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DEAD CALM by The Oracle

On my way to the MCG yesterday I heard the commentators on SEN delivering their previews of the Melbourne v Richmond game. It was obvious what they were looking for in this game - any sign that one of the teams, Melbourne, was deliberately going out to set up a loss to gain a benefit in the national draft at the end of the season.

Two and a half hours later, they had in their own minds what they had been looking for all afternoon - an opportunity to attack the Melbourne Football Club for doing its best to lose the game. Every move, every change and every nuance made by coach Dean Bailey was examined and analysed with suspicious intent so that the entire exercise of describing the game became a self-fulfilling prophecy. But in the end, the commentators who slammed the Demons for tanking were an embarrassment to themselves. The practice they were describing has been going on for years with the full approval of the governing body which continues to strongly deny that clubs "tank".

Kevin Bartlett, the former Tiger champion and coach, has absolutely "cracked it" over his belief that the Demons were doing things that caused him "alarm" but that only belied the fact that his old club - the one that he alienated himself from because it sacked him after a fruitless period at the coaching helm - was facing a barren and bitter future. If the final siren sounds and you're not in front of a team that's trying to lose as badly as Bartlett and others are suggesting, then what does it say about the Tigers?

That's the crux of my review of a game that by their reckoning, Melbourne should have lost by eight or ten goals. In fact, it was only won by Richmond by the narrow margin of four points in the last play of the game with a Jordan McMahon kick after the siren.

Like many in the football world and particularly among the AFL hierarchy, Bartlett has been in denial for far too long about the state of play insofar as priority picks are concerned. Why now and why Melbourne? Where were they when Carlton famously imploded in the last half of 2007 ending in the infamous twilight game of round 22 of that year but really culminating in the recuiting of Chris Judd and the drafting of Matthew Kreuzer?

The Demons had a swag of players missing for one reason or another - mainly injury - and by the end of the game a bench full of more injured players. So Demon coach Dean Bailey experimented with some unusual team placements. Did he have much of a choice in the circumstances? Did he have the luxury of a Tuck, a Bowden, a Coughlan or a Richardson in his club's VFL partner? Did he retire off a player who kicked five goals in his last match to ensure defeat or put his champion goalkicker in mothballs as other clubs have done in recent years? Does he pompously lecture the world on the evils of tanking while enjoying the fruits of his own priority pick "earned" in what might also be described as dubious circumstances just two years after a second consecutive grand final appearance?

And just where does it say that sportsmanship, fair play and a level playing field has a role in this competition these days? Not if your playing programme is dictated by financial criteria. Not when an ambassadorship with Visy (for doing exactly what?) is worth a packet outside the salary cap. Come on down and have a cup of tea Karmichael Hunt. You still want fair play? Then give the game back to the people and not those who follow the trail to the money.

Oh yes. The game.

Melbourne was never out of it by more than a goal and a half and held the lead on numerous occasions. There were mistakes galore, some poor disposal and woeful decision making and that's pretty much what you would expect when the twelfth placed side meets the bottom team. But the standard was not appreciably lower than two or three other encounters in this round. Neither side managed no goals and nine behinds and one out on the full in a quarter. The result, a 12.14.86 to 12.10.82 win to the Tigers was not that dissimilar to the Demons' eight point win that stymied Terry Wallace's career earlier in the season. There was no shortage of highlights including some intriguing contests, heavy physical clashes, miracle goals from Lynden Dunn and Nathan Brown and plenty of emerging players of the future on display. There was excitement and tension, a sensational late game rally from Melbourne with two memorable goals, one to the rapidly developing Jack Grimes, who marked a kick-in and goaled with all the poise and balance of a veteran, and another to Ricky Petterd, who struck immediately afterwards and put his team two points up with 1 minute and 40 seconds remaining on the clock. Then, the fateful goal that sealed the game for the Tigers.

Melbourne's best included skipper James McDonald, Aaron Davey, Grimes, Petterd, Nathan Jones and Lynden Dunn. James Frawley and Matthew Warnock continued to show their development and some versatility when moved forward and Jake Spencer, though visibly tiring at the end, gained valuable game time. This is precisely what Bailey has been telling the world he was planning to do and kudos go to him and his team for persevering and for finishing within a split second of a win.

When Ron Barassi famously experimented in a grand final and implored his charges to handball, handball, handball and the result was a premiership, the football world applauded and called him a genius. When Bailey remains dead calm in the coach's box, experiments with his team and almost pulls off a remarkable victory, Kevin Bartlett pulls out what's left of his hair and calls it a joke. He should go back to trying to get Kevin Sheedy in the coach's box at Tigerland because the joke's on him!

Melbourne 2.0.12 4.3.27 8.7.55 12.10.82

RIchmond 1.5.11 4.8.32 7.10.52 12.14.86


Melbourne Dunn Miller Petterd 2 Bate Davey Grimes Newton Jetta Jones Newton

Richmond Brown 3 Deledio Morton 2 Hislop McMahon Nahas Riewoldt Vickery


Melbourne Petterd McDonald Grimes Davey Petterd Bate Cheney

Richmond Deledio Cousins Brown Thursfield Morton McGuane Tambling


Melbourne Bennell (knee), Whelan (foot), Martin (corked calf)

Richmond Riewoldt (concussion)


Melbourne Morton (heel) replaced in selected side by Spencer.

Richmond - nil


Melbourne Davey for wrestling King in the first quarter

Richmond King for wrestling Davey in first quarter.

Umpires Keating James Farmer

Official Crowd 37,438 at MCG

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Surprised that KB is suddenly alarmed by what coaches do during a game.

He might have cause to be alarmed if the result was devastatingly different to what might be expected but since it was only different by 12 points compared to the last time they met, why is not alarmed by other things that appear much more cause for alarm?

It alarms me that this game bothers him so much.

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DEAD CALM by The Oracle

It is hard to believe that a bloke with such a blinkered view of a situation (and it is not the only example, he is blinkered in nearly everything he has an opinion on) is also charged with managing the laws of the game.

He reminds me of rabid dog when he opines on this and many other issues.

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Surprised that KB is suddenly alarmed by what coaches do during a game.

He might have cause to be alarmed if the result was devastatingly different to what might be expected but since it was only different by 12 points compared to the last time they met, why is not alarmed by other things that appear much more cause for alarm?

It alarms me that this game bothers him so much.

To be fair to KB, he has maintained all along that there's no tanking going on. What "alarmed" him was the other commentators giving it to him during this game and trying to get him to admit that Melbourne were tanking, and he was struggling to understand some of our positional changes while at the same time trying to argue that we weren't tanking.

As he explained this morning, now that we know how the game turned out, the boot's now on the other foot. He's saying that DB is a lot smarter than his fellow commentators, who "aren't as smart as they think they are", because the positional changes that he was struggling to explain during the game actually nearly won it for Melbourne. It's all the other commentators who were bagging him who are now twisting and turning in trying to explain how a team that's truly tanking could muster such a great final quarter effort with only 19 fit men (and only 4 rotations for the whole quarter!) and still be in front at the final siren.

Even Patrick Smith, who believes that there's tanking everywhere, had to admit that this weekend's results, where we lost by a very unlikely goal after the siren and WC beat Essendon and lost their PP, has probably put paid to the tanking debate for this season, once and for all. He's now trying to argue that the AFL needs to do something about it because even if it's not going on, tanking is something that so many fans have so much trouble with.

KB now feels that, though he struggled to uphold the "no-tanking" side of the argument during the game, he's now been vindicated well & truly by the way it turned out.

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If anyone thinks Dean Bailey was trying to win the game yesterday, they are incredibly ignorant.

Watch the tape.

Dunn kicks goal of the year, immediately moved to the back pocket.

Davey a sensational goal to spark the Dees, immediately to the bench.

Jetta in at the centre bounce, wins a clearance or two, get him out of there.

I'm sorry but if you watch that game, really watch it, its so blatant its not funny.

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The Media was looking for anything to hang their "Tank" hat on. I bet if they look at every game with the same rose coloured glasses the same will apply. look at supposedly Last years best forward "Buddy" 2 goals 7, did the dawks tank?, did Buddy have a bet on? Wake up you guys.

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If anyone thinks Dean Bailey was trying to win the game yesterday, they are incredibly ignorant.

Watch the tape.

Dunn kicks goal of the year, immediately moved to the back pocket.

Davey a sensational goal to spark the Dees, immediately to the bench.

Jetta in at the centre bounce, wins a clearance or two, get him out of there.

I'm sorry but if you watch that game, really watch it, its so blatant its not funny.

My article is not about whether Dean Bailey was or was not trying to win the game. He has stated publicly that his approach is to develop the players on his list and to develop a winning culture. The point is that the commentators were focussing on what Melbourne was doing and doing quite legitimately within the rules of the game and making an issue out of it. I regard this as hypocritical when it comes from certain quarters that have been maintaining that clubs don't tank or manage their lists in ways that might give them advantages in future recruiting.

For the record, I believe the rules should be changed and the priority pick scrapped.

Edited by The Oracle
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Even Patrick Smith, who believes that there's tanking everywhere, had to admit that this weekend's results, where we lost by a very unlikely goal after the siren and WC beat Essendon and lost their PP, has probably put paid to the tanking debate for this season, once and for all. He's now trying to argue that the AFL needs to do something about it because even if it's not going on, tanking is something that so many fans have so much trouble with.


Whether the AFL wants to believe or not, there is a credibility smear amongst the AFL consuming public. The problem is if they do away with the PP which obviously assists the poorly performed clubs they are doing so to stop sides t**king which they say does not exist! :wacko:

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again..are we the poor trash that everyone can kick ? seems all were happy to overlook efforts of Richmond Carlton west Coast etc in past...but oh no..those dastardly demons are up to no good...ffs.. All and sundry in media and other footy outlets need to go take a running jump <_<

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I missed KB & Patrick this morning sadly. Sure it would have been Great Radio.

KB is Like Fonzie...He cannot say the word Wr Wro Wrong. KB is never wrong. And yesterday he was proved to be just that.

The coach was merely being a winner for 2010. Pathetic Little Ned Flanders KB cannot deal with that.

The Same man who sooked for 16 years over his once beloved Tigers.

The Tigers what a Train wreck they truly are.

Bailey Yesterday was inspired, albeit lucky. The players gave there all & so they should as they will get rewards if they work hard in the Future.

Ricky Petterd & Frank Grimes will both be GUNS...

Richmond will continue to win a handful of cheap dead rubbers year in year out.

Get over it KB, maybe that's why you never mastered coaching. Not tough enough when it REALLY counted.

"More Tea Vicar"

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Melbourne Davey for wrestling King in the first quarter

Richmond King for wrestling Davey in first quarter.

Did the commentators find time to mention King's tactics on Aaron Davey?

As it happens the MRP has fined King and let Davey off the hook. The panel said Davey was "not active in the wrestle. King instigated the wrestle and continued it, while Davey remained passive."

The MRP also assessed contact between Dean Polo and Matthew Bate from the third quarter and found the impact was below that required to constitute a reportable offence. No further action was taken.

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Well written Oracle. You should be in the mainstream print media as your articles are better than most in there.

Agreed. What will it take to convince you, Oracle, to email or send this OP to KB at SEN? Or better yet, Schwartz so he can read it out live?

KB was a fossil of a bygone era a LONG time ago. It is beyond me why he is still in the media. He offers terrible commentary, repeating the same tired phrases over an over... has zero imagination... He is on a rules committee that basically guides the rules of the game to advantage, shock horror, the Kevin Bartlett types currently running around. Fast, big-endurance, accurate kicking players.

The sooner he disappears from the footy mainstream the better off we all are. And I'm not even close to kidding or overstating. I've had enough of this clowns garbage.

Now. All that said. I will never understand why Maher is still around. His whole reputation is based on his Aussie drawl. He's horribly unpresentable (though not Hutchy-like), repetitive, not funny in the least... I mean... Does anyone actually like him? ANYONE? And fair dinkum... having a crack at the demons for tanking. Just goes to show how little they know. The Demons, Blues, Hawks, Saints... none of these teams are the guilty party. The guilty party is the AFL.

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Ever heard of the saying: "to certain type of person with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"?

If you believe we're tanking, then everything we do will be interpreted as tanking. Even if we do the opposite of what you interpret as tanking, that too will be interpreted as tanking. The famous legend-in-his-own-imagination tanking scholar Grant Thomas even interprets West Coast's win over Essendon, which lost them their PP, as indisputable evidence of tanking - "they just happened to find themselves in front!" You can't argue with a closed mind.

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Now. All that said. I will never understand why Maher is still around. His whole reputation is based on his Aussie drawl. He's horribly unpresentable (though not Hutchy-like), repetitive, not funny in the least... I mean... Does anyone actually like him? ANYONE? And fair dinkum... having a crack at the demons for tanking. Just goes to show how little they know. The Demons, Blues, Hawks, Saints... none of these teams are the guilty party. The guilty party is the AFL.

Andy Maher Loved Carlton's Tanking in 2007, he advertised it regularly. That little Twirp needs to be taught a lesson real fast. But he works for Ch 10 so you can't expect any intellect.

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again..are we the poor trash that everyone can kick ? seems all were happy to overlook efforts of Richmond Carlton west Coast etc in past...but oh no..those dastardly demons are up to no good...ffs.. All and sundry in media and other footy outlets need to go take a running jump <_<

You don't remember the Kreuzer cup or the Bryce Gibbs cup?

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You don't remember the Kreuzer cup or the Bryce Gibbs cup?

whats your point...what are you trying to say ?? just curious. Of course I remember those games.. But my point is that if its Carlton.. then everyone looks teh other way.. but those Toffs from Melbourne hill...no.... different !!

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whats your point...what are you trying to say ?? just curious. Of course I remember those games.. But my point is that if its Carlton.. then everyone looks teh other way.. but those Toffs from Melbourne hill...no.... different !!

I'm not sure that its specifically us, but i think the media has turned the spotlight on tanking much more this year than any year previously.

They realize that these conspiracy theories sell more papers and this year the prize is just so much bigger than it has been any year previously - not just because it involves a star like Tom Scully, not just because it involves priority picks before the first round, not just because as many as FIVE teams has been touted as tanking, not just because there is a steep drop off in talent after the first couple of players available and not just because the next 3 drafts are heavily tainted making this year's crop even more valuable. Its a culmination of all these things and the fact the general football public is this year much more aware of the prizes on offer at the draft, much moreso than in previous years.

It will be virtually forgotten by the masses come next year when the controversy becomes the draft concessions that have been afforded to GC17.

Surely the angle will be - THEY HAVE BEEN GIVEN FAR TOO MUCH. Which is not necessarily true at all, but it will be floated and you can bet Malthouse will have an opinion on it.

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My article is not about whether Dean Bailey was or was not trying to win the game. He has stated publicly that his approach is to develop the players on his list and to develop a winning culture. The point is that the commentators were focussing on what Melbourne was doing and doing quite legitimately within the rules of the game and making an issue out of it. I regard this as hypocritical when it comes from certain quarters that have been maintaining that clubs don't tank or manage their lists in ways that might give them advantages in future recruiting.

For the record, I believe the rules should be changed and the priority pick scrapped.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I skimmed your post and should have looked closer.

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The SEN broadcast was a disgrace. Absolutely appalling. Incredible bias. I won't be listening to them again this year.

The one funny moment was the Collingwood supporter who phoned in with the thought that the timekeeper who had his finger on the button for the siren was tanking & a Melbourne supporter :D

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The SEN broadcast was a disgrace. Absolutely appalling. Incredible bias. I won't be listening to them again this year.

The one funny moment was the Collingwood supporter who phoned in with the thought that the timekeeper who had his finger on the button for the siren was tanking & a Melbourne supporter :D

I wasn't "privvy" to the SEN broadcast, but I've since heard bits and pieces of feedback....can you elaborate or give examples?

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I wasn't "privvy" to the SEN broadcast, but I've since heard bits and pieces of feedback....can you elaborate or give examples?

Showed a bit on FC last night with Maher basically saying that because Rivers was smiling after he effed up and gave Hislop that goal so he was tanking.

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