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Where are the people that stick up for Bruces kicking?


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At 21 years of age, and with 50 games experience, please list for me all of Brock's glaring flaws?

He chucked a tanty when Holland's kicking wasnt perfect for him. Showed bad team skills and therefore ruled himself out of the captaincy. I was disappointed in him he is better than that. But he did and cant take it back. How does he think Neitz has been feeling the last 8 weeks with crap delivery????

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He chucked a tanty when Holland's kicking wasnt perfect for him. Showed bad team skills and therefore ruled himself out of the captaincy. I was disappointed in him he is better than that. But he did and cant take it back. How does he think Neitz has been feeling the last 8 weeks with crap delivery????

i dont think he was having a go at holland, i think he was just frustrated that he coudnt keep it in play because he had worked hard and had so much room in front of him.

If Brock doesnt get the captaincy it would be stupid... from what we have seen he is a much better on field leader than anyone else in the running. But we are lucky to have both of them cause they would make any other team in the AFL, but for what its worth i think brock's kicking stats are worse because his kicks are often clearance kicks that aren't intended to hit a target, just to get the pill going in our direction.

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He chucked a tanty when Holland's kicking wasnt perfect for him. Showed bad team skills and therefore ruled himself out of the captaincy. I was disappointed in him he is better than that. But he did and cant take it back. How does he think Neitz has been feeling the last 8 weeks with crap delivery????

Look, I'm a moderator so I really should restrain myself from abusing you, but that has got to be one of the dumbest comments ever written on Demonland, and I've been posting here for a long long time.

He ruled himself out of the captaincy because he SHOWED PASSION? Are you for real?

Did you actually see the entire passage of play? McLean ran himself stupid to make a 50m side-ways lead so that Holland can have a target to kick to. Holland's kick missed him, and he got frustrated. You know what, I rather he shows he cares and wear his frustration, than be an emotionless robot.

The man played 78% game time, had 10 clearances and 26 disposals, and was one of the main reasons we kept coming at Collingwood in the last quarter.

You are a complete joke if you think McLean shows bad team skills. He is the consummate professional, and at the tender age of 21 he is already more of a leader than most of our senior players. He runs alongside Neita for a reason.

Brock McLean is our next real leader. Regardless of age, experience, or the fact that he is apperantly injury prone (does anyone else in the side bounce back from injuries better??), he is equal to Neita in terms of on-field leadership. Deal with it!

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Well I watched the replay a few times looks to me like he cracked it at Dutchie. Disappointing to see I felt Brock is bigger than that.

50 games isnt enough to be captain and he is way to injury prone it will be like James Hird the 2nd, that guy never plays

why is 50 games not enough? it shouldn't matter how many games he has played its what he does when he is out there... i think the elim final last year showed us exactly the type of leader he is. Bruce, for mine, is not as influential on games as brock is.

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Look, I'm a moderator so I really should restrain myself from abusing you, but that has got to be one of the dumbest comments ever written on Demonland, and I've been posting here for a long long time.

He ruled himself out of the captaincy because he SHOWED PASSION? Are you for real?

Dont get ur knickers in a twist geez. You act like I hate the guy. I dont care how he ran it showed bad team-manship or whatever u want to call it and I was disappointed. People will look at that and remember it. He will be a leader but I think that set him back and I was disappointed he is bigger than that. It showed poor decision making not passion and I would be upset at no matter who did it, we dont turn on our own

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Dont get ur knickers in a twist geez. You act like I hate the guy. I dont care how he ran it showed bad team-manship or whatever u want to call it and I was disappointed. People will look at that and remember it. He will be a leader but I think that set him back and I was disappointed he is bigger than that. It showed poor decision making not passion and I would be upset at no matter who did it, we dont turn on our own

Nobody will remember that.

They will remember that he won us a final last year, that he came back from injuries and dominated, that he leads the team alongside Neita up the race before each game, that he handles himself beautifully in the media, that he is hard at the ball, the man and the contest, and above all, that he is a very VERY good footballer.

For someone who apperantly doesn't hate the guy, you sure do like picking out some stupid faults.

One show of frustration does not set back a natural leader. He is still miles and miles ahead in the running for the captaincy.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I usually let most things slide, but gees sometimes I read things and go 'WHAT'?

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Nobody will remember that.

They will remember that he won us a final last year, that he came back from injuries and dominated, that he leads the team alongside Neita up the race before each game, that he handles himself beautifully in the media, that he is hard at the ball, the man and the contest, and above all, that he is a very VERY good footballer.

For someone who apperantly doesn't hate the guy, you sure do like picking out some stupid faults.

One show of frustration does not set back a natural leader. He is still miles and miles ahead in the running for the captaincy.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I usually let most things slide, but gees sometimes I read things and it really makes me shake my head.

You only shake ur head when its about Brock or Bell. Anyone else u give it to them. Its not picking up stupid faults I like the guy and I found it disappointing he would do something so stupid. Dutchie has been around a hell of a lot longer we all know when he gets the ball we want someone else to kick it for him.

The first time I saw the incident I thought nothing of it, two or three times and I thought nah not right Brocky we expect better from a future leader.

I can admit when my favourite players f-up seems u cant

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You only shake ur head when its about Brock or Bell. Anyone else u give it to them. Its not picking up stupid faults I like the guy and I found it disappointing he would do something so stupid. Dutchie has been around a hell of a lot longer we all know when he gets the ball we want someone else to kick it for him.

The first time I saw the incident I thought nothing of it, two or three times and I thought nah not right Brocky we expect better from a future leader.

I can admit when my favourite players f-up seems u cant

You've been here 5 minutes, so don't you tell me who I do or don't defend.

You weren't here last year when people were abusing Brad Miller left, right and centre, and I stuck up for him because the way our fans were talking about him was beyond disrespectful.

The point still stands, you said that Brock 'ruled himself out of the captaincy', those were your exact words, and that is just insane stupidity. Don't think many people would disagree, I guess most just won't bother, and I shouldn't have either.

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how does apost about Bruces kicking end up being about Brocky.

Seems to me a lot of posts lately get highjacked.

I remember last year Greeny being critisised by all about his kicking

Just maybee Bruce has a injury related problem with how he is kicking

Give the guy some credit he is winning our contested ball stat

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you are fast becoming the poster whose posts i dont bother to read.

start thinking about your posts before you type them. also start opening your eyes to what is going on on the field. you have passion and loyalty to our players but that doesnt mean the players are perfect or that we cant have discussions about the negative side of things.

bruce's kicking is poor. there is no question about that. everyone agrees that he is struggling. your arguments are ignorant and immature. please do us a favour. its not about how many times you can post on here, people only care if its interesting, and at the moment you certainly aren't.

this isnt a 'boost the players morale' board. this isnt australian idol and you arent marcia hines; we are allowed to criticise and discuss.

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lol this thread is hilarious.

We've just come off a win, beating the most hated team in the comp who were in the top 4 before the game, & here we are getting ferral over which player we like more. I'd love to see what people argue about if we ever win a premiership.

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We've just come off a win, beating the most hated team in the comp who were in the top 4 before the game, & here we are getting ferral over which player we like more. I'd love to see what people argue about if we ever win a premiership.

thats what i dont understand.

it is completely idiotic,

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Its just that some of us have been watching the Dees long enough to know that Bruce was a very reliable kick for goal in the first half of his career. We aren't nailing him at the moment because we see it as a fixable problem. It is obvious that he still contributes way more in other areas than most blokes going round.

Thank you Wayne, You and Pello were the voices of reason in a sea of banality. Bruce's general field kicking needs work, but he generally spots up targets pretty well, I think his flaw in his kicking is exaserpated when he kicks at goal because he actually tries to kick the ball too hard rather than simply trying to kick through the ball. As you pointed out his kicking wasn't always that bad , and as Pello pointed out, hopefully someone from the club is working on it.

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i dont think he was having a go at holland, i think he was just frustrated that he coudnt keep it in play because he had worked hard and had so much room in front of him.

If Brock doesnt get the captaincy it would be stupid... from what we have seen he is a much better on field leader than anyone else in the running. But we are lucky to have both of them cause they would make any other team in the AFL, but for what its worth i think brock's kicking stats are worse because his kicks are often clearance kicks that aren't intended to hit a target, just to get the pill going in our direction.

i dont think .... i dont think richo has a go at his players when he yells..... yet it often does look terrible

Look, I'm a moderator so I really should restrain myself from abusing you, but that has got to be one of the dumbest comments ever written on Demonland, and I've been posting here for a long long time.

He ruled himself out of the captaincy because he SHOWED PASSION? Are you for real?

Did you actually see the entire passage of play? McLean ran himself stupid to make a 50m side-ways lead so that Holland can have a target to kick to. Holland's kick missed him, and he got frustrated. You know what, I rather he shows he cares and wear his frustration, than be an emotionless robot.

The man played 78% game time, had 10 clearances and 26 disposals, and was one of the main reasons we kept coming at Collingwood in the last quarter.

You are a complete joke if you think McLean shows bad team skills. He is the consummate professional, and at the tender age of 21 he is already more of a leader than most of our senior players. He runs alongside Neita for a reason.

Brock McLean is our next real leader. Regardless of age, experience, or the fact that he is apperantly injury prone (does anyone else in the side bounce back from injuries better??), he is equal to Neita in terms of on-field leadership. Deal with it!

nah i think u quoted me on dumbest earlier this year...

he is a professonal... great player.

inury prone.... u cant bounce back if ur not in the side....

Great leadership qualites....but i dont think it would be fair to give him the captaincy as yet...

lets say neitz plays (captains)another 2 season after this im happy to give it to him... but at the current time bruce is our most consistent player he shows leadership

and is respected by all.... bruce has also shown some frustration this year... and has kept a level head ... dont belive me PM and ill tell u.

Bruce captain next year..... or 09

Brock is the next decade...

Please refrain from using Australian Idol analogies in your posts...


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My sig was looking a bit bare

Wow as much as I love brock I didn't want to make that my new Username, I thought I was simply changing my user title thing under my name! :blink:

Now it says I need to wait 30 days, can the mods kindly fix it for me, pretty please!? :D

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Just watched the replay, and I am convinced that there is something wrong with Cameron Bruce. He must be carrying an injury.

There is just no way his kicking could be that bad. He might have a foot injury, and similar to Greeny last year, is having shots to numb the area.

Would also explain why he spent a half up forward, and not as Walls suggested 'to keep him fresh' (FFS Walls, Bruce is one of the fittest players in the AFL :rolleyes: )

I hope that whatever is going on with that boot, gets solved quickly though, because his disposal was downright awful. No penetration is his kick whatsoever.

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you are fast becoming the poster whose posts i dont bother to read.

start thinking about your posts before you type them. also start opening your eyes to what is going on on the field. you have passion and loyalty to our players but that doesnt mean the players are perfect or that we cant have discussions about the negative side of things.

bruce's kicking is poor. there is no question about that. everyone agrees that he is struggling. your arguments are ignorant and immature. please do us a favour. its not about how many times you can post on here, people only care if its interesting, and at the moment you certainly aren't.

this isnt a 'boost the players morale' board. this isnt australian idol and you arent marcia hines; we are allowed to criticise and discuss.

Ouch. You can have ur opinion as I can have mine. Just because u dont agree with me however does not make me immature and ignorant. Thanks a lot for that.

And for the record I love Australian Idol :)

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I have said it before an I will say it aain - Bruce is the worst kick in the AFL

Way worse than Godders. In fact, Godders hit Robbo lace out today then proceeded to kick a goal on his RIGHT foot in the next quarter

Meanwhile, Bruce butchered the footy every time he touched it

Yep godders kicking has been better but u cant say his kicking over his career has been better than bruces. I am hoping...and its a big hope but i pray godders will be the next Brad Sewell and over the past 2 weeks he has played like him.

As for bruce, well members here wont like it but i think we need to trade him only when his contract is up tho

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As for bruce, well members here wont like it but i think we need to trade him only when his contract is up tho

Do you understand the way trading works? this is the time not to trade people because they hold clubs for ransom because they are essentially free agents, and can nominate a club they want to go to, and you are often forced into a trade that is not desired or unsuitable. or even better than that ... they walk for nothing. if we lose cameron bruce for nothing, i'll cry.

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