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We will host 3 games in NT next year


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I take heart that there is passion for resolution to our club's dilemmas. As with any group there will be differing opinions and the arguments that support or such will bring into play these passions. Im never going to agree with some here nor they with I but as a commonality to our views we can see its really just about money.

I appreciate the idea we need short term money to delay the ghouls of debt but I sometimes wonder if thats just a patch job ignoring the larger problem. Melbourne's relevance to the competition and its most lucrative audience.

The die is cast for the immediate future . such is life

The longer term one needs a better take on it.or its the gurgler.

Rain stopped.. time for a pour ( conc ) ..lol

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im sorry, i know we [censored] ourselves in doing this but the whole NT thing is quite frankly....[censored] !!!!

We"re Melbourne....not Bloody Darwin or Alice or Upper Kombucta West

Ive never been for this rubbish nor will i ever be for the season proper.

Not sure if your an accountant or not but you need to have a look at the books mate. We are in the negative, ie we spend more than we earn and have done for years. Thre is not millions of dollars of sponsership out there banging the door down either.

Bottom line either revenue goes up or expenditure goes down. Squawking wont change that fact.

You choice is either cut the bottom out the club administration and football dept and keep the player payments at 95% or play in the NT for the next few years.

For me its a given and I hope we follow Hawthorns lead and milk this for everthing it is worth.

I dont like it anymore than you and in an ideal world would love to b in the filths position but we aren't so we need to suck it up and make the best of it. If we can turn the NT into a Demons stronghold and make teams fear to play us there I will be happy.

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Yes, fully aware of the predicamant we are in BD..And yes the answer is most likely in regard to revenue streams. its the potency the longevity and access which will in the end dictate all things.

I continually argue that the hawthorm comparison is wrong. Theres is a very different deal to ours, with very different potentials.

Theres a fine balance between short term gain and long term harm. This club better be aware of it and get it right.

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I can understand our need to press into new markets to attract new supporters/sponsors/members but my issue with NT is there's just no-one there. A quick google search shows Darwin's population as at 2010 was about 125K, Alice's in 2011 was 25K. Is there really an opportunity for growth there? I'd rather play in Canberra who, while still a small city, at least has quite a large regional population close by.

The other issue is whether this is going to be a long term relationship or not; if yes, then I think it will really prohibit our club down the track when we are (hopefully) pushing for and playing in finals. If it's only a short-term cash injection then we will lose the goodwill of the locals, similarly to what North did when they were hopping around the country in the late 90's, early 2000's.What happens then if we fall on hard times again? Will they welcome us back with open arms or will it be a case of once bitten, twice shy? Will they ahve formed a relationship with someone else?

All of this of course doesn't even account for the immediate effects on the team & club. Will we be scheduled to play 6 interstate trips on top of our NT games, meaning 8 road games? Will we have another game at Geelong meaning only 13 Melbourne games? Will we also have a Docklands home game meaning only 8 home games left at the G. Who will our other home games be against, will we get more than 2 home MCG games against Vic clubs (generally only Collingwood and Hawthorn the last few years). Will we still be scheduled to play GWS, Gold Coast, Brisbane, West Coast etc on Mothers Day, Easter Sunday, Sunday twilight games? We'll find out next week but hopefully we have at least negotiated to have several MCG home games against the larger drawing Vic clubs (Carlton, Essendon, Richmond) instead of our usual dog's breakfast draw of Queen's Birthday, one other big drawing Vic club at home and a bunch of interstate franchises with little to no support or interest.

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DrG its only about taking the money, theres nothing to grow there.

hopefully we arent discussing this in 2-3 years time

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I wonder whether this is the reason why our membership never increased this year?

Edit sorry next year

Edited by Chippy
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Yahoo we are going to NT three times next year that is wonderful news. I am sure that all Dlander's would join me in celebrating the chance for Central Australian residents to see our boys strut their stuff in their local community. Having been to see the Dees play in the MCG, Subiaco, Metricon and the GABBA I am rapt that the Alice springs residents will be able to witness something that Melbourne residents get to see regularly. Isn't just wonderful for our club to give people living in remote areas the opportunity to see the spectacle that is truly Australia's Game.

Bravo! Bravo and yet again Bravo I say to the MFC, AFL and everyone else involved in organising such an inspiring event. Kudos to you all

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May 31. Smack in the middle of the second term so that blows the idea of a holiday around Alice.

I am not happy with the news but the weather could be ok.

Those who reckon Darwin is just an excuse should remember 2013 versus Norf. Listless we were, from the get go. Darwin the week prior cannot have helped, specially when you think that game came during a period when we had shown some improvement. (I know, low base but it was improvement.)

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May 31. Smack in the middle of the second term so that blows the idea of a holiday around Alice.

I am not happy with the news but the weather could be ok.

Those who reckon Darwin is just an excuse should remember 2013 versus Norf. Listless we were, from the get go. Darwin the week prior cannot have helped, specially when you think that game came during a period when we had shown some improvement. (I know, low base but it was improvement.)

pitmaster when was the last time that we were not listless against North, they have been fixing us up for decades.

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pitmaster when was the last time that we were not listless against North, they have been fixing us up for decades.

haha, OD you say this every time someone mentions the NT hangover. Yes we would've still been terrible. The point is we were noticably more terrible and lethargic. The North game was over from the beginning, and it is reasonable to connect it, at least in part, with the NT conditions from the week prior. It forms part of a pattern.

It's a nay from me, but the club seems determined to forge ahead and I'm putting total faith in the new administration.

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haha, OD you say this every time someone mentions the NT hangover. Yes we would've still been terrible. The point is we were noticably more terrible and lethargic. The North game was over from the beginning, and it is reasonable to connect it, at least in part, with the NT conditions from the week prior. It forms part of a pattern.

It's a nay from me, but the club seems determined to forge ahead and I'm putting total faith in the new administration.

I assume that if supporters keep trotting out the 'NT hangover' excuse, then the players will have to remove 'elite and professional' from their job description.

An example of a top European Soccer player, who averages 65 to 75 games in a 9 month period and can play in three different countries in snow, bright sunshine, and humidity in the space of 10 days, with the air travel in between....makes an 8 hour round trip spaced out over 4 days look easy, besides which the last couple of years have been considerably cooler than what was expected

We have just been a team shot of confidence for the last few years which coincided with the start of the Darwin games, but if supporters want to start lining up excuses for next year feel free

Edited by Satyriconhome
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I can understand our need to press into new markets to attract new supporters/sponsors/members but my issue with NT is there's just no-one there. A quick google search shows Darwin's population as at 2010 was about 125K, Alice's in 2011 was 25K. Is there really an opportunity for growth there? I'd rather play in Canberra who, while still a small city, at least has quite a large regional population close by.

The other issue is whether this is going to be a long term relationship or not; if yes, then I think it will really prohibit our club down the track when we are (hopefully) pushing for and playing in finals. If it's only a short-term cash injection then we will lose the goodwill of the locals, similarly to what North did when they were hopping around the country in the late 90's, early 2000's.What happens then if we fall on hard times again? Will they welcome us back with open arms or will it be a case of once bitten, twice shy? Will they ahve formed a relationship with someone else?

All of this of course doesn't even account for the immediate effects on the team & club. Will we be scheduled to play 6 interstate trips on top of our NT games, meaning 8 road games? Will we have another game at Geelong meaning only 13 Melbourne games? Will we also have a Docklands home game meaning only 8 home games left at the G. Who will our other home games be against, will we get more than 2 home MCG games against Vic clubs (generally only Collingwood and Hawthorn the last few years). Will we still be scheduled to play GWS, Gold Coast, Brisbane, West Coast etc on Mothers Day, Easter Sunday, Sunday twilight games? We'll find out next week but hopefully we have at least negotiated to have several MCG home games against the larger drawing Vic clubs (Carlton, Essendon, Richmond) instead of our usual dog's breakfast draw of Queen's Birthday, one other big drawing Vic club at home and a bunch of interstate franchises with little to no support or interest.

We've shopped ourselves around for a number of years and every time we've done it for money, not for goodwill, but money, so why would any community take us seriously if we say now we want to build up some sort of fan base/community relationship.

Draw wise in Melbourne we will get the short straw here as well, the bottom 6 teams are going to play each other twice so that means 2 Saints, 2 Bulldogs, 2 GWS, 2 West Coast, 2 Gold Coast = 5 very low drawing games at the G or perhaps Princess Park if the can get the scoreboard operating in time.

We will get a poor draw again we will play Geelong down the highway and may if we we're lucky get a game against Richmond or Hawthorn as a home game at the G as well as the Pies.

If our fortunes turn around during the season it will be to no avail as the commercial loss to our club is set in stone.

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I assume that if supporters keep trotting out the 'NT hangover' excuse, then the players will have to remove 'elite and professional' from their job description.

An example of a top European Soccer player, who averages 65 to 75 games in a 9 month period and can play in three different countries in snow, bright sunshine, and humidity in the space of 10 days, with the air travel in between....makes an 8 hour round trip spaced out over 4 days look easy, besides which the last couple of years have been considerably cooler than what was expected

We have just been a team shot of confidence for the last few years which coincided with the start of the Darwin games, but if supporters want to start lining up excuses for next year feel free

Yes but they ALL do it not just one team, don't you understand that?

How many other clubs play in Darwin, how many of the top teams play at Skilled Stadium for that matter.

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Yes but they ALL do it not just one team, don't you understand that?

How many other clubs play in Darwin, how many of the top teams play at Skilled Stadium for that matter.

What we play against Casey in Darwin do we?, and Richmond play against Coburg in Cairns?, gee give it a rest, it is going to happen

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I can understand our need to press into new markets to attract new supporters/sponsors/members but my issue with NT is there's just no-one there. A quick google search shows Darwin's population as at 2010 was about 125K, Alice's in 2011 was 25K. Is there really an opportunity for growth there? I'd rather play in Canberra who, while still a small city, at least has quite a large regional population close by.

The other issue is whether this is going to be a long term relationship or not; if yes, then I think it will really prohibit our club down the track when we are (hopefully) pushing for and playing in finals. If it's only a short-term cash injection then we will lose the goodwill of the locals, similarly to what North did when they were hopping around the country in the late 90's, early 2000's.What happens then if we fall on hard times again? Will they welcome us back with open arms or will it be a case of once bitten, twice shy? Will they ahve formed a relationship with someone else?

All of this of course doesn't even account for the immediate effects on the team & club. Will we be scheduled to play 6 interstate trips on top of our NT games, meaning 8 road games? Will we have another game at Geelong meaning only 13 Melbourne games? Will we also have a Docklands home game meaning only 8 home games left at the G. Who will our other home games be against, will we get more than 2 home MCG games against Vic clubs (generally only Collingwood and Hawthorn the last few years). Will we still be scheduled to play GWS, Gold Coast, Brisbane, West Coast etc on Mothers Day, Easter Sunday, Sunday twilight games? We'll find out next week but hopefully we have at least negotiated to have several MCG home games against the larger drawing Vic clubs (Carlton, Essendon, Richmond) instead of our usual dog's breakfast draw of Queen's Birthday, one other big drawing Vic club at home and a bunch of interstate franchises with little to no support or interest.

Hit the nail right smack in there mate.

Meanwhile the Filth and soon to Carlscum increase their grip on our home ground.

Running away from our own 100,000 seat stadium to Uluhru for a cash advance.

That is the sad reality of where the last 7 years has left us.

The rest is spin.

Edited by why you little
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Draw wise in Melbourne we will get the short straw here as well, the bottom 6 teams are going to play each other twice so that means 2 Saints, 2 Bulldogs, 2 GWS, 2 West Coast, 2 Gold Coast = 5 very low drawing games at the G or perhaps Princess Park if the can get the scoreboard operating in time.

I'm not sure that's right. The bottom 6 sides get more games against each other, but we're not certain to get each of them twice.

From the AFL website: 'Sides ranked 13-18 on the ladder will have either no double meeting or a maximum of one double meeting with a side ranked 1-6. They will have a minimum of one double-meeting with sides ranked 7-12 and a maximum of two double-meetings of sides ranked 7-12. They will have a minimum of two double-meetings of sides ranked 13-18 and a maximum of three double-meetings of sides 13-18.'

So of the other members of the bottom 6 (GWS, St Kilda, Bulldogs, West Coast, Gold Coast) we'll get either two return matches or three (but not five).

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TU,, RF is correct bottom 6 play off twice....each group plays within group twice and all else once

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The push in to the Northern Territory was done so (with more effort anyway) on the back of the Liam Jurrah story (some of the early, happier-reading chapters). At that time we had a number of Northern Territorians on our list, and it gave the "local", especially the kids, something to look forward to and support when it finally arrived. Jurrah to some of those kids was like Santa Claus.

Obviously, Jurrah's story didn't end how we hoped, but instead of Melbourne doing a typical "melbourne" thing, we stuck at it and still showed respect for the locals, their communities, as well as the State. Bloody good on us I say. Rather than walking away when Jurrah did, which we would've done in the past, we've stuck at it. Will it bring the rewards we hope? Financially it isn't hurting us playing games there, especially given our current state.

From a crowd perspective, I imagine that all these "prositute" games saw a drop in attendence figures during 2013. Heck, even Hawthorn's games at Tassie were around the 10,000-11,000 mark, as opposed to the 15,000 they were getting in 2008. Sure, our NT game last year was probably the lowest it's been in terms of crowds, but let's look at our times when we played in B59's own perfect storm, Canberra. We'd barely get 10k to those games, even though it's only an hour's flight from Melbourne, even though it's tempreature was less than 15 degrees, even though it's easier to recover from the next week. I'd imagine the crowd will be a lot less when we play in Alice, but I'm not too concerned about that. If we get 5,000 there to watch us vs Port Adelaide, I'm sure it'll be a lot more profitable than having 12,000 turn up to a lazy Sunday twilight at the MCG. If you used that example, you're probably talking a difference of about $500,000 to the club.

Fact is, we need money. Fact is, we need to improve. We can do both of these playing 2 "home" games in the NT. To use the former as an excuse for not achieving the latter is idiocy, in particular the last 4 or 5 years. Even this year, we could've played 22 games at the MCG and we still wouldn't have won any more, if anything, we would've lost more money than what we did.

B59, your argument on here has got zero substance, you have attacked everyone that has challenged you, and your responses are insignicant, so much so that I had to end my positing ban early because of how much a fool you were making yourself look. You are the Chris Connolly of Demonland. Your opinion on this matter is the exact thing that our current CEO has tried to get rid of out of our club. I'm not questioning your passion for the club, but I am absolutely questioning your ability to see when certain decisions need to be made.

While it is totally not the point (getting in before you B59), we wouldn't be beating Freo or Port at the MCG this year. Perfect timing to be making money on our home games by playing them both in the NT!

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Yahoo we are going to NT three times next year that is wonderful news. I am sure that all Dlander's would join me in celebrating the chance for Central Australian residents to see our boys strut their stuff in their local community. Having been to see the Dees play in the MCG, Subiaco, Metricon and the GABBA I am rapt that the Alice springs residents will be able to witness something that Melbourne residents get to see regularly. Isn't just wonderful for our club to give people living in remote areas the opportunity to see the spectacle that is truly Australia's Game.

Bravo! Bravo and yet again Bravo I say to the MFC, AFL and everyone else involved in organising such an inspiring event. Kudos to you all

According to photo on 'ology they'll be hangin from the trees in a town like Alice !

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What we play against Casey in Darwin do we?, and Richmond play against Coburg in Cairns?, gee give it a rest, it is going to happen

Are you thick or just pretending?

Read what I said and ask yourself, is your answer stupid, or, well, stupid.

How many other clubs play in Darwin; all of them?

When we have a full round in Darwin it will even up.

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What we play against Casey in Darwin do we?, and Richmond play against Coburg in Cairns?, gee give it a rest, it is going to happen

What is it you are actually trying to say here Dr Who.

Your Spin is out of orbit here....

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TU,, RF is correct bottom 6 play off twice....each group plays within group twice and all else once

Did you even read a single word of what I wrote?

I quoted the f**king AFL. Read it again - 'They [teams ranked 13-18, such as Melbourne] will have a minimum of two double-meetings of sides ranked 13-18 and a maximum of three double-meetings of sides 13-18'


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