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The New Sponsors


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BRFE - What does the tennis have to do with an AFL club announcing a new sponsor? And, as I continually say, other than MFC members and suporters, who else cares? Are you talking maximum coverage/exposure? Well, the diehard AFL fans will read the AFL section of the papers regardless of what other events are on.

If we have more than one announcement, which will obviously happen with the captain to be named, I'd rather we make seperate announcements so that we are in the media for longer, rather than 1 day.

Look at how many pages of the sports section relate to tennis and cricket and how many relate to football. Now watch that change in 2 weeks time. A sponsorship announcement on its own is not much to write about and not many eyes will be on it. A sponsorship announcement tied to captain x being announced will get alot more coverage and readers. If I was a sponsor I know what I would believe would give me more initial exposure.


A mate let me know that the new balance factory outlet is shifting all demon gear at rock bottom prices. Could be making room for new shipments.

We have seen this delay many times before and it always works out just fine.


Sorry Memphis, you've lost me on that one!

How I see it is that CS has been quoted on a number of topics, and most likely the article been approved by CS before being published, but I don't believe it alludes to the MFC expecting to name a major sponsir out of the various meetings we/he had in China. We are assuming that sourcing a sponosr of any level would've been part of the conversations, and I'm sure Caroline Wilson is thinking the same as a lot of us on here. Surely she is allowed to publish her opinion based on a quote from CS isn't she? The part about how he is hopeful a number of relationships will come out of it. These relationships could be associated with the potential of us doing high altitude training, so we could be looking at building a relationship with flight companies, technology companies (so we have access to stuff already there rather than taking our own stuff), etc, etc.

The original point I challenged was your comment about the Club looking bad becuase they talked about getting an Asian-based Major Sponsor, and have't announced one yet. I was just after the quote where CS said "we are getting a major sponsor from our Asian dealings". You haven't been able to provide one, you did provide a link that made the public think that we were getting one, when in actual fact, CS was very noncommital about potential sponsors.

I'm sorry you find this complex issue difficult to understand Billy,

But let me try and clarify it for you

"revealing the trip could have played a part in luring a major sponsor", for that line to be published it must first be approved by Cameron Scwab.

Next time you publish a small manifesto, make sure you fundamentally understand the opposing argument.

All the best


I'm sorry you find this complex issue difficult to understand Billy,

But let me try and clarify it for you

"revealing the trip could have played a part in luring a major sponsor", for that line to be published it must first be approved by Cameron Scwab.

Next time you publish a small manifesto, make sure you fundamentally understand the opposing argument.

All the best

Firstly Memphis, not sure why the need to be a smart arse.

Secondly, for Caro to use the sentence that she did, I'm quite sure she wouldn't have needed CS's approval. She is not misquoting him, she is not saying "Schwab said that it WOULD lure a major a sponsor", she is just expressing her opinion of what he means by his comment about "a number of relationships". Isn't that her job to do that? And I'm quite sure she, adn many others in the industry, especially around the time of 186, published a number of things that were incorrect and would have gone to print not needing the approval of the Club. But, I'm not a journo.

Seems that you are so up with it, I'm more than happy for you to provide me with links to the rules of what a journo can publish. I'm one of not many on here that is happy to be proven wrong. Feel free to PM me so that it doesn't clog up the general boards. Cheers.

BTW, still waiting for that quote from CS that explains how we are getting a major sponsor from China. Ah that's right, you're too worried about if yours is bigger than mine instead of just keeping a topic flowing.

All the best.


A potential sponsor will get much more value out of the term of the sponsorship than just the timing of the anouncement, I wouldn't worry about when it is announced.

I'd suggest respectfully you have never been involved a sponsorship deal. And while your first sentence is correct, the second is just not how it works. They want maximum bang early on. Confirmation they have made the right decision, immediate impact etc. In 3 yrs time everyone will have forgotten the launch but keep in mind the discussions around this would have been going on for a long time internally and maximum exposure early would be a key reason for timing.


I'd suggest respectfully you have never been involved a sponsorship deal. And while your first sentence is correct, the second is just not how it works. They want maximum bang early on. Confirmation they have made the right decision, immediate impact etc. In 3 yrs time everyone will have forgotten the launch but keep in mind the discussions around this would have been going on for a long time internally and maximum exposure early would be a key reason for timing.

So how many new customers has Energy Watch got that are opposition supporters, but decided to have a lok at what they do becuase they sponsor the MFC?

The bigger ads that we/they put in would've had more impact than a news article.

I have been involved in sponsorship announcements jnrmac, and from my dealings, when it's an individual club that you sponsor, any press coverage in the way of a news article is great, but it's that Club'smembers and supporters that you aim to get the most return from.


Just on demonoid's point.

Was at new balance factory outlet in cheltenham. They have a massive area just devoted to dees gear. The guy told me they had boxes out the back. Got a tonne of hugely discounted gear for myself and the kids - jumpers, training ts, singlets, shorts, everything.

The shop guy thought the club sent it back cause colours not right. I cannot for the life of me see the colour issue. So either it is a tiny, almost undetectable flaw or something else is afoot.

Anyway, good gear at dirt cheap prices and all sizes for babies through to the big men for those interested.


I'd suggest respectfully you have never been involved a sponsorship deal. And while your first sentence is correct, the second is just not how it works. They want maximum bang early on. Confirmation they have made the right decision, immediate impact etc. In 3 yrs time everyone will have forgotten the launch but keep in mind the discussions around this would have been going on for a long time internally and maximum exposure early would be a key reason for timing.

Respectfully, the point is that no matter the time of the year or what events are on the AFL will still generate a lot media exposure for the sponsors (even with tennis, cricket or anything else going on), the difference would be minimal. The issue is that Melbourne have lost four months worth of potential sponsorship revenue and now have a nasty habbit of leaving sponsorship decisions to the last minute.


Respectfully, the point is that no matter the time of the year or what events are on the AFL will still generate a lot media exposure for the sponsors (even with tennis, cricket or anything else going on), the difference would be minimal. The issue is that Melbourne have lost four months worth of potential sponsorship revenue and now have a nasty habbit of leaving sponsorship decisions to the last minute.

Any time of year will mean they generate some exposure. To say that they will get even close to as much cut through in a sports media currently dominated by tennis and cricket shows a lack of understanding on how publicity works. Granted sponsorship is about long term relations but alot is said by the initial publicity received. Would MFC announcing a new sponsorship deal be on the nightly news in January, unlikely. Would MFC announcing its captain and new sponsor be on the nightly news in February? It would probably lead the sports broadcast and be back page of the Herald Sun.


Just on demonoid's point.

Was at new balance factory outlet in cheltenham. They have a massive area just devoted to dees gear. The guy told me they had boxes out the back. Got a tonne of hugely discounted gear for myself and the kids - jumpers, training ts, singlets, shorts, everything.

The shop guy thought the club sent it back cause colours not right. I cannot for the life of me see the colour issue. So either it is a tiny, almost undetectable flaw or something else is afoot.

Anyway, good gear at dirt cheap prices and all sizes for babies through to the big men for those interested.

do you have that new balance factory address?

Just on demonoid's point.

Was at new balance factory outlet in cheltenham. They have a massive area just devoted to dees gear. The guy told me they had boxes out the back. Got a tonne of hugely discounted gear for myself and the kids - jumpers, training ts, singlets, shorts, everything.

The shop guy thought the club sent it back cause colours not right. I cannot for the life of me see the colour issue. So either it is a tiny, almost undetectable flaw or something else is afoot.

Anyway, good gear at dirt cheap prices and all sizes for babies through to the big men for those interested.

$30 for a jersey from collingwood store on smith street. Said there is a colour issue but no one can notice it and they're flying out the door.

Having it sent over as Perth outlet does not stock Demon gear. Imagine.


Any time of year will mean they generate some exposure. To say that they will get even close to as much cut through in a sports media currently dominated by tennis and cricket shows a lack of understanding on how publicity works. Granted sponsorship is about long term relations but alot is said by the initial publicity received. Would MFC announcing a new sponsorship deal be on the nightly news in January, unlikely. Would MFC announcing its captain and new sponsor be on the nightly news in February? It would probably lead the sports broadcast and be back page of the Herald Sun.

Totally disagree. Any AFL team announcing a new captain would make a big article in (for example) the Herald Sun regardless of what other sporting events are on. Perhaps someone can tell me (as I'm not in Vic) how much coverage Geelong got when announcing Selwood the other day. I know the Huns website had a number of articles about it.

In regards to the sponsorship, why don't some of understand that we, MFC members and supporters, are the main ones that care who we get as sponsor. A sponsorship announcement on its own will not generate massive headlines, unless it is league record amounts.

Sponsors invest in to footy clubs for a number of reasons. Obviously, the exposure which creates awareness is part of it, but that's only as small part. It's having access to a captured audience (ie the folk who barrack for that club), as well as getting contacts of other companies that sponsor the same club.


Totally disagree. Any AFL team announcing a new captain would make a big article in (for example) the Herald Sun regardless of what other sporting events are on. Perhaps someone can tell me (as I'm not in Vic) how much coverage Geelong got when announcing Selwood the other day. I know the Huns website had a number of articles about it.

In regards to the sponsorship, why don't some of understand that we, MFC members and supporters, are the main ones that care who we get as sponsor. A sponsorship announcement on its own will not generate massive headlines, unless it is league record amounts.

Sponsors invest in to footy clubs for a number of reasons. Obviously, the exposure which creates awareness is part of it, but that's only as small part. It's having access to a captured audience (ie the folk who barrack for that club), as well as getting contacts of other companies that sponsor the same club.

Selwood was announced the same day that Tomic beat Dologopolov in 5 sets. I can tell you what got more media coverage the next day. There was nothing wrong with when Geelong announced however IF we are close to announcing a new sponsor and we happen to be announcing the captaincy soon it makes the most sense to do them together.

Disagree with your second point. Do you think Mission Foods sponsored Western because they thought Tacos would be big in Footscray? That Kaspersky thought that MFC supporters cared more about their internet security? The reasons to sponsor at a high level is purely brand awareness or a belief that the club aligns with your brand values.


I'm sorry you find this complex issue difficult to understand Billy,

But let me try and clarify it for you

"revealing the trip could have played a part in luring a major sponsor", for that line to be published it must first be approved by Cameron Scwab.

Next time you publish a small manifesto, make sure you fundamentally understand the opposing argument.

All the best

Have you run out of red cordial?


BRFE - What does the tennis have to do with an AFL club announcing a new sponsor? And, as I continually say, other than MFC members and suporters, who else cares? Are you talking maximum coverage/exposure? Well, the diehard AFL fans will read the AFL section of the papers regardless of what other events are on.

If we have more than one announcement, which will obviously happen with the captain to be named, I'd rather we make seperate announcements so that we are in the media for longer, rather than 1 day.

Just in regard to the bolded I do agree to some extent - however thinking about it, what is the purpose of sponsoring an AFL club? It is to get exposure in the media. Now is that exposure better on the back page of the Herald-Sun? Or is it better hidden away in a small article, possibly with no photos, 5-6 pages from the back?


Selwood was announced the same day that Tomic beat Dologopolov in 5 sets. I can tell you what got more media coverage the next day. There was nothing wrong with when Geelong announced however IF we are close to announcing a new sponsor and we happen to be announcing the captaincy soon it makes the most sense to do them together.

Disagree with your second point. Do you think Mission Foods sponsored Western because they thought Tacos would be big in Footscray? That Kaspersky thought that MFC supporters cared more about their internet security? The reasons to sponsor at a high level is purely brand awareness or a belief that the club aligns with your brand values.

So, you're saying that there was nothing wrong with the timing of Geelong announcing, even though the tennis was on. But, if we had a new sponsor to announce, we shouldn't do it during this time? Wake up sunshine, a captaincy announcement is of a lot more interest to the greater football community than who's Melbourne's next major sponsor.

And what if we get a new sponsor next week - do you want to hold off on the announcement until the day we announce our new captain? The issue with that is that it is highly likely we will get back page, but 9/10ths of the article will be about the captain, especially if happened to be Trengove.

I also did mention that sponsorships was partly about brand awareness, but there's a lot more aspects to it, which you're obviously out your depth to consider. For companies like Mars, it's more about maintaining their brand recognition, so yes, that would be a case of being purely about brand awareness, and not getting business relationships our of it. Same would go for Mission. But someone like Kaspersky would have seen it as an excellent opportunity to crack in to a ready-made database of high-up business contacts (ie other sponsors of Melbourne).

I'm not going to pretend that I have been involved in sponsorship deals with AFL clubs, but I have been involved in major deals at slightly lower sporting levels, Aussie Rules in Vic & Qld and Rugby League in South East Queensland, and the companies that I as involved in used their investment for the purpose I am going on about (like the Kaspersky case), while sure, some other sponsors of other teams did it just for the maintaining of their brand (like the Mars case above).


Just in regard to the bolded I do agree to some extent - however thinking about it, what is the purpose of sponsoring an AFL club? It is to get exposure in the media. Now is that exposure better on the back page of the Herald-Sun? Or is it better hidden away in a small article, possibly with no photos, 5-6 pages from the back?

Dr, would a stand-alone media announcement of the MFC getting a new major sponsor be worthy of full pack-page exposure? I don't think it is. Throughout the year is when they will get the most media exposure - when the games actually start and photos, interviews etc are ongoing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying an announcement won't get media coverage, it will, and quite a bit. There will be an artice in The Age and Hun, on the AFL website, and most iprotantly, on the MFC website. I'd be surprised if it made the TV media streams - they may get a brief 5-second comment. Some of us just need to realise that we are not one of the big 4 clubs, therefore, we don't get as much exposure as we probably should.


So, you're saying that there was nothing wrong with the timing of Geelong announcing, even though the tennis was on. But, if we had a new sponsor to announce, we shouldn't do it during this time? Wake up sunshine, a captaincy announcement is of a lot more interest to the greater football community than who's Melbourne's next major sponsor.

And what if we get a new sponsor next week - do you want to hold off on the announcement until the day we announce our new captain? The issue with that is that it is highly likely we will get back page, but 9/10ths of the article will be about the captain, especially if happened to be Trengove.

I also did mention that sponsorships was partly about brand awareness, but there's a lot more aspects to it, which you're obviously out your depth to consider. For companies like Mars, it's more about maintaining their brand recognition, so yes, that would be a case of being purely about brand awareness, and not getting business relationships our of it. Same would go for Mission. But someone like Kaspersky would have seen it as an excellent opportunity to crack in to a ready-made database of high-up business contacts (ie other sponsors of Melbourne).

I'm not going to pretend that I have been involved in sponsorship deals with AFL clubs, but I have been involved in major deals at slightly lower sporting levels, Aussie Rules in Vic & Qld and Rugby League in South East Queensland, and the companies that I as involved in used their investment for the purpose I am going on about (like the Kaspersky case), while sure, some other sponsors of other teams did it just for the maintaining of their brand (like the Mars case above).

Geelong did not announce a new sponsor Geelong announced a new captain. The benefit of exposure is about your relationship with the new sponsor not the captaincy.

You have actually hit the nail on the head with your second point, a sponsorship announcement on its own is not exciting where as couple it with a captaincy announcement and your sponsors coverage to the greater community is widely increased. It goes from a small article all about your company that is read by few to a large article that is read by many that mentions your company. It goes from no mention on the news to your company and logo being broadcast on likely the leading sports news story on all TV networks.

You obviously have been involved in some sponsorships and I do not disagree with your views as to the varying objectives of a sponsorship and the importance of the long term investment made. However you do not seem to grasp the impact of timing of an announcement to maximise your audience and the benefit of that to a sponsor. The simplest way I can look at it is if you owned a company who signed a sponsorship deal with MFC on Monday. Would your preference be to announce it immediately or wait 2 weeks and announce it at the same time as our captaincy? What would have greater benefit to you? What would be the impact of waiting?


Geelong did not announce a new sponsor Geelong announced a new captain. The benefit of exposure is about your relationship with the new sponsor not the captaincy.

You have actually hit the nail on the head with your second point, a sponsorship announcement on its own is not exciting where as couple it with a captaincy announcement and your sponsors coverage to the greater community is widely increased. It goes from a small article all about your company that is read by few to a large article that is read by many that mentions your company. It goes from no mention on the news to your company and logo being broadcast on likely the leading sports news story on all TV networks.

You obviously have been involved in some sponsorships and I do not disagree with your views as to the varying objectives of a sponsorship and the importance of the long term investment made. However you do not seem to grasp the impact of timing of an announcement to maximise your audience and the benefit of that to a sponsor. The simplest way I can look at it is if you owned a company who signed a sponsorship deal with MFC on Monday. Would your preference be to announce it immediately or wait 2 weeks and announce it at the same time as our captaincy? What would have greater benefit to you? What would be the impact of waiting?

If I owned a company that was a new sponsor of the MFC, I'd want it announced ASAP, regardless of what other sporting events are on. If I'm pumping $1m or so a season in to an AFL Club, the people I want to know about it is the AFL community, not the tennis community. Over the last 2 weeks, there has been stuff all AFL news in the paper because basically, there's nothing to report on. So, announcing it now would probably get noticed more by the wider community/die-hard AFL followers, as they, like most of us, crave news at this time of year. I know personally, when I check the Herald Sun website a number of times each day, the first section I check out is the AFL to see what's happening. I'm as big of a sports tragic than most of us, but regardless of the time of year, the location of it in the paper, the AFL section is where I head to first.

Even making a joint announcement with our naming of the captaincy, it will be largely overshadowed. Hypothetically, if Tregove were named captain, he'd be the youngest captain in history. Someone like the Herald Sun will probably have a full page on that, but there won't be as much exposure for a new sponsor as you think. The opening paragraph will read something like "The Melbourne Football Club has named Jack trengove as Captain, which makes him the youngest in history. And on an historic day, when the Club unveiled its new leadership group, they also revealed their new major sponsor, with X company signing on for 3 years. But it's the Trengove appointment that shows the new direction the Club is taking..." The article would go on about the new Captain, then if they're lucky, the new sponsor might get a paragraph at the end of the article, or midway through.

The media will be more concerned about the new appointment, and while at a presser, CS would be trying to promote the new signing of a sponsor, the journos will shift focus back on the new captain.

Is there really a wrong time to make an announcement of this nature? In our eyes, we're the biggest Club in the world, we're the most important, and that anytime something happens, it should be deemed news-worthy. To the outsiders, we're a struggling Club that has underperformed for years, and are quite irrelevant in comparison to the bigger clubs.

Nb. I'm basing my opinion on the belief I have about how much income our sponsorship will generate for us. If, on the other hand, someone pays well over $2m a year for 3 years, then the level of public interest will increase, therefore creat greater headlines. The arguement is am I under-valuing our brand, or are some over-valuing it? Time will tell.


An an article on the back page of the SUN, would have a big picture of Trenners with this new logo on his breast, BIG WIN, having your image printed on 500,000 papers across VIC


An an article on the back page of the SUN, would have a big picture of Trenners with this new logo on his breast, BIG WIN, having your image printed on 500,000 papers across VIC

And if they made the announcement prior to the announcement of the Captain, would that not mean double exposure?


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