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For mine, the biggest problems today:

-We crowded the ball SO much. 4-5 Demons around the ball or chasing the ball carrier, Geelong player would simply handball over the top, goal. IMO this is poor coaching as it has been happening for 3-4 years and all this year so far. Should have been one of the first things Neeld fixed.

-Handballs: this is a 2 parter: 1) We have gotten into the habit of mistaking bold play for handballing to someone 3 inches away after every mark or free, only for the reciver to be immediately tackled and it turn into a waste of a possession. 2) We handball behind our target rather than leading the ball to where they are going, so the receiver either has to go backwards for the ball or turn around, stop running, and face the wrong way to accept the ball.

-Absolutely no team spirit, enthusiasm, or energy. This game was over before the bounce, what happened to us being the hardest team to play against? This comes down to coaching and leadership and I have serious questions about both at the moment.

Good assessment Stuie. In particular .....

> 2 or 3 of our boys will chase the 1 ball carrier (leaving their opponent/s free in space to receive the next "EASY" possession)

> One of our players might be tackling or harassing his opponent effectively....and another of our boys will throw himself into that same contest instead of hanging off for the resulting likely spill or pressured disposal from the opponent being tackled or pressured. There was one particular incident today and Chappy did just that after his opponent threw himself into the contest (whoever it was), Chappy got the spill, kicked a short pass accurately to a leading forward....goal. This tactic maybe appropriate close to goal in defense when you need numbers around to lock the ball in and wait for the troops to arrive. But higher up the ground in general play?

> 3 to 4 boys attacking the ball in the center bounce....right at the ball drop.....as you said, leaving our opponents to gather anything that spills out/or over the 2 to 3 meter radius that they've allowed themselves to move or be pushed into. The opponents simply grab anything that spills over/or out of that immediate 3 meter (or so) radius as they have no one marking them....take possession and spread/run forward of ball, share and carry into the forward line to spot up a target or if they run it in close enough/no clear forward hit up options...take a shot on goal.

> The handball to someone 2 to 3 feet away who's either covered by their opponent or standing still is insane. We just don't seem to learn that sometimes a quick kick forward around the body might be the better option or even a giant handball over the top towards our goals for our boys to run onto. Even if the last two options don't work, at least the team has gained yardage and the defense has a little more time to find an opponent and/or set themselves again for the ball coming back. Unforced errors from these crazy handballs leave the defense severely exposed and open to be punished on the fast rebound, and deservedly so.

> The team spirit is a good one. To me this game was up for grabs in the 3rd and we just didn't rally enough or seem to want it enough. Almost like we were happy to plod along and chase tails and appear as if we were trying hard. I'm sure they didn't think like this or really do this....but that's the impression i was given from what i saw today. Maybe a downer after putting in a big one (for us) last week. There were exceptions to this attitude of course, but just too few to make any real difference on the scoreboard. Plus all the dumb decisions and clangers we make when we have the ball, the lack of a marking presence (other than Clark) or small crumbers inside 50....must be so energy sapping chasing tails all day along with the quick rebounds out of our 50.

Maybe Neeld really meant to say...."We will be the hardest team to play for" :wacko:

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Haha take it easy mate, not having a go at you, but I really can't agree that we fought it out today. Did you see the game? There was no congratulating of any note after a good goal/tackle/chase, just a sense of resignation right from the start of the game.

Now tell me PSD, how many brownlows did you win? Cos obviously your opinion only matters if it's at least 3...

Stuie you clearly don't like Neeld you have been at him since the season started, he has a massive task ahead of him, the boys knew they were in for a day right from the start, we got smashed down there last year and there was back slapping and congratulations when players kicked the 5 or 6 goals we kicked. Tackles & Chases are non negotiables.

The Cats took it up to us in time on in every quarter which to me is fitness and not coaching, we do not have the confidence within ourselves to change the tempo in time on this will come. If you don't think we have improved greatly since Round 1 I don't know what you expect, every week there is improvement whilst we may have been better last week the opposition was not as good and the Cats at home one of the hardest tasks in the league. The fact we didn't rest on last weeks performance is something against the roller coaster.

The Cats trust one another they have been at there game for years they know what each other are thinking and where they will be, whether Selwood is in or out those coming in know exactly what their role is in the team, that again takes time.

We are not to many players away from dramatic improvement, a defender with good kicking skills to help clear the lines could be a fit Strauss or maybe target Mckenzie from the Suns.

Frawley defends very well but his decision making is not the best at the moment probably a confidence issue.

Another pre season will see the run and spread component,

A bit of speed through the middle we have the ball winners which is why we are winning the contested possessions but getting killed in the uncontested possessions. As the team gets used to the game plan there will be less occassions where they all head to the ball leaving free opponents over the top

The forward line needs a bit of work but Clark looks dangerous whenever it gets down there, Howe needs to work on set shots and Jurrah to come back - Davey has shown a bit but we desperatley need a crumber. Taylor and Scarlett are a class act but Clark & Howe will cause a lot of headaches to defences

Anyway Stuie as I said in my original post, nothing IMO that cant be rectified

Edited by Pennant St Dee
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Geelong fielded a much below strength side today.

Despite that, several MFC players showed signs of significant improvement.

In response to some of the comments here, Morton will go at the end of the season when his contract is up!

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I think we were outclassed and outworked today. It's really that simple. The reason Geelong made us look slow isn't that our players are slower in an outright sprint, but that their players work so much harder off the ball to get into space. Then when they force the turnover they look up and see players wide open and move the ball to them quickly and accurately. Our players meanwhile cluster around the ball and hold their zones when the play is elsewhere.

I found Mick Malthouse's comments on the play to be very interesting. He said that the Melbourne players didn't trust each other to win the bal, so they were being draw into contests they should be staying out of, and because of this had nobody on the outside to pass off to. Geelong on the other hand have absolute faith in the man at the contest, and so they hang off and give him someone to pass to after he gets his hands on the ball. He said that once the Melbourne players got their heads around the notion of letting the man at the contest do his job, then we would see a drastic improvement come on very quickly. Obviously this fits in with Neeld's mantra of winning 1 on 1 contests. You'd almost think the two of them had talked about this before...

Anyway, Back to the game.

How good is Mitch Clark? He's carrying our forward line single-handed at the moment. The sooner we can get LJ back out there the better. If we can get Fitzpatrick or Martin firing as well things will start to look very promising up there.

I'm also loving the improvement by some of our mid-tier guys. Bate, Morton and Dunn are all doing better under Neeld, and Jones has become a real onfield leader and inspirational player. We just need some of the youngsters to put on a bit more bulk and they'll be fitting right in as well. Even better is that the backline is finding their mojo again and Bartram is actually kicking it pretty well these days.

We always knew it was going to be a loss today, but I'm thrilled to improve by 146 points over last year. Imagine if we do it again next year!

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Guest gidon

Geelong fielded a much below strength side today.

Despite that, several MFC players showed signs of significant improvement.

In response to some of the comments here, Morton will go at the end of the season when his contract is up!

Morton's contract is not up at years end

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From what i saw today we were good in contests again but unlike in this forum nobody talks .

Why dont they talk to each other?

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Those who are hanging it on Morton are just proving that some people can't see through their own pre-conceived ideas. He was about 18th on our list of problems today, so it's pretty funny that some people are choosing that to focus on as an issue.

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I think we were outclassed and outworked today. It's really that simple. The reason Geelong made us look slow isn't that our players are slower in an outright sprint, but that their players work so much harder off the ball to get into space. Then when they force the turnover they look up and see players wide open and move the ball to them quickly and accurately. Our players meanwhile cluster around the ball and hold their zones when the play is elsewhere.

I found Mick Malthouse's comments on the play to be very interesting. He said that the Melbourne players didn't trust each other to win the bal, so they were being draw into contests they should be staying out of, and because of this had nobody on the outside to pass off to. Geelong on the other hand have absolute faith in the man at the contest, and so they hang off and give him someone to pass to after he gets his hands on the ball. He said that once the Melbourne players got their heads around the notion of letting the man at the contest do his job, then we would see a drastic improvement come on very quickly. Obviously this fits in with Neeld's mantra of winning 1 on 1 contests. You'd almost think the two of them had talked about this before...

Anyway, Back to the game.

How good is Mitch Clark? He's carrying our forward line single-handed at the moment. The sooner we can get LJ back out there the better. If we can get Fitzpatrick or Martin firing as well things will start to look very promising up there.

I'm also loving the improvement by some of our mid-tier guys. Bate, Morton and Dunn are all doing better under Neeld, and Jones has become a real onfield leader and inspirational player. We just need some of the youngsters to put on a bit more bulk and they'll be fitting right in as well. Even better is that the backline is finding their mojo again and Bartram is actually kicking it pretty well these days.

We always knew it was going to be a loss today, but I'm thrilled to improve by 146 points over last year. Imagine if we do it again next year!

Good post,

the faith in each other will come when they trust there teammate to go in win it and lay it off. Dunn, Bate, Barty while not stars are doing everything Neeld asks and its all he expects. Good to see Morton going in hard and gaining some confidence to take things on.

As for Clark glad we got him, great target, work ethic and attitude

Edited by Pennant St Dee
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Oh and Brent Moloney can leave to Essendon if he wants, one the Bluey last year rocking up the lesser games against lesser teams. He can leave

Living up to your name, pal.

Who's been lesser than us over the last few years (franchises excluded)?

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Morton's contract is not up at years end

Please enlighten me - I'm happy to admit if I am wrong.

I believe he won't be alone in leaving in any case.

Whilst today was better, put it in context, there is a long way to go.

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This is a supporter board everyone has an opinion ...

Exactly. So no need to put words in people's mouths. Once again no-one here has said that they were "happy" or "satisfied", which is what you keep coming back to for anyone who doesn't agree with your one-dimensional view.

As for your description of our opponents ... put it this way. I'd love for Melbourne to become as "second-rate" as Geelong were today.

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Exactly. So no need to put words in people's mouths. Once again no-one here has said that they were "happy" or "satisfied", which is what you keep coming back to for anyone who doesn't agree with your one-dimensional view.

As for your description of our opponents ... put it this way. I'd love for Melbourne to become as "second-rate" as Geelong were today.

I assume he asked you you talk on his behalf; If not then are you putting words in his mouth?

I don't recall trying to push my opinion on others, I put my thoughts down, he attacked my post "what a rubbish post" so I responded. He left it at that but for some reason you want to pursue it; any reason for that?

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Guest gidon

Please enlighten me - I'm happy to admit if I am wrong.

I believe he won't be alone in leaving in any case.

Whilst today was better, put it in context, there is a long way to go.

Not having a go Hardnut. Morton signed a two yr extension to his contract at the end of last year. His contracted til the end of 2013

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Some general observations from today's game:

One key observation I made today between the two teams - Geelomg's pin point passing. How many times did they hit the lead up target with a drilled pass that gave our defenders no chance to spoil. Whereas if you look at our team, which players came close in to matching this high skill level? You would struggle to name them.

I may be reading too much into this, but... Brent Moloney's body language is terrible. Not sure if to do with the leadership or what, but needs to lift his game.

Leg speed: we do not have it! How many times did Geelong players burn us through the middle of the corner with shear pace.

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Living up to your name, pal.

Who's been lesser than us over the last few years (franchises excluded)?

You sure about that champ. Which way does he run, ONLY FORWARDS. When he attempts to bust through the pack and he gets HTB, who points fingers and gets angry at teammates?? Who is the one that comes out to play in the lesser games?? Who is the supposed on-field leader, heart and soul of the club, who doesn't give a yelp for more than half the game??

That's right, one B.Moloney!

So buddy, look at his stats, look at his gamestyle, look at his onfield antics and then come talk!

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Not having a go Hardnut. Morton signed a two yr extension to his contract at the end of last year. His contracted til the end of 2013

Thanks Gidon - I am surprised, but I must have missed that one along the way - time flies fast I guess!

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We are way too slow!!! Geelong killed us on the rebound. Nobody looked like getting near them when chasing.

Need too bring in pace. Bennell & Blease need to be played. Sellar out for Martin or Watts. Maybe even try a Davis.

We have too many slow players who get hurt on the rebound. Magner, Moloney, Bate, Trengove, Garland, McKenzie and Jones. I think McKenzie & Jones could be the exception. Others way too slow!!!

Great post. Our midfield mix is our key issue IMO. We are poor at both the spread and the chase.

I think Neeld needs to decide who our best inside mids are and give them some extra support on the outside.

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I only saw the first half and a few bits and pieces of the second half, but the one big thing that stood out to me was that when Geelong had the ball, their players were thinking two or even three possessions ahead. They worked for each other and ran to where the ball will be. When Melbourne had the ball it was a case of get the ball then think what to do, where to go.

Geelong are a great team, if you put any Melbourne player in that team they would be instantly better with the strong leaders and culture in that side.

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Stuie you clearly don't like Neeld you have been at him since the season started, he has a massive task ahead of him, the boys knew they were in for a day right from the start...

Actually, I LOVE Neeld, I'm worried about certain habits that haven't been addressed yet, but I'm guessing he'll get there. I think the players and in particular the leadership group are responsible for on field spirit and enthusiasm, so it's them I'm having a dig at not the coach.

As I said in my original post, to me it looked like the players were beaten even before the first bounce.

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Played well today in fairly tough swirly conditions.

Happy with the effort. We just have to lock it in longer and stop giving it up so easy.

Geelong are a class above bar about 5 players.

Bartel is a machine.

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I like Tom McDonald. Rivers should be worried.

I don't think they're necessarily competing for the same spot. Rivers was cooked at the end of last season though. Too slow and not efficient enough by foot.

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You sure about that champ. Which way does he run, ONLY FORWARDS. When he attempts to bust through the pack and he gets HTB, who points fingers and gets angry at teammates?? Who is the one that comes out to play in the lesser games?? Who is the supposed on-field leader, heart and soul of the club, who doesn't give a yelp for more than half the game??

That's right, one B.Moloney!

So buddy, look at his stats, look at his gamestyle, look at his onfield antics and then come talk!

I reckon dropping Moloney and Sylvia would send a vitally strong message. That [censored] shouldn't be tolerated any more. Bring Couch in and Watts for Sylvia. Done.

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What do you mean when Moloney turns it around. When has he ever offered anything defensively? He is a one way player and even then he is B-Grade at best. His winning a Bluey and Brownlow votes in our wins says more about where we were at then than it does his status as a decent player.

In saying that the game was really lost today by our half forwards offering no defensive pressure or chase back through the middle. Sylvia, Bail and Howe in particular played lazy football.

The half forwards didnt work hard enough lost their opponents and were not accountable

The other glaring problem is our players take too long to make decisions they are not playing natural footy thinking before doing and losing precious opportunities

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