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A letter to Jimmy


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The following is a copy of a letter I delivered to the MFC yesterday:

"I have a proposal to empower all MFC members to take an active roll in the refinancing of the MFC.

Up until now the MFC has [like all clubs] gone for the big end of town money, $500 dinners, $5000 appeals, all that is great and extremely necessary. But what chance do I or many thousands of fellow rank and file members have of contributing to the DEES financial rebirth?

I propose a club organised direct debit of $10 a month forever, not just August or until the debt is paid but forever.

This amount is small enough for nearly everybody to take part but large enough if multiplied by very many members to be a considerable amount over time.

For a cost of just 2 coffies a month and if only 5000 members take up the offer that is $600000 a year every year.

Call it the heart beat fund, it just keeps on ticking-$10-$10-$10.



The above was delivered to marketing yesterday, what I would like- no beg, is to have all true blue DEES supporters get behind this proposal and ring,fax,email,write or or just make your thoughts known to the club.

Now is the time to DO not just fiddle around on this site[ though its good fiddling here] maybe if we do nothing there will be no future for the DEES as we know it, and Kennett and AD ended up right.

Please do something NOW.

PS could someone post this on DEMONOLOGY as I am not a member

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The following is a copy of a letter I delivered to the MFC yesterday:

"I have a proposal to empower all MFC members to take an active roll in the refinancing of the MFC.

Up until now the MFC has [like all clubs] gone for the big end of town money, $500 dinners, $5000 appeals, all that is great and extremely necessary. But what chance do I or many thousands of fellow rank and file members have of contributing to the DEES financial rebirth?

I propose a club organised direct debit of $10 a month forever, not just August or until the debt is paid but forever.

This amount is small enough for nearly everybody to take part but large enough if multiplied by very many members to be a considerable amount over time.

For a cost of just 2 coffies a month and if only 5000 members take up the offer that is $600000 a year every year.

Call it the heart beat fund, it just keeps on ticking-$10-$10-$10.



The above was delivered to marketing yesterday, what I would like- no beg, is to have all true blue DEES supporters get behind this proposal and ring,fax,email,write or or just make your thoughts known to the club.

Now is the time to DO not just fiddle around on this site[ though its good fiddling here] maybe if we do nothing there will be no future for the DEES as we know it, and Kennett and AD ended up right.

Please do something NOW.

PS could someone post this on DEMONOLOGY as I am not a member.

Now on demonology as you requested.

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Thank you true believer for on forwarding the letter to demonology.

I just recieved a phone call from the marketing manager of the MFC.

A couple of things came out of the conversation, the walk to the G cost the club $35000 , so its not likely to become a weekly event, HA HA, but it would be great as a yearly event.

The club hoped for more through the gate on the Queens birthday game!

During August when the club announces its debt reduction straturgy a range of ways to contribute will be announced for different

abilities to help.

The marketing manager didnt think we would get 5000 members contributing to a direct debit scheme.


If the club dosnt think there are 5000 members with the passion of a whole $10 a month what does it say about us?

NOT BLOODY MUCH, maybe Kennett and AD were right, -NO THEIR WRONG ARNT THEY?

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I think it sounds like a great idea and congrats for coming up with it/proposing it to the club!

Now i'm certainly no expert at business, but surely the way to go forward is to have as many avenues as possible. This couldn't be too hard to set up could it? If it was part of a membership package or something it could just roll into that?

Could anyone here with more experience tell me why the club would chose a very select way of helping the club, rather than present peope with 10-12 options where they can pick the best one(s)

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We floated alot of these ideas around a little while ago. We came up with alot of great ideas, that marjority of members could partisipate in. Iam sure the club has something in mind during the August debt demolition month, that WILL include some of our ideas. From what I can understand, the club is very keen to take these on board.

To be honest, I think that we are in a fiscle position at the moment, where we need alot more than $10.00 a month, to keep the club afloat. They are after something alot more aggressive than this, if we are to survice. However, looking long term, something like the $18.58 idea or other direct debit schemes, iam sure will be looked at a little more closer.

I think that in August, we will see the club give us ALOT more avenues to help keep the club alive!!


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Thank you true believer for on forwarding the letter to demonology.

I just recieved a phone call from the marketing manager of the MFC.

A couple of things came out of the conversation, the walk to the G cost the club $35000 , so its not likely to become a weekly event, HA HA, but it would be great as a yearly event.

The club hoped for more through the gate on the Queens birthday game!

During August when the club announces its debt reduction straturgy a range of ways to contribute will be announced for different

abilities to help.

The marketing manager didnt think we would get 5000 members contributing to a direct debit scheme.


If the club dosnt think there are 5000 members with the passion of a whole $10 a month what does it say about us?

NOT BLOODY MUCH, maybe Kennett and AD were right, -NO THEIR WRONG ARNT THEY?

Hi... have on forwarded your latest message to Demonology

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The following is a copy of a letter I delivered to the MFC yesterday:


sounds ike you're a postman, reading other peoples mail lol

good job though, hopefully the club takes these ideas on board.

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The marketing manager didnt think we would get 5000 members contributing to a direct debit scheme.


If the club dosnt think there are 5000 members with the passion of a whole $10 a month what does it say about us?

NOT BLOODY MUCH, maybe Kennett and AD were right, -NO THEIR WRONG ARNT THEY?

I reckon we could get 5000 members to go for 10 bucks a month.

It's not going to solve the whole thing in one wack but it's an extra 600k a year.

Could only help the situation, along with the other fundraising, sponsorships etc that the club is puting together.

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I think it sounds like a great idea and congrats for coming up with it/proposing it to the club!

Now i'm certainly no expert at business, but surely the way to go forward is to have as many avenues as possible. This couldn't be too hard to set up could it? If it was part of a membership package or something it could just roll into that?

Could anyone here with more experience tell me why the club would chose a very select way of helping the club, rather than present peope with 10-12 options where they can pick the best one(s)

I agree - the more avenues we explore, the better..On a slightly different tack however, I am curious how we find ourselves in such a dire financial position compared with, say, Sydney...we have more paid up members, comparable crowds (maybe even better if Roy Masters' claims of free tickets to Swans games is true), same major sponsor $...yet we're $5m down the shooter and they can bid for whoever they want...hard to fathom...another for the conspiracy theorists. Red & Blue forever

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with all due respect, because i think its a great idea and its good that you are offering to help with both money and ideas, but i agree with the marketing manager.

5000 people is 1/6 of our members. it is probably around 1/4 of our adult members. the club would have a pretty good idea where it can get money from and where it wont. it also would have a pretty good idea for the amount of uptake on this type of scheme.

a similar scheme has been around for a while with the 'demon incentive plan' where you pledge $x for every mfc win. there were options included that gave straight donations, and options that allowed for direct debits regardless of the number of wins. if the uptake on these schemes was poor, there is no reason to suggest why suddenly 5000 members would jump on board a new slightly different scheme.

and if you hadnt heard of this scheme it just goes to show the difficulty in selling these schemes to people, without directly calling and harassing them for their money.

good ideas, but if the club thinks about it and dismisses it, support their decision and think up some more ideas. especially if the marketing manager has taken the time to call you and discuss it with you.

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with all due respect, because i think its a great idea and its good that you are offering to help with both money and ideas, but i agree with the marketing manager.

5000 people is 1/6 of our members. it is probably around 1/4 of our adult members. the club would have a pretty good idea where it can get money from and where it wont. it also would have a pretty good idea for the amount of uptake on this type of scheme.

a similar scheme has been around for a while with the 'demon incentive plan' where you pledge $x for every mfc win. there were options included that gave straight donations, and options that allowed for direct debits regardless of the number of wins. if the uptake on these schemes was poor, there is no reason to suggest why suddenly 5000 members would jump on board a new slightly different scheme.

and if you hadnt heard of this scheme it just goes to show the difficulty in selling these schemes to people, without directly calling and harassing them for their money.

good ideas, but if the club thinks about it and dismisses it, support their decision and think up some more ideas. especially if the marketing manager has taken the time to call you and discuss it with you.

At the moment with the club in the news and new members signing up it's the perfect time to introduce a scheme like this. Afetr the DDDinner all members and past members will receive a letter asking for an investment. This is the perfect time to offer such a scheme. The monthly amount could vary from as low as $5 a month (only $60 a year) upto $100 a month or even more. You could be offered the scheme for 1, 2, 5 10 or unlimited years, just tick the box and send to the club. I reckon you'd probably get around 2500 members signing up, with an average amount of say $20. That's $600,000 a year, dropping off to probably $150,000 after 5 years when the club willl hopefully be financially stable and successful on field. I for one would be in for $20 a month, so that's only 2499 members to go. I reckon it's a ripper of an idea and may well bring in in excess of $1.5 million over the next 3 - 4 years. Not bad coin.

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I don't. That's almost doubling the cost of a standard membership.

Well you're probably a tight arse who needs to find another $120 a year. [censored], if you looked around whilst walking you'd find that on the ground inside 2 months. Now fork up or fork off

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At the moment with the club in the news and new members signing up it's the perfect time to introduce a scheme like this. Afetr the DDDinner all members and past members will receive a letter asking for an investment. This is the perfect time to offer such a scheme. The monthly amount could vary from as low as $5 a month (only $60 a year) upto $100 a month or even more. You could be offered the scheme for 1, 2, 5 10 or unlimited years, just tick the box and send to the club. I reckon you'd probably get around 2500 members signing up, with an average amount of say $20. That's $600,000 a year, dropping off to probably $150,000 after 5 years when the club willl hopefully be financially stable and successful on field. I for one would be in for $20 a month, so that's only 2499 members to go. I reckon it's a ripper of an idea and may well bring in in excess of $1.5 million over the next 3 - 4 years. Not bad coin.

here is the problem though - you made that all up.

you have no knowledge, or statistically evidence to suggest that 5000, or 2500 or 1000 or 10 members will sign up. you guess at 2500 and decide that sounds right. similarly the $20 you selected is simply a guess, wat you believe is a good middle sort of number.

the club most likely considered the idea, then said well we know the uptake on this is around 2% of the members, (which is 600 out of interest), yep well thats not going to be worth our while, BECAUSE to gets this many we need to push hard which will isolate a certain percentage of people. it also means of the 2% a certain number will spend less on merchandise etc, a certain percent wont renew their membership next year and they'll lose them from the donation list and a 100 other factors.

this is a good idea. there can be 100's of good ideas. but you cant run with them all, you need to pick the best few that fit your strategy and use those together.

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Well you're probably a tight arse who needs to find another $120 a year. [censored], if you looked around whilst walking you'd find that on the ground inside 2 months. Now fork up or fork off

i think you've lost the plot mate. if you have spare cash lying around, you dont need a fancy flier and a catchy name for the drive to donate it. call the mfc and ask how you can set up a direct debit to send them money. stop talking about it, and do it.

but dont bag others on here who do their own bit for the club. just because they dont do it exactly how you think it should be done.

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here is the problem though - you made that all up.

you have no knowledge, or statistically evidence to suggest that 5000, or 2500 or 1000 or 10 members will sign up. you guess at 2500 and decide that sounds right. similarly the $20 you selected is simply a guess, wat you believe is a good middle sort of number.

the club most likely considered the idea, then said well we know the uptake on this is around 2% of the members, (which is 600 out of interest), yep well thats not going to be worth our while, BECAUSE to gets this many we need to push hard which will isolate a certain percentage of people. it also means of the 2% a certain number will spend less on merchandise etc, a certain percent wont renew their membership next year and they'll lose them from the donation list and a 100 other factors.

this is a good idea. there can be 100's of good ideas. but you cant run with them all, you need to pick the best few that fit your strategy and use those together.

We're talking a couple of hundred bucks a year. Fact is that's not that much money these days. It's like going to the footy and foregoing your pie and soda and shunting that cash to the club. You might not like the idea but you probably don't like the idea of parting with your hard earned cash, which is fair enough. But 600 people at $240 a year is still $144,000. Again useful coin, easy to administer.

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We're talking a couple of hundred bucks a year. Fact is that's not that much money these days. It's like going to the footy and foregoing your pie and soda and shunting that cash to the club. You might not like the idea but you probably don't like the idea of parting with your hard earned cash, which is fair enough. But 600 people at $240 a year is still $144,000. Again useful coin, easy to administer.

ok firstly ill sort some things out for you. as a uni student, that is more than what i earn a week.

secondly, i dont buy food at the footy, but im always happy to buy mfc raffle tix when the bloke comes around selling them, because that money goes to the club. if i signed up to a scheme, i would have to stop buying the raffle tickets. money goes in, money comes out. see how it works?

thirdly, you must be stupid, or you must not have read what i wrote. it is probably the former, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. it is not worht the clubs effort of mailing, calling and harassing 30,000 people in an attempt to get them to sign up to the scheme is it is only going to reach 600 people. re read my previous posts and you should realise where you went wrong. if you still dont get it, see about organising some grade 6 english comprehension lessons...

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Well you're probably a tight arse who needs to find another $120 a year. [censored], if you looked around whilst walking you'd find that on the ground inside 2 months. Now fork up or fork off

What a ridiculous comment. Grow up.

First, the staff member from MFC agrees with me - you should give him a call and abuse him, too.

Second, I never said anything about whether I'd do it personally, and you have no idea how much (or little) I donate to the Club, in time and/or money (nor anything about my financial circumstances).

Third, let me know where I can look around whilst walking and find more than $60 p/month on the ground.

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What a ridiculous comment. Grow up.

First, the staff member from MFC agrees with me - you should give him a call and abuse him, too.

Second, I never said anything about whether I'd do it personally, and you have no idea how much (or little) I donate to the Club, in time and/or money (nor anything about my financial circumstances).

Third, let me know where I can look around whilst walking and find more than $60 p/month on the ground.

apparently roost it just throws money around while he is walking so others can scramble around him and pick it up.

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Well i think a direct debit drip feed is a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.

and as i said, call the club immediately, and organise details with them so that you can sign up. but the club has said officially it wont be following this idea.

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As I started this let me be as clear as I can be.

The marketing manager needs to be congratulated on being so quick with her answer.

She said-

1 The walk to the G cost $35000.

2 She is going to put the proposal to the board so it might appear in some form or other.

3 At the announcement of demolition August there will be a range of options for people.

4 She didnt think you would get 5000 people to give up their coffee.

I have put my ideas to paper here before but here goes again, no big expensive stage production is needed to announce it just some already in place outlets-

1 The club runs a weekly email system.

2 The club web site.

3. Before the next home game, somebody maybe Neita walks out with the trumpter and goes through the drill and then the trumpter does his thing.

No big Hollywood productions there pretty cheap I would have thought

AND TO THE MEAT OF THE IDEA. for this to have any meaningfull impact it needs to be organised and ongoing. $10 now and maybe $10 before Christmas just wont cut it. What we need is an ongoing imput on a regular basis forever a MFC future fund.

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As I started this let me be as clear as I can be.

The marketing manager needs to be congratulated on being so quick with her answer.

She said-

1 The walk to the G cost $35000.

2 She is going to put the proposal to the board so it might appear in some form or other.

3 At the announcement of demolition August there will be a range of options for people.

4 She didnt think you would get 5000 people to give up their coffee.

I have put my ideas to paper here before but here goes again, no big expensive stage production is needed to announce it just some already in place outlets-

1 The club runs a weekly email system.

2 The club web site.

3. Before the next home game, somebody maybe Neita walks out with the trumpter and goes through the drill and then the trumpter does his thing.

No big Hollywood productions there pretty cheap I would have thought

AND TO THE MEAT OF THE IDEA. for this to have any meaningfull impact it needs to be organised and ongoing. $10 now and maybe $10 before Christmas just wont cut it. What we need is an ongoing imput on a regular basis forever a MFC future fund.

thanks for clearing some of those things up.

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The following is a copy of a letter I delivered to the MFC yesterday:

"I have a proposal to empower all MFC members to take an active roll in the refinancing of the MFC.

Up until now the MFC has [like all clubs] gone for the big end of town money, $500 dinners, $5000 appeals, all that is great and extremely necessary. But what chance do I or many thousands of fellow rank and file members have of contributing to the DEES financial rebirth?

I propose a club organised direct debit of $10 a month forever, not just August or until the debt is paid but forever.

This amount is small enough for nearly everybody to take part but large enough if multiplied by very many members to be a considerable amount over time.

For a cost of just 2 coffies a month and if only 5000 members take up the offer that is $600000 a year every year.

Call it the heart beat fund, it just keeps on ticking-$10-$10-$10.



The above was delivered to marketing yesterday, what I would like- no beg, is to have all true blue DEES supporters get behind this proposal and ring,fax,email,write or or just make your thoughts known to the club.

Now is the time to DO not just fiddle around on this site[ though its good fiddling here] maybe if we do nothing there will be no future for the DEES as we know it, and Kennett and AD ended up right.

Please do something NOW.

PS could someone post this on DEMONOLOGY as I am not a member

Like the idea and good to hear you got a response from the club.

I know i is flogging this poor little pony to death on some other threads but couldn't we use that money to buy memberships and donate them to other people to use each week? The refugees, people in need, the big brother big sister program etc etc... Then it has added benefits of:

A) increasing our membership numbers

B.) giving back to the community

C) Getting more people to MFC games

D) helping others in need or assimilate into our culture...

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