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Lance Armstrong set for a possible 'Tell all' on 'Oprah' next Thursday (9pm on the East Coast of the US, which would make it 1pm Friday our time)

Can't say I'm a fan of the Oprah show as a general rule, but this could be compelling viewing .

Edit - The Oprah interview is on the 'Discovery' channel on Friday at 1pm (our time)

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Still just amazed by the scope and scale of the fraud that is LA. Read David Walsh's book Seven Deadly Sins. What he did to people is one of the worst parts, he destroyed career's of the guys who spoke out. Mindblowing what an ultimate [censored] he is.

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Still just amazed by the scope and scale of the fraud that is LA. Read David Walsh's book Seven Deadly Sins. What he did to people is one of the worst parts, he destroyed career's of the guys who spoke out. Mindblowing what an ultimate [censored] he is.

For years there were those French newspapers that had him in the gun. Looks like they were correct all along. Of course, the French media have always been about integrity and the truth and could teach the Hun and the Rage a thing or 2 about getting things right!

Actually Cards, I have no clue about the French media, I just wanted another opportunity to hop into our media ^_^

Hope Oprah asks all the right questions and I hope Armstrong doesn't try and justify his actions .

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Hope Oprah asks all the right questions and I hope Armstrong doesn't try and justify his actions .

He's never been interested in justifying his actions.

That's why he is where he is, and why he needs someone with Oprahs influence and reach to remind everyone its all about him.

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He's never been interested in justifying his actions.

That's why he is where he is, and why he needs someone with Oprahs influence and reach to remind everyone its all about him.

Yep, you're probably right Spork

Short odds that there will be a fair bit of 'Schmaltz' involved ^_^

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For years there were those French newspapers that had him in the gun. Looks like they were correct all along. Of course, the French media have always been about integrity and the truth and could teach the Hun and the Rage a thing or 2 about getting things right!

Actually Cards, I have no clue about the French media, I just wanted another opportunity to hop into our media ^_^

Hope Oprah asks all the right questions and I hope Armstrong doesn't try and justify his actions .

Le Monde and L'Equipe were the 2 but it was the indiviual journo's like Walsh, Kimmage, Pierre Ballester and a couple of other French guys who were always all over him. No matter the slander, pressure and threats they did not stop. Great men. People like Stephen Swart who were slandered out of the sport who has now been named New Zealander of the year. Emma O'Rielly who was a massuse who was threaten to be taken throught he courts in the UK who's partner had (I think) MS which was exaserbated by the pressure. The Andreu's who made there livelihood from cycling, "Mr Clean" Christophe Basson who was hounded out of the Tour for writing about how dirty the Tour was while it was happening (althought Mr Clean has been handed a 1 year ban recently for missing a test... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/9622967/Christophe-Mr-Clean-Bassons-handed-a-one-year-ban.html). Those people were relentless.

He's never been interested in justifying his actions.

That's why he is where he is, and why he needs someone with Oprahs influence and reach to remind everyone its all about him.

Never, seeing his statement on camera while trying to get his money from the insurance company he had nothing but his own greed in his mind.

Walsh open letter to Oprah


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Le Monde and L'Equipe were the 2 but it was the indiviual journo's like Walsh, Kimmage, Pierre Ballester and a couple of other French guys who were always all over him. No matter the slander, pressure and threats they did not stop. Great men. People like Stephen Swart who were slandered out of the sport who has now been named New Zealander of the year. Emma O'Rielly who was a massuse who was threaten to be taken throught he courts in the UK who's partner had (I think) MS which was exaserbated by the pressure. The Andreu's who made there livelihood from cycling, "Mr Clean" Christophe Basson who was hounded out of the Tour for writing about how dirty the Tour was while it was happening (althought Mr Clean has been handed a 1 year ban recently for missing a test... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/9622967/Christophe-Mr-Clean-Bassons-handed-a-one-year-ban.html). Those people were relentless.

Never, seeing his statement on camera while trying to get his money from the insurance company he had nothing but his own greed in his mind.

Yep, good post Cards. I posted a BBC audio doco via youtube that references a bit of what you had to say. It's included in post #25 on the previous page in this thread.

You may have already noticed it but it's well worth a listen in the lead up to the Oprah exposé (?)

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ESPN are reporting that Armstrong has come clean ... accompanying video with the following story ...

... Report: Lance Armstrong confesses

A source told ABC News that Armstrong is also talking to cycling authorities about naming names of others involved in illegal doping in hopes of reducing his lifetime ban.

Winfrey tweeted afterward, "Just wrapped with @lancearmstrong More than 2½ hours. He came READY!" She was scheduled to appear on "CBS This Morning" on Tuesday to discuss the interview.

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Armstrong is a pathological liar and cheat who has destroyed the lives of many around him and disgraced the sport he represented

It's obscene when the media have their snouts in the Armstrong redemption trough. The news had Oprah spruiking the interview. It's more about Oprah and that's bad enough. There is a view that Armstrong will "name" names as part of his recall. Who could possibly believe anything he would say. If he did have evidence against any cycling official I would have thought he would go to authorities rather than a media contrived soap opera that avoids reality.

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The Oprah interview with Armstrong is on Friday at 1pm (our time) on the 'Discovery' channel (for those who have cable)

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Giving up decades of lying for snitching.

Is he trying to become even less reputable?

ESPN columnist Rick Reilly has an interesting take on things in this 4 minute video. Quite scathing really ...


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Have watched the 1st interview twice . Oprah was very good and full credit to her. She researched well and her opening 'rapid fire' yes/no questions set the whole thing up nicely. She allowed Armstrong to 'cook his own goose' so to speak. By not being pushy she achieved quite a lot out of the interview.

Eagerly awaiting the next installment. (Sat 1.00pm on the Discovery channel)

Here's an excellent in depth story of the wider implications of Armstrong's admissions (from Sports Illustrated). You can scroll about a 3rd of the way down on the following link to read about the possibility of Armstrong facing more than just the public shame of his actions ...the links included in the following article are well worth reading as well ...

...Armstrong's confession to have stark, wide-reaching impact

The most relevant criminal charge is perjury. Armstrong's explicit admission to Winfrey that he doped prior to 2009 contradicts sworn testimony he gave in 2005 in which he denied doping. The most plausible explanation for the discrepancy is simple: he knowingly lied eight years ago. Benefiting Armstrong is the five-year statute of limitations for federal perjury charges. Courts, however, sometimes delay the running of the statute until the wrongful act could have been discovered with reasonable efforts.

And here is an interesting article on the meaning or interpretation of Lance's answers ...

... Five key quotes from Lance Armstrong

2. The lie: "One big lie that I repeated a lot of times. It wasn't as if I said no and moved off it. And while I've lived through this process, I know the truth, the truth isn't what I said, and this story was so perfect for so long. It was this mythic, perfect story, and it was not true."

What it means: By saying it was one lie - he is trying to get sympathy by saying it's one thing, over and over, rather than admitting it was a web of deception. It's almost like that boyish thing of saying 'oh poor me, I was under pressure, it was too hard'.

Edited by Macca
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Lance is a full blown pyschopath....Not one ounce of remorse in that confession.

Quite scary to watch in reality..

The consequences of his actions are widespread. The flow on effect goes every which way. Him being caught out is so much different to any other cyclist being caught out. How he can even compare what he did, to what others did, is quite disturbing.

If he is a '10' on the scale of the impact and the harm he has inflicted on others then the next worst offender is about a 2 (max) . Watching both parts was at times excruciatingly difficult. Again, I thought Oprah was very good.

They reckon there's such a thing as a 'corporate psychopath' but do we now have the sporting version? A sporting psychopath?

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The consequences of his actions are widespread. The flow on effect goes every which way. Him being caught out is so much different to any other cyclist being caught out. How he can even compare what he did, to what others did, is quite disturbing.

If he is a '10' on the scale of the impact and the harm he has inflicted on others then the next worst offender is about a 2 (max) . Watching both parts was at times excruciatingly difficult. Again, I thought Oprah was very good.

They reckon there's such a thing as a 'corporate psychopath' but do we now have the sporting version? A sporting psychopath?

Psychopath's can be anywhere Macca, it is usually why they succeed...will walk over anyone at any cost to get to the top...it is exactly what Lancelot has done.

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Psychopath's can be anywhere Macca, it is usually why they succeed...will walk over anyone at any cost to get to the top...it is exactly what Lancelot has done.

I've lived a sheltered life, Wyl ^_^

I suppose there's probably been a stack of 'sporting psychopaths' and if that's the right description then this bloke would have to be at or near the top of the list. Trying to think of other sportspeople that fit that description but no one readily comes to mind.

Might also come under the banner of 'A law unto themselves' . I could think of a few footballers from yesteryear. But this fellow has been so calculating over such a long period of time. As you said, scary

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I've lived a sheltered life, Wyl ^_^

I suppose there's probably been a stack of 'sporting psychopaths' and if that's the right description then this bloke would have to be at or near the top of the list. Trying to think of other sportspeople that fit that description but no one readily comes to mind.

Might also come under the banner of 'A law unto themselves' . I could think of a few footballers from yesteryear. But this fellow has been so calculating over such a long period of time. As you said, scary

Others have had the attitude..but never for so long..it is beyond incredible what he has done.

In a way it is a shame his heart did not explode in 1999, as he would then be remembered as a foolish cheat.

Just think how many people he took down, and the public abuse he fired at those who were onto him!!!!

There will be a full HBO series made about this Evil Man.

Not one bit of emotion talking to Oprah....Not one bit..Incredible..

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I've lived a sheltered life, Wyl ^_^

I suppose there's probably been a stack of 'sporting psychopaths' and if that's the right description then this bloke would have to be at or near the top of the list. Trying to think of other sportspeople that fit that description but no one readily comes to mind.

Might also come under the banner of 'A law unto themselves' . I could think of a few footballers from yesteryear. But this fellow has been so calculating over such a long period of time. As you said, scary

I'll give you some food for thought

Think of a very prominent AFL player who claims to have chronic fatigue syndrome and is prescribed steroids to overcome his illness.

Mysteriously , the illness never goes away, yet the player comes back for finals looking like the incredible hulk.

Eventually he bullies his way to a third flag after throwing punches at any opponent near him.

To the naked eye it looks like some form of roid rage.

Yet the AFL has allowed this one guy to take roids.

He then goes on to cheat in his life as a player agent as well.

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I'll give you some food for thought

Think of a very prominent AFL player who claims to have chronic fatigue syndrome and is prescribed steroids to overcome his illness.

Mysteriously , the illness never goes away, yet the player comes back for finals looking like the incredible hulk.

Eventually he bullies his way to a third flag after throwing punches at any opponent near him.

To the naked eye it looks like some form of roid rage.

Yet the AFL has allowed this one guy to take roids.

He then goes on to cheat in his life as a player agent as well.

Reasonable point Biff, though I can't think of a comparable athlete of his standing who's done anything remotely close to these deeds. There's been quite a few blatant cheats in Track and Field, Baseball etc but nowhere near this scale.

Others have had the attitude..but never for so long..it is beyond incredible what he has done.

In a way it is a shame his heart did not explode in 1999, as he would then be remembered as a foolish cheat.

Just think how many people he took down, and the public abuse he fired at those who were onto him!!!!

There will be a full HBO series made about this Evil Man.

Not one bit of emotion talking to Oprah....Not one bit..Incredible..

He would have redirected a lot of his money 'elsewhere', no doubt.

He may end up being sued left, right and centre but he'll never go without.

what i still can't understand is how he avoided detection for so long when so many rumours abounded

did he get help in some form from inside?

i think there is still a long way to go in this story, and a LOT of people must have been involved

Agree dc, there's a lot more to come.

Makes you wonder how many others have slipped though the net (in any given sport)

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Lance is like the king of the Drug Cartel...Now that he is exposed the rest will come down without a doubt.

he's not a chemist, he's not a pharmacologist, he's not a doctor, he's not a technician

he had a LOT of PROFESSIONAL support

don't take the above as any excuses, he is a cheat, a liar and a bully of the highest order

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he's not a chemist, he's not a pharmacologist, he's not a doctor, he's not a technician

he had a LOT of PROFESSIONAL support

don't take the above as any excuses, he is a cheat, a liar and a bully of the highest order

Oh yes he had a lot of help...Psychopaths are very good at using people for what they need.

Many no name people are very worried now i bet.

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