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What ever happened to the Demon Summit?


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Firstly, does anyone remember the Demon Summit? I think Jimmy Stynes organsed it back in 2011 or 2012? I cannot remember exactly what year.


Basically, it was a conference or "summit" to look at ideas and strategies to help the Melbourne Football Club to become successful again both on and off the field. At least I think that is what it was for?


Besides, asking if anyone here at Demonland remembers it, I was going to ask if it was worthwhile doing again? We could do a Zoom video conference version of the Demon Summit this time?


I certainly think it would be worthwhile doing again to see what we can do to help the team we love. It could be something done every 4 or 5 years (or every 10 years at the most) to look at new and clever ideas to grow the Melbourne Football Club and it would also increase members engagement with the Melbourne Football Club. Maybe combine it with our AGM as an option?


Anyway, besides being a Melbourne Demons member and supporting the club that I have barracked for my entire I wanted to look outside the box for different ideas and strategies to make the Demons successful again.


The more creation of new ideas and brain-storming we can do the better in my opinion.

Edited by Supreme_Demon
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I remember attending the first one as a young fella, and working in a small group of 10 people talking about fan engagement and getting kids to follow the Dees. The group contained Ron Barassi and a board member at the time whose name I can't remember. We sat around with butchers paper and brainstormed a number of different ideas, some fabulous and some not so.

I know as a teacher, I was able to give them some insight into what kids want from their sports teams/stars. Melbourne have a diverse and skilled supporter group. If the club came away with 2-3 ideas over the course of the day then surely it's got to be worth doing again?

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I understand that it failed. Which is why I asked about it because it basically went down the memory hole.


But is it a worthwhile initiative to bring back the Demon Summit? Or best to make a better assessment at the end of the year? If not, that's fine.



However, it is a bit disappointing to see so many negative comments. We need to be both realistic but also positive with our attitudes to help the Melbourne Football Club.


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2 hours ago, Supreme_Demon said:


I understand that it failed. Which is why I asked about it because it basically went down the memory hole.


But is it a worthwhile initiative to bring back the Demon Summit? Or best to make a better assessment at the end of the year? If not, that's fine.



However, it is a bit disappointing to see so many negative comments. We need to be both realistic but also positive with our attitudes to help the Melbourne Football Club.


This is Demonland, looking for something positive, try another forum

The miseries on here love a good wallow

I attended a 'group' as well, I said MFC supporters whinge and whine, I got howled, next hour and a half, a whinge fest

Read some of comments on Facebook/Twitter for Ask the Coach 

Supporters, as if

We have had a Members Forum last year, thankfully we only had one comedian

The rest don't have the Kahunad to stand up in public and actually face CEO/Coach/Players, much safer to snipe from behind a keyboard

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13 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

This is Demonland, looking for something positive, try another forum

The miseries on here love a good wallow

I attended a 'group' as well, I said MFC supporters whinge and whine, I got howled, next hour and a half, a whinge fest

Read some of comments on Facebook/Twitter for Ask the Coach 

Supporters, as if

We have had a Members Forum last year, thankfully we only had one comedian

The rest don't have the Kahunad to stand up in public and actually face CEO/Coach/Players, much safer to snipe from behind a keyboard

Thanks for your insight Peter, (that was only half tongue in cheek). I was sitting at home last night contemplating how I can contribute to the club and at the same time how could I get some of my questions answered.

I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. I would pay $1k  to sit down at dinner with Goodie and be able to ask or propose 2 questions or comments over 10 mins (with no interruptions) and let him reply over a 10 min period. I'll pay for my own dinner at whatever venue. That would also give the opportunity for others to do the same over a 2 hr dinner/lunch. Yes, I know we would need to allow some additional time for Goodie to contemplate and enjoy his lunch. So, call it open to a max of 8 contributors for 2 hours.

I understand the impost on the coach's time during the season  but everyone should be doing lunch.

Put another way, lunch twice a week (in season or out) if we got $8k per, is an extra $160k to the club if we just ran it for 10 weeks of the year. One condition; it would only be with the head coach.

Yes, there will be people saying "I can't afford that and I want my questions answered". Well go in to a pool of 10 people contributing a $100 or 100 people contributing $10 and hold a lottery for the representative and a vote on the 2 questions you want asked.

Have at it.

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14 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

This is Demonland, looking for something positive, try another forum

The miseries on here love a good wallow

I attended a 'group' as well, I said MFC supporters whinge and whine, I got howled, next hour and a half, a whinge fest

Read some of comments on Facebook/Twitter for Ask the Coach 

Supporters, as if

We have had a Members Forum last year, thankfully we only had one comedian

The rest don't have the Kahunad to stand up in public and actually face CEO/Coach/Players, much safer to snipe from behind a keyboard

So what you're saying is you derailed a discussion. That's not like you.

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On 5/23/2020 at 1:44 AM, Supreme_Demon said:


Firstly, does anyone remember the Demon Summit? I think Jimmy Stynes organsed it back in 2011 or 2012? I cannot remember exactly what year.


Basically, it was a conference or "summit" to look at ideas and strategies to help the Melbourne Football Club to become successful again both on and off the field. At least I think that is what it was for?


Besides, asking if anyone here at Demonland remembers it, I was going to ask if it was worthwhile doing again? We could do a Zoom video conference version of the Demon Summit this time?


I was there.  I remember leaving there thinking "bet they don't do this again".

I'm just commenting on the group I was part of.

There were positive contributions, but so much time taken up by complaining, negative commentary & self interest. It was just impossible to focus on anything positive.

I remember at one stage wondering whether Jim's objective was to suss out the the supporter base he was dealing with.

The positives from my perspective - I shook Ron Barassi by the hand. I shook Jim Stynes  by the hand. Saw Rod Grinter & James Macdonald at the Members Bar. Got to speak to Dean Bailey.


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31 minutes ago, GM11 said:

I was there.  I remember leaving there thinking "bet they don't do this again".

I'm just commenting on the group I was part of.

There were positive contributions, but so much time taken up by complaining, negative commentary & self interest. It was just impossible to focus on anything positive.

I remember at one stage wondering whether Jim's objective was to suss out the the supporter base he was dealing with.

The positives from my perspective - I shook Ron Barassi by the hand. I shook Jim Stynes  by the hand. Saw Rod Grinter & James Macdonald at the Members Bar. Got to speak to Dean Bailey.


I hear what you are saying, but you cannot blame the supporter base for being negative when there are seasons like 2019. It is just unacceptable, but the MFC keeps having them. That is not the fault of supporters or Members. 
it is internal

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1 hour ago, FireInTheBennelly said:

So what you're saying is you derailed a discussion. That's not like you.

No, I didn't derail, round table, first question 'define a Melbourne supporter'

Hence my answer, derailing is the catch all used by posters to try and diminish the input of any poster who dares to step outside the herd mentality, usually on display here, and express a different opinion

Unfortunately, the round table deteriorated into a whinge fest, as participants brought up their pet peeve, and repeated it, until the rest of the participants gave in, due to frustration or sheer exasperation 

Sound familiar?

I stand by my comment, used to think Chelsea supporters were bad, poor amateurs compared to MFC supporters 

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17 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:


I stand by my comment, used to think Chelsea supporters were bad, poor amateurs compared to MFC supporters 

So why do you hang around so much if you carry such a low opinion of MFC Members??

you, who a week before Neeld was sacked was telling everybody here that everything was fine and we should pull our heads in. 
and then last years pre season your observations were just plain wrong. 

What gives you the righht to hold such moral ground?

Don’t tell me i am a worse supporter than a Chelsea Supporter. I hate that Club. 

Edited by Sir Why You Little
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4 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

No, I didn't derail, round table, first question 'define a Melbourne supporter'

Hence my answer, derailing is the catch all used by posters to try and diminish the input of any poster who dares to step outside the herd mentality, usually on display here, and express a different opinion

Unfortunately, the round table deteriorated into a whinge fest, as participants brought up their pet peeve, and repeated it, until the rest of the participants gave in, due to frustration or sheer exasperation 

Sound familiar?

I stand by my comment, used to think Chelsea supporters were bad, poor amateurs compared to MFC supporters 

I stand by mine as well.

At the first question you decided to slag off the very people sitting at the table, due to your stereotyping of MFC supporters. There are complainers everywhere, it's life, and if there is one club that deserves complaints..... What on earth do Chelsea supporters have to whinge about? Not winning everything, every year? My heart bleeds.

In the interests of being constructive, try answering the question again without attacking the subject.

For the record, I'd say MFC supporters are far too willing to accept mediocrity and would rather walk away and wait for success, then try to push the club to be accountable, and ultimately, successful.

Opinions, they're like bums, but they're still allowed for all.



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On 5/12/2020 at 10:50 PM, Satyriconhome said:

Didn't say that, I said all the points have been discussed ad infinitum, especially on here


On 5/14/2020 at 1:05 PM, Satyriconhome said:

So it will eventually lead to the shutdown of Demonland then, what will the opinionated do then


On 5/15/2020 at 3:06 PM, Satyriconhome said:

Nah, wouldn't bother, this site is really becoming boring and tedious, same old same old repeated ad nauseam, reason I haven't been reading or been online as much


On 5/18/2020 at 2:50 PM, Satyriconhome said:

Knowledge? That's drawing a long bow

Pessimistic opinion, hindsight revisionism would be more apt

There are supposedly long standing members and supporters on here, not being happy with what was occurring, did they do anything about it     say voting out board members etc   nah too hard   easier to snioe from the sidelines


On 5/18/2020 at 3:40 PM, Satyriconhome said:

So, let's hear it, have we posters who are responsible for the basket case of a club that some on here keep repeating it is?


On 5/19/2020 at 11:24 AM, Satyriconhome said:

So the Hogan and Watts trades were good, not according to other threads, the team has gone nowhere since

Please explain


On 5/19/2020 at 5:35 PM, Satyriconhome said:

I was just unsure,  some of the normal miseries were actually praising something the Club did, thought I had slipped into a parallel universe, but then you repled, all is well

Hindsight revisionism again, sad that the 2 Messiahs both turned out to be Naughty Boys instead


On 5/20/2020 at 8:55 PM, Satyriconhome said:

Oh good, yet another thread for the miseries to vent



17 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

This is Demonland, looking for something positive, try another forum

The miseries on here love a good wallow

I attended a 'group' as well, I said MFC supporters whinge and whine, I got howled


1 hour ago, Satyriconhome said:

No, I didn't derail, round table, first question 'define a Melbourne supporter'

Hence my answer, derailing is the catch all used by posters to try and diminish the input of any poster who dares to step outside the herd mentality, usually on display here, and express a different opinion

Unfortunately, the round table deteriorated into a whinge fest

Go get some fresh air Saty. There’s only one person on here who is bringing the forum down with their constant whinging and whining. 

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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33 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:










Go get some fresh air Saty. There’s only one person on here who is bringing the forum down with their constant whinging and whining. 

Whingeing, please get the spelling right, you will see how many whiny posts there were, that required me to pointing e out, some factual examples always help to illustrate an opinion

I like the majority of MFC supporters, to answer @Sir Why You Little, it is just the core group of miseries on here who try to pummel everybody into the their way of thinking, by using the Trump playbook, repeating the same opinion, sometimes phrased differently, ad nauseam, as if it was fact

It is also sad that 'hate' is used so many times on this board, such a wasteful emotion

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5 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Whingeing, please get the spelling right, you will see how many whiny posts there were, that required me to pointing e out, some factual examples always help to illustrate an opinion

I like the majority of MFC supporters, to answer @Sir Why You Little, it is just the core group of miseries on here who try to pummel everybody into the their way of thinking, by using the Trump playbook, repeating the same opinion, sometimes phrased differently, ad nauseam, as if it was fact

It is also sad that 'hate' is used so many times on this board, such a wasteful emotion

But you are talking to yourself. You are the only person on here that uses the word “Hate”

You don’t like the MFC Supporter... so why are you here??

The Blue Shorts??

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8 minutes ago, Supreme_Demon said:

I apologise for this thread turning into a slanging match. That certainly wasn't my intention.


I simply want to look at new ideas and possibilities to help the Melbourne Football Club become successful again.


Keep going Supreme. There is only one person who is bringing the thread down. We all want success. 
last year took a lot out of me...


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