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Square Peg, Round Hole - Exactly why we need Neeld!!!!


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I do not like King all that much but you are allowed to change your mind.

We all like what we saw in January.

Not so keen now!

He doesn't change his mind, Old dee. He makes absolute statements based on no analysis. He has no idea why he is right when he is right or why he is wrong when he is wrong. If you reckon that is an acceptable way for a journo (what a joke!) to behave, well and good. I hold somewhat higher standards.

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I do not like King all that much but you are allowed to change your mind.

We all like what we saw in January.

Not so keen now!

He doesn't change his mind, Old dee. He makes absolute statements based on no analysis. He has no idea why he is right when he is right or why he is wrong when he is wrong. If you reckon that is an acceptable way for a journo (what a joke!) to behave, well and good. I hold somewhat higher standards.

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Guest José Mourinho

I thought David King was spot on. He's the only public figure who's had the guts to call a spade a spade. Supporters won't like hearing it, but everything he said was on the money.

How's that barrow of yours going?

Sorted out any interviews lately, or been telling porkies to officials from down warrnambool way?

Not everyone is blind.

The club is better off without the involvement of snakes showing false concern.

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I thought David King was spot on. He's the only public figure who's had the guts to call a spade a spade. Supporters won't like hearing it, but everything he said was on the money.

Could you please expand on this.

The reason why this post has caught so many eyes of Land is because of your association with LJ.

So we are making the logical step that this is an educated view of someone who has spoken with a player and they have agreed that 'Neeld should never have been selected' and that he should be removed.

So, please, expand on why King was right about Neeld being a poor coach.

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I thought David King was spot on. He's the only public figure who's had the guts to call a spade a spade. Supporters won't like hearing it, but everything he said was on the money.

The new coach has had the guts to call a spade a spade.

It appears (and maybe confirms if you are who you are) that the players have not liked hearing it.

Very disappointed with this posting until you elaborate.

Ed: If anything, the papers will make something of this.

Edited by McQueen
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He doesn't change his mind, Old dee. He makes absolute statements based on no analysis. He has no idea why he is right when he is right or why he is wrong when he is wrong. If you reckon that is an acceptable way for a journo (what a joke!) to behave, well and good. I hold somewhat higher standards.

I am not disagreeing with you timD

I was just making the observation that we are all alowed to change our minds if the situation changes.

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Maybe there are some players unhappy with being asked to tackle and get a little "bruised"......

I have been saying this for twelve months JL but have you considered that we are just not good enough.

I know it may be hard to accept but as wyl has said the scoreboard does not lie.

It just maybe that most of our senior players are past it/ never had it and some of young people as just too young to carry the load.

When all the rumour is put aside it might just be that this is the ability of our team.

I hope not but with every passing week it gets more of a possiblity

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I thought David King was spot on. He's the only public figure who's had the guts to call a spade a spade. Supporters won't like hearing it, but everything he said was on the money.

David King on Insider said absolutely nothing.So David King spouted what 95% of people with opinions have been saying all week. Irony is he got paid to parrot what everyone else said then added controversy by starting with the coach must go diatribe. Please if I was his producer I would demote him to AFL Teams or even After The Bounce because he might as well have phoned in the so called dissection of MFC. After copying everyone else's words Jason Dunstall plays devils advocate and ask what he would do to fix it. Answer: I don't know. Then backs down when questioned further to say he is not saying get rid of the coach, if he back pedalled any quicker he'd be able look down at his a$$ cheeks.

David King the Expert that said Geelong were finished last season they were too old and could not win the flag.

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I'm beginning to read something I don't like into a lot of your comments Rudeboy. You will know what I mean.

It's too bad because it's Neeld's way or the highway and anyone who wants to have a cry about it can hit the bricks.

David King can bite my crank.

I liked your post up until the last line.

Then I liked your post and wet my pants laughing.

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I am on the record on our drafting saying it is not so much who we have drafted but more about our inability to develop them.

I have asked the questions of certain players as to why they have reached a certain level and then either plateaued or gone backwards and I put it down to a culture of "close enough good enough".

Its like my personal trainer - he tells me to do 10 pushups and when I can he just doesnt say well done. He says well done now lets get you to 20.

Neeld and co at this stage are all noise as I havent witnessed any improvements ( in factwe have gone backwards) but I like the noise I am hearing. I like his comments about making everything about us elite and I like non negotiables. All I witnessed is noise but he has my full support until in my eyes he has had enough time to try and turn his noise into visible realities. The jury is out but until the jury is in he has my support.

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Good stuff from Schwartz. Dealt with facts unlike King. Neeld is there for three years, Hardwick inherited similar list problems and continues to address them. Neeld will undoubtedly do the same and has already started with Clark ,Taggert, Magner. I find it interesting to compare these robust types to the drafting that preceeded Neeld's arrival. They fit with his initial comments that he wanted us to be a hard team to play against. I take Neelds initial comments to mean physically and mentally hard and his desire for grunt. Anderson in the media heads down the same path. We are underweight in strong aggressive bigger bodies. Throw in some insipid performances from our supposed senior players and I feel Neeld is getting a very clear picture of what is needed and we have seen some action on that front with our two young co-captains. It may be difficult for all of us to see and cope with at times, but I think Neeld is on the right track.
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I can only take solace from the hope and belief that Neeld is revolutionising the team and game plan so much, that it will take the competition by storm when everything clicks into gear.

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i dont like the fact that last year, up until round 9 we had 3 wins 1 draw and 3 losses, of those we had two 90+ point wins however this season we are sitting on 0 wins from 8 games and of those we have had 41, 43, 59, 66, 101 and 108 point losses. Even though we were bad last year we are 100% worse this season with the same list that we had last season. i really dont see how this can be blamed on anyone but the coach. I really liked the way dean bailey coached the team, he wanted the guys to learn to play real footy, he made them get the ball out of defense by using skills rather than just bombing the ball long each time of course using this game plan there were going to be blow out games and he wasnt afraid of this happening because he knew that it would help the team in the end, compare this to mark neelds plan of kicking the ball long to contests, the team is not learning how to play real footy and we are still being blown out in the mean time

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What do you think they're just throwing around tennis balls at training?

The focus has changed dramatically from the stylish attacking but unaccountable footy we've seen over the last couple of years to basic foundational crap in areas of fitness, defensive pressure and a desire to constantly improve that we were seriously behind in when Neeld & co rocked up. It's like Bailey taught us to swim starting with butterfly and everyone went "that'll do I'm fkn ace now" then Neeld came in, went wtf mate? and sent everyone back to the pool to learn how to tread water.

Who doesn't love analogies?

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I dont actually think King was that out of line with what he said. I agree with him on the premise that if we had picked a coach who was more alligned with Bailey's ideas then we would have won a few games by now and would be less likley to have to rework our list. Having said that, what is best long term is up for debate IMO - too easly to tell either way

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just thought i would share a little snippet from the wikipedia page of sir Alex Ferguson. i would imagine he prefers the stick to the carrot. this gives me hope.

"For the 1989–90 season, Ferguson further boosted his squad by paying large sums of money for midfielders Neil Webb, Mike Phelan and Paul Ince, as well as defender Gary Pallister and winger Danny Wallace. The season began well with a 4–1 win over defending champions Arsenal on the opening day, but United's league form quickly turned sour. In September, United suffered a humiliating 5–1 away defeat against fierce rivals Manchester City. Following this and an early season run of six defeats and two draws in eight games, a banner declaring "Three years of excuses and it's still crap...ta-ra Fergie." was displayed at Old Trafford, and many journalists and supporters called for Ferguson to be sacked.[45][46] Ferguson later described December 1989 as "the darkest period [he had] ever suffered in the game", as United ended the decade just outside the relegation zone.[47][48]

However, Ferguson later revealed that the board of directors had assured him that they were not considering dismissing him. Although naturally disappointed with the lack of success in the league, they understood the reasons for the sub-standard results (namely the absence of several key players due to injury) and were pleased with the way that Ferguson had reorganised the club's coaching and scouting system."

go dees

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i dont like the fact that last year, up until round 9 we had 3 wins 1 draw and 3 losses, of those we had two 90+ point wins however this season we are sitting on 0 wins from 8 games and of those we have had 41, 43, 59, 66, 101 and 108 point losses. Even though we were bad last year we are 100% worse this season with the same list that we had last season.

We don't have the same team on the park - or even the same list for that matter - and those wins were, in the overall scheme of things, meangingless. (Gold Coast, Brisbane and Adelaide at home, with Adelaide in particular a basket case ...). We haven't even played those teams yet this year.

Already discussed at length around here - perhaps you missed it, or didn't feel like joining in? We're bad, and we've been bad for a while, we were going nowhere with our unaccountable footy, and thus the sacking of the previous coach mid-season.

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I thought David King was spot on. He's the only public figure who's had the guts to call a spade a spade. Supporters won't like hearing it, but everything he said was on the money.

Rudeboy you are a worry for me because if you are the man i think you are and after reading all your post's i think im right in saying that liam will not make it because you have gone from saying let's back neeld and giving him time to coming back with this rubbish comment. So this tells me you know some player's dont like neeld and liam is not going to make it under mark neeld .This is a real problem if liam has said something and other player's have said something to there mate's David king and co trying to get the coach out because it's to hard now. If that's the case pack your bag's now MFC player's because i want the best player's at the MFC not player's hanging it's club members out to dry when they think i dont like my coach im not trying anymore. Please explain your comment's rudeboy as you have let the cat well and truely out the bag as you are liam's best mate cheers.

You are a collingwood fan after all

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I haven't been paying to much attention to the endless comments being made by the many football "experts" out there at the moment, many of who are lining up to put the boots into the easy target. David King was the latest to have a crack, probably the biggest crack so far, suggesting the board should come out and sack Neeld now and admit they made a massive mistake. A load of misguided, uninformed tripe like a lot of the stuff being said.

One thing he did say caught my attention though. He likened Neeld to being a square peg being pushed into a round hole. He of course made out that this was the whole problem. Neeld didn't match our club in some way and therefore shouldn't be here. I actually think this is why he is at this club. We need someone like him to come in and force his way into our club, and change the shape of the hole until it is the shape it needs to be - fully professional, resilient and ready to match it with the rest of the AFL. Neeld signed up others like Misson and Craig who could help do this from a fitness and discipline area. The square peg is needed, and time needs to be given for the square peg to mould the hole into the right shape.

Spot On S_T. That is exactly what I thought.

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i dont like the fact that last year, up until round 9 we had 3 wins 1 draw and 3 losses, of those we had two 90+ point wins however this season we are sitting on 0 wins from 8 games and of those we have had 41, 43, 59, 66, 101 and 108 point losses. Even though we were bad last year we are 100% worse this season with the same list that we had last season. i really dont see how this can be blamed on anyone but the coach. I really liked the way dean bailey coached the team, he wanted the guys to learn to play real footy, he made them get the ball out of defense by using skills rather than just bombing the ball long each time of course using this game plan there were going to be blow out games and he wasnt afraid of this happening because he knew that it would help the team in the end, compare this to mark neelds plan of kicking the ball long to contests, the team is not learning how to play real footy and we are still being blown out in the mean time

Is that you Aaron?

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Rudeboy you are a worry for me because if you are the man i think you are and after reading all your post's i think im right in saying that liam will not make it because you have gone from saying let's back neeld and giving him time to coming back with this rubbish comment. So this tells me you know some player's dont like neeld and liam is not going to make it under mark neeld .This is a real problem if liam has said something and other player's have said something to there mate's David king and co trying to get the coach out because it's to hard now. If that's the case pack your bag's now MFC player's because i want the best player's at the MFC not player's hanging it's club members out to dry when they think i dont like my coach im not trying anymore. Please explain your comment's rudeboy as you have let the cat well and truely out the bag as you are liam's best mate cheers.

You are a collingwood fan after all

Yes it is quite an extraordinary outburst given Rudeboy's known identity and affiliations.

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I will put it simply. Neeld will not make it as a coach. A good coach creates a game plan that matches the strength of the playing group. A good coach creates confidence and self belief in his players. Confidence is everything in football. Unfortunately Neeld has set out to replicate an outdated Collingwood game plan. A game plan that suited a 25 - 30yo team and the strengths of that team, it is not a game plan that matches the skill set of our 18 - 23 year olds learning the game. He is right to address the teams weakness (defensive pressure) but it is dumb to have pushed a game plan that exposes our weaknesses rather than our strengths. Our players were recruited for a skilful run and carry game, now they are being told run and carry is girls football.

Recruiting Neeld is the single biggest mistake this club has made since sacking Norm Smith. As a person who works in the financial markets you learn when you must cut your losses. Neeld must be cut. It will cost the club $500,000 but this is muchless than the cost of the loss of players at seasons end.

I have donated significant money to the MFC in the last 5 years. I will not donate another cent until Neeld is removed. Further I will be letting my views known to the board. Every supporter should do the same.

Neeld must be sacked and Neil Craig must take over before our players start looking for new homes.

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