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Mark Neeld's Spray on Morton.


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What I would do if the coach gave me a spray as I came off....... I would look him in the eye, nod my head, and take it like a man.

Cale Morton is done.

Pretty damn easy to say sitting behind your computer. Have you ever had to make a speech in front of a small group of people who don't really care what you have to say? Imagine the nerves you get in that situation, then multiply it however much thousands of people riding on your every move would add to the pressure. And the nice big cherry on top is your senior coach going absolutely postal at you because of a mistake that you're already increadibly embarrassed about.
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I thought Cale had a breakout game today. ...................

Hahahahaha.....good one....a joke surely?

2nd best on ground. Haters gonna hate. Bad turnover though.


I don't hate Cale Morton. But he is just not going to make it. How many opportunities can one man be given??

He's had more than enough.

not at all.

I Gave him 5 votes today too. had a couple of clangers, as did ebveryone. but the intensity and effort were the best he has produced all year

Hahahahaha..even a bigger joke

What I would do if the coach gave me a spray as I came off....... I would look him in the eye, nod my head, and take it like a man.

Cale Morton is done.

I would not ignore him...that's for sure.

FWIW, I don't think Neeld gave him a spray in the sense he was yelling abuse at him....looked more to me like he was making a comment about using his preferred foot (guessing at lip reading).

G Lyon absolutely bagged Morton on the radio; intensity, double and tripple fumbles etc. Wrote him of really.

Morton only has running ability as a plus. 5 years now (and no Bailey plugging for him).

Done and dusted; doubt he is of much trade value either (especially give the Morton family history).

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Pretty damn easy to say sitting behind your computer. Have you ever had to make a speech in front of a small group of people who don't really care what you have to say? Imagine the nerves you get in that situation, then multiply it however much thousands of people riding on your every move would add to the pressure. And the nice big cherry on top is your senior coach going absolutely postal at you because of a mistake that you're already increadibly embarrassed about.

Are you serious?

I've played the game at a reasonably high level and let me tell you it's not hard at all to look to the coach in the eye when he's talking to you.

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Are you serious?

I've played the game at a reasonably high level and let me tell you it's not hard at all to look to the coach in the eye when he's talking to you.

To be honest, I feel like I'd be able to do it too, but I know a lot of people who wouldn't. Not everyone has that kind of balls. To you and me, it might be easy, or you might feel that not looking at the coach will only make things worse. But not everybody is like that.
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The AFL web site highlights a video of the Morton turnover and subsequent "interaction" with Neeld on the boundary.

The video is called "Coach killer". Says it all.

Ed: reckon its a real turning point; the footage - game and with Neeld - will be replayed for eternity (like the footage of Morton and Lade from 5 years ago).

Edited by Mono
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Guest José Mourinho

A lot of people taking the short term view with Cale.

I couldn't care less if a few bad turnovers now lead to a slightly larger loss, even when it could have been a win.

I want him to iron out his flaws, turn his weaknesses into strengths and be an integral part of our next premiership team.

A handful of errors now aren't going to worry me.

Make no mistake - I'm not happy with them.

But as long as he learns from them and continues to improve - as he has done this season - I am can live with it.

Same goes for any other player we have out there.

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Guest José Mourinho

Neeld was so frustrated ... it was a bad turnover. It cost us. He can get the footy, but but he does not WANT the footy nor drive intensity in tackling, chasing or delivery. Last chance ...


You have no basis for making that comment.

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Guest José Mourinho

The AFL web site highlights a video of the Morton turnover and subsequent "interaction" with Neeld on the boundary.

The video is called "Coach killer". Says it all.

Ed: reckon its a real turning point; the footage - game and with Neeld - will be replayed for eternity (like the footage of Morton and Lade from 5 years ago).

You mean it'll be a moment that lives on in the minds of supporters and the media, but in reality has very little significance..?

Yep, one of those moments, of which there are many.

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You have no basis for making that comment.

I wish I could get together with you and watch highlights. Morton and Watts are both constant sinners of standing over a pack and hoping it pops out. 3 times he could, with heart gone harder and won the footy. He embarrasses us and other supporters have caught on. If you don't want bruise free footy, put Cale at Casey.

Edited by Demon Land 7
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Guest José Mourinho

I have my head in my hands after reading that.

Surely sometimes a player needs to stay out of the contest to be a receiver...

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Never been a Morton fan but i reckon he was our best first half player and had his most consistent game since his promising first year . Sure, that monumental turnover-clanger cost us bigtime but i rated him about 6.5 out of 10 compared to the ordinary efforts of Beamer and Sylvia ...about 3 each !

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I wish I could get together with you and watch highlights. Morton and Watts are both constant sinners of standing over a pack and hoping it pops out. 3 times he could, with heart gone harder and won the footy. He embarrasses us and other supporters have caught on. If you don't want bruise free footy, put Cale at Casey.

This is good, watts and Morton outside if there is a pack is idal as they cn dispose of the ball well usually ith good decision making skills. When it is their turn to get the hardball then the need to go, which I think they are becoming better at, but if you have all your midfielders in at the pack that's how you lose the disposal count by 250. Uncontested possession is important aswell

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Morton has had some decent games and some woeful games this year. So have nearly all the boys at some point.

but moving forward...I'm not sure if he has a place.

I see Morton as being the Anti-Tingay.

When Tingay had a 50-50 contest looming, I always felt confident he was going to win it, then do the right thing with it. More often than not he did.

Yes Morton is a different body type....but he's just too soft, too uncertain. The 50-50's almost always go against him. It's embarrassing sometimes.

The next few weeks are going to be a fight for his life to stay on the list I suspect.

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Hmm... putting some thoughts together.

Cale Morton has improved his confidence and involvement quite a bit this year, and I get theimpression it has been through a lot of positive and supportive talk around him.

However, he still makes horrendous super-clangers which can cripple our momentum and turn the rythm of a game. Clearly, those clangers are emerging from total brain-farts which are still confidence based. Confidence in that particular moment just implodes

I get this quiet feeling like his confidence has been taken a far as it can by 'support'. Now the coaches need to challenge him, really confront his failings, hope that he now has the strength to face them and the bristling frustration it causes, and by 'practicing' dealing with that, get to that next point of confidence.

If the occasional blast works, it could be the making on Cale Morton. If not... well, it isn't going to break him, it will just mean we have found his limit as a football player.

But if there is one thing that is completely obvious, it is that Cale's problems are pretty much all born from a lack of confidence and belief.

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Guest José Mourinho

Cale made clangers because he was trying to do too much.

He knows it, and no amount of admonishing him is going to change it.

But the way I see it, he responds to the type of feedback he was getting from Neeld.

Cale knows it, Neeld was reinforcing what he already knows, Cale wasn't dropping his head and getting down on himself for it - he was defiant.

Neeld just made it sting a little bit more.

Morton will grow further from this.

Of course it's all in the eye of the beholder, but there's a lot of hype and melodrama around a moment that lasted seconds in a heated football match.

One of the very few that the camera catches.

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Hahahahaha.....good one....a joke surely?


He's had more than enough.

Hahahahaha..even a bigger joke

I would not ignore him...that's for sure.

FWIW, I don't think Neeld gave him a spray in the sense he was yelling abuse at him....looked more to me like he was making a comment about using his preferred foot (guessing at lip reading).

G Lyon absolutely bagged Morton on the radio; intensity, double and tripple fumbles etc. Wrote him of really.

Morton only has running ability as a plus. 5 years now (and no Bailey plugging for him).

Done and dusted; doubt he is of much trade value either (especially give the Morton family history).

Spot on I reckon Mono. Looked to me the words of "kick with your f**king right foot" were the ones coming out of Neeld's mouth, and good on him for saying it - I said it half way through the first quarter!

There were at least 3 times where our player chose his "wrong" foot, and it resulted in a turnover. I'm not going to bag a player for turning it over when using their opposite foot, but when they have ample opportunity to use their preferred foot, but still chose the lower percentage option of their non-preferred, they will cop it from me. Watts in the first quarter when I think it was Didak that marked it. Morton did it in the position that has been discussed on this thread, and I'm pretty sure the other one was Trengove.

I'm glad our coach thought the same way.

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Spot on I reckon Mono. Looked to me the words of "kick with your f**king right foot" were the ones coming out of Neeld's mouth, and good on him for saying it - I said it half way through the first quarter!

There were at least 3 times where our player chose his "wrong" foot, and it resulted in a turnover. I'm not going to bag a player for turning it over when using their opposite foot, but when they have ample opportunity to use their preferred foot, but still chose the lower percentage option of their non-preferred, they will cop it from me. Watts in the first quarter when I think it was Didak that marked it. Morton did it in the position that has been discussed on this thread, and I'm pretty sure the other one was Trengove.

I'm glad our coach thought the same way.

Nicholson also played on after a mark on the half forward onto his right foot straight into traffic. I'm hoping as our confidence improves so does our composure

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But if there is one thing that is completely obvious, it is that Cale's problems are pretty much all born from a lack of confidence and belief.


I had a chat to him at the end of last season and his confidence was shot. He was saying that his poor form was due to not having any consistency in his role, having played everywhere during the year, including Casey where he was given different roles but never told to replicate them at AFL level.

We've seen what that sort of thing can do. Watts is a perfect example of that.

I get as annoyed as anyone when Morton has brain farts, and I made it abundently clear earlier in the year. Nobody expects us to just slap him on the arse and say "no worries" when he stuffs up, but it goes both ways. We need to applaude his good work and I for one thought he was excellent in the first half.

What dumb footy commentators pick on are turnovers. What I saw was a guy who was busting his gut to run into position, when most others were stagnant.

Neeld doesn't seem to have a lot of time for players who don't do the right thing, yet he kept Morton on the ground all game. That says to me that he saw beyond the turnovers, and so should we.

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Cale Morton does some silly things on the football field but a lot of our so called supporters are complete & utter dimwits. I have no problem with someone getting upset at a poor piece of play but the vitriol that comes to certain players particularly Morton is not on IMO. Last week there were two knobs in their 50's behind me getting stuck into Tom McDonald a 19 year old who's played about ten games.

Morton definitely has limitations in his game but I think a lot of is to do with confidence, the guy is terrified of making a mistake so he runs up & down on the spot & chooses the 3rd option, turns it over & gets booed of the ground by the old farts in the MCC who have no clue. Rinse & repeat.

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I thought Cale had a breakout game today.

His attack on the contest is such that he couldn't breakout of a wet paper bag.

Too often He shits himself and turns it over. Fast losing patience with him.

I don't think he has to be at the bottom of every pack but when it's his turn he HAS to go and too

often he doesn't.

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Are you serious?

I've played the game at a reasonably high level and let me tell you it's not hard at all to look to the coach in the eye when he's talking to you.

Not wanting to look someone in the eye when you're already completely humiliated is a completely normal human response. Being able to do so doesn't make you tougher or more of a man, it just means you have a higher tolerance for personal humiliation.

I'm a very emotional person and when my negative emotions like humiliation or anger are at their peak, talking to me is a complete waste of time - I'm not going to hear a word you say until I've had a moment to let it boil over.

Everyone reacts differently.

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How do you guys know that Neeld wasn't giving him a positive boost and telling him not to let it worry him and to move on and get over it?

I honestly think that thats more realistic and constructive them him blasting his players in front of everyone on the bench. If he was blasting him then I hope he isn't coaching the team for long as the blunder was an obvious accident and not a result of being lazy or greedy or anything else that would deserve a blasting.

I remember one point in the game a collingwood player was running into an open goal when nicho was taken off and Morton ran hard to put in a last minute shove which resulted in the collingwood player losing his composure and missing the easy shot.

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Morton played well (apart from the bit where I had to throw the TV out the window!). Sure Neeld gave him a deserved serve but then moved on.

For us as a team its all about eliminating those errors. Its not just Cale.

Yesterday we had several examples, Blease running one too many steps, Sellar weak handpasses, and a few others kicking poorly for a turnover.

McDonald is another example of someone who has had a few massive blunders but is going to be a long term asset down back.

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