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URGENT ...Marquee player/s required

Guest DemonSG

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Guest DemonSG

It is probably a foregone conclusion now that we will have picks 1 & 2 in the draft, but with those new players along with the youngsters already on the list I think we need to trade for a marquee player.

We will loose experienced senior players at years end, Junior, Wheatley and Whelan. I also believe Robbo should be convinced to go.

This leaves a massive hole in the list of senior players. The club is crying out for leadership at the highest level while we teach and get games into our young players. The only way we will start to win games is to have a player/s amongst the kids who can show the way.

Green and Bruce have shown that they alone can not carry the current players to a win. The player management group are going to have to be very mindfull regarding this when considering drafting and trading this year.

Players worth putting on the trade table in my opinion are:





Anyone else on the list worth a decent trade is either too young, hence worth hanging on to, or currently not showing enough form to merit a trade.

It's a pity coaches are not incuded in the draft, a marquee coach would not go astray.

Go Dee's

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where to start with this ridiculous thread.

mclean is having a very bad season no doubt but he is, i still believe, our future captain. He leads the way during pre-season and during games. You don't go trading away people that give their heart to the club..not to mention over $25,000 from their back pocket for club-raising charities.

Sylvia is the exact player we need at our club. A goal kicking half forward that can play midfield for short stints. He has really come on and what incentive for young players would it be to get better if we traded sylvia away? 'Look guys, if you realise your potential and start improving we will trade you immediately'. He is in our top 3 in our best and fairest in my opinion. Very good player.

jones is still a good player himself. People forget how young he is...and I would be cut if we traded him. He does try and do too much when he gets the ball but if he can just take the first option, he will be a great in and under player, if not already. When people think of melbourne they do think of nathan jones in the middle.

Rivers has more value to us then he does on a trade table so trading him would be pointless. we wouldnt get all that much for him despite him being very important to our team.

The only way we would get a marquee player is if we traded picks 1 and 2..and that wont happen

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It is probably a foregone conclusion now that we will have picks 1 & 2 in the draft, but with those new players along with the youngsters already on the list I think we need to trade for a marquee player.

We will loose experienced senior players at years end, Junior, Wheatley and Whelan. I also believe Robbo should be convinced to go.

This leaves a massive hole in the list of senior players. The club is crying out for leadership at the highest level while we teach and get games into our young players. The only way we will start to win games is to have a player/s amongst the kids who can show the way.

Green and Bruce have shown that they alone can not carry the current players to a win. The player management group are going to have to be very mindfull regarding this when considering drafting and trading this year.

Players worth putting on the trade table in my opinion are:





Anyone else on the list worth a decent trade is either too young, hence worth hanging on to, or currently not showing enough form to merit a trade.

It's a pity coaches are not incuded in the draft, a marquee coach would not go astray.

Go Dee's

Not trying to be rude mate but the title of your post gets a big no sheet sherlock from me.

What marquee players would we get in return for those players you've offered?

The only way we will get a player of any value (which I do agree with you we at least need to explore the option of trying to get a key fwd through trade) is to offer one of our draft picks from this year before the Gold Coast and West Sydney rape the draft process.

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where to start with this ridiculous thread.

mclean is having a very bad season no doubt but he is, i still believe, our future captain. He leads the way during pre-season and during games. You don't go trading away people that give their heart to the club..not to mention over $25,000 from their back pocket for club-raising charities.

Sylvia is the exact player we need at our club. A goal kicking half forward that can play midfield for short stints. He has really come on and what incentive for young players would it be to get better if we traded sylvia away? 'Look guys, if you realise your potential and start improving we will trade you immediately'. He is in our top 3 in our best and fairest in my opinion. Very good player.

jones is still a good player himself. People forget how young he is...and I would be cut if we traded him. He does try and do too much when he gets the ball but if he can just take the first option, he will be a great in and under player, if not already. When people think of melbourne they do think of nathan jones in the middle.

Rivers has more value to us then he does on a trade table so trading him would be pointless. we wouldnt get all that much for him despite him being very important to our team.

The only way we would get a marquee player is if we traded picks 1 and 2..and that wont happen

Mate I don't think anyone besides the last 2 years draftees should be off the table to offers besides maybe Davey. Other than that we should at least entertain any and every offer for every player as we have so many needs.

I have an awesome idea....

Let's trade all our players around the 191-192 cm mark for higher draft picks !!!

That way, we will have no awkwardly bad players !!

Yeh?! ;)

ha ha ha

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I have an awesome idea....

Let's trade all our players around the 191-192 cm mark for higher draft picks !!!

That way, we will have no awkwardly bad players !!

Yeh?! ;)

yeh lets!...bate and dunn are those players for us. congratulations you just highlighted the 2 players that spring to mind when it comes to trading. shot urself in the foot

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Sylvia is the exact player we need at our club. A goal kicking half forward that can play midfield for short stints. He has really come on and what incentive for young players would it be to get better if we traded sylvia away? 'Look guys, if you realise your potential and start improving we will trade you immediately'. He is in our top 3 in our best and fairest in my opinion. Very good player.

agree, I dont know HOW THE HELL people want to trade COlin Sylvia. Do some people forget we need to kick goals?

He is fianally become a goal kicking midfielder who has polish and class. Exactly what you need and wil be CRUCIAL if we want to win a flag.

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where to start with this ridiculous thread.

mclean is having a very bad season no doubt but he is, i still believe, our future captain. He leads the way during pre-season and during games. You don't go trading away people that give their heart to the club..not to mention over $25,000 from their back pocket for club-raising charities.

Sylvia is the exact player we need at our club. A goal kicking half forward that can play midfield for short stints. He has really come on and what incentive for young players would it be to get better if we traded sylvia away? 'Look guys, if you realise your potential and start improving we will trade you immediately'. He is in our top 3 in our best and fairest in my opinion. Very good player.

jones is still a good player himself. People forget how young he is...and I would be cut if we traded him. He does try and do too much when he gets the ball but if he can just take the first option, he will be a great in and under player, if not already. When people think of melbourne they do think of nathan jones in the middle.

Rivers has more value to us then he does on a trade table so trading him would be pointless. we wouldnt get all that much for him despite him being very important to our team.

The only way we would get a marquee player is if we traded picks 1 and 2..and that wont happen

Agree with all of the above.

Sylvia could end up being the champion we all hoped he would become if he keeps up the hard work he has put in this year.

My main concern is that the GC17 will offer him a truckload of money.

I think his contract ends this year too. :unsure:

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What marquee players would we get in return for those players you've offered?

The only way we will get a player of any value (which I do agree with you we at least need to explore the option of trying to get a key fwd through trade) is to offer one of our draft picks from this year before the Gold Coast and West Sydney rape the draft process.

Barry Hall might be available... (which is about the most ridiculous I can dream up) :D

We cannot (and I trust will not) let go of picks 1 & 2 and the next one (assuming we have them as it now seems).

Seriously, Morton might be worth offering as a sacrificial lamb, but who would you want in return??

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A thread about getting a marquee player suggests trading away Mclean, Jones, Sylvia and Rivers?

Dunno what has been wrong with Mclean this year, but his best his 'BOG in finals' stuff.

Sylvia has turned it up consdireably this year and if that is his new level then have no doubts that he'll be a marquee player, never mind being part of the 'Derek Zoolander club for ridiculously good-looking people'.

Rivers may not be marquee, but if he's out there consistently then gradually people will start noticing the backing into packs again, and start remembering that HE WON THE RISING STAR AWARD.

It's not looking like Jones is going to be 'marquee' level, but it is astonishing the way people on here underate his contribution. Required player at the least, and 21 years old.

No no, I think we should trade out Davey, Watts, Jurrah, Morton, Wonaeamirri, Blease, and of course Scully and Trengrove!

On your way, Mr Macnamee, you approach would be the death of this club.

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Barry Hall might be available... (which is about as ridiculous as this thread) :D

We cannot (and I trust will not) let go of picks 1 & 2 and the next one (assuming we have them as it now seems).

Seriously, Morton might be worth offering as a sacrificial lamb, but who would you want in return??

Who would you "get" in return is the question not who would you want. Completely different scenario. The issue I see with us is our complete lack of mid range player with any skill or footy skills bar the likes of Davey and HI-HO Sylvia is coming along. We will have to wait for the young kids to develop which will be at least 3-4 years so think we need to really look at it and see if we can get some mid range talent. Highly unlikely but needs to be looked at.

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Why is everyone on this forum so bitter and obsessed with their own opinion? This site really is a poor endorsement for our supporters.

Someone raises a reasonable topic that we need to find some marquee players (very obvious, dont think anyone can argue we need stars) and while people may disagree with who was suggested as trade bait, why must these topics always end in people just abusing whoever started them saying things such as, your stupid, ridiculous post, as if we would trade him bla bla bla, why can we never have a general discussion rather than everyone acting like a buck of no it all arrogant one eyed supporters.

From that list i think Sylvia should not be traded as he is our best bet for becoming a marquee player, but Jones, Rivers, McLean, none of these players are untradeable and all have had average to poor seasons.

I just can not understand the way so many people on here are so closed minded and refuse to listen to anything.

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Why is everyone on this forum so bitter and obsessed with their own opinion? This site really is a poor endorsement for our supporters.

Someone raises a reasonable topic that we need to find some marquee players (very obvious, dont think anyone can argue we need stars) and while people may disagree with who was suggested as trade bait, why must these topics always end in people just abusing whoever started them saying things such as, your stupid, ridiculous post, as if we would trade him bla bla bla, why can we never have a general discussion rather than everyone acting like a buck of no it all arrogant one eyed supporters.

From that list i think Sylvia should not be traded as he is our best bet for becoming a marquee player, but Jones, Rivers, McLean, none of these players are untradeable and all have had average to poor seasons.

I just can not understand the way so many people on here are so closed minded and refuse to listen to anything.

Agree. People wouldn't speak to someone else like they do on here face to face but the keyboard legends come out swinging all of the time.

Interesting ideas come out of questions being asked, whether you agree or not be respectful of other Demon fans even if you don't agree or think it is a silly question/topic/idea.

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I have no problem with the initial post, my question would be though, what marquee player would actually want to come and play for the MFC at the moment? They have to agree to be traded.

Considering we are only barely paying the minimum salary cap mandated, we are going to be "front ending" contracts to meet the minimum %, it won't be for big bucks for a few years yet either you'd think. BUT when things do turn around hopefully we will have a fair old slab of $$ in the salary cap bank we can use to add a few extra pieces to our premiership decade!

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Why is everyone on this forum so bitter and obsessed with their own opinion? This site really is a poor endorsement for our supporters.

Someone raises a reasonable topic that we need to find some marquee players (very obvious, dont think anyone can argue we need stars) and while people may disagree with who was suggested as trade bait, why must these topics always end in people just abusing whoever started them saying things such as, your stupid, ridiculous post, as if we would trade him bla bla bla, why can we never have a general discussion rather than everyone acting like a buck of no it all arrogant one eyed supporters.

Thanks Don24, fair point. We don't need to sink to the level of some supporters from certain other clubs who can remain nameless.

DemonSG, it's good to be challenged to think outside our usual boxes. Cheers!

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yeh lets!...bate and dunn are those players for us. congratulations you just highlighted the 2 players that spring to mind when it comes to trading. shot urself in the foot

Wow. Typical that Melbourne have two players that are around that height and are also down on form and are on the fringe of our list. Congrats on getting me there.

What about all of...

Matthew Pavlich

Matthew Lloyd

Chad Cornes

Sam Fisher

Darren Glass

Matthew Scarlett

Scott Lucas

Ben Rutten

Andrew Mackie


Explain to me in all of your infinite wisdom, how these players are duds?

I look forward to your response, or lack of...

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they are obviously all good/great players..but no way would i take glass, mackie, rutten, lucas or fisher with pick 1 or 2. with these picks you should aim to pick up a superstar..and these players are not superstars.

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Agree with all of the above.

Sylvia could end up being the champion we all hoped he would become if he keeps up the hard work he has put in this year.

My main concern is that the GC17 will offer him a truckload of money.

I think his contract ends this year too. :unsure:

If he's out of contract this year it's a very good thing, as we will sign him on for another 2-3 years. GC only gets to draft one uncontracted player from every club at the end of next year, not this one.

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Considering we are only barely paying the minimum salary cap mandated, we are going to be "front ending" contracts to meet the minimum %, it won't be for big bucks for a few years yet either you'd think. BUT when things do turn around hopefully we will have a fair old slab of $$ in the salary cap bank we can use to add a few extra pieces to our premiership decade!

2012/3 - a few eyebrows may raise then when browsing over Melbourne's list.

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I would put pick 2 on the table for an established 21-23 year old who has already done an apprenticeship.

Examples include -

Joel Selwood

Patrick Ryder

Ryan Griffen

Obviously pick 1 is off limits, and it will be a huge bonus to get Scully as he will be ready to play from Round 1.

I am not sure that the MFC has the time up its sleeve to take a long term project player at pick 2, which is what it will probably be.

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isnt trengove a ready made mid? His body doesnt seem to small. Also in that case Morabito seems to be a big bodied kid but im not 100% on where he stand at between trengove and scully.

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