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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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Phew this is all very tiresome.......I want him to stay.....but don't give a hoot if he goes.....we've had plenty good players go to greener pastures in the past, could ya blame them, honestly?..........WE WILL ALL NO SOON ENOUGH......we are passionate DEMON supporters, AREN'T WE, and passion does weird things to us, and our thoughts can truly run amuck, and i can't begrudge anyone that, but actually find our site here very very amusing.....kudos to all our posters...luv yas all DEES

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Nice work Flemo. I recon Gareth (and others) needed a hug, so you are spot on.

Go Dees.

Edited by PaulRB
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To think back to that bulldogs game on the friday night in the wet last season, and the excitement of thinking what a gun this kid was gunna be for us with no talk yet of him going compared to the disapointment this year has brung is just so disapointing . I hope we can get our shite together and have some good news soon .

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I shouldn't be surprised at this point though.

I'm coming to the sad realisation that the majority of our supporters just aren't that intelligent.

I hope it's a case of the vocal minority and I've misread the play.

Haha, very funny Gareth. You haven't misread the play, you're not even on the field!

But, keep up the condescending diatribes, its an amusing distraction from the depression of mfc reality

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Was on the Herald Sun website for Robbo's tackle and got asked about scully, said he will be at GWS and announcement later in the week. Seemed pretty certain to him. Hope my response of basically how do you gets through.

See Below Post

Mark Robinson. Enough said.

"Nuff Said"

Was speaking with the Grandparents, yesterday at Adelaide Oval, of one of Tom's best mates (if not BEST mate) and they would be shocked if he stayed but said it could happen... Tom supposedly feels let down by certain people at the club, higher up than DB was and they also commented on his parents preparing to move to Sydney... His old man works up there as we know...

Just So I Am Clear

So the Grandparents of a friend of TS say they are shocked if he stays but also say that he could stay. Tom supposedly feels let down according to these Grandparents. They also commented that his parents are moving to Sydney as his father now works there.

Let down? What a pea heart if that's the case, spoilt [censored] syndrome. dot dot dot if true.

May be close to Sam, but not many else if my reliable sources are correct.

So he'd play for no money and is very driven, yet he'd rather take his ball and move to an organisation he knows nothing about for more coin, because he feels let down?

Spare me, Gramps.

I reckon he is not the only one who seems to have taken their Ball and gone home.

What I cant understand ( if this is true) what has the club done to let him down?? Trengove,Taspcott,Watts, etc have all resigned.Did they let them down!

How is he any different!

If anything he will be higher paid then them if he accepts the offer!

What I can not understand is why people speculate further on rumours? How reliable is speculation on a rumour anyway? Isn' it like the blind leading the blind?

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Gerard Healy: "Are you sure about Scully, Mike? There's no question about it?"

Did anybody see the shell Mike Sheahan was slinking into when asked that follow up to "Palmer and Scully are next to go"?

The Herald Sun are in too deep on this one. Nobody is convinced, but they made their bed in April ("Scully has already signed") and now it's time to get cosy in it.

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Was speaking with the Grandparents, yesterday at Adelaide Oval, of one of Tom's best mates (if not BEST mate) and they would be shocked if he stayed but said it could happen... Tom supposedly feels let down by certain people at the club, higher up than DB was and they also commented on his parents preparing to move to Sydney... His old man works up there as we know...

They have known Tom since he was a kid (I'm sure you can work out who their Granson is) and they say Tom is close mates with a lot of the younger guys at the club, but just feels let down like I said!

They also said that anyone that knows Tom would know he has wanted to play AFL since he was a kid and he would do it for no money! Very driven young man...

Don't post much these days. Don't read much. Haven't folllowed this thread. Haven't been on Demonland for ages. BUT... "His old man works up there as we know..." Give me a bloody break!!!! You know this do you? Are you saying to me that Tom Scully's old man works in Sydney? The same old man that works in Melbourne for my old man? Thanks for that fact. I'll let my dad know that he hasn't been turning up to work.

Edit [1] If you were talking about someone else who works there and not Tom Scully's dad then I apologize for my rant but I can't be bothered reading the entire thread as it's very long and I'm tired.

Edit [2] It seems you did mean Tom Scully's dad... unbelievable that you just completely made something up... Did you think no-one at all would know?

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Guest Gareth Keenan

348 Posts in 18 days

It's not just the vocal minority?

It's just you GK

Way to ignore the issue being discussed for a cheap snipe...

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Based on Garry's words on FC tonight, Tom is yet to make up his mind and may yet stay at the Dees.

Caro is on the opposite side of the fence as all the other BIG journo's also.... maybe she gets this from Gary being so adamant TS hasnt signed.

This is what i believe, and i respect the Kid even more for sticking by his word and his interests,

Many would like to believe he is being selfish, but i think it is all just part of the professional unit this kid is, wont back down

ALSO, Gary being asked who would he rather an experienced Coach MM or RL or Tom Scully, Gary would rather TS

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Garry is walking that fine line. Needs to show faith inTom etc etc. Logic says you'd take the Coach as he affects the whole team. Respect Gaz but he's in an awkward position . Love to know his non-public thoughts. Thomo called it

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So it's just the vocal minority, then..?

Cos there's something wrong when being fed up means abandoning all logic...

Everytime I open a DL thread I see your name. I scroll down a fraction, I see your name again, and so on.

You are the epitome of the vocal minority.

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Don't post much these days. Don't read much. Haven't folllowed this thread. Haven't been on Demonland for ages. BUT... "His old man works up there as we know..." Give me a bloody break!!!! You know this do you? Are you saying to me that Tom Scully's old man works in Sydney? The same old man that works in Melbourne for my old man? Thanks for that fact. I'll let my dad know that he hasn't been turning up to work.

Edit... If you were talking about someone else who works there and not Tom Scully's dad then I apologize for my rant but I can't be bothered reading the entire thread as it's very long and I'm tired.

2nd Edit. It seems you did mean Tom Scully's dad... unbelievable that you just completely made something up... Did you think no-one at all would know?

Post more please. We need people who let reality in every now and then to balance the hair pulling, frothing at the mouth, the world is ending types who so often derail sensible discussions.

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can somebody please explain?

why would one wait to give his club an answer after he has finished 2 days of " MEDICALS" if u intend to leave ?

quoting from his manager , Peter Blucher his client would " honour " his commitments to MFC .which is expected to conclude tomorrow...

"He's got to honour all of those things and thereafter turn his mind to absolutely what he's got to do ".

if he is leaving -what interest would it be to the club to do his medicals ? "NONE" !! ( quite the opposite.)

unless he is intending to stay, of course !!

if it was u or i why would i go through the facade of medicals if one intends to leave.?

at the expense of the club & your own rep.( at least be seen to try & do right & honourable thing.& announce immediately.

so if he waits to do 3 days of medicals then informs the club he is leaving ,- he has either, got real b---- of steel ..(& as such a real "expletive ")

and very much galling for the club and supporters...

or he is staying...!! and a real frustrating hero !

article then quotes his dad phil saying " he had his family's blessing to move interstate."

goodness gracious me what a deadly tactless game, & a slippery slope i must say.


heard "CHIP FRAWLEY" say on mmm, he told the players he is staying.

but all the "sports journo's say the opposite..


in an age thread a great quote from that famous yank writer, HUNTER S THOMPSON..

-" With a few rare exceptions, -sports writers- are a kind of rude & brainless subculture of fascist drunks whose only real function

is to publicise & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover."

Edited by fuchsia
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can somebody please explain?

why would one wait to give his club an answer after he has finished 2 days of " MEDICALS" if u intend to leave ?

quoting from his manager , Peter Blucher his client would " honour " his commitments to MFC .which is expected to conclude tomorrow...

"He's got to honour all of those things and thereafter turn his mind to absolutely what he's got to do ".

if he is leaving -what interest would it be to the club to do his medicals ? "NONE" !! ( quite the opposite.)

unless he is intending to stay, of course !!

so if he waits to do 3 days of medicals then informs the club he is leaving ,- he has either, got real b---- of steel ..(& as such a real "expletive ")

and very much galling for the club and supporters...

or he is staying...!! and a real frustrating hero !

article then quotes his dad phil saying " he had his family's blessing to move interstate."

goodness gracious me what a deadly tactless game, & a slippery slope i must say.


heard chip frawley say on mmm, he told the players he is staying.

but all the "sports journo's say the opposite..


in an age thread a great quote from that famous yank writer, HUNTER S THOMPSON..

-" With a few rare exceptions, -sports writers- are a kind of rude & brainless subculture of fascist drunks whose only real function

is to publicise & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover."

"why would one wait to give his club an answer after he has finished 2 days of " MEDICALS" if u intend to leave ?"

Ummm because "quoting from his manager , Peter Blucher his client would " honour " his commitments to MFC .which is expected to conclude tomorrow..."

If he was staying why the bloody hell would he put the club and himself through the constant speculation all year? Makes no sense at all.

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in an age thread a great quote from that famous yank writer, HUNTER S THOMPSON..

-" With a few rare exceptions, -sports writers- are a kind of rude & brainless subculture of fascist drunks whose only real function

is to publicise & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover."

Little wonder the great man shot himself.

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"why would one wait to give his club an answer after he has finished 2 days of " MEDICALS" if u intend to leave ?"

Ummm because "quoting from his manager , Peter Blucher his client would " honour " his commitments to MFC .which is expected to conclude tomorrow..."

If he was staying why the bloody hell would he put the club and himself through the constant speculation all year? Makes no sense at all.

This has been the crux of the angst in much of this for many ( myself included ). If youre staying why all the precious diva act, and it is one. If youre staying ( and always were ) then there isnt really a 'choice' just a when as such. And if only a when, then surely youd get all things out of the way at the earliest rather than the latest. You only stall if you ARE contemplating any decision of direction, or if yo want to make it look like a decision is still in the offing but want appearances to be appearances.

If after all this he does stay, then ffs he ought to go sit in the naughty corner all preseason for acting the goose. But i still dont see this as the outcome. Im even more committed to teh notion than Swarta..id say its about 99% hes going.

And honestly.."Tom feels let down ??" diddums !! Strangely others dont .Can we put things into some properr perspective.. Firsttheres the club....then comes everthing and everyone else. This club cannotever take the position that things revolve around ONE player. If we startpandering to the whims and wants of any individual then well, quite simply,we're f#$ked !!

This whole ridiculous serious of unfortunate events needs toend.

Hes not the Messiah...hes not that bloody good..and hes noteven fit..

This has been a debacle on so many levels.

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This has been the crux of the angst in much of this for many ( myself included ). If youre staying why all the precious diva act, and it is one. If youre staying ( and always were ) then there isnt really a 'choice' just a when as such. And if only a when, then surely youd get all things out of the way at the earliest rather than the latest. You only stall if you ARE contemplating any decision of direction, or if yo want to make it look like a decision is still in the offing but want appearances to be appearances.

If after all this he does stay, then ffs he ought to go sit in the naughty corner all preseason for acting the goose. But i still dont see this as the outcome. Im even more committed to teh notion than Swarta..id say its about 99% hes going.

And honestly.."Tom feels let down ??" diddums !! Strangely others dont .Can we put things into some properr perspective.. Firsttheres the club....then comes everthing and everyone else. This club cannotever take the position that things revolve around ONE player. If we startpandering to the whims and wants of any individual then well, quite simply,we're f#$ked !!

This whole ridiculous serious of unfortunate events needs toend.

Hes not the Messiah...hes not that bloody good..and hes noteven fit..

This has been a debacle on so many levels.

Where / how has Scully acted in a petulant matter?

What has he said (from his own mouth, not the mouth of the best friend's grandparents etc.) about his dissastifaction?

From where I see it, TS put off contract talks until the end of the year, I'll take him at his word. The rest has been rumour, innuendo, media speculation etc.

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Where / how has Scully acted in a petulant matter?

What has he said (from his own mouth, not the mouth of the best friend's grandparents etc.) about his dissastifaction?

From where I see it, TS put off contract talks until the end of the year, I'll take him at his word. The rest has been rumour, innuendo, media speculation etc.

good for you mate.. couldnt be bothered with understanding al lthe previous posts I take it..fine.

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