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MFC Merchandise Collection- part 3

Jaded No More

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Hello all,

So after months of hard work (read: procrastination and doing other assignments), I have finally completed the first run of the MFC merchandise project that I started earlier this year.

As some of you may or may not remember, I was attempting to create a lifestyle-based collection, one that was as far removed from the Reebok athletics products as possible (don't want to [censored] off the sponsor).

After previous attempts to show the collections failed miserably, I have stumbled across a website that will host the catalogue in a flash format for free... but for 8 days only... that's right kids, this special offer won't last long so hurry in (no steak knives).

What do you get by clicking RIGHT HERE ?

Well, you'll get to see the final product catalogue for season 2010. While changes can always be made to the range, this is the project I'm handing in for assessment purposes. Any suggestions made by you will be taken on board when I finish exams and get my life back, then I'll have time to make adjustments.

The range, creatively named MFC Collections, is divided into three parts, menswear, womenswear and headwear. Thrown in for good measure are some merchandising strategies, namely advertising, and visual merchandising. This was done, again, for assessment purposes.

So, have a browse and see what you think.

A few things to note as you do...

1) When this online program converted the catalogue, it seemed to have killed some of the colours. I assure you that no pastels were included in this collection, so ignore any random colourings. And before you ask, yes that Navy is VERY dark.

2) Try and zoom in to see some of the more intricate logo details

3) The collection is, for now, pretty plain. I kept it as unfussy as possible to appeal to the widest possible market. It was also important to keep details to a minimum for cost purposes (high margin, low cost).

4) I won't be taking requests to create an "I love Grimes" or "Jurrah is my homeboy" tee. Sorry.

5) Remember that after 8 days, the catalogue disappears from virtual land forever, so if you want to have a peek, do it now.

And finally, please keep in mind that I threw this thing together over a few all-nighters, so if you find mistakes, issues, or think it's just plain awful, you can stick it in your pipe and smoke it (also I've had about 3 hours sleep in 4 weeks, so don't [censored] me off)! :P

Oh and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, go read HERE and HERE

Edit: It's a HUGE arsed file, so it may take a few seconds to load. Don't have a hissy fit.



Congrats on the project. You have done a pretty incredible job !!!

Would definitely buy if it got up and running !! Is that the plan? I missed the last couple of parts to this topic...

Love the Rugby tops, hoodies and singlets !!

All the best with your submission. An HD from me !!



Well the idea is that if enough people don't loath it, I'll contact the club to see if they might be interested in developing these products (or something along those lines).

Athletic apparel is really not my cup of tea or a reflection of my personal style, but when presented with an open project like this, I was thinking of doing something commercial which might help the club (while combining my two greatest loves- football and fashion :D). Plus I'm sick of how ugly the merchandise is, although I note they've come up with some "vintage" inspired Aaron Davey tees recently, although to me that is just far too limiting in terms of market appeal.

My ideas for this range were endless, I could have literally created 100 different designs, but obviously needed to limit myself due to time constraints (and really nobody was going to wear an MFC ball gown :P). If the club wants to get something happening, and I can show them that there is enough general support in the market, I would certainly love to help them get this done.

Oh and thank you for the kind words, it's always nice to hear positive feedback :)


Great effort indeed.

Better than some of the official stuff.

However one beef.....Champions 1964...highlights our achilles heel rather openly and is sure to make the wearer the butt of opposition jokes.

Its a bit like Freo having a supporter hoodie with "Finalists [Year ] in big bold purple letters on the front


If they had one of those champions 64 shirts available for sale right now i'd buy 4 of them. I think they are fantastic


The designs are fantastic Jaded.

Would certainly look into buying a number of those products if they were made available.


Over 160 views but just a handful of comments?

Since when did Demonlanders stop having an opinion?? :o;)

Great work, Jaded. You might want to change the established year from 1859 to 1858 though.

I was tossing up whether to use 1859 or 1858, because while the rules were devised in 1858 and we played amongst ourselves then (as far as I know), we didn't compete in a real sense until 1859. That is very easily changed though, so no dramas.

However one beef.....Champions 1964...highlights our achilles heel rather openly and is sure to make the wearer the butt of opposition jokes.

Its a bit like Freo having a supporter hoodie with "Finalists [Year ] in big bold purple letters on the front

I can do a lot of things, but I can't change our history or our recent lack of success.

The good thing is, I reckon unless you were a fellow Melbourne supporter, you probably wouldn't pick up the Melbourne connection straight away with these designs. For all people know, it's a date picked at random. That's also why I used the intertwined MFC logo as much as possible, because it is more obscure and more easily worn in different settings.

It doesn't scream "I'm a Melbourne supporter and look how proud I am of having not won a flag in over 40 years" :P

By the way, I don't have a Twitter account, but for anyone who does, I'd really love it if someone sent this link to Cam Schwab. Might help to get the ball rolling and it'll show him just how excited all of 6 people are! :D


Bloody good work bud!

I wish some of that stuff was on sale now!

Personally I'd prefer 1858. It's what we all, the club included, claim and I think we've already had apparel that states 1858 - it's probably the more recognised year and would save you having to explain it to everyone when you wore it.

Fantastic work though


geezus... some pretty fair efforts in there..Some id actually buy if available. makes the "real " stuff look terribly ..well... crappy !! lol

If you have access to screens.. and /or a computerised embroiderer you should make up some samples..and show the

club Im sure theyd be as blown away with not just your ability but the passion behind it.. This is a club of passion now you realise ;)

Ought to be 1858 as all references by club are to it.. just food for thought ..

I love the ...because its more than just a sport... I believe you have merchandise there that would cross interest into the general leisure wear arena.. Some folk wouldnt even need to follow AFL or indeed Melb but it has "old" appeal.

Seriously...ring the club.. make an appointment with Scwabby and whomever else..


Guest Watts=Saviour

Fantastic Jaded! Would certainly purchase a few of those designs if they became available.


Nice work Jaded. Great effort.

As someone who likes some less than usual clothing some good choices to be had. Only issue are the hats.. only train driver hats on the list? No flat billed caps for the younger audience?

What about socks? I enjoy wearing socks pulled up to my knees whilst wearing shorts in winter and no socks to choose from..

Good luck the potential next steps Jaded, as yuo mentioned our current apparel is below standard and it would be great to see a Dees fan be able to improve it.


the more I look at it the more it has a lot of that ol varsity look about some of it.. thats classically ageless ( very good from a stocking point of view too ;) )

You could be on a winner there Jaded... hound the club.. .. But id get a couple of samples made and give the to seected people...oh....Stynes.. Scwabby.. Cuddles...etc...

I remember back at the summit there were various mentions about better club-wear.. you just solved it !! Also mentioned was idea of utilising the talent within the club... exactly like this

again well done.... good luck with your career aspirations... Somehow dont think you need it though !! lol

I was tossing up whether to use 1859 or 1858, because while the rules were devised in 1858 and we played amongst ourselves then (as far as I know), we didn't compete in a real sense until 1859. That is very easily changed though, so no dramas.

The club was formed in 1858...Gelong 1859. Maybe we didn't actually play in 1858 but the club was definately formed in that year.

BTW i like what you have done & would definately be interested in some of it (usually i so not buy such things either) Hope it all gets up & running.)

As someone who likes some less than usual clothing some good choices to be had. Only issue are the hats.. only train driver hats on the list? No flat billed caps for the younger audience?

What about socks? I enjoy wearing socks pulled up to my knees whilst wearing shorts in winter and no socks to choose from..

As I said, I could have literally done hundreds of variations and products, but time was not on my side.

More headwear, socks, I was even thinking board-shorts for summer, and then of course you have kidswear, babywear etc etc.

The possibilities are endless, but I had to choose a starting point and limit myself, or else I would still be doing specs.

It's great to have the positive response though, and it gives me confidence in approaching the club. Sadly I don't have the skills or money to get samples made, but if the club wanted to get it done, I could help them coordinate production and sampling.

again well done.... good luck with your career aspirations... Somehow dont think you need it though !! lol

Thank you, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to get an industry job at the moment.

I'm sick of freelancing so hopefully I can get something more stable soon enough.

Oh and I will change it to 1858. Gotta get through the next two weeks of exams first though.

Thank you, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to get an industry job at the moment.

I'm sick of freelancing so hopefully I can get something more stable soon enough.

Jaded... I say this with much respect as you are obviously quite talented and able to bat for yourself. As an older and hence more ...traveled in life...person i will offer this for your ponderence. Often the gates of fortune or luck are opened by those that dare seek them out. They are not obvious for if they were to be so then everyone would try their hand. They are not hidden either but are there for those brave enough to trust in themselves and their abilities and are even more so able to understand that a rejection is not always a denial of ability, just of opportunity.

You have passion. You have ability. You have shown fortitude in the time and effort spent on your project, pet though it may be it has required dedication. You now have a choice. A simple one really. you can pack it all away and wonder "what if" or indeed travel the road less trodden and roll the dice. A sage once offered that the worst it can return is a NO, and thats where you are anyway so you cant really lose by presenting your case. It in itself is a lesson worth learning.

You will be amazed at how many "fortunes" ( not always financial but life enriching ) have been initiated through nothing more than someone havig the gumption to knock on doors and not take the first no as a sign to give up..

If you really and truly think your designs worthy of not only admiration ...but purchase ..then I beseech you to follow your heart. Go for it girl. Im sure that just about everyone here at Demonland would be barracking for you.

To put it more succintly... look at what is currently on offer. You know yours is better. Go tell them, go show them and make them believe.

Dont wait for luck, make it. Dont wait for "that" day, sieze this one !! Go on :D


I love it.... you definetly have a flare for fashion i am always on the look out for that new style and unfortunatly the people who have designed our supporter wear have never got close to some of your work and for some reason i have never understood why as they have full time dedicated designers..... Anyway go for it contact the club you have nothing too loose and if you would like some help i would be more than happy to come on board and lend a hand wear possible best Regards and luck you have a gift.... Daz ([email protected])

I love it....

Thank you.

I've shown the range to a number of Melbourne supporters outside these boards and they also seemed keen. Likewise I've succumbed and joined Twitter (argh!) and sent the link to Cameron Schwab.

(oh and this is a shameless bump :P)

Thank you.

I've shown the range to a number of Melbourne supporters outside these boards and they also seemed keen. Likewise I've succumbed and joined Twitter (argh!) and sent the link to Cameron Schwab.

(oh and this is a shameless bump :P)

Great stuff Jaded. Love the Hoodies!

BTW, Have you picked yourself up the ``exclusive members polo top`` on special for $10. They were obviously a massive hit this year! They need your help, seriously!

Thank you.

I've shown the range to a number of Melbourne supporters outside these boards and they also seemed keen. Likewise I've succumbed and joined Twitter (argh!) and sent the link to Cameron Schwab.

(oh and this is a shameless bump :P)

She shoots... she scores. Great work Jaded


Have been looking for a thread that is meaningful enough and worthy of my 1000th post.....

Here it is....

Congratulations Jaded....

Fantastic work and a great show of passion :)

I like it a lot....


Great work Jaded.

Really like the simple Sports Singlets and the Polos - not too keen on the Silverware but love the Navy.

First impression of the Striped Vintage Tee is that it's Essendon (especially the back).

I think boardshorts are a great idea too, and I love the striped beanie.


Wow. This is stunning Jaded.

My favourite is the Vintage tee, but there isn't anything I don't like. Although CarnTheDees makes a good point re: the striped tee.

The polo tops also look pretty snazzy.


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