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In defence of Collingwood supporters...

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I'm half aboriginal btw, if you slander or be mean to be I'll be calling you a racist!


I'm half aboriginal btw, if you slander or be mean to be I'll be calling you a racist!

You tell us you are half aboriginal... in the this space known as the internet, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are.


It's not my right to tell people not to be offended. Adam Goodes was offended, as is his right. That's good enough for me. But if you don't think conventions are generalisations, then I'm afraid it's you who cannot think.

You're not as bright as you wish you were, and all your moral crusading and veiled insults are extraordinarily good proof to that effect. In fact, it's mind boggling that someone as rude as you could have the gall to take the moral high-ground on anything. You said the other day that everything you wrote came back "distorted beyond recognition," and yet you go on to imply that I would want to tell someone who has been racially abused to "get of their high horse." That is a level of hypocracy that is frankly quite hard to come across.

You see, that's exactly what I mean by distortion. I didn't imply any such thing. I pointed to the need for consistency in your position by telling you to tell it to Adam Goodes since it was his perception about the language used. But you're so far up your own rectitude that you have no idea what I've said at any stage.

Oh, and telling someone to get off their high horse isn't insulting? Oh, and patronising me with invitations to stop living in the past isn't insulting? Oh, and telling me that I'm part of the problem of racism when you don't even know what the word means isn't insulting? Oh, and presuming to tell me what I do and don't know isn't insulting?

You upped the ante on this stuff, don't start whining when you get a bit in return.

And if you think meaning convention is the same as generalisation, you really need a new dictionary although I suspect your Humpty Dumptying has persuaded you that you're above all that.

I don't intend responding to anything further you have to say. Although I need to point out that the word is hypocrisy. Since it's one of your few skills it's best to know how to spell it.


You tell us you are half aboriginal... in the this space known as the internet, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are.

i find that racist! Stop racially vilifying me!


You see, that's exactly what I mean by distortion. I didn't imply any such thing. I pointed to the need for consistency in your position by telling you to tell it to Adam Goodes since it was his perception about the language used. But you're so far up your own rectitude that you have no idea what I've said at any stage.

Oh, and telling someone to get off their high horse isn't insulting? Oh, and patronising me with invitations to stop living in the past isn't insulting? Oh, and telling me that I'm part of the problem of racism when you don't even know what the word means isn't insulting? Oh, and presuming to tell me what I do and don't know isn't insulting?

You upped the ante on this stuff, don't start whining when you get a bit in return.

And if you think meaning convention is the same as generalisation, you really need a new dictionary although I suspect your Humpty Dumptying has persuaded you that you're above all that.

I don't intend responding to anything further you have to say. Although I need to point out that the word is hypocrisy. Since it's one of your few skills it's best to know how to spell it.

I think this is a very good example of how quickly things can escalate into outright hostility when it comes to issues like this. All of your criticisms of me a probably valid to one extent or another, and I can assure you that the opposite is also true. I won't presume to tell you that I haven't insulted you, nor (I hope) would you.

I could try to defend my arguments ad nauseum, but what good would that really do? Neither of us is going to change our opinion, because both of us think we are right. Furthermore, I think this is a perfect example of how our uptight attitudes towards problems like racism does more harm than good; it stops us from engaging in reasonable debate because we are unable to put aside our emotional baggage and just talk to each other as people.

Here two strangers have taken up verbal arms against one another based on nothing but a difference of opinion. I'm happy to take on board some of your criticism of me if you're willing to do the same.

Peace, man.


Say what you want about Adam Goodes' reaction to what was clearly a racist comment, the guy is a genuine star.

Take note MFC - when the media world is swirling around you if you show up and play hard nothing else matters.


Say what you want about Adam Goodes' reaction to what was clearly a racist comment, the guy is a genuine star.

Take note MFC - when the media world is swirling around you if you show up and play hard nothing else matters.

how is being called an ape racist? We call red heads 'rangas' ala orangutan. Sorry but it's not racist

Here's how it works DeeinWA.

He was called something. He thinks its offensive and that its based on his race. Therefore it is racist to him, and that's the only thing that matters.

Want to know how to avoid it? Don't say anything that could even be misconstrued as racist by any person in ear shot.

We aren't Apes. We are evolved and we can make informed decisions about what we say.


Here's how it works DeeinWA.

He was called something. He thinks its offensive and that its based on his race. Therefore it is racist to him, and that's the only thing that matters.

Want to know how to avoid it? Don't say anything that could even be misconstrued as racist by any person in ear shot.

We aren't Apes. We are evolved and we can make informed decisions about what we say.

well...most of us are evolved...

I'm half Irish.

and the Irish are not that smart .

Passionate ,lyrical,poetic and romantic yes.

Smarts is not really an Irish trait .

Least not us transplanted Oirish,

When you said "and the Irish are not that smart", I think you meant to say "and I am not that smart".

I take it you are one of the old buggers who is a casual racist. Good luck and please don't claim to be Irish or half Irish if your post is typical of the tripe you write.


When you said "and the Irish are not that smart", I think you meant to say "and I am not that smart".

I take it you are one of the old buggers who is a casual racist. Good luck and please don't claim to be Irish or half Irish if your post is typical of the tripe you write.

More of a "not smart casual" racist .

Aside from James Joyce ,my theory holds .

Some Irish have a sense of humour which absolves their deficiencies in other areas .

Your ageist remarks were disappointing .


More of a "not smart casual" racist .

Aside from James Joyce ,my theory holds .

Some Irish have a sense of humour which absolves their deficiencies in other areas .

Your ageist remarks were disappointing .

So, you have heard of James Joyce, bully for you!

I have to concede, all the other Irish people and half-Irish people, are stupid. Thanks for educating me. Now, tell me what percentage of the Irish have a sense of humour. You can provide me details of your research. I am fascinated by the quality of your theories.


So, you have heard of James Joyce, bully for you!

I have to concede, all the other Irish people and half-Irish people, are stupid. Thanks for educating me. Now, tell me what percentage of the Irish have a sense of humour. You can provide me details of your research. I am fascinated by the quality of your theories.

Joke Joyce.

Bono for you .

I never Sinead they were all stupid.

Loighten up a bit .


oim a full bludded oirishman though nevr sed foot in de place

oi may be stoopid, bud oim nodt dum

so pud dat inya poipe and smoke id


Jesus Biffo, they're coming out of the woodwork (or whatever they come out of) today. They just don't get the craik. It's enough to drive a good paddy to drink.

To be sure.



And Goodes kicks another lazy four goals this week. The man's a true champion. Wish he played for us.


Such a shame this idea gets sidetracked by a racial slur and an ignominious debate about whether a racial slur only counts as a racial slur if it is also applies to white people. The "I'm not offended by ape" argument.


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