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Time to go Mark Neeld

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Well said 'cowboy' - that's the glass half-full approach.

Thanks Hardnut. Through all of this crud still believe we have a list capable anything from 4-8 wins. This list is not a one win team. There could be some small positives come out of the year. I have stuck up for Neeld mainly through hope that the list would be able to grasp what Neeld wants but it just isn't happening. With our current predicament we as fans aren't asking for miracles but If the interim can release the shackles a little bit a few wins and constant effort could leave us with some sort of feeling that signing up and going to games has the chance of putting a smile on our faces.

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Re read what I wrote and you conveniently bolded - I don't expect us to win anymore games this year. Our list is crap and clearly FD, players and Mn aren't performing.

I am fully aware of what will happen if we don't win any more games this year - but guess what, I'm being realistic and think that we probably won't.

I don't want it to happen, but we are where we at. That awkward period of between getting rid of dead weight and new players coming in.

I'm being realistic. Next time read what I'm saying.

I did read what you said. The bit about you saying that we won't win another game this year stood out - obviously. You made no comment on the repercussions of all those losses. I did and it's quite an eye-opener, you'd have to agree.

Get into the real world and stop making excuses. Start setting some goals for the club. Were you saying we'd only win one game at the start of the season? If so, when and in what thread. My guess is you're changing your mind on the run.

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The current list is under performing to an alarming degree. A lot of them can play a damn side better than what they are and we are quite capable of winning games in the remainder of the season. But a few things have to happen ...

The players need to lift their game by about 200%

The coach needs to start coaching well - if he can't do that, he goes.

The club needs to stop all the spin right now and set up some achievable goals - like winning games.

At the start of the 2012 season, 70% of 'landers were expecting (on average) 5 and a half wins in the 1st half of the season (in a poll) And 80% of 'landers were expecting a finishing position on the ladder of between 13th and 6th for the 2012 season (in another poll) That equated to 12 and a half wins (on average)

Not many were predicting this level of misery. Certainly not the large majority. Either the very large majority of us were completely wrong or something has gone completely wrong to prove otherwise. I'd favour the latter reason.

Edited by Macca
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Mate, you've gotten stuck into me on more than one occasion when I've been critical of him on what I consider reasonable grounds, one example being my criticism of his comments in the Brisbane presser which you disputed. After I quoted his exact comments in the presser, you didn't respond.

I disputed the accuracy of what you (and others) were claiming to have been said, and in particular, the context of his remarks. I accept that it's a semantic point, but I just feel that, heh, if we're going to hang someone out to dry because of what was said in a press conference, we might as well get our facts right.

I didn't respond further, simply because these boards get bogged down under the weight of you said no I didn't yes you did. I'd made my point, and had nothing more to add. Which is still the case, and is also the case here.

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I did read what you said. The bit about you saying that we won't win another game this year stood out - obviously. You made no comment on the repercussions of all those losses. I did and it's quite an eye-opener, you'd have to agree.

Get into the real world and stop making excuses. Start setting some goals for the club. Were you saying we'd only win one game at the start of the season? If so, when and in what thread. My guess is you're changing your mind on the run.


I have told you I know about the repercussions if we don't win - I have said already, most likely in this thread that if this continues, we will be first but not forever.

I have said that I that I don't expect us to win another game for several reasons - and you have criticised me for not being realistic... given our current list I think I am being fairly realistic.

You keep telling me to get into the real world, I am struggling to know what this entails.

Let me lay it out for you. I am a strong supporter for giving MN the time (his contract) to improve, I am long-term orientated and believe the long-term list and cultural change that we need will take a while, which no one said it wouldn't, and that it is more important than short-term results. I don't believe, with our current list, that we will win anymore games this year. Whilst this isn't the situation I want us to be in, in the words of Ned Kelly and ruined by Ben Cousins: "such is life".

I love mojitos, long walks on the beach, reading poetry - particularly the ballads of churnalism by Caroline Wilson, game of thrones, all things January Jones. I don't like Collingwood, Jeep adds, or anything Koshie.

Never said we would only win one game for the season. The reality is our list is bad, its an awkward period between of getting rid of dead weight, and future draft picks which we have selected/secured coming in - thats fine with me, rebuilding takes time - I would have approached the seniors a bit differently but no use crying over spilt milk.

Don't know why you are heckling me. Said this all before. If you want a fight go to stuie or RR - otherwise you know where I stand.

Ps, given our predicament, I don't think appropriate goals are "to win games". How about increasing tackles by X%, improving fitness ect... something that will make us become team that can compete - rather than winning games which is what teams who CAN compete struggle with.

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I disputed the accuracy of what you (and others) were claiming to have been said, and in particular, the context of his remarks. I accept that it's a semantic point, but I just feel that, heh, if we're going to hang someone out to dry because of what was said in a press conference, we might as well get our facts right.

I didn't respond further, simply because these boards get bogged down under the weight of you said no I didn't yes you did. I'd made my point, and had nothing more to add. Which is still the case, and is also the case here.

You disputed it because it was Neeld - "maybe check the tape again". I did, and quoted directly to show that what I was saying was 100% accurate.

But okay.

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I have told you I know about the repercussions if we don't win - I have said already, most likely in this thread that if this continues, we will be first but not forever.

I have said that I that I don't expect us to win another game for several reasons - and you have criticised me for not being realistic... given our current list I think I am being fairly realistic.

You keep telling me to get into the real world, I am struggling to know what this entails.

Let me lay it out for you. I am a strong supporter for giving MN the time (his contract) to improve, I am long-term orientated and believe the long-term list and cultural change that we need will take a while, which no one said it wouldn't, and that it is more important than short-term results. I don't believe, with our current list, that we will win anymore games this year. Whilst this isn't the situation I want us to be in, in the words of Ned Kelly and ruined by Ben Cousins: "such is life".

I love mojitos, long walks on the beach, reading poetry - particularly the ballads of churnalism by Caroline Wilson, game of thrones, all things January Jones. I don't like Collingwood, Jeep adds, or anything Koshie.

Never said we would only win one game for the season. The reality is our list is bad, its an awkward period between of getting rid of dead weight, and future draft picks which we have selected/secured coming in - thats fine with me, rebuilding takes time - I would have approached the seniors a bit differently but no use crying over spilt milk.

Don't know why you are heckling me. Said this all before. If you want a fight go to stuie or RR - otherwise you know where I stand.

Ps, given our predicament, I don't think appropriate goals are "to win games". How about increasing tackles by X%, improving fitness ect... something that will make us become team that can compete - rather than winning games which is what teams who CAN compete struggle with.

Your prediction of an extremely low number of wins (1) for the season has become a bit of a recurring theme by others as well. I just quoted your post. If I went through the entire thread there would be many others to quote apart from yours. Your post simply allowed me to express my views on the matter.

I've seen other posters on this thread come out with the "What did you all expect?" and the classic "Instant gratification" jibe. (some of these very same posters were predicting a finals finish in 2012!)

It's coming across as giving up on the team. The very thing that many of our supporters are accusing the team of doing (giving up) The excuses have effectively turned into a massive lowering of expectations. And that is dangerous ground.

We shouldn't be chucking in the towel and our expectations for this team shouldn't change. I expect wins and so should all of us. Don't let the team beat you down. Demand more, not less. I'm not being unrealistically optimistic - we are totally under performing as a club and we're capable of so much better. At the moment, our players aren't giving a yelp - whatever the reason is, they had better improve in a hurry.

Our list is quite capable of winning some games in the remainder of the season. Probably not in the next month and possibly not under Neeld (although I haven't ruled out that he might coach a lot better) There is always a junk time win or 2 at the end of the season as well.

Here's what our players don't do enough of. What if all or most of our players get much better at the following? It's an interesting exercise to go through each of our players on our list and then measure that player against each item. All of our players can improve dramatically in all these areas of the game, if they want to. A lot of it is a pure mindset and it's not always related to natural ability ...

Our current crop of players can't think for themselves.

The team has no confidence.

Has no dash and daring.

Has very little teamwork.

We don't lay anywhere near enough effective tackles.

We don't run to position.

We don't kick to position.

We don't shepherd or block

We don't back each other up.

We play from behind.

We're constantly 2nd to the ball.

Gut running isn't part of our game plan.

Our disposal skills are woeful.

We hang our heads too much.

We don't use the corridor anywhere near enough.

Our 2nd and 3rd efforts are generally poor

We play an outdated game style.

We don't talk out on the ground.

Give and go handballing - rarely see it.

The players don't care enough when we lose.

Our players are lazy.

We don't man up.

We give up too easily.

We don't chase or tackle with enough intent.

Our forwards get caught from behind too much.

Our clearance work and system out of the middle is virtually non existent.

We don't know how to win.

We're generally soft.

Edited by Macca
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Let me lay it out for you. I am a strong supporter for giving MN the time (his contract) to improve, I am long-term orientated and believe the long-term list and cultural change that we need will take a while, which no one said it wouldn't, and that it is more important than short-term results. I don't believe, with our current list, that we will win anymore games this year.

I started out with a similar sentiment - although in my case I could not shake the feeling that backing a second consecutive untried coach, given the magnitude of the mess we were in, was extremely risky...

In the time since then, I believe we have witnessed numerous, serious errors in judgement on Neeld's part and under his reign we have bottomed out beyond all expectation to a W/L record of 5/29. 4 of these 5 wins against expansion clubs - and you can throw in our largest ever loosing margin at the MCG I believe.

Why must the ability to progress on-field in any way, shape or form, be mutually exclusive to the "long-term" plan?

Unless we see some inkling, some glimmer of hope on-field soon, then I see no reason that we should have any confidence that we are moving forward under MN. Enough is enough.

I love mojitos, long walks on the beach, reading poetry - particularly the ballads of churnalism by Caroline Wilson, game of thrones, all things January Jones. I don't like Collingwood, Jeep adds, or anything Koshie.


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Your prediction of an extremely low number of wins (1) for the season has become a bit of a recurring theme by others as well. I just quoted your post. If I went through the entire thread there would be many others to quote apart from yours. Your post simply allowed me to express my views on the matter.

I've seen other posters on this thread come out with the "What did you all expect?" and the classic "Instant gratification" jibe. (some of these very same posters were predicting a finals finish in 2012!)

It's coming across as giving up on the team. The very thing that many of our supporters are accusing the team of doing (giving up) The excuses have effectively turned into a massive lowering of expectations. And that is dangerous ground.

We shouldn't be chucking in the towel and our expectations for this team shouldn't change. I expect wins and so should all of us. Don't let the team beat you down. Demand more, not less. I'm not being unrealistically optimistic - we are totally under performing as a club and we're capable of so much better. At the moment, our players aren't giving a yelp - whatever the reason is, they had better improve in a hurry.

Our list is quite capable of winning some games in the remainder of the season. Probably not in the next month and possibly not under Neeld (although I haven't ruled out that he might coach a lot better) There is always a junk time win or 2 at the end of the season as well.

Here's what our players don't do enough of. What if all or most of our players get much better at the following? It's an interesting exercise to go through each of our players on our list and then measure that player against each item. All of our players can improve dramatically in all these areas of the game, if they want to. A lot of it is a pure mindset and it's not always related to natural ability ...

Our current crop of players can't think for themselves.

The team has no confidence.

Has no dash and daring.

Has very little teamwork.

We don't lay anywhere near enough effective tackles.

We don't run to position.

We don't kick to position.

We don't shepherd or block

We don't back each other up.

We play from behind.

We're constantly 2nd to the ball.

Gut running isn't part of our game plan.

Our disposal skills are woeful.

We hang our heads too much.

We don't use the corridor anywhere near enough.

Our 2nd and 3rd efforts are generally poor

We play an outdated game style.

We don't talk out on the ground.

Give and go handballing - rarely see it.

The players don't care enough when we lose.

Our players are lazy.

We don't man up.

We give up too easily.

We don't chase or tackle with enough intent.

Our forwards get caught from behind too much.

Our clearance work and system out of the middle is virtually non existent.

We don't know how to win.

We're generally soft.

yeah, but besides that are we ok?

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I recall Lyon writing a critical article on Bailey in early 2011....then round 19 2011.....

Another nail. Mind you, Lyon said Round 1 loss against Port Power was unacceptable.

I trust his mind is clear about how he handled Neelds appointment. Thanks to our Saviour.

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Our current crop of players can't think for themselves.

The team has no confidence.

Has no dash and daring.

Has very little teamwork.

We don't lay anywhere near enough effective tackles.

We don't run to position.

We don't kick to position.

We don't shepherd or block

We don't back each other up.

We play from behind.

We're constantly 2nd to the ball.

Gut running isn't part of our game plan.

Our disposal skills are woeful.

We hang our heads too much.

We don't use the corridor anywhere near enough.

Our 2nd and 3rd efforts are generally poor

We play an outdated game style.

We don't talk out on the ground.

Give and go handballing - rarely see it.

The players don't care enough when we lose.

Our players are lazy.

We don't man up.

We give up too easily.

We don't chase or tackle with enough intent.

Our forwards get caught from behind too much.

Our clearance work and system out of the middle is virtually non existent.

We don't know how to win.

We're generally soft.

Geez Macca I am exhausted ready your post.

Well said.

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Geez Macca I am exhausted ready your post.

Well said.

Well at least we can say that there's a fair bit of room for improvement, DemonOX ^_^

Strangely enough, I can see the list as a positive. Better to look adversity in the eye and then do something about it. The other choice is to try and ignore the truth, hope it all goes away or to just simply deny it.

When we talk about the team going back to basics, there's quite a lot to remember to do - even without intricate game plans. Anyone could have written that list. There's other stuff as well, of course. Might involve too much scrolling though!

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Your prediction of an extremely low number of wins (1) for the season has become a bit of a recurring theme by others as well. I just quoted your post. If I went through the entire thread there would be many others to quote apart from yours. Your post simply allowed me to express my views on the matter.

I've seen other posters on this thread come out with the "What did you all expect?" and the classic "Instant gratification" jibe. (some of these very same posters were predicting a finals finish in 2012!)

It's coming across as giving up on the team. The very thing that many of our supporters are accusing the team of doing (giving up) The excuses have effectively turned into a massive lowering of expectations. And that is dangerous ground.

We shouldn't be chucking in the towel and our expectations for this team shouldn't change. I expect wins and so should all of us. Don't let the team beat you down. Demand more, not less. I'm not being unrealistically optimistic - we are totally under performing as a club and we're capable of so much better. At the moment, our players aren't giving a yelp - whatever the reason is, they had better improve in a hurry.

Our list is quite capable of winning some games in the remainder of the season. Probably not in the next month and possibly not under Neeld (although I haven't ruled out that he might coach a lot better) There is always a junk time win or 2 at the end of the season as well.

Here's what our players don't do enough of. What if all or most of our players get much better at the following? It's an interesting exercise to go through each of our players on our list and then measure that player against each item. All of our players can improve dramatically in all these areas of the game, if they want to. A lot of it is a pure mindset and it's not always related to natural ability ...

Our current crop of players can't think for themselves.

The team has no confidence.

Has no dash and daring.

Has very little teamwork.

We don't lay anywhere near enough effective tackles.

We don't run to position.

We don't kick to position.

We don't shepherd or block

We don't back each other up.

We play from behind.

We're constantly 2nd to the ball.

Gut running isn't part of our game plan.

Our disposal skills are woeful.

We hang our heads too much.

We don't use the corridor anywhere near enough.

Our 2nd and 3rd efforts are generally poor

We play an outdated game style.

We don't talk out on the ground.

Give and go handballing - rarely see it.

The players don't care enough when we lose.

Our players are lazy.

We don't man up.

We give up too easily.

We don't chase or tackle with enough intent.

Our forwards get caught from behind too much.

Our clearance work and system out of the middle is virtually non existent.

We don't know how to win.

We're generally soft.

Macca, its because of that list that I believe we won't win another game this season.

I understand you wanted to get some stuff off your chest, but next time lay off the attacks such as the ones in your first post.

I'm not giving up on the team, far from, I am just being realistic that I don't think we will win another game. We are playing too poorly and the competition is playing too well.

Lol, I'll still go to as many games as I can like last round against GCS and support them, there is a difference between being a realist and not supporting a team.

You've got some passion, just aim it at the right person next time!

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Well at least we can say that there's a fair bit of room for improvement, DemonOX ^_^

Strangely enough, I can see the list as a positive. Better to look adversity in the eye and then do something about it. The other choice is to try and ignore the truth, hope it all goes away or to just simply deny it.

When we talk about the team going back to basics, there's quite a lot to remember to do - even without intricate game plans. Anyone could have written that list. There's other stuff as well, of course. Might involve too much scrolling though!

Macca I have posted this previously but it fits here too. I truly believe that if we get the 2-3 mids to add to ours (Jones, Viney etc) and get confidence which will come from a newly appointed coach we can turn it around quickly and be dare I say it COMPETITVE and possibly WIN.

Geez winning consistently that would be nice.

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Macca I have posted this previously but it fits here too. I truly believe that if we get the 2-3 mids to add to ours (Jones, Viney etc) and get confidence which will come from a newly appointed coach we can turn it around quickly and be dare I say it COMPETITVE and possibly WIN.

Geez winning consistently that would be nice.

I agree - we need at least 3 mids. Free agents - ready to go talent. Imagine if Black, Hayes and Mitchell were playing for us right now? That's just an example - the club needs to entice 3 this year and continue to bring in experienced mids every year.

We would have to have the salary cap room of course. It doesn't matter if these free agents only have 2 or 3 years left in them. Just keep bringing them in - you can never have too many quality midfielders. We could always keep 1 or 2 on as specialist coaches. It's your classic win/win situation. The experience these players bring is another win.

You've gotta spend the salary cap anyway. Why not pay quality. Clark and Dawes are on good coin so we've set the precedent.
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I agree - we need at least 3 mids. Free agents - ready to go talent. Imagine if Black, Hayes and Mitchell were playing for us right now? That's just an example - the club needs to entice 3 this year and continue to bring in experienced mids every year.

We would have to have the salary cap room of course. It doesn't matter if these free agents only have 2 or 3 years left in them. Just keep bringing them in - you can never have too many quality midfielders. We could always keep 1 or 2 on as specialist coaches. It's your classic win/win situation. The experience these players bring is another win.

You've gotta spend the salary cap anyway. Why not pay quality. Clark and Dawes are on good coin so we've set the precedent.

The quality of mids will depend on which coach we can snag. If we get for example Roos/Eade then I think the MFC will be an attractive proposition for other players.

With any luck the holy one GL will have nothing to do with the appointment of the new coach which will hopefully ensure we don't get another dud.

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Macca, if we don't have ample space in the cap to get some midfielders, we can add whoever does the books to the list of people to sack.

Well if I was in charge of the books, there's no doubt we'd have a stack of room in the cap.

Keeping 4 million in reserve, I'd put the 5.14 million leftover into one of those 'Air money machines' and let the entire list 'Go at it'

Check out the name on this one

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