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Hawks miss the finals!


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Caro's just had a massive go at Hawthorn on 3AW. Both at Brown and at Clarkson, for being bad sports, bordering on bringing the game into disrepute. Have to agree with her. They've got no basis for their actions.

"Bringing the Game into Direpute" is the most over used pathetic media statement of this century.

Sewell was knocked out cold while going for the ball, Lloyd lined him up with intent.

Of Course Caro would have a go in the media & get on her moral High Horse. It's her Job.

The Media love these issues. It sells papers & advertising space for another week.

If i was playing for Melbourne & Lloyd did that to one of my Team mates, i wouldn't forget either.

Lets not forget that Lloyd went Kickless in the first half yesterday...Gutless [censored] he is.

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If i was playing for Melbourne & Lloyd did that to one of my Team mates, i wouldn't forget either.

Lets not forget that Lloyd went Kickless in the first half yesterday...Gutless [censored] he is.

Matthew Lloyd ensured Essendon will play finals for the first time since 2004.

If you want to talk gutless, lets talk about a so-called tough guy, Campbell "I'm all talk" Brown.

The guy had the whole second half to do something about Lloyd, instead all he could come up with was a couple of [censored] slaps on Angus Monfries arm.

If he was so intend to squaring the ledger, do it, don't wait until after the game to get all lippy knowing that Lloyd may well retire after this season.

I found it bizarre that Brown of all people would be calling anyone a sniper, when he was the one in the "line in the sand" game that king hit Winderlich from behind as Winderlich was leaving the field.

I can't see Essendon getting within 8-10 goals of a switched on Adelaide this week, so for those Essendon haters on here, don't panic.

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Matthew Lloyd ensured Essendon will play finals for the first time since 2004.

That's always been the attitude at Essendon Hasn't it.

That's why i rate them with Collingwood. Lloyd is known as the "Velvet Sledge Hammer" & this incident will be remembered by Players.

Sewell copped a Broken Cheekbone & a Fractured eye socket, along with concussion.

Lloydy what a Hero...only thing he did all day.apart from drink his Gatorade.

Bet he retires after this Final series.....

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If you want to talk gutless, lets talk about a so-called tough guy, Campbell "I'm all talk" Brown.

The guy had the whole second half to do something about Lloyd, instead all he could come up with was a couple of [censored] slaps on Angus Monfries arm.

If he was so intend to squaring the ledger, do it, don't wait until after the game to get all lippy knowing that Lloyd may well retire after this season.

I found it bizarre that Brown of all people would be calling anyone a sniper, when he was the one in the "line in the sand" game that king hit Winderlich from behind as Winderlich was leaving the field.

100% agree. CBrown had 2 full quarters to square up but decided to have a go a Lloyd after the game, on radio. Big man.

And i do remember the hit from behind on Winderlich and that coward attack on the Irish.

Dean Wallace punch to a throat to a 18 y.o and Michael Long's bump was cowardly and top of charts in terms of sniping. Lloyd's more in the bottom drawer. Should get weeks but not the worse and not that dissimilar to Lance Franklin.

Edited by jacey
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Caro's just had a massive go at Hawthorn on 3AW. Both at Brown and at Clarkson, for being bad sports, bordering on bringing the game into disrepute. Have to agree with her. They've got no basis for their actions.


Matthew Lloyd ensured Essendon will play finals for the first time since 2004.

If you want to talk gutless, lets talk about a so-called tough guy, Campbell "I'm all talk" Brown.

The guy had the whole second half to do something about Lloyd, instead all he could come up with was a couple of [censored] slaps on Angus Monfries arm.

If he was so intend to squaring the ledger, do it, don't wait until after the game to get all lippy knowing that Lloyd may well retire after this season.

I found it bizarre that Brown of all people would be calling anyone a sniper, when he was the one in the "line in the sand" game that king hit Winderlich from behind as Winderlich was leaving the field.

I can't see Essendon getting within 8-10 goals of a switched on Adelaide this week, so for those Essendon haters on here, don't panic.

You are right on many fronts here.

I find Brown's outburst amazing given his record, his Club's record and his own father being a football thug. Clarkson does not like sniping. Alistair Clarkson!!!!

Anyway its all a storm in a teacup.

Lloyd will get 4 to 6.

Adelaide will win easily. Ho Hum

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Anyway its all a storm in a teacup.

Lloyd will get 4 to 6.

Adelaide will win easily. Ho Hum

Titan, can't believe you like the Bombers!

RR, yes Adelaide will win easily and you're right about Lloyd. Just Desserts. The velvet sledgehammer cops his right whack. Will it spell retirement?

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Of course Lloyd will get weeks, don't get me wrong.

But what he did was not "sniping". Especially when compared to Browns effort in 2004 on Winderlich.

Hawthorn came up with concept of "unsociable football".

Yet when the shoe is on the other foot, they don't like it.

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"Bringing the Game into Direpute" is the most over used pathetic media statement of this century.

Sewell was knocked out cold while going for the ball, Lloyd lined him up with intent.

There's not enough important things going on in your life WYL if this incident makes you this hysterical.

Yes, Llyod lined him up with intent. So what, its part of the game. Its what we all call for from our players from time to time. There's no doubt Lloyd wanted to hit Sewell and make sure he felt it - did he intend to hit him in the head? Didn't look like it.

It was the start of the second half, his team were down and he'd down sweet FA up to that point, making your presence felt is what he should have done. Cast your mind back to the Neitz McCabe incident in 04 - one of my favourite pieces of play from any demon. Neitz beelined for McCabe to make sure he hit him and McCabe felt it, it worked. Did he want to break his collarbone? Unlikely. However, what would have happened had the angles been slightly different and Neitz had collected McCabe in the head? The same level of intent would have been there, but the outcome worse. He'd have been suspended and deservedly so.

Same situation here. Wanting to throw his weight around and intimidate the Hawks was fair play from Lloyd and at the end of the day it was a big factor in the Dons winning. He had a dirty day otherwise, but so what? Are you claiming that because of that he shouldn't have tried to assist the team?

It didn't look like he wanted to make contact to the head, but he did and he'll be suspended for it. As it should be.

If anything should be sitting uneasy with you it should be the undignified manner in which Hawthorn have reacted to it. Brown and Clarkson especially have been pathetic. Too much triablism and sour grapes there. After the way the hawks carried on afterwards I too am feeling a good dose of schadenfreude.

Ash 34 - I wouldn't be baited by histrionics on here. I think the your dons have been impressive in patches this year, I like watching them and though I doubt it will happen, I'd like to see them get over the crows. Enjoy it.

Edited by Ho Chi Dee
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I probably won't get any support, but from a impartial Llyod hater I thought the Buddy bump was worse. Llyod should get off as it was two players with the same intent to the contest. The AFL has never really said contact wasn't inevitable on occasions.

So funny to observe the Hawks sook about it all too. Campbell Brown is such a hypocrite.

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There's not enough important things going on in your life WYL if this incident makes you this hysterical.

Yes, Llyod lined him up with intent. So what, its part of the game. Its what we all call for from our players from time to time. There's no doubt Lloyd wanted to hit Sewell and make sure he felt it - did he intend to hit him in the head? Didn't look like it.

It was the start of the second half, his team were down and he'd down sweet FA up to that point, making your presence felt is what he should have done. Cast your mind back to the Neitz McCabe incident in 04 - one of my favourite pieces of play from any demon. Neitz beelined for McCabe to make sure he hit him and McCabe felt it, it worked. Did he want to break his collarbone? Unlikely. However, what would have happened had the angles been slightly different and Neitz had collected McCabe in the head? The same level of intent would have been there, but the outcome worse. He'd have been suspended and deservedly so.

Same situation here. Wanting to throw his weight around and intimidate the Hawks was fair play from Lloyd and at the end of the day it was a big factor in the Dons winning. He had a dirty day otherwise, but so what? Are you claiming that because of that he shouldn't have tried to assist the team?

It didn't look like he wanted to make contact to the head, but he did and he'll be suspended for it. As it should be.

If anything should be sitting uneasy with you it should be the undignified manner in which Hawthorn have reacted to it. Brown and Clarkson especially have been pathetic. Too much triablism and sour grapes there. After the way the hawks carried on afterwards I too am feeling a good dose of schadenfreude.

Ash 34 - I wouldn't be baited by histrionics on here. I think the your dons have been impressive in patches this year, I like watching them and though I doubt it will happen, I'd like to see them get over the crows. Enjoy it.

Its obvious you have never had a serious eye injury isn't it.

Can't beleive all these people on here applauding Lloyds Action.. Sewells had his face re arranged while his eyes are on the ball, while there is not a mark on Lloyd. Matthew Lloyd was not going for the Ball. Ho Chi a collarbone is a lot different to a skull.

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Llyod should get off as it was two players with the same intent to the contest.

Please explain How and when Lloyd was going for the Ball during this incident S.T.??? He was nowhere near it, & his eyes were on Sewell...

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I'm not a fan of the Hawks, but gee I was rooting for them, such is my hatred of Essendon. Oh and Lloyd has always been a sniper. Just as Campbell Brown has always been a sniper.

Edited by AdamFarr
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"Bringing the Game into Direpute" is the most over used pathetic media statement of this century.

Sewell was knocked out cold while going for the ball, Lloyd lined him up with intent.

Of Course Caro would have a go in the media & get on her moral High Horse. It's her Job.

The Media love these issues. It sells papers & advertising space for another week.

If i was playing for Melbourne & Lloyd did that to one of my Team mates, i wouldn't forget either.

Lets not forget that Lloyd went Kickless in the first half yesterday...Gutless [censored] he is.

I agree with your first sentence, but none of the rest. You are unbelievable in your one-eyed hatred of Essendon that you fail to look at things with any sort of objectivity. Lloyd did not, and has never, attempted to knock a player out. His intent was to bump Sewell, and bump him hard, but not to break his cheekbone. Calm down and think about that for a moment. He screwed up, and will/should be suspended, but he is not a 'gutless [censored]'. He is one of the best full forwards the game has ever seen.

Get over 2000.

Matthew Lloyd ensured Essendon will play finals for the first time since 2004.

If you want to talk gutless, lets talk about a so-called tough guy, Campbell "I'm all talk" Brown.

The guy had the whole second half to do something about Lloyd, instead all he could come up with was a couple of [censored] slaps on Angus Monfries arm.

If he was so intend to squaring the ledger, do it, don't wait until after the game to get all lippy knowing that Lloyd may well retire after this season.

I found it bizarre that Brown of all people would be calling anyone a sniper, when he was the one in the "line in the sand" game that king hit Winderlich from behind as Winderlich was leaving the field.

I can't see Essendon getting within 8-10 goals of a switched on Adelaide this week, so for those Essendon haters on here, don't panic.

Agree with all that. Campbell Brown is a tool. Adrian Hamilton (is that his name?) was correct when he said that Brown's comments were prejudicial, hypocritical and insulting.

Titan, can't believe you like the Bombers!

It's a family thing. They're my second team (distant second, though).

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Please explain How and when Lloyd was going for the Ball during this incident S.T.??? He was nowhere near it, & his eyes were on Sewell...

Have a good look at the footage. Log on to the fox sports website and search for it. Or wait until it gets played for the 100th time tonight on Footy Classified or On the Couch.

Have a close look at it, Sewell had only just, and I mean only just, gathered the ball when Lloyd hit him. We are talking about a split second. Lloyd could argue that he too was going for the ball in dispute and Sewell got there a split second before him.

To say Lloyd was "nowhere near it", I think is wrong. If you want to compare it to the Franklin bump, I can tell you that Cousins had the ball for alot longer before Franklin got him than Sewell did.

You seem to have your mind made up that Lloyd was out to murder Sewell. Do you really think Lloyd wanted to fracture Sewells cheekbone? It's very unfortunate for Sewell, but as mentioned by Ho Chi Dee said, Neitz broke Luke McCabes colarbone in Round 1 of 2002 with a classic bump.

Neitz didn't get suspended cos he didn't get McCabe in the hit, which was lucky for both of them, whereas Lloyd did make contact to the head, and hence will be suspended. Other than that, they were pretty similar efforts.

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Its obvious you have never had a serious eye injury isn't it.

Can't beleive all these people on here applauding Lloyds Action.. Sewells had his face re arranged while his eyes are on the ball, while there is not a mark on Lloyd. Matthew Lloyd was not going for the Ball. Ho Chi a collarbone is a lot different to a skull.

The only obvious things here are your over reaction and your dislike of Llyod and Essendon.

Yes, well done, a collar bone is different to a skull. Have a cigar.

The point is both incidents were intended to physically shake up a player / team. Llyod didn't look like he was aiming for the head. If he'd collected Sewell fairly on the side, it still would have made an impressive impact and sent a message out - and eveyone would have thought it a great piece of play. That was what Lloyd was trying to do. He missed, collected the head and will be suspended, as he should be.

But labeling him "gutless", "sniper" and a "[censored]" is just ridiculous and overly emotive.

The extent of Sewell's injury isn't what's at issue here. Its a horrible injury, lucky it wasn't worse and we all hope he recovers well. You (and everyone else being dramatic about this) projecting intent onto Lloyd's actions that didn't appear to be there and you can't prove was there is curious. He went to make a physical statement which our game condones. It went wrong, he'll pay the price.

Where's the issue?

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Lloyd offered 4 matches with an early plead, so basically 5 matches.

reckless conduct, severe impact, high contact = 550 points

I'd imagine Essendon will argue to have conduct downgraded.

Either way, season, and maybe career over for Lloyd.

Ryder and Lonergan also offered 1 match bans with early pleads.

Ryder one is interesting seeing Alex Rance wasn't even sighted for his punch to the face of Franklin last week.

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The only obvious things here are your over reaction and your dislike of Llyod and Essendon.

Yes, well done, a collar bone is different to a skull. Have a cigar.

The point is both incidents were intended to physically shake up a player / team. Llyod didn't look like he was aiming for the head. If he'd collected Sewell fairly on the side, it still would have made an impressive impact and sent a message out - and eveyone would have thought it a great piece of play. That was what Lloyd was trying to do. He missed, collected the head and will be suspended, as he should be.

But labeling him "gutless", "sniper" and a "[censored]" is just ridiculous and overly emotive.

The extent of Sewell's injury isn't what's at issue here. Its a horrible injury, lucky it wasn't worse and we all hope he recovers well. You (and everyone else being dramatic about this) projecting intent onto Lloyd's actions that didn't appear to be there and you can't prove was there is curious. He went to make a physical statement which our game condones. It went wrong, he'll pay the price.

Where's the issue?

That is the Biggest Crock of [censored] i have Read on this site in the Last 5 Years.

Glad i have never played a game of sport against you.

Lloyd Lined up Sewell for Maximum Effect-He aimed He Got.

My Emotions Have Nothing to Do with Anything.

By the Way, I Hate Hawthorn & well remember all there Thug Champions so i am not taking sides on this issue.

Aiming for High Contact is a Gutless Act & always will be.

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Ryder and Lonergan also offered 1 match bans with early pleads.

Ryder one is interesting seeing Alex Rance wasn't even sighted for his punch to the face of Franklin last week.

I can't believe Ryder got a week for what he did. The contact was minimal. Much worse has happened. Bateman should have got 2 or more weeks for what he did.

Lloyd Lined up Sewell for Maximum Effect-He aimed He Got.

Aiming for High Contact is a Gutless Act & always will be.

Go an have another look at the footage. To allege that his intention was to knock Sewell out by hitting his head is ludicrous and is based on nothing. His intention was to knock him over, to show physicality. His intentions were completely within the laws of the game. His execution was not, and he has copped his whack.

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. His intentions were completely within the laws of the game. His execution was not, and he has copped his whack.

Intentions & executions, getting into Murky waters there. Lloyd's intention was to take Sewell out of the game, which he did with a very cheap High shot execution.

I do not need to see the footage again, courtesy of our media its about all i have seen since Saturday evening

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Intentions & executions, getting into Murky waters there. Lloyd's intention was to take Sewell out of the game, which he did with a very cheap High shot execution.

I do not need to see the footage again, courtesy of our media its about all i have seen since Saturday evening

Not murky at all. There's nothing in that footage to suggest that Lloyd's intention was to break Sewell's cheekbone. But there is evidence there to suggest that he wanted to show physicality and leadership.

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