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Neale Daniher live on Footy Classified TONIGHT


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Overall I thought he presented himself fairly well, pulled his usual tricks of not answering tricky questions by having a joke and laugh about himself.

I thought the response to Hutchsons probing over the June 22 clause in his contract which allows him to speak to other clubs was particularly funny, words to the effect of "I don't think they'll be queing up" :lol:

Of course Essendon could come in and offer him a succession to Sheedy. If that happened it may be good for both parties.

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He didn’t admit he won’t be there next season, but he wasn’t exactly staking his claim to the job.

Daniher has always put the club first, and I believe what he said was for the betterment of the club. He realizes he’s in a bad position, and after 10 years, a position that’s hard to defend.

He said he loves coaching Melbourne, but if at the end of the year he feels the players are no longer responding to him, then he would be honest with the club.

For the rest of the season, he said he would be putting all his energy into coaching, rather than being Neale Daniher, ‘the reverend’.

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Agree... That was really really odd...

Frawley and Buckley with a chance soon, but Newton is 'the other young bloke'...

Neale must really have an issue there.

Hope not an issue with Newton. He looked very promising in Sandy's win at TBO sunday week ago.

I heard ND say we'd tried 34 players & had no one else to try (think was in response to Wallace saying going to have youth policy. Also was a bit odd give Farwley and Buckley not debut yet and Frawley was annointed for round 1???

More importantly was MFC does need to do now is look closely at the list and start getting games into the players wh are going to take MFC forward in 2008 and beyond with some of our more senior players. Coaches need to stage the moving out of those who wont be there going forward. (early nominees include Bizz and Brad Miller). Should be trying Feguson ( took some good high marks for Sandy) Danny Hughes, Newton, Neaves as well as the new guys & get something out of the year by finding out who can make the grade.

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Hope not an issue with Newton. He looked very promising in Sandy's win at TBO sunday week ago.

I heard ND say we'd tried 34 players & had no one else to try (think was in response to Wallace saying going to have youth policy. Also was a bit odd give Farwley and Buckley not debut yet and Frawley was annointed for round 1???

More importantly was MFC does need to do now is look closely at the list and start getting games into the players wh are going to take MFC forward in 2008 and beyond with some of our more senior players. Coaches need to stage the moving out of those who wont be there going forward. (early nominees include Bizz and Brad Miller). Should be trying Feguson ( took some good high marks for Sandy) Danny Hughes, Newton, Neaves as well as the new guys & get something out of the year by finding out who can make the grade.

Why the hell would we get rid of Miller? Hes still only young! Clearly Bizz will be forced to retire at the end of the year. Obviously if Neale thought they young boys in Sandy did make the grade he wouldve played them in the last couple of rounds and he didnt. We do not want sub-standard rookies playing and look like Richmond

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Hope not an issue with Newton. He looked very promising in Sandy's win at TBO sunday week ago.

I heard ND say we'd tried 34 players & had no one else to try (think was in response to Wallace saying going to have youth policy. Also was a bit odd give Farwley and Buckley not debut yet and Frawley was annointed for round 1???

More importantly was MFC does need to do now is look closely at the list and start getting games into the players wh are going to take MFC forward in 2008 and beyond with some of our more senior players. Coaches need to stage the moving out of those who wont be there going forward. (early nominees include Bizz and Brad Miller). Should be trying Feguson ( took some good high marks for Sandy) Danny Hughes, Newton, Neaves as well as the new guys & get something out of the year by finding out who can make the grade.

Frawley has been injured, played his first game for the seaseon in the sandy magoos and got sent to hospital with concussion and a broken nose (i think)

Hughes and neaves are rookies.

Correct me if i am wrong but left to play on senior list are

Bartram (injury)

Weetra (injury)

Frawley (1st week back)




I would say pretty soon everyone but Neville and Weetra will have played.

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Why the hell would we get rid of Miller? Hes still only young! Clearly Bizz will be forced to retire at the end of the year. Obviously if Neale thought they young boys in Sandy did make the grade he wouldve played them in the last couple of rounds and he didnt. We do not want sub-standard rookies playing and look like Richmond

Lets keep Miller till he's at least 30 then we should give him another 2 years to work out if he will actually make the standard. Bizz should get another 5 years.

What aload of toss about ND!

Yes we do not want sub standard rookies like Pettard taking opportunities away from Bizz.


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Lets keep Miller till he's at least 30 then we should give him another 2 years to work out if he will actually make the standard. Bizz should get another 5 years.

What aload of toss about ND!

Yes we do not want sub standard rookies like Pettard taking opportunities away from Bizz.


Your sarcasm is so hilarious please teach me wise one!

Your negativity is a bloody joke

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I dont advocate 'tanking' as that is simply playing to lose..togain the draft picks.. as i said.. we will get them to some degree anyway. You (historically) will need 7-8 wins toclaim anything above bottom four.. and i just cant see that happening anyway. Butif anyone feels, thinks, believes otherwise.. go for it ...your perogative.

Everyone assumes you must run out and grab the kiddiest kids with all your picks. Byall means grab the best you can, but I have advocated for some time to look elsewhere and maybe grab one or two ready mades with some decent footy in fornt of them. we still need some KPP .. who knows what will appear come november etc.

You always play to win, but sometimes your means isnt what you would like. A healthy dose of reality is needed by some here. we arent playing in september..get ove rit.. play and plan for next year....which brings us to the reason of this thread, Daniher.

played the very straight bat didnt he, and really what else would you expect. He's hardly going to say..well ive had a gut full, although if you listened carefully he all but said that towards the end. He seemed a little fed up with some of the fellas, that they simply werent coming up to scratch !! But who's fault is this really. If you give kids, players ..employees...anyone too much range then its often going to come back and bite you. many thought he kept players on the track far too long after transgressions ( of play etc ) ...and now he wonders why some didnt/dont respond !! dug your own hole there Neale.

I personally felt he ducked behind the " I ought to keep and stick to coaching ... a la Wallace directive " when asked about club involvement etc. Onthe surface it makes perfect sense and possibly thats all it is. But you might be forgiven for thinking that it also is what youd expect from someone repositioning themsleves for a move come end of season.

Of course he would do the right thing by the club, I reckon hes an honorable bloke. I also reckon e would be positioning himself for what ever is best for Neale Daniher. You'd be an idiot if you didnt, and he's no idiot.

Youd also have to be blind as to what is happening at Neales ol Alma Mata. There are serious suggestions that this is Sheeds last year at Windy Hill.. the fit is like a glove !! Bomberland likes its old boys.

The thing that truly annoys me about Danners is we never seem privy to the most basic thinking of how he intends to changes things , I mean, surely its not OK at present . Just the laconic we need to play better footy. Since we've heard that now for 10 years id like a little more detail, just a smidge. He emphasised our loss of the weekend came down to poor kicking..and thats 100% right it did, but nothing about his views on this. I dont expect a bulletin outlining the training drills, but some communication of the nature that the boys will improve this ..or else. Some sense of annoyance and the requirement that they ( lads ) will be appraised and found wanting, make room for someone who can. but we dont get this, we get "We've played........... " etc. So..he seems to intimate theres not much more he can do.

maybe thats just it....Not much more he can do..

next !!

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Your sarcasm is so hilarious please teach me wise one!

Your negativity is a bloody joke

You've been here two minutes.

I suggest you learn to read what people are saying before you get on your high horse.

Just some friendly advice... :)

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You've been here two minutes.

I suggest you learn to read what people are saying before you get on your high horse.

Just some friendly advice... :)

Ur advice is noted but how is that me on the high horse? I clearly did not take the sarcastic route.

Summing up: love ya work Miller and Brucey I feel a win coming on this week! And if we are gonna get Judd lets trade Bell and others at his level

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Summing up: love ya work Miller and Brucey I feel a win coming on this week! And if we are gonna get Judd lets trade Bell and others at his level

Well I'm affraid that now that you've had a dig at Belly, I can no longer dispense friendly advice to you. <_<

I'm a big Miller fan, but Bell is a level above him both in skills, and in football intelligence.

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More importantly was MFC does need to do now is look closely at the list and start getting games into the players wh are going to take MFC forward in 2008 and beyond with some of our more senior players. Coaches need to stage the moving out of those who wont be there going forward. (early nominees include Bizz and Brad Miller). Should be trying Feguson ( took some good high marks for Sandy) Danny Hughes, Newton, Neaves as well as the new guys & get something out of the year by finding out who can make the grade.

We can't get games into Neaves and Hughes until they're off the rookie list. That would mean a player or two retiring mid-season (or getting dumped, which is the last thing I'd want to do).

We should definitely look at getting some games sometime this year into Garland (again), Frawley, Newton and Buckley, provided they earn it and to see what they've got at AFL level. But there are plenty of players that we are putting game time into ... we forget that Dunn, Petterd, Paul Johnson, Chris Johnson, Jones and Warnock have not played 20 games yet, Bate has just got to that mark and Bartram 23. Even players like Carroll, McLean, Sylvia and Bell haven't played 50 games yet, and seemingly established young players like Rivers, Moloney and Davey haven't yet cracked it for 75.

Ferguson has now played 40 games. He's tall, courageous and an OK mark, but I question his accountability (and strength) as a defender. He's had enough time since he was drafted in 2002, and he hasn't come on anywhere nearly as well as other better players drafted earlier in the same year like Bell and Rivers. He's been "trade bait" for two years without anything happening. I don't think there's a real upside to him in the backline unless he can show something different, and I think the forward line has better competition for places than him.

It's interesting looking at our list. They're all largely established 150+ game veterans (Neitz, Yze, Green, Johnstone, Bruce, Pickett, White, McDonald), other "near to retirement" veterans (Brown, Bizzell, Holland, Ward), or players of various abilities still building experience. There are very few in the 75-150 game category (5-6 years on the senior list, 24-26 years old) ... about the only ones I can think of are Godfrey and Wheatley and you wouldn't stake your future on them.

Post-2007 crystal balling I can see 5-6 older players going, a couple of others delisted or traded. I can see 7-8 new players next year (4-5 draftees, maybe a trade, 2 rookie elevations). That leaves a lot of opportunity for emerging young players to get a game in 2008 and beyond.

But I really don't think Ferguson fits in anywhere much in 2008.

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Well I'm affraid that now that you've had a dig at Belly, I can no longer dispense friendly advice to you. <_<

I'm a big Miller fan, but Bell is a level above him both in skills, and in football intelligence.

I am not having a dig at him but he has played less football than Miller therefore I feel more ideal to be traded

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I am not having a dig at him but he has played less football than Miller therefore I feel more ideal to be traded

So going by that logic, we should trade McLean but keep Bizzell?

This has nothing to do with experience. Miller is a limited footballer, and even his biggest fans (like me), should be able to admit that.

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I dont advocate 'tanking' as that is simply playing to lose..togain the draft picks.. as i said.. we will get them to some degree anyway. You (historically) will need 7-8 wins toclaim anything above bottom four.. and i just cant see that happening anyway. Butif anyone feels, thinks, believes otherwise.. go for it ...your perogative.

The thing that truly annoys me about Danners is we never seem privy to the most basic thinking of how he intends to changes things , I mean, surely its not OK at present . Just the laconic we need to play better footy. Since we've heard that now for 10 years id like a little more detail, just a smidge. He emphasised our loss of the weekend came down to poor kicking..and thats 100% right it did, but nothing about his views on this. I dont expect a bulletin outlining the training drills, but some communication of the nature that the boys will improve this ..or else. Some sense of annoyance and the requirement that they ( lads ) will be appraised and found wanting, make room for someone who can. but we dont get this, we get "We've played........... " etc. So..he seems to intimate theres not much more he can do.

maybe thats just it....Not much more he can do..

next !!

If I were ND I would not tell you anything either. Now he has walked a very fine line in that interview and managed to handle himself very well.

I know you are not a ND fan, you have been calling for his head since Rd 1. So please try and think of this in a general sense. What did you expect any coach to say about our kicking? You claim you are not asking for a memo but i think that is exactly what you want. The public arena is not where our FD should be discussing our training.

Now as to your very first point, IMO our team will have 7-8 wins this season or more. I believe that at the end of Rd 22 most ppl will be surprised to see the dees just outside the 8 and will be bemoaning our woeful start to the season.... Whether ND is offered his position again will depend on the nature of the wins we do have, our competetiveness in our losses and the development of our younger players.

I hear you calling for playing the kids... please tell me who you think should be added to last weks team and at who's expense.

I would prefer to see our team hard at the ball and competetive and as we regain players from injury we are getting closer and closer. We are actually ranked 2nd in tackles.

Ok now before you reply with the same pessimistic attitude.

Close your eyes and say something positive about the team.

Now go for it.

PS I hope you actually went this weekend. The boys showed some heart and we saw 2 young players shine in Jones and Petterd.

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So going by that logic, we should trade McLean but keep Bizzell?

This has nothing to do with experience. Miller is a limited footballer, and even his biggest fans (like me), should be able to admit that.

He is not limited he can play half forward or in the backline. I think Bizzell should be given a chance to make sure he cant play with the big boys anymore before we force him into retirement. I am not going to get into a McLean debate cos everyone around here seems to think he is a God. I agree he is a future captain in about 4 years but thats all I will say about him.

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The two most important things ND said last night were:

1. He will not seek the coaching position next year unless he feels he is the right person for the job

2. He will continue to build the team as if he was coaching the next 3 or 4 years

ND is not coaching to save himself. That is a massive positive for the club and a testament to his character.

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its simple.. whats wrong with saying...we need to concentrate on some basics.. and that i ( ND 0 might be more favourable to those kickng straight than those that arent... that ought to fit in with his non descript rhetoric !!

There is much to like ....in arguably smaller than optimum amounts ... about the team. Going forweard we have some great potential shown by RSN Pettard ( congrats ). we have yet to see Frawley but by all accounts he looks a likely lad. We have Bartram coming back sometime soon. Bate seems to be geting better by the game ( imagine that as a concept, playing them and letting them grow !! ). Hell even Ooze is playing somewhere near his ability...but lets see if he keeps it going ( hopefully he does )

Neeta does help , but to be honest i would have let him sit out another week , he's not ready, and dont want to risk another unecessary injury , would like to have him next year.

Juice should have played, his straight kicking may have even been the difference between that near loss and our first moral building win. At who's expense? well Miller comes to mind firstly but probably Pickett atm.( he needs more fitness ). I would also prefer Newton to get a run before Warnock. At present PJ and jamar only get s a run as second ruck, neither really setting world alight, but hey are safe for moment as Neaves still maybe a year off. But wouldnt mind see him get a gig when year had been officially called.

7-8 wins... knocking at the door.. wow ...thats a big achievement after 10 years huh ?

and which games do you see us winning ??

there's a vast chasm between pessimism and reality

and get it right..i didnt want ND resigned years ago.. like many others here...we seemed to have been right !!

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and which games do you see us winning ??

there's a vast chasm between pessimism and reality

and get it right..i didnt want ND resigned years ago.. like many others here...we seemed to have been right !!

After last week this week is a shoo in to win! I am quietly confident we will get over the line.

Neale has done a lot for the club both on and off the field hope he sticks it out some more

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Guest dee'viator
stuff tanking! i want to play the kids if they are warranted, otherwise i want the best 22 out there, the finals are not out of the question, we have gone 10 and 2 before which would set us up nicely for the run in (not saying we will, just a possibility) id rather the guys regain some confidence and a winning mentality, so that next year they realise ok if we didnt cop the injuries so early we would have played finals.

been listening to grant thomas on sen and i have changed my mind about this guy, i think he can coach and wouldnt be a bad pick up

but for me GO VOSS OR GO HOME!

I think he would be a good pickup but not as coach, but rather something to do with team manager, something like Neil Balme does.

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He is not limited he can play half forward or in the backline. I think Bizzell should be given a chance to make sure he cant play with the big boys anymore before we force him into retirement. I am not going to get into a McLean debate cos everyone around here seems to think he is a God. I agree he is a future captain in about 4 years but thats all I will say about him.

Miller is versatile, he cant play half forward and he is limited down back. FCS what dont you know about Bizzell yet?

Do you think McLean is any good given Miller is an up and coming star?

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