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Terrorist attack on Canadian Mosque


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11 minutes ago, Biffen said:

Somehow I think not.

You are so lucky you left Northern Turkey when you did.

Crickets and tumbleweeds from the apologia .

Most entertaining video!!!!!!!!!!!

Put it up AF!!

I can't watch it enough!

If nobody can cut and paste it  my point on your cowardice is proven.

Allahu MF Akbar all right.


You certainly know how to speak many languages in the one sentence, not to mention your excellent shorthand. Are you,by chance, a transgender typist who was made redundant because you forgot how to translate the shorthand into proper sentences?

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25 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Twitter and Bisted will no doubt say he changed his name by deed poll from Ali Ahkbar Khan, a well known performing sitar playing muslim acrobat, who couldn't get a gig anymore because of Donald Trump, who moved the the western suburbs of Sydney to prove his point that we should either ban or shoot muslims.

Edited by dieter
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30 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

here's the age article re altona north (video is in article)    do usual tricks to get around paywall if needed 

And of course, it takes about five Australoid cops to 'subdue' a Lebo who has just been punched in the face, then, to make it more efficient, you spray his face with Capsicum, after four Copoids have sat on it for two minutes...

Twitter and Bisted would love watching this sequence. It's called the Australian way of dealing with somebody who a cop has just punched in the face...

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17 hours ago, Biffen said:

Comrade AF,

You're a prime example of why the arts shouldn't be funded by the state. 

You think Rotherham is not worth a mention?

Name calling extends to leftist outraged students like yourself.

The new fascists are those like you that turn up to protest and start rioting when the tears well up.

You couldn't beat your way out of a Fabian meeting on affirmative action with a manbag .

Time for your nap.

You  seem all tired and grumpy .

What's your point?

Very good, Biffen. Very good.

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2 hours ago, hardtack said:

O'Neill. Must be a Catholic terrorist. We have to ban these people. They're unstable. Although I did meet a Catholic once. She seemed fine, but she wasn't that religious. 

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2 hours ago, dieter said:

And of course, it takes about five Australoid cops to 'subdue' a Lebo who has just been punched in the face, then, to make it more efficient, you spray his face with Capsicum, after four Copoids have sat on it for two minutes...

Twitter and Bisted would love watching this sequence. It's called the Australian way of dealing with somebody who a cop has just punched in the face...

Nice overhand right.

Still think more mace could have been used.

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5 hours ago, hardtack said:


Would be nice if you could concede but just throw in an irrelavent article instead.

Well done Mohammed Hardtack.

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5 hours ago, Biffen said:


Would be nice if you could concede but just throw in an irrelavent article instead.

Well done Mohammed Hardtack.

That's a mature comeback Biff.

It was relevant in as far as you choose to highlight any incident involving people of middle eastern origins (who may or may not be islamic), so I offer a counterpoint to show the futility of doing that. White anglos are just as capable of threatening or carrying out acts of violence as 'people of middle eastern appearance', which would tend to indicate it is not all necessarily related to religion. In fact the worst acts of violence in this country have all been perpetrated by white anglo christians...Port Arthur, Hoddle Street, King Street, Strathfield, etc etc.

I'd actually be interested to know how you feel about Indonesians living in Australia, because they are rarely, if ever, involved in acts of, or threats of violence here, yet they are from the country with the largest islamic population on the planet. Or is it more of a race thing with you?

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4 hours ago, hardtack said:

That's a mature comeback Biff.

It was relevant in as far as you choose to highlight any incident involving people of middle eastern origins (who may or may not be islamic), so I offer a counterpoint to show the futility of doing that. White anglos are just as capable of threatening or carrying out acts of violence as 'people of middle eastern appearance', which would tend to indicate it is not all necessarily related to religion. In fact the worst acts of violence in this country have all been perpetrated by white anglo christians...Port Arthur, Hoddle Street, King Street, Strathfield, etc etc.

I'd actually be interested to know how you feel about Indonesians living in Australia, because they are rarely, if ever, involved in acts of, or threats of violence here, yet they are from the country with the largest islamic population on the planet. Or is it more of a race thing with you?

The video shows how North Altonians like this gentleman behave when they don't get their French fries, or perceive a slight.

Rather Than making a polite enquiry ,one would naturally threaten to kill the teen girl that served You ,wouldn't one?

Also note his associates milling around calling the officer pig,d!tch,and then threatening to kill.

These threats must be acted upon.

Again, the other nutjobs are irrellevant to the topic.

The Indonesians are a more placid lot on the whole, except in Bali,where again they don't belong,and they decided to murder our decadent countrymen .


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On 10/02/2017 at 5:48 PM, Biffen said:

No mate.

These aren't isolated incidents, there is a wave of it across Europe.

Alcohol has nothing to do with it.

Pack animals do .

Or maybe European women and men who've been raped asked for it.


On 10/02/2017 at 5:54 PM, Biffen said:

I'm going to leave this thread for a while now and the rest of you can either admit you may be wrong or keep singing from the same hymn book.

Please don't call me racist,I really am not.

It's been a blast and my intention has never been to misinform,quite the contrary.

Cheers Dears


Doesn't want to be called a racist. Refers to an entire people as pack animals.

You might as well just come out and own it at this point.

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2 hours ago, Choke said:



Doesn't want to be called a racist. Refers to an entire people as pack animals.

You might as well just come out and own it at this point.

Was discussing pack rapist so no prize choker.

Nice selective outrage and moral superiority there.

Well done on your conflation of issues yet again.


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42 minutes ago, Biffen said:

Was discussing pack rapist so no prize choker.

Nice selective outrage and moral superiority there.

Well done on your conflation of issues yet again.


You were talking about Muslim immigration and effects on crime and rape.

Was pretty clear to me.

The view is mighty fine from my high horse.

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52 minutes ago, Choke said:

You were talking about Muslim immigration and effects on crime and rape.

Was pretty clear to me.

The view is mighty fine from my high horse.

The immigration we are talking about is from a range of ethnicities .

Crime figures in Germany are up 80%.

Some of the crime is between Turkish and Syrians or Turks and Kurdish of Turkish and Lebanese gangs and some is directed at Caucasian Germans.

There is no dispute that gangs and ghettos exist in areas of Europe where Caucasians should not enter and police need 5 cars to attend an incident in these areas.There are Romanian,Albanian gangs fighting for territory as well in German suburbs where the police will not enter.

More than 80 % of recent German migrants are Muslim so perhaps 20% of these gangs are not if we assume an even spread.

Still shows the effects of rapid migrant intake ,subsequent ghetto formation,turf battle,police inability to cope and loss of law and order from rapid immigration.One wonders if the Jews who reside in Berlin were considered at all.

You would consider gangs.and pack rapists as pack animals in my world.I'm not sure what world you live in Choke but as long as you get to bandy the R word about then I suppose you think you have shut debate and you can pat yourself on your back.

You're a lightweight ,finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi imposing a fascism you do not recognise as evil.

You attempt to bring an argument to a close in order to force your own cultural would view on a discusiion to silence an opposing idea which is the way Sharia thrives as well.

Consider that.

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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

The immigration we are talking about is from a range of ethnicities .

Crime figures in Germany are up 80%.

Some of the crime is between Turkish and Syrians or Turks and Kurdish of Turkish and Lebanese gangs and some is directed at Caucasian Germans.

There is no dispute that gangs and ghettos exist in areas of Europe where Caucasians should not enter and police need 5 cars to attend an incident in these areas.There are Romanian,Albanian gangs fighting for territory as well in German suburbs where the police will not enter.

More than 80 % of recent German migrants are Muslim so perhaps 20% of these gangs are not if we assume an even spread.

Still shows the effects of rapid migrant intake ,subsequent ghetto formation,turf battle,police inability to cope and loss of law and order from rapid immigration.One wonders if the Jews who reside in Berlin were considered at all.

You would consider gangs.and pack rapists as pack animals in my world.I'm not sure what world you live in Choke but as long as you get to bandy the R word about then I suppose you think you have shut debate and you can pat yourself on your back.

You're a lightweight ,finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi imposing a fascism you do not recognise as evil.

You attempt to bring an argument to a close in order to force your own cultural would view on a discusiion to silence an opposing idea which is the way Sharia thrives as well.

Consider that.


Just wow.

Do you have to work hard to think yourself in circles or does it come naturally?

I'm not imposing a thing. If I think someone's racist, I'll call them racist. Just like if you think someone is a lightweight, finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi, you'll call them a lightweight, finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi.

As I said before, I'd be happier if you were not a member of our society Mr Biff. But you are, and I have to tolerate your [censored] just as much as you have to tolerate mine.

It does amuse me greatly though that the one thing you have hated through these threads is the accusation of racism.

It so clearly comes through in the subtext, and text if we're being honest, of your writings.

I tried to respond with actual stats and even some personal examples when we were talking about migrants not contributing via taxes. That discussion didn't last long, after you attempted to retort them but just left my responses after that.

So no, I don't think I'm trying to silence you with accusations of racism. But I seem to get more traction by doing it so I'll just keep going. Interesting that you feel that the very accusation itself is somehow impinging upon your ability to express your views. Why is that? You called me a bunch of names up there, and it doesn't prevent me from writing what I want. I dare say my accusation of 'racist' hasn't held you back either. So if I didn't intend to silence you, and you were not in fact silenced, what's your problem?

Flame on, you bigot.

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36 minutes ago, Choke said:


Just wow.

Do you have to work hard to think yourself in circles or does it come naturally?

I'm not imposing a thing. If I think someone's racist, I'll call them racist. Just like if you think someone is a lightweight, finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi, you'll call them a lightweight, finger pointer and self satisfied simplistic PC Nazi.

As I said before, I'd be happier if you were not a member of our society Mr Biff. But you are, and I have to tolerate your [censored] just as much as you have to tolerate mine.

It does amuse me greatly though that the one thing you have hated through these threads is the accusation of racism.

It so clearly comes through in the subtext, and text if we're being honest, of your writings.

I tried to respond with actual stats and even some personal examples when we were talking about migrants not contributing via taxes. That discussion didn't last long, after you attempted to retort them but just left my responses after that.

So no, I don't think I'm trying to silence you with accusations of racism. But I seem to get more traction by doing it so I'll just keep going. Interesting that you feel that the very accusation itself is somehow impinging upon your ability to express your views. Why is that? You called me a bunch of names up there, and it doesn't prevent me from writing what I want. I dare say my accusation of 'racist' hasn't held you back either. So if I didn't intend to silence you, and you were not in fact silenced, what's your problem?

Flame on, you bigot.

You're more bigoted than I am.

You prosecute your argument by grabbing nonsensical unassociated sibjects as long as you look like the PC, wrap your arms around the world,hero you think of yourself as.As if you know better somehow .

You assume to care more about people than people who would like some kind of say on their borders .

Globally it's become apparent people don't want to be labelled racist if they discuss a religio political movement central to the government and laws of 51 countries.

I have no great animosity to any particular race so you are not only in error but obnoxious .

Just  Islamists like yourself  who shout  nonsense and turn on crocodile tears I object to.

Most Muslims are actually more semseible than you. 


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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

You're more bigoted than I am.

You prosecute your argument by grabbing nonsensical unassociated sibjects as long as you look like the PC, wrap your arms around the world,hero you think of yourself as.As if you know better somehow .

You assume to care more about people than people who would like some kind of say on their borders .

Globally it's become apparent people don't want to be labelled racist if they discuss a religio political movement central to the government and laws of 51 countries.

I have no great animosity to any particular race so you are not only in error but obnoxious .

Just  Islamists like yourself  who shout  nonsense and turn on crocodile tears I object to.

Most Muslims are actually more semseible than you. 


Mr Twitter and Bisted, haven't you got a heavy duty gig to attend to- I read you are going up the river.

With a bit of luck there'll be n0 internet where you're going and hopefully you'll fall in love with a black mamba snake charmer who will know to to drain your anti-muslim bile and you'll come back cleansed and refreshed and full of christian love for all mankind.

Off you go then, Biff, on your bike...


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Biff - if you'd said :"jihadists" from the beginning, you would have saved us all a lot of trouble (and some very long-winded writing)


Trouble was you said Muslims. I dunno the specific numbers, but back above somebody said there were about 400,000 in Australia today. If we've had - what? 50 or so charged with terrorism (okay, I'll bung in another 50 for the creeps in that MacDonalds video - jeez, I don't blame you for not wanting them as neighbours) , that leaves 399, 900 whom you've kind of er...slandered.  

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19 hours ago, Biffen said:

You're more bigoted than I am.


I doubt that, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

19 hours ago, Biffen said:

You prosecute your argument by grabbing nonsensical unassociated sibjects as long as you look like the PC, wrap your arms around the world,hero you think of yourself as.As if you know better somehow .


They appear nonsensical because I'm quoting you.

I don't think of myself as a hero, interesting you think I'm some sort of inflated PC warrior-hero or whatever (social justice warrior I think is the term people like to throw around?). Well, I don't protest in the streets and I don't berate people who think differently than I do. What I do do is call out something I think is racist. Nothing more, nothing less.


19 hours ago, Biffen said:

You assume to care more about people than people who would like some kind of say on their borders .


I'm unclear on what exactly this means. You mean I care more about the people who are trying to come here than those already here trying to prevent them?

Not really, I just think we have an obligation to share our luck and wealth with those less fortunate. I don't advocate open borders, but likewise I don't advocate closing them to people who subscribe to one religion. TBH, I don't care for any sort of religious belief, but I'm not going to close borders to one people based on which imaginary friend they happen to like. 

I'm not saying you can't have your say. I'm saying some of the comment you have made have been patently racist and untrue.

19 hours ago, Biffen said:

Globally it's become apparent people don't want to be labelled racist if they discuss a religio political movement central to the government and laws of 51 countries.


If you discuss the movement of people and immigration policy, that's fine. If you say untrue and racist things, that's not fine and I'll call you on it.

What has become apparent to me is that people who want to reduce immigration from Muslim countries are trying to use accusations of racism levelled against them as some sort of suppression of free speech. Well I have news for you Biff - I can't impinge on your ability to speak freely. I am not the government. I cannot impose on you any level of censorship, and to presume that I can and then use that as some sort of call to arms I think is a huge mistake.

19 hours ago, Biffen said:

I have no great animosity to any particular race so you are not only in error but obnoxious .


I think your words speak for themselves on this, and indicate a great animosity towards Muslims.


19 hours ago, Biffen said:

Just  Islamists like yourself  who shout  nonsense and turn on crocodile tears I object to.

Most Muslims are actually more semseible than you. 


Not sure why you insist on labelling me an Islamist. I have no love for Islam, or any religion - I simply don't think we should be banning subscribers of one faith over another in terms of immigration. I'm not going to advocate for atheist-only immigration just to increase the amount of people in this country who agree with my world view.

Maybe most Muslims are more sensible than me. But if they are, why ban them? I'm already here and you can't get rid of me. Maybe Australia needs more Muslims, so the sensible people will outweigh the non-sensible people such as myself.

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I love how our fine friend here Biffen refers to the Left being fascist. He doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

From the New Oxford American Dictionary:

Fascism - "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

As usual, as clueless as Breitbart and Alex Jones.

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9 hours ago, A F said:

I love how our fine friend here Biffen refers to the Left being fascist. He doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

From the New Oxford American Dictionary:

Fascism - "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

As usual, as clueless as Breitbart and Alex Jones.


No no no, you have it wrong AF.

The LEFT are the people misapplying labels in order to demonise and censure their opponents.

Anyone on the right, especially a learned gentlemen such as Biffen (he read Voltaire don't you know), wouldn't stoop to the level of social justice warriors and simply call opponents Nazis without thinking through the actual meaning.

Back in your box you damn hippie pinko.

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1 hour ago, Choke said:


No no no, you have it wrong AF.

The LEFT are the people misapplying labels in order to demonise and censure their opponents.

Anyone on the right, especially a learned gentlemen such as Biffen (he read Voltaire don't you know), wouldn't stoop to the level of social justice warriors and simply call opponents Nazis without thinking through the actual meaning.

Back in your box you damn hippie pinko.

I agree with Biffen. Too many damn hippie pinkos on this sight. They ought to remember this is the MFC after all, no place for pinkos on this team.

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So what race in Islam again?

I keep forgetting.

I need a chorus of half-wits to remind me.

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11 minutes ago, Biffen said:

So what race in Islam again?

I keep forgetting.

I need a chorus of half-wits to remind me.

"Holding stereotypes or negative feelings about Muslims in general is technically religious bigotry, not racism.  However, the traditional geographic associations of Islam mean that it's an easy cultural shorthand for a particular race or a broadly defined group of races."


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