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The 2014 finals thread


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watching Ollie Wines turn it on in a final .. torture

Wines playing a blinder.

Thanks so much Neeld you c...

I was wondering just how long this would take.

Hey - Wines is playing in a sometimes brilliant team with a great midfield: were he at MFC playing in a dispirited team with a struggling midfield, and JT playing finals with Port I just wonder who would be saying what.


On another matter, trying to be objective and not biased, how did Hawkins' slipped jumper punch impact compare with Dawes' two this season?

Ah....finals vs battler


I was wondering just how long this would take.

Hey - Wines is playing in a sometimes brilliant team with a great midfield: were he at MFC playing in a dispirited team with a struggling midfield, and JT playing finals with Port I just wonder who would be saying what.

If Wines was at the MFC we would be a lot closer to September.

Even the Ox had a slight dig at Todd & Neeld yesterday.

They blew a big chance.


Can we get a ban in place for posters who are obsessed with Ollie [censored] Wines?

1 week ban to get your kleenex situation sorted out.

Seriously, enough.


Can we get a ban in place for posters who are obsessed with Ollie [censored] Wines?

1 week ban to get your kleenex situation sorted out.

Seriously, enough.

Yes, we need Ollie fines


If Wines was at the MFC we would be a lot closer to September.

Even the Ox had a slight dig at Todd & Neeld yesterday.

They blew a big chance.

I don't think the dig was fair, the decision hasn't come off at all but the decision wasn't exactly surprising at the time, it just hasn't worked out, and possibly won't

the club needs a serious change of recruiting policy, Geelong have must win their own ball in lights when they go to the draft, we should too, I personally can cop the slightly lower skill level if the player can win his own ball


I don't think the dig was fair, the decision hasn't come off at all but the decision wasn't exactly surprising at the time, it just hasn't worked out, and possibly won't

the club needs a serious change of recruiting policy, Geelong have must win their own ball in lights when they go to the draft, we should too, I personally can cop the slightly lower skill level if the player can win his own ball

it suprised me.

Still does as well as making me angry.

Add Tahlia and Rockliff who both won their B & F's


Norths let me down.

Why did they not win the game by 1 point with a kick after the final siren.

Now that would really hurt!



Norths let me down.

Why did they not win the game by 1 point with a kick after the final siren.

Now that would really hurt!


FFS Biff where are u? Throw some chemicals on the pond and shut this yapper up.


Our pond dwelling friend is much maligned,often fairly.


If Wines was at the MFC we would be a lot closer to September.

Even the Ox had a slight dig at Todd & Neeld yesterday.

They blew a big chance.

Retrospectivity is fantastic - looking back, at the time of the draft, the majority of genuine 'draft experts' had JT just ahead of Wines.

Can some of our armchair experts please stage a coup for our recruiting directors position - I am certain you would all get it 100% right, every time.


Retrospectivity is fantastic - looking back, at the time of the draft, the majority of genuine 'draft experts' had JT just ahead of Wines.

Can some of our armchair experts please stage a coup for our recruiting directors position - I am certain you would all get it 100% right, every time.

not at all.

But a lot of us did know how good Wines was going to be.

Which he has been from game one.

This club has been given many solid chances which we have burnt.


not at all.

But a lot of us did know how good Wines was going to be.

Which he has been from game one.

This club has been given many solid chances which we have burnt.


Talk about flogging a dead horse. Constantly whining about this achieves precisely nothing. He's a Port Adelaide player and has been for 2 years now. 2 YEARS. And you're still bleating about it.

Please enlighten us with your recruiting credentials that makes you such an authority on how Wines was the better choice ahead of Toumpas. Wines has started off the stronger and you sit back in your high chair and rue a drafting decision that in all your wisdom knew was the wrong one? Spare us please. You had no idea. You're a revisionist who likes to complain a lot.

Get. Over. It.



Talk about flogging a dead horse. Constantly whining about this achieves precisely nothing. He's a Port Adelaide player and has been for 2 years now. 2 YEARS. And you're still bleating about it.

Please enlighten us with your recruiting credentials that makes you such an authority on how Wines was the better choice ahead of Toumpas. Wines has started off the stronger and you sit back in your high chair and rue a drafting decision that in all your wisdom knew was the wrong one? Spare us please. You had no idea. You're a revisionist who likes to complain a lot.

Get. Over. It.

Mate i knew how good he was/is.

I knew it 2 years ago. You can think what you like.

People moan that this club gets shafted.

We have shafted ourselves.


not at all.

But a lot of us did know how good Wines was going to be.

Which he has been from game one.

This club has been given many solid chances which we have burnt.

Mate i knew how good he was/is.

I knew it 2 years ago. You can think what you like.

People moan that this club gets shafted.

We have shafted ourselves.

Which is why I suggest you stage a coup - you clearly know far more than our recruiting team, AND most of the other experts.


Which is why I suggest you stage a coup - you clearly know far more than our recruiting team, AND most of the other experts.

well the club certainly needed a Coup and got one!!


Mate i knew how good he was/is.

Okay, humour me.

How did you know? What research did you do? Did you do any comparative analysis between him and other potential draftees and if so, what was the extent of it?


Okay, humour me.

How did you know? What research did you do? Did you do any comparative analysis between him and other potential draftees and if so, what was the extent of it?

the only humour is in what we drafted instead. A kid with hip surgery who is slow.


For all those retrospectively drafting put your nuts on the line and tell us or at the least the club who to pick this year with Pick 2


For all those retrospectively drafting put your nuts on the line and tell us or at the least the club who to pick this year with Pick 2

Or even better, name 5 from the first 20 picked who will be stars and 5 who will be duds and check back in 5 year's time.


the only humour is in what we drafted instead. A kid with hip surgery who is slow.

Is that your answer to those questions? Toumpas had hip surgery? That's your research is it?

How could you keep this incredible insight to yourself? For shame! You should've been on the phone to the club letting them know!

The jury is still out on Toumpas. They knew he would take time when they drafted him. But you don't want to hear that do you? It's clearly far more pleasant putting a line through him, whinge and whine on here every time Wines plays well, and generally be a misery guts who lays claim to knowing better than professional recruiters.


Is that your answer to those questions? Toumpas had hip surgery? That's your research is it?

How could you keep this incredible insight to yourself? For shame! You should've been on the phone to the club letting them know!

The jury is still out on Toumpas. They knew he would take time when they drafted him. But you don't want to hear that do you? It's clearly far more pleasant putting a line through him, whinge and whine on here every time Wines plays well, and generally be a misery guts who lays claim to knowing better than professional recruiters.

Don't put words in my mouth.

They are your words. Wines has hit the ground running since his first game. Toumpas aint going to get near his level no matter how many excuses are trotted out.

I make a point of it so any MFC employees reading this forum are reminded what a shocking job WE did of running a club.

The AFL have not shafted us. We shafted our selves.

Toumpas is light years away from Wines. Neeld & Viney knew it.

Once again the members have been let down.

You can bag me all you like P Man but i am right on this one.

That was the worst draft decision we have made, and there are a pile of them.


Is that your answer to those questions? Toumpas had hip surgery? That's your research is it?

How could you keep this incredible insight to yourself? For shame! You should've been on the phone to the club letting them know!

The jury is still out on Toumpas. They knew he would take time when they drafted him. But you don't want to hear that do you? It's clearly far more pleasant putting a line through him, whinge and whine on here every time Wines plays well, and generally be a misery guts who lays claim to knowing better than professional recruiters.

Though I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment, P-man, it probably doesn't matter how professional the recruiters are in relation to the top end picks in the draft (most of the top end picks, pick themselves - Petracca?) However, I do believe that a top recruiter is essential for those picks outside the top 5-10 picks.

Over the history of the draft, a top 5 draft pick has just as much chance of becoming an A grade player as he has to becoming a "bust" (or an average or ordinary player) There's so much evidence to support this argument that it shouldn't even be an argument.

The draft age is too young (most of these kids are evaluated when they're 17 years old) and as long as that draft age remains, there will continue to be major issues surrounding the draft.

It's time that more people came to terms with the draft - it's flawed.


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