Dad..he sees the long term big pictures , for sure. He entrusts the lads to find their way etc. All comendable qualities taekn over a seaso n etc. But he seems reluctant often to push when shove comes to make hard changes. Im wary of this. Its his undoing.

Im on the 'change' list. Lets see what happens.

And whatever does happen, lets just get on with it and support whoemever.

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Lets move on.

The next coach must have an uncomprising approach that is totally focussed on winning and will not accept mediocrity. The next coach must be ruthless, have good relationships with his players but not be their friends and they must bring with them a number of quality assistant coaches. The next coach must be able to control the "backslappers" and keep a lid on it when we start stringing a few wins together. How many times under ND have the Dees been flying and lose the games they are supposed to win because their minds weren't on the job.

The list of candidates in order of preference is:

Interesting post Pello and you have made good points as has BzlB.

Of the candidates you have listed, there is a significant variance in terms of their experience and proven track record. You seem to cover a broad expanse here.

I would have thought a key criteria would be for the candidate to be able the ability to demonstrate and impart a strategic focus, not only for the game plan but in the inevitable remoulding of the playing list.

Based on this, this rules our Mark Williams, Nathan Buckley and Mark Harvey for mine. If Mark Harvey had the balls to coach at senior level, he would have done it by now.

Leigh Matthews in the only candidate I can see that has demonstrated he has the experience & skill set to accomplish what is needed at the Mfc. I dare say our chances of recruiting him are remote.

Call me conservative, but to punt on an untried recently retired player will not cut it. Going on Harvey's CV he is flaky and Mark Williams would know it is a big step to move from VFL to AFL. He may be keen but for the record i'm not.

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