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Tom Scully


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If Tom signs with MFC will their not be speculation with Trengove, Gysbert et al next year. They thought he would be a better position to negotiate at the end of his first contract rather than take a small increase over three years which was what the extension was about but still didn't put him outside the moving to GWS (which is a huge bargaining chip, and if he goes means the MFC have the uphand next year when over 50% of the list comes out of contract)

Trengove most likely extended the contract and instead of being on 110K and 130K a season he is on 200K a season. So in his third season he is actually on 360K a season which is the standard size contract. If the 600K offer is true Scully made a better decision to wait.

Think it'd be different though. Scully would be showing massive faith in the other players at MFC if so.

Plus, they could always take Cale Morton this year. (Please oh please)

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I'm sick of it also. Its turned a lacklusture season into a shambles. I'm becoming more and more resentful of the afl, scully, the media and the game itself. There are lies everywhere, highlighted by the fact that they claimed all qlong they wouldnt discuss contracts until seasons end but here we are at round 17 and its confirmed they are accepting offers. The club can say all they want but when news reporters are chasing your players down the street during training there has to be a deststabilizing affect. Im at the point where I want this over with, stay or go. Also, what are the long term ramifications of paying this kid over the odds and letting the tail wag the dog in terms of contract demands?

It's AFL v Rugby. The home and away series is small change.

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I'm sick of it also. Its turned a lacklusture season into a shambles. I'm becoming more and more resentful of the afl, scully, the media and the game itself. There are lies everywhere, highlighted by the fact that they claimed all qlong they wouldnt discuss contracts until seasons end but here we are at round 17 and its confirmed they are accepting offers. The club can say all they want but when news reporters are chasing your players down the street during training there has to be a deststabilizing affect. Im at the point where I want this over with, stay or go. Also, what are the long term ramifications of paying this kid over the odds and letting the tail wag the dog in terms of contract demands?

people need to remember that TOM HASN'T DEMANDED A THING!!!! the offers are from the MFC and what they think he's worth. I know for a fact he's not very keen on third party deals and opportunity that other players are getting because he wants to be only one player at the club not the only player at the club.

If everyone respected his decision to wait until the end of the season then this wouldn't of happened. The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

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Think it'd be different though. Scully would be showing massive faith in the other players at MFC if so.

Plus, they could always take Cale Morton this year. (Please oh please)

How hasn't he... he wants to wait until the end of his contract to look at a new contract their is nothing much in it besides the media beat up

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How hasn't he... he wants to wait until the end of his contract to look at a new contract their is nothing much in it besides the media beat up

Wolfmother if your cool voice of reason is proven true you will get your own bronze statue outside the G...

It is puzzling to me how TS is being promoted as marquee man when his career is still in its infancy. this would be place huge pressure on him next year if he does go to the dark side (blacktown).

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people need to remember that TOM HASN'T DEMANDED A THING!!!! the offers are from the MFC and what they think he's worth. I know for a fact he's not very keen on third party deals and opportunity that other players are getting because he wants to be only one player at the club not the only player at the club.

If everyone respected his decision to wait until the end of the season then this wouldn't of happened. The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

love your work Wolfmother! Have you spoken to Tom recently? what are your thoughts on where he will go/leaning towards?

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Sorry mate nothing from a couple of weeks ago was to catch up for dinner but lost my phone at the bulldogs game and only got it replaced today.

All the small things he states seem to me like he is staying at melbourne but I don't really want to believe it as the money seems to much.

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I WANT HIM TO GO. He is a destabilizing influence and next year's draft will be a beauty. 2 1st round draft picks to be used over the next 5 years will do me. As we climb the ladder our picks will get lower and lower. A 1st round pick will be needed for young Viney.

A 5 year contract? What stupidity! What about injury- he could go down with a worse knee injury than he already has. Say he breaks his leg like Barlow.

Goodbye Tom

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people need to remember that TOM HASN'T DEMANDED A THING!!!! the offers are from the MFC and what they think he's worth. I know for a fact he's not very keen on third party deals and opportunity that other players are getting because he wants to be only one player at the club not the only player at the club.

If everyone respected his decision to wait until the end of the season then this wouldn't of happened. The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

Hang on a minute, the MFC has to consider all possibilities. They put an offer to Tom, that doesnt mean he has to sign it. It's probably the best they can offer & they want to get on with signing other players & getting the rest of the remaining unsigned players signed for next year. If Scully wants to keep waiting until the end of the season that's his decision & as far as the MFC is concerned they have given him that choice.

There is no way GWS hadn't made previous contact to his management so I'm surprised the MFC hadn't made an earlier offer really. Not calling Tom a liar but the whole line from his management that their hadn't been any GWS contact is just a fanciful charade. The MFC is well within their rights to want to discuss a contract with Tom but they have respected his wishes. I find your remark that the MFC has somehow brought this situation upon itself pretty insulting really. I think the club have handled the matter with integrity during times when it may have turned quite nasty ala Bomber Thompson. How can you say the club has brought it upon themselves when the CEO is coming out defending the kids character continuously & respecting Tom's wishes to discuss a contract at seasons end?

Also your statement that Tom doesn't like third party agreements because it makes him different is a bit laughable. If that's the case he has nothing to consider from the GWS as he will certainly be different to his teammates up there, he will be earning 3-4 times more than them. Thanks for the laugh.

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I have to say i'm with Wolfmother on this one. There seems to be an extraordianary amount of character assasination on this thread of a young fella who is hailed as a rock solid citizen by by anyone who actually knows him.

Q: why on earth should he sign or decide now? to placate a bunch of nervous demons fans and to fall into line with a media who seems to have worked itself into a frenzy whilst he has remained streadfast? (one amazing example is John Ralp writing an article yesterday claiming a third party deal will help him stay and another today saying the rule change spells doom to our chances of keeping him- what crap, particularly on top of his traitor bs)

He has said he hasn't signed anything. Good enough for me. Will he stay? Who knows, but if he leaves i for one won't be baying for his blood. What does he owe Melbourne? Loyalty comes with time and shared expereince. Just beacuase we drafted him two years ago doesn't mean he has to swear undying loyalty to the dees or that he does not have a right to make a potentially life defining decision at a time of his choosing. The suggestion he is holding the club to ransom is complete rubbish and an unfair slur on the young man. Good on him for not bowing to pressure. I respect that.

Hope he stays but come on. The sort of anger being hurled at him on this site by his own fans is out of kilter and a bit bizarre quite frankly. Let the media froth and swing about in the wind. They just can't handle not having a resolution to their self propelled saga. I for one will focus on supporting Tom when i watch him and avoid buying into all the other palaver (apart from the odd post here i suppose!)

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Guest hangon007

If Tom signs with MFC will their not be speculation with Trengove, Gysbert et al next year. They thought he would be a better position to negotiate at the end of his first contract rather than take a small increase over three years which was what the extension was about but still didn't put him outside the moving to GWS (which is a huge bargaining chip, and if he goes means the MFC have the uphand next year when over 50% of the list comes out of contract)

Trengove most likely extended the contract and instead of being on 110K and 130K a season he is on 200K a season. So in his third season he is actually on 360K a season which is the standard size contract. If the 600K offer is true Scully made a better decision to wait.

Thanks Wolfmother for the reply. You speak very well regarding Tom. You paint a picture about him ... but sorry I'm confused.

If you had to describe him,as a person, in 10-15 words ... How would you do it? I'm just trying to get a clear picture inside my head.

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people need to remember that TOM HASN'T DEMANDED A THING!!!! the offers are from the MFC and what they think he's worth. I know for a fact he's not very keen on third party deals and opportunity that other players are getting because he wants to be only one player at the club not the only player at the club.

If everyone respected his decision to wait until the end of the season then this wouldn't of happened. The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

I'm sorry but that last part is absolute rubbish. I've taken him at his word so far and see no reason not to continue to do so. However whether intended or not letting this play out the way it has puts himself ahead of the team and is selfish to an extent. Yes he has the right to negotiate a contract at the end if the year but these are different circumstances to the usual. This is not an even playing field.

He would have an idea of what he is worth and would have an idea what the club could afford. The club needs to sort this out so that they can figure out what deals can be made to other uncontracted players. If he wants to play at MFC fine then he should cop a fair deal which would be less than what he could get at GWS but which may see him win a flag at the club (which is what this is about at the end of the day despite others trying to tell you this is just a job). Other teams have had players sacrifice pay to keep a successful team together and I would hope our guys would do the same to try and build a successful team.

I just don't really see why this should be put off any longer; there isn't really anything to negotiate and if he was fair dinkum he would take half a mil a year and count his lucky stars that he is fortunate enough to get such a good deal at such a young age having proven not much to date. Taking any more than this will benefit him but could potentially harm the club in the long term. If he is fair dinkum about being a successful footballer and not just a rich one then he would be taking the clubs best interests into consideration. To do otherwise would be downright greedy and selfish almost to the point of the club being better off with him gone so that they can get fair dinkum about building towards a flag instead of being held to ransom by a kid and his manager. I would love him to stay but would hope it is not to the detriment of the rest of the team.

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I have to say i'm with Wolfmother on this one. There seems to be an extraordianary amount of character assasination on this thread of a young fella who is hailed as a rock solid citizen by by anyone who actually knows him.

Q: why on earth should he sign or decide now? to placate a bunch of nervous demons fans and to fall into line with a media who seems to have worked itself into a frenzy whilst he has remained streadfast? (one amazing example is John Ralp writing an article yesterday claiming a third party deal will help him stay and another today saying the rule change spells doom to our chances of keeping him- what crap, particularly on top of his traitor bs)

He has said he hasn't signed anything. Good enough for me. Will he stay? Who knows, but if he leaves i for one won't be baying for his blood. What does he owe Melbourne? Loyalty comes with time and shared expereince. Just beacuase we drafted him two years ago doesn't mean he has to swear undying loyalty to the dees or that he does not have a right to make a potentially life defining decision at a time of his choosing. The suggestion he is holding the club to ransom is complete rubbish and an unfair slur on the young man. Good on him for not bowing to pressure. I respect that.

Hope he stays but come on. The sort of anger being hurled at him on this site by his own fans is out of kilter and a bit bizarre quite frankly. Let the media froth and swing about in the wind. They just can't handle not having a resolution to their self propelled saga. I for one will focus on supporting Tom when i watch him and avoid buying into all the other palaver (apart from the odd post here i suppose!)

As financial stakeholders in the club (as most here would be, I hope - i have a trident membershp), posters are certainly entitled to vent their feelings and emotions, and feel ripped off by duplicitous $$$managements$$$ and a double-dealing AFL. The commentary on here about TS has been quite muted considering that you are talking abouit passsionate supporters of a football club. We do not have to kow-tow to $$$managements$$$ who say they are waiting for neptune to be in alignment with the fourth house of opportunity before they will reveal their divine wisdom to us.

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I'm sorry but that last part is absolute rubbish. I've taken him at his word so far and see no reason not to continue to do so. However whether intended or not letting this play out the way it has puts himself ahead of the team and is selfish to an extent. Yes he has the right to negotiate a contract at the end if the year but these are different circumstances to the usual. This is not an even playing field.

He would have an idea of what he is worth and would have an idea what the club could afford. The club needs to sort this out so that they can figure out what deals can be made to other uncontracted players. If he wants to play at MFC fine then he should cop a fair deal which would be less than what he could get at GWS but which may see him win a flag at the club (which is what this is about at the end of the day despite others trying to tell you this is just a job). Other teams have had players sacrifice pay to keep a successful team together and I would hope our guys would do the same to try and build a successful team.

I just don't really see why this should be put off any longer; there isn't really anything to negotiate and if he was fair dinkum he would take half a mil a year and count his lucky stars that he is fortunate enough to get such a good deal at such a young age having proven not much to date. Taking any more than this will benefit him but could potentially harm the club in the long term. If he is fair dinkum about being a successful footballer and not just a rich one then he would be taking the clubs best interests into consideration. To do otherwise would be downright greedy and selfish almost to the point of the club being better off with him gone so that they can get fair dinkum about building towards a flag instead of being held to ransom by a kid and his manager. I would love him to stay but would hope it is not to the detriment of the rest of the team.

Totally agree.

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I, for one, would ask hard questions about whether Tom Scully will be worth this kind of elite money.

What we know about him thus far is.....

* His patellofemoral joint has begun a process of degrading. This may not come to bite for 10 years, but it may also become chronic within a few.

* His endurance, gut-running and ball finding are elite, his CONSISTENCY for the latter is, so far, not.

* His decision making with the ball is average

* His disposal by hand is close to elite

* His disposal by foot is below average......he fails to hit targets too often at this stage

* His body height and size will always hinder his absolute potential for the one on one contested ball

* He has no significant overhead talent, unlike Jack Trengove.

His talents will of course improve, and his value will grow compared to what he offers now......but with what degree of confidence would you think it will reach the level suggested by the money being touted, i.e. Judd like importance?

I don't think it will, and I think we have stockpiled a very good future midfield without Tom Scully. If we get 2 first round picks, as Adrian Anderson is basically confirming, allowing us to address the more obvious needs of size up front and arguably down back that we have, then I think we will have done very well.

I do, however, think he will stay, and I suspect Dean Bailey being re-employed will be the largest factor in his decision.

Also, don't ignore the chance he could go elsewhere than GWS.

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If you get a chance read the article from about Adelaide and the GWS in relation to the asking price for the 17yo kids they can trade this year. The thing that excites me the most is GWS are more interested in Draft picks for 2012 than this year. This puts MFC in a win/win situation. I keep pushing this because it is important that everyone realise that it won't be the end of our charge up the ladder if we lose Scully. Once again this is my win/win

We keep Scully win, the guy will be a gun.

We lose Scully and get one or two first round compensation picks. I think we will get two. We are getting Viney in 2012, it will cost us our first pick in the national draft, this pick doesn't include compensation picks. We put to GWS our first pick in the 2012 national draft, throw in a Bate or Warnock or Maric, to get one of these 17yo kids. By rights the kid we get should be ranked in the top 5 picks if they were drafted in 2012, Viney would be a top 10 pick. If we trade our first round pick to GWS we only will lose our second round pick for Viney. It will still leave us with the compensation pick or picks we get for Scully. That means in the super draft 2012 is meant to be we will get the equivalent to 3 top 10 picks and another before pick 20.

Don't get me wrong would love for Scully to stay but if he doesn't and we can get the right deal done with GWS we could be big winners from the players we will get from the 2012 talent pool.

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If you get a chance read the article from about Adelaide and the GWS in relation to the asking price for the 17yo kids they can trade this year. The thing that excites me the most is GWS are more interested in Draft picks for 2012 than this year. This puts MFC in a win/win situation. I keep pushing this because it is important that everyone realise that it won't be the end of our charge up the ladder if we lose Scully. Once again this is my win/win

We keep Scully win, the guy will be a gun.

We lose Scully and get one or two first round compensation picks. I think we will get two. We are getting Viney in 2012, it will cost us our first pick in the national draft, this pick doesn't include compensation picks. We put to GWS our first pick in the 2012 national draft, throw in a Bate or Warnock or Maric, to get one of these 17yo kids. By rights the kid we get should be ranked in the top 5 picks if they were drafted in 2012, Viney would be a top 10 pick. If we trade our first round pick to GWS we only will lose our second round pick for Viney. It will still leave us with the compensation pick or picks we get for Scully. That means in the super draft 2012 is meant to be we will get the equivalent to 3 top 10 picks and another before pick 20.

Don't get me wrong would love for Scully to stay but if he doesn't and we can get the right deal done with GWS we could be big winners from the players we will get from the 2012 talent pool.

All good stuff you say......but could we be chasing the future too much by topping up with youth every year? As this year has shown, we are too youth heavy. Of course having high draft picks gives us trade strength, so I guess we win again..........hmmmmm.

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Seems like a fairly Gen-Y perspective to me, to be honest. If true, it's all about how it affects him. I want players with heart - players who desperately want to play for this club - players who put club and team interests ahead of self.

This board is full of posts from both ends of the spectrum day in and day out analysing Bailey and his staff. Has he got the necessaries to take us to a premiership - sack him - keep him - judge him - more time - less time - chop him now.

So when it comes to Scully one of the big issues in his mind ( and has been for generations of players who have said " I want to move to club X for success" - hello Nathan Buckley) is , are we on the right road to success and who the coach is has a rather larger bearing ( and will we get there so much quicker than GWS if it all)

Do we not remember when RDB came back to the Dees to coach - Moore , Templeton and others came on board for what they perceived as beginnings of the road to success ( oops). One of the main themes we have all sprouted on here is that we believe we are 4 years advanced at least on GWS in terms of development and end success. There have been numerous posters who have suggested that Malthouse, Roos or Clarkson will take us places that Bailey can't. If TS is all about success does he not need to factor in who the coach is ? If Malthouse is appointed at seasons end do you think the experts would say - "gee, that will set the Dees back years" or will they say "this is a fast track to success"?

TS will not be considering how it affects him - he would be considering who is coaching the team and how that translates into team success or failure - reasonable in my opinion.

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I just don't really see why this should be put off any longer; there isn't really anything to negotiate and if he was fair dinkum he would take half a mil a year and count his lucky stars that he is fortunate enough to get such a good deal at such a young age having proven not much to date. Taking any more than this will benefit him but could potentially harm the club in the long term. If he is fair dinkum about being a successful footballer and not just a rich one then he would be taking the clubs best interests into consideration. To do otherwise would be downright greedy and selfish almost to the point of the club being better off with him gone so that they can get fair dinkum about building towards a flag instead of being held to ransom by a kid and his manager. I would love him to stay but would hope it is not to the detriment of the rest of the team.

Tom and his reps have always maintained their timetable for contract signing.

We have brought our best offer that keeps within our wage structure.

It's hardly ransom. Ransom requires negotiation. We are not there yet.

He wants to concentrate on 2011 and worry about 2012-2016 in September of 2011.

The media is the one playing this song to death, and we are all dancing to their beat - not Tom's.

Tom can end the song, but just as we shouldn't be behoven to a 19 year old, Tom shouldn't be behoven to the timetable of the media spotlight.

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Tom Scully is going to sign with MFC or with GWS. There's a question about timing.

If he makes a decision sometime before the end of the 2011 season and that decision happens to be that he's staying at MFC we'll all rejoice, however if it happens to be that he's going to GWS he will be crucified by the feral elements who exist in our supporter base - as quite clearly seen in this thread. Or alternatively he could make that decision and lie. He and his management foresaw this problem and he's done none of these things. He's put off making a decison until the end of the year. The only damage caused by this is to the weak-minded who can't handle the pressure of having to wait - not surprisingly they're the same ones who'd be at the head of the crucifiction mob. Tom Scully can stand the pressure - that's what make him who he is.

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Guest The Tweed Pig

The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

So the MFC are to blame for upping the ante and trying to get a commitment from one of their highly rated youngsters?

I'd be annoyed if they hadn't tried to get a commitment.

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The MFC only have themselves to blame for making an offer at the Hall of Fame dinner.

This really irks me. Sometimes people get their perspective all out of whack like somehow MFC need to pander to each player. We have every right to talk turkey with Toms management. Every right. This is a key contract that effects discussions with other key players like Sylvia etc. If Tom doesn’t like it, get over it and quickly. GWS and any other club would do the same.

In no way does the club need to be apologetic for putting an offer on the table at round 17. The perception is we have to walk on egg shells or something. Geezz, most here would give their left nut to play for the dees, and people are suggesting the MFC are to blame to start negotiations on a key young player.

Let’s not forget the oldest club in the land is bigger than the individual here. Talking to his management is not only acceptable.

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Tom Scully is going to sign with MFC or with GWS. There's a question about timing.

If he makes a decision sometime before the end of the 2011 season and that decision happens to be that he's staying at MFC we'll all rejoice, however if it happens to be that he's going to GWS he will be crucified by the feral elements who exist in our supporter base - as quite clearly seen in this thread. Or alternatively he could make that decision and lie. He and his management foresaw this problem and he's done none of these things. He's put off making a decison until the end of the year. The only damage caused by this is to the weak-minded who can't handle the pressure of having to wait - not surprisingly they're the same ones who'd be at the head of the crucifiction mob. Tom Scully can stand the pressure - that's what make him who he is.

i'm not sure if anyone will crucify him, although its not a bad choice of word as there are many on here who seem to think the kid is the second coming of christ.....

I think any passionate melbourne person would have every right to be disapointed with a decision to leave after only 2 seasons since he was taken at #1. This doesnt mean he should be booed or anything like that, but i have no problems with people using a internet forum to vent!

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i'm not sure if anyone will crucify him, although its not a bad choice of word as there are many on here who seem to think the kid is the second coming of christ.....

I think any passionate melbourne person would have every right to be disapointed with a decision to leave after only 2 seasons since he was taken at #1. This doesnt mean he should be booed or anything like that, but i have no problems with people using a internet forum to vent!

Oh come on - there would be demands that he played every match for Casey 2s and "supporters" would boo him. It would put the club in an invidious position - a position we have potentially been spared by Tom making a wise choice about when to consider his decision. From all this I get that Tom has foresight, is very tough and steadfast and is well-advised. MFC have also worked fantastically alongside him. Some despair, I don't.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 3

    EPILOGUE by Whispering Jack

    I sit huddled in near darkness, the only light coming through flickering embers in a damp fireplace, the room in total silence after the thunderstorm died. I wonder if they bothered to restart the game.  No point really. It was over before it started. The team’s five star generals in defence and midfield ruled out of the fray, a few others missing in action against superior enemy firepower and too few left to fly the flag for the field marshal defiantly leading his outnumbered army int

    Demonland |
    Match Reports 6
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