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INS/OUTS for Adelaide

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I'm not sure how much influence the Casey selections from the weekend will have, but i found it interesting that Joel MacDonald didn't play against Williamstown yet he was one of the best on ground the previous week and I haven't seen anything suggesting he's injured.

So could he be in line for a recall to the senior squad along with Sylvia and Junior (if healthy)?

If so, then team selection just gets a whole lot more difficult. Who'd be dropped if MacDonald, McDonald and Sylvia all come back???

Gysberts could be rested in favour of playing Junior. Maybe rivers gets pulled to make way for MacDonald?? Then you potentially have someone like ..... hell i don't know who you'd drop.

I don't want to see Dunn dropped and don't think he should have been earlier this season. Miller is playing an important role as well and performed well at the QB game.

Jetta stays becasue we need a crumbing forward, so does Bate, Watts, Green (obviously).... so who get's dropped??? McKenzie, making way for Sylvia through the middle.

Gee it's gotta be tough being in the footy department.

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In: Sylvia - McDonald - Bennell

Out: Miller - Rivers - Gysberts

FB: Frawley - Warnock - Bartram

HB: Grimes - Garland - Bruce

C: Trengove - Davey - Scully

HF: Sylvia - Bate - Jetta

F: Watts - Dunn - Green

R: Jamar - McDonald - Moloney

B: Jones - Bennell - McKenzie - Morton

E: Rivers - Gysberts - Miller

Rivers was better on QB but still has been pretty poor, give him some time in the 2's to get some confidence back up.

Gys or McKenzie - One or the other, im just a big fan of mckenzie so i chose him

Miller was unlucky, played well but not going to be round the club for much longer

Bennells a gun - he is fast, exciting and exactly what causes headaches around forward lines this year.. Run him around with jetta and we can cause some damage BRING HIM BACK!

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IN: McDonald, Sylvia

OUT: McKenzie, Watts

FB: Frawley, Warnock, Bartram

HB: Garland, Rivers, Grimes

C: Morton, Scully, Davey

HF: Bruce, Bate, Sylvia

FF: Green, Miller, Jetta

FOLL: Jamar, Moloney, McDonald

INT: Dunn, Gysberts, Jones, Trengove

EMERG: Bennell, McKenzie, Watts

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The football department have already shown that they will drop Warnock before Rivers, so people need to give up on that idea.

This is not a selection issue, but morton showed last week that he is a winger (not hb), please keep playing him there, or on the hf flank.

in sylvia, mcdonald

outs mckenzie, watts/miller

gysberts definitely stays in. both outs will be unlucky but sylvia and mcdonald are big ins.

I don't think we can have DUnn, Miller and Watts in the same forwardline at the moment. Dunn played a great game up forward (his rightful position!) last week so it is out of watts and miller IMO. i can't decide between the two of them, so it would probably come down to who is following coaching orders best.

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If Sylvia is fit leave him to get a few kicks at Casey, he wasnt setting the world on firs in the seniors before his injury, or since the richmond game for that matter.

The Gyz got tagged against the pies, let him continue to get some experience.

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That is my definition of good depth.

Yep and we have the raw talent to develop that depth.

I think it'll run deeper than just 24 players though.

You seriously have to admire Geelong with their depth and the way they cultivate it.

It has become a self-fulfilling prophecy with them - new players are brought into a club with an ingrained culture of winning and they feed off it from day dot.

Varcoe, for instance, used to be a player that got by on the work of his much better teammates, but I truly think he has developed into a decent player in his own right.

Not to say he wouldn't have anyway, but I think he is much better from being where he is.

This is the aim and I think it is within our grasp (in time).

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Why is Sylvia an auto inclusion?

I loved last years form more than anyone, however he certainly shouldn't live off it, and I wouldn't omit anyone for Sylvia's most recent form.

Earn it.

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Why is Sylvia an auto inclusion?

I loved last years form more than anyone, however he certainly shouldn't live off it, and I wouldn't omit anyone for Sylvia's most recent form.

Earn it.

Well, we are a bottom 4 team at the moment and I hate to say it but his form from last year makes him an automatic inclusion regardless of form.

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Well, we are a bottom 4 team at the moment and I hate to say it but his form from last year makes him an automatic inclusion regardless of form.

The purple patch and rich vein of form continues from you, Freak.

No such thing as an automatic inclusion based on the previous year's form (regardless of current form).

That being said, I'd pick him to play against Adelaide if fit and ready.

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Hmmmm, my first reaction to the part about qualifying for VFL finals was, "how ridiculous", but upon further consideration I wonder if there might be something in this...

I don't know how many games the qualifying criteria calls for, but if it was few enough that rotating a player like Watts just a couple of times through Casey might be worthwhile in giving him exposure to finals games once the MFC season is over. Obviously you'd only do this if his (lack of) form warranted it and there was a player deserving of promotion, but it's not entirely without merit.

Eligibility for VFL Finals

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IN: Sylvia

OUT: Watts

If Moloney had 10 disposals this week, would you drop him? No. Same goes with Gysberts. Two great games and then one where he had low impact (playing against his former favourite team and some idols) doesn't call for an omission.

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Why is Sylvia an auto inclusion?

I loved last years form more than anyone, however he certainly shouldn't live off it, and I wouldn't omit anyone for Sylvia's most recent form.

Earn it.

Yeah good point that....maybe the injury was causing more issue than we could tell, at his best Col is a jet but after his first couple of games this year has dropped away. I would play him though if 100% fit and ready to go....if not 100% yet, invest the game in someone else.

For a forward line that has struggled and IMO is our final piece of the puzzle, there is going to be crunch for spots soon when Jurrah is fit to return and Wonaeamirri is fitter. Attrition/Injuries will most likely resolve it anyway.

Jurrah, Watts, Bate, Sylvia, Miller, Dunn, Green, Bennell, Jetta, Wonna....hopefully Petterd still here next year which will make it more difficult if everyone is fit. That's 11 players for 6 spots (I won't call them positions as they dont relate much these days).

If everyone stays fit and healthy for the remainder of this year it will be interesting to see how the coaching staff approach the forward line and it's development with a view to the future. For this reason I would hope that Watts plays every single game unless he is really stinking it up and that unless they play blinders that either Dunn or Miller are exclusions simply as we already know what they are capable of. I, like many am not a Miller hater, he has his severe limitations but he gives his all for the red & blue and I appreciate that! Dunn has done (dunn?) what has been asked too.

Bate has struggled for fitness this year but can be very dangerous and as the season goes on a forward line of Jurrah, Watts, Bate is a good mix of KPP, Green would probably play further up the ground with Jurrah returning but go forward as needed.

Sylvia on HFF leaves two spots where you would look for the crumbers such as Wonna, Bennell, Jetta......all three bring something entirely different IMO in the way they play. All three still have to prove a bit, not sure they will play in the one side for anything longer than a game here or there in the short term if all are looking at forward line positions, could be used in other spots of course, no doubt....but I see others we already have in these positions being more settled already.

At this stage out of the three I really am looking forward to a fully fit Wonaeamirri returning to our side, a good mark for his size, decent speed but best of all is an outstanding kick for goal. Watts, Jurrah, Wonaeamirri, Sylvia, even Bate are players that I would feel pretty comfortable shooting for goal. Bennell and Jetta IMO are very closely matched at this stage....Bennell slightly ahead for mine as I think he has a touch more pace and is bit better in the air than Nev.

I've waffled on a bit here but simply would like to see the forward line come together in the second half of this season and am really looking forward to how the coaching staff approach this in the last 10 games, if we don't happen to play finals next year, from now until the end of 2011 there are 32 games of footy for this group. ONLY 32...that is not a great deal really and the quicker that the right mix is found and played consistently together, the quicker our accent to the top reaches of this comp will be.

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The purple patch and rich vein of form continues from you, Freak.

No such thing as an automatic inclusion based on the previous year's form (regardless of current form).

That being said, I'd pick him to play against Adelaide if fit and ready.


While I think Sylvia will play if fit I dont think his prior year form guarantees him a spot. On his performances to date he has not set the world on fire in particular before being injured. At times his decision making and ball use has been verging on dumb.

But at the start of this year I thought he could be something. But I have seen little to date to suggest he is at that level.

If fit he should play but he would want to pick his game. He is fortunate that a spot on the forward line is not as competitive as a spot up back otherwise his position would be interesting.

He needs to lift and I hope he does. If he got it together he could be a very good footballer. He has not been that this year.

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Gysberts definitely stays in.

Based on QB, Miller stays in.

Sylvia has no right to be an automatic inclusion.

Junior definitely returns if fit.

I don't like dropping Watts then resting him for the week, so leave him in.

McKenzie or Jetta would be stiff, but one might have to give way for Junior.

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They will not drop Watts IMO and nor should they. Bailey is always harking on about getting games into our youngsters and he definately needs to just keep playing and learning. Leave him there.

Gysberts will stay too. 2 out of 3 good games ain't bad.....

If Sylvia fit then i would suggest it could be that Miller gets dropped. Let's face it. He isn't part of the long term and we aren't going to make the finals so it is all about player development.

If McDonald is fit then i would suggest it could be McKenzie as he fills a similar lock down tackling machine role.

If neither are fit then there will be no change as no-one at Casey showed enough to push for selection.

Carn the mighty Dees.

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i personally think it would be a good experience for Gysberts to go on an interstate trip, but i guess that does not come into calculation at the selection table

We have depth in Potential Talent alone.

I think that true depth is Depth of Ability,,, not potential.

Time will tell as we blood more young guns. Were still building that List until we have True depth, thats when we'll be in Our Window.

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Somebody please explain to me what Miller did that makes him so worthy of keeping his spot..)

Absolutely nothing. Not worthy of a spot in the side. In particular his game against Carlton was deplorable. He kicked 5 goals 4 weeks ago and people think that makes him immune from being dropped. It was not one of those really impressive 5 goal hauls. I used to love his workrate. Still do. He tries very hard. But he should not be playing senior football because he is not good enough to play the role expected of him and will not (or should not) be on the list next year.

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sylvia to come back via casey? laughable. straight back in. we mark him harder because we know what he is capable of, but even when he doesn't meet our expectations, most of the time (including recent weeks) he still contributes enough. the club has said he had been suffering over most of the season with this pain in his foot, which is likely to have contributed to his lower output. i would expect an immediate improvement. plus casey have a week off this week which would push his return back further.

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Absolutely nothing. Not worthy of a spot in the side. In particular his game against Carlton was deplorable. He kicked 5 goals 4 weeks ago and people think that makes him immune from being dropped. It was not one of those really impressive 5 goal hauls. I used to love his workrate. Still do. He tries very hard. But he should not be playing senior football because he is not good enough to play the role expected of him and will not (or should not) be on the list next year.

I will agree that it should be Millsy that makes way because we have seen his limitations....if he was to stay in the side I am not sure anyone could call it unwarranted and I certainly wouldn't. He did have a shocker against Carlton as did the majority but it so so easy to make Brad Miller the scapegoat isn't it?

How has Matt Bate been in the same period? Not any better than Miller, missing crucial goals etc and struggling to stay in contests. There are reasons that Bater is struggling to get into games, fitness etc but he has been no more effective than Miller.

I will again agree that it should be Dunn or Miller that make way if Sylvia returns, down the track both IMO should be playing at Casey when Jurrah is back and our future forward line given time to play together.....I just cannot stand the attacks on Brad. I've seen plenty at Melbourne play without much effort or heart, Brad has never been one of these and the effort he puts into every game deserves at least a lot less vitriol than comes his way from so many Melbourne supporters.

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