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Adam Goodes

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Actually this is a great thread, and the last few pages have had people learning, examining and re-examining views, which have been articulated pretty respectfully.

In the end I think it's been worthwhile when moving beyond finger waving, which I was probably guilty of doing myself.

It's an emotional subject for a lot of people, that much is clear. It's an area that demands self-examination.


Yep now at 20 pages of yes he is a saint and no he is not.

Not a saint just another "jock with a cause"! A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama. Helping nobody!


Not a saint just another "jock with a cause"! A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama. Helping nobody!

Hey, Ben Hur doesn't post here anymore... or does he?...


Not a saint just another "jock with a cause"! A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama. Helping nobody!

He seems to be helping you. By the evidence of your posts (those gifs are wonderfully revealing) on this thread he has clearly struck a very raw nerve for you. He has upset you. He has hurt you.

This is the first step for you. By exploring why he has had such a deep impact on you, you are well placed to deal with your issues in a constructive healthy way and move to a better place. You will come to thank Adam for his help. Perhaps you have already.

Confront your fears Deefrag and heal. Good luck on your journey.


He seems to be helping you. By the evidence of your posts (those gifs are wonderfully revealing) on this thread he has clearly struck a very raw nerve for you. He has upset you. He has hurt you.

This is the first step for you. By exploring why he has had such a deep impact on you, you are well placed to deal with your issues in a constructive healthy way and move to a better place. You will come to thank Adam for his help. Perhaps you have already.

Confront your fears Deefrag and heal. Good luck on your journey.

Gees thinks are getting very serious on Demonland.

There was a time this was about football


Not a saint just another "jock with a cause"! A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama. Helping nobody!

I don't think you actually understand the meanings of most of the words you just used.

But hey, at least you tried to sound intelligent. Kudos.


Gees thinks are getting very serious on Demonland.

There was a time this was about football

just a different type of pizzing contest, od, that's all


I don't think you actually understand the meanings of most of the words you just used.

just a different type of pizzing contest, od, that's all

I didn't under half of what has been written but I will back myself in any pizzing contest ( you do mean an actual pizzing contest don't you, otherwise delete all reference to this post)


"Not a saint just another "jock with a cause"! A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama. Helping nobody!"

I don't think you actually understand the meanings of most of the words you just used.

But hey, at least you tried to sound intelligent. Kudos.

Now stuie no need to get personal! I'm making an observation about Goodsy not you, if you also fit that description then my apologies . . it's just a lucky coincidence!


I didn't under half of what has been written but I will back myself in any pizzing contest ( you do mean an actual pizzing contest don't you, otherwise delete all reference to this post)

nut, maybe stuie could bring you up to scratch on the half you don't understand?

as for the pizzing contest, i have scheduled you against bbo for first quarter final pizz-off


Gees thinks are getting very serious on Demonland.

There was a time this was about football

Some things are more important than footy od - there is room in the world to discuss a variety of issues.

In the wider scheme of things footy is just entertainment, some would even say a distraction from the real issues. Bread and circuses as the Romans called it.


Some things are more important than footy od - there is room in the world to discuss a variety of issues.

In the wider scheme of things footy is just entertainment, some would even say a distraction from the real issues. Bread and circuses as the Romans called it.

I used to think it was an escape from the real world Dr.

As a Dees supporter I now see the real world as an escape from the horror of the football world


I also have been doing a lot of reading on the plight the Indigenous people of Australia faced when the white man first came to this country and the atrocities thereafter. I have also read a lot about what the government has tried to do for them over the years as well to try to get them to be a better functioning community.

While I cannot begin to understand what they feel, I still stand by my remarks that many are still waiting for the white man to fix things for them and again I cannot understand why that is. Is it hate for the white man, fear, no self belief? What is holding them back from becoming the people they dream to be?

Thing is, that leadership vacuum in Aboriginal societies was deliberately created - when you pull apart a culture at the seams, all the ways that leaders emerge, prove themselves, and gain legitimacy are stifled.

Put that together with things like the phenomenon of the 'general exemption certificate' and similar provisions which made it impossible to engage with Australian law/commerce/society/football while also still retaining connections to community and culture. Literally by law, you couldn't participate in both.

I think you've touched on the crux of why reconciliation efforts have been to ineffective in so many cases. A great many of the bureaucrats and well-meaning upper-middle-class types see reconciliation as a kind of 'charity'.effort, spending billions on white elephant projects, of which little benefit gets to Aboriginal people or communities.

To my mind, if we want to really build reconciliation and get out of the rut, effort has to be shifted to helping the Aboriginal community to rebuild its leadership strength. In the modern sense, that means people like teachers, nurses, social workers, footy coaches, small business operators - all the 'small' leaders who actually make society in general function.

Help Aboriginal communities rebuild that leadership, and yes absolutely they will become much better at defining their own future and Australia will be on the real and conclusive path to reconciliation.

But 'More Aboriginal Leaders', even small ones, is an awkward proposition for the 'establishment' politics and especially bureaucracy to deal with, after so many generations of charitable distribution via appointment of additional middle-managers.


He seems to be helping you. By the evidence of your posts (those gifs are wonderfully revealing) on this thread he has clearly struck a very raw nerve for you. He has upset you. He has hurt you.

This is the first step for you. By exploring why he has had such a deep impact on you, you are well placed to deal with your issues in a constructive healthy way and move to a better place. You will come to thank Adam for his help. Perhaps you have already.

Confront your fears Deefrag and heal. Good luck on your journey.

Thank you for your kind words binman, I feel the warmth of your comments I really do!

Despite your claim that "Adam" has the super- abilities to hurt and heal lost souls I cannot be swayed from my assessment of Goodes :

"A highly conflicted narcissistic boy-man working out his oedipal issues in some kind of public Shakespearean psychodrama".

Put In simple form: your idol has feet of clay, your emperor no clothes, immature and a bully in need of considerable "work" before

becoming a credible spokesman for lemonade let alone Indigenous Australians!

But these are just words, I have another gif (as you call them) to help illustrate my point . . Enjoy!

Adam Goodes picks on someone his own age . . . . .



nut, maybe stuie could bring you up to scratch on the half you don't understand?

as for the pizzing contest, i have scheduled you against bbo for first quarter final pizz-off

I think I deserved to go straight into the semis at least dc!!


I think I deserved to go straight into the semis at least dc!!

Play off for the Bronze?


Now stuie no need to get personal! I'm making an observation about Goodsy not you, if you also fit that description then my apologies . . it's just a lucky coincidence!

I want you to go easy on Stu 'frag. Let him continue the belief that he is an intellectual - he is quite fragile and may not post again for months if he is hurt.


you'll have to beat me bbo as i go straight to the grand final being the only kid in primary skill to make it thru the louvred window above the boys urinal without using a chair


you'll have to beat me bbo as i go straight to the grand final being the only kid in primary skill to make it thru the louvred window above the boys urinal without using a chair

Failing grade 3 a few times must have helped?

(for refusal to use capitals i spose)


Failing grade 3 a few times must have helped?

(for refusal to use capitals i spose)

i'm a quiet chap really. biffo. just don't like to shout. besides, i'd have to use two fingers then


It would be great, not sure how they could do it, getting a large group of players from different clubs may be too difficult.

I always wanted us to have something like the NZ Huka to intimidate other teams before the game. That [censored] is scary!

Non-competing clubs on Grand Final day?


That's it deefrag, let your anger at adam out. Internalized it will only eat away at your soul. But be open to his healing force. Go on your journey of healing. I know it is confusing for you now but you will one day reach a level of understanding. Good luck


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