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Its not whether I am right its the fact you get shown to be perennially wrong. Check the facts on Clarke and you will be shown up as usual. And the Victorian is really dull. Its foundless and witless the first time. On the umpteenth airing its likely you actually believe it.

You made a right fool of yourself with that slight on Hussry. Dont extend the stupidity. I would have thought Hodges disposition might have shed some llght on Hussey's chance at 35 returning to the Test side. Once again the penny doesnt drop.

A little may be overstating it. About as much as you know about debt. You are in no position to make any informed assessment of the relative mental strength of Clarke and Hussey. So why do it? And I am not sure what all the self promotion of what you apparently know. It impresses you but is not reflected in your sometimes bizarre posts.

Yawn...You know nothing about my past Rhino or what i have been through, so tread carefully when you say things like that, and if you think your acid Keyboard wit is altering my opinions on the current state of cricket, it isn't.

But feel free to keep typing, at least i know i am keeping you busy.... "Don't extend the Stupidity" i like that one. Well thought up. Is your verbal attack inspired to break my spirit regarding my thoughts on cricket???

Hodge's disposition as you put it just makes the selection policy more Mirky....Shaun Tait in the 15 squad Brad Hodge not in the 15 man squad...Astounding in my eyes..

Carry on & Remember "Don't Panic...."

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Yawn...You know nothing about my past Rhino or what i have been through, so tread carefully when you say things like that, and if you think your acid Keyboard wit is altering my opinions on the current state of cricket, it isn't.

But feel free to keep typing, at least i know i am keeping you busy.... "Don't extend the Stupidity" i like that one. Well thought up. Is your verbal attack inspired to break my spirit regarding my thoughts on cricket???

Hodge's disposition as you put it just makes the selection policy more Mirky....Shaun Tait in the 15 squad Brad Hodge not in the 15 man squad...Astounding in my eyes..

Carry on & Remember "Don't Panic...."

FWIW, I dont have any interest in your past but when you self promote as means of providing "validity" to a point of view then your fair game on a forum. And you do it a bit with little or no relevance to the point in question.

And only you could see Hodge and Tait competing for a spot in the 15 man squad. I have no doubt its astounding.

And I remember this gem of self importance...

I have been involved in cricket for over 35 years so i don't just write crap.

Agree you dont "just"

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FWIW, I dont have any interest in your past but when you self promote as means of providing "validity" to a point of view then your fair game on a forum. And you do it a bit with little or no relevance to the point in question.

And only you could see Hodge and Tait competing for a spot in the 15 man squad. I have no doubt its astounding.

And I remember this gem of self importance...

Agree you dont "just"

Self Promote?? No i just stand up to some one who is quite often bordering on "Out right Rude" which you often are Rhino, you attack the man -Line by line...Anyway, who said Tait and Hodge are competing for the same spot?? Gimme a Break.

One should be in & one should not have even been considered-thats the closest that Tait & Hodge should be. You see by breaking down everybody's posts on here line by line you often read them far too literally, you do miss some of the finer points at times (awaits Barrage here....) My Validity is no better than anyone else on this site, that's whats great about it, so if you think i am trying to increase my Validity-Wrong, i mean who would care anyway??

I see things i hear things i read things and i form opinions, just like your good self & i shall continue to do it.

The interesting point regarding the Australian XI and you RR, is that concerning Footballers you will quite often tear them down as finished, or washed up etc as all of us do at times, Fair enough, But when it comes to Cricket and Cricket Australia you are far more precious in so many areas. I find that very interesting.

ND had favorites at Melbourne which worked for a while, but ultimately bought him & the club crashing down. I see that Happening at CA particularly under Ponting's captaincy, that is my main concern since our last Ashes win.

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Self Promote?? No i just stand up to some one who is quite often bordering on "Out right Rude" which you often are Rhino, you attack the man -Line by line...Anyway, who said Tait and Hodge are competing for the same spot?? Gimme a Break.

One should be in & one should not have even been considered-thats the closest that Tait & Hodge should be. You see by breaking down everybody's posts on here line by line you often read them far too literally, you do miss some of the finer points at times (awaits Barrage here....) My Validity is no better than anyone else on this site, that's whats great about it, so if you think i am trying to increase my Validity-Wrong, i mean who would care anyway??

I see things i hear things i read things and i form opinions, just like your good self & i shall continue to do it.

While you are free to boast of your experiences as having drawn some insights I could give a stuff of where you came from or what you do. But if you post rubbish on a forum you get pinged. And you get pinged not just by me but many others as well ad often. And when it comes to validity you are regularly unable to substantiate an opinion and when provided evidence to prove/suggest that your opinion is ill conceived you are unable to countenance that and withdrawn to Basil Fawlty like behaviours to deny you said or state you stand by a previously disproven statement that only highlights the problem not strengthens your argument.

The interesting point regarding the Australian XI and you RR, is that concerning Footballers you will quite often tear them down as finished, or washed up etc as all of us do at times, Fair enough, But when it comes to Cricket and Cricket Australia you are far more precious in so many areas. I find that very interesting.

I play no favourites but I drawn conclusions on footballers and cricketers based on the facts that are available. I am certainly not precious towards cricket. However, I dont have access to the inner sanctum of cricket and dont know their processes and internal issues. And you have shown that you know even less. However it does not stop you from carrying on with your torch lynching stupidity where clearly you have neither the facts nor the knowledge of the situation. And when rightfully challenged on your comments are unable to reflect any semblance of proof or sound thinking on a matter. As AoB says whether on football, cricket or tiddlywinks.

ND had favorites at Melbourne which worked for a while, but ultimately bought him & the club crashing down. I see that Happening at CA particularly under Ponting's captaincy, that is my main concern since our last Ashes win.

Another flaccid opinion from someone who baked Ponting for not batting when he won the toss when Ponting's captaincy record suggested otherwise. You shouldn't talk on topics you know little on.

And for the record what brought ND undone is the limited talent he had at his disposal hit the wall and his game plan was exposed against the top teams. Its a poor analogy you make. Playing "favourites" suits the neanderthal thinkers that actually believe that its a disadvantage to be a Victorian for a Test cap.

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While you are free to boast of your experiences as having drawn some insights I could give a stuff of where you came from or what you do. But if you post rubbish on a forum you get pinged. And you get pinged not just by me but many others as well ad often. And when it comes to validity you are regularly unable to substantiate an opinion and when provided evidence to prove/suggest that your opinion is ill conceived you are unable to countenance that and withdrawn to Basil Fawlty like behaviours to deny you said or state you stand by a previously disproven statement that only highlights the problem not strengthens your argument.

I play no favourites but I drawn conclusions on footballers and cricketers based on the facts that are available. I am certainly not precious towards cricket. However, I dont have access to the inner sanctum of cricket and dont know their processes and internal issues. And you have shown that you know even less. However it does not stop you from carrying on with your torch lynching stupidity where clearly you have neither the facts nor the knowledge of the situation. And when rightfully challenged on your comments are unable to reflect any semblance of proof or sound thinking on a matter. As AoB says whether on football, cricket or tiddlywinks.

Another flaccid opinion from someone who baked Ponting for not batting when he won the toss when Ponting's captaincy record suggested otherwise. You shouldn't talk on topics you know little on.

And for the record what brought ND undone is the limited talent he had at his disposal hit the wall and his game plan was exposed against the top teams. Its a poor analogy you make. Playing "favourites" suits the neanderthal thinkers that actually believe that its a disadvantage to be a Victorian for a Test cap.

So given you and i have very limited inside info on the runnings of cricket apart from Media outlets, when the Chaiman of selectors (We know who he is..just) makes a statement after the Ashes loss (insert the Word Thrashing Here...) the "The Selectors had done a fine job" that doesn't bother you at all?? Responsibility was deflected. It bothered me, particularly because i saw it coming a long way back. No i am not saying i had all the answers, but i would expect the C.o.S. to show a little humility to the Australian Public, & then for him to not even know that M Hussey had undergome surgery when picking the team....Does he actually want the job or does he just like the title?

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So given you and i have very limited inside info on the runnings of cricket apart from Media outlets, when the Chaiman of selectors (We know who he is..just) makes a statement after the Ashes loss (insert the Word Thrashing Here...) the "The Selectors had done a fine job" that doesn't bother you at all?? Responsibility was deflected. It bothered me, particularly because i saw it coming a long way back. No i am not saying i had all the answers, but i would expect the C.o.S. to show a little humility to the Australian Public, & then for him to not even know that M Hussey had undergome surgery when picking the team....Does he actually want the job or does he just like the title?

For someone who claims to have "media" experience, you would surely know that the press conference is one of the most contrived settings where its an exercise in media subjects rolling out cliches that hold little if any weight except for the simple minded and the basic. And your gross self serving overreaction to Hilditch's comments proves my point. It really is numbskull thinking for petty minded observers to dictate the level of humility, honesty or disclosure the torch wielders expect. We copped that sort of crap over Bailey in the early years of his coaching. And you should have learned from that. But I know not to expect miracles ....just small steps forward...well maybe one step.

You have had it in for Hilditch and any of the selectors for a long time without demonstrating at any time a coherent and logical argument for their failings. The problems with Australian cricket goes well beyond the selection panel but you have tried unsuccessfully to claim the problems stem from there. Its dull and its dumb. And you're the last person to realise it.

And given Hussey was already out for a prolonged period of time and not available for selection, it is immaterial whether Hilditch knew whether he was in for an operation or not. He was not available for selection. And if you had missed my earlier comment, Hilditch's contract expires in April. He will not be seeking a renewal. There is also a change in process over the past six months for G Chappell. You have stick pins in something else. And when Hilditch goes, the problems with Australian cricket remain to be addressed. Not that you will figure this.

So cut the flossed pretence.

BTW, can I send you more pins for the Hilditch doll?

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And if you had missed my earlier comment, Hilditch's contract expires in April. He will not be seeking a renewal.

Really? Last I heard he was adamant he wanted to continue being a selector and that, essentially, if CA didn't want him they'd need to push him out. I'm sure I read that in the last week or so.

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Really? Last I heard he was adamant he wanted to continue being a selector and that, essentially, if CA didn't want him they'd need to push him out. I'm sure I read that in the last week or so.


Hilditch continued to insist he wants to remain as chairman of selectors beyond the end of his existing contract after the World Cup in April.

This is despite refusing to do the job full-time because he wants to concentrate on his law firm.

"I've still got the same passion for everything I can give to Australian cricket," Hilditch said.

"So it'll be for someone else to tell me when I'm not required."

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If I were coach of an Australian team in the one-dayers,I'd introduce a team rule statim that I'm confident would improve our results. This is particularly important leading up to the World Cup.

The rule would be this:- our batsmen must NEVER step away to square leg to try to score. Why do I propose this?

For 3 reasons.... 1./ It is extremely difficult to get any power into shots on the offside when moving away from the ball.

2./ If the batsman moves to the leg side,swings, and misses , it means the bowler who puts a poor ball outside leg gets away with it not being called a wide. If the batsman moves inside the ball, has a whack , and misses, he gets the extra ball.

3./ It is much more naturally powerful to slog the ball with the bottom hand dominating,to the leg side. If the ball is hit powerfully with timing, , it doesn't matter if the leg field is stacked,it has a good chance of being a boundary(certainly a better chance than the"inside out" cover-drive to a crowded off field.) Usually there are at least as many fielders on the offside as on the legside.

Another point......Setting fields for spinners. All international captains set their mid on and mid-off deep for slow bowlers, allowing an easy single, even with a new batsman on strike. I contend that those fieldsmen should be close enough to cut off the single until the striker has risked a couple "over the top" . By setting these straight fielders deep, you are saying to the batsman...."play straight! Don't take any risks! Keep the ball down!" These tactics should not be employed until the batsman is dominating the attack.

Last point. Trivial, but it could mean the difference between winning and losing.... On the last ball of the first innings.... RUN UNTIL YOU"RE RUN OUT!!!! I'm amazed how often players don't take a risky single(or second) on the last ball! What's the downside?(apart from their batting average).A little bit of pressure on the fieldsman often results in an error.

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Really? Last I heard he was adamant he wanted to continue being a selector and that, essentially, if CA didn't want him they'd need to push him out. I'm sure I read that in the last week or so.

I am sure he is saying that publicly and he may feel that way. But its not for him to dictate. But I reckon that once his contract is expired so will he be. And Greg Chappell has been doing alot of spokesperson work for the selectors will be elevated.

Tim Neilson may be feeling very focussed in his role as National coach and has a 3 year contract that has just started. If I were Neilsen I wouldn't be betting that he will complete that contract.

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Hilditch continued to insist he wants to remain as chairman of selectors beyond the end of his existing contract after the World Cup in April.

This is despite refusing to do the job full-time because he wants to concentrate on his law firm.

"I've still got the same passion for everything I can give to Australian cricket," Hilditch said.

"So it'll be for someone else to tell me when I'm not required."

Indeed. He will have to be pushed if he is to go.

My suggestion for CA:

I've read it bit over the Summer in relation to the structure of Australian cricket and respected views from alot of media from within the cricket fraternity (ie. Geoff Lawson, Roebuck, Reed, etc to name a few) even down to the great wisdom and visionary of the one and only WYL :P . This suggestion admittedly, has been mooted by Roebuck and I think it might well be worthwhile looking at.

The bloke CA might be interested in talking to, to help take cricket forward in Australia, played over 45 Sheffield Shield games for Western Australia alongside the great Dennis Lillee during the 70's. He represented Australia in Hockey as a player with high distinction , even as Captain, and now coaches the Australian Men's Hockey team ( the Kookaburra's) with success. He is Dr. Ric Charlesworth.

He has also been highly successful coaching the Australian Women's Hockey Team to World Champion and Olympic Champion status for a lengthy period of time. In between, he has had various stints with Fremantle Football Club as an assistant coach and helped out where necessary putting structure's in place.

I think he definitely has the credentials and know-how, if interested, to add something to benefit cricket in Australia - whether that be coaching or getting structures (ie. it might be coaching structures, state level structures, management or even fixturing of the three forms to benefit all forms, etc..) in place to improve cricket in this country. If anything, he is indeed over qualified for such task as Roebuck suggests here. In this article, it even mentions his level of interest for coaching Australia at the time Bob Simpson became coach of Australia.

*Charlesworth has since been quoted as being interested, but he has immediate plans for now - particularly coaching the Men's hockey team to Gold (again) at the London Olympics - so perhaps down the track. Certainly CA should at the very least speak to him IMO and sound him out. Even if it means picking his brain for a short stint.

* I've been fortunate to hear him speak and talk about his plans and strategies as coach of the Men's Hockey team prior to the Champion's Trophy last year. I have a particularly keen interest in the sport. He is nothing short of sensational and very impressive in communicating. Definitely has a great mind, and it comes as no surprise he was a genius on the pitch when playing. The same mind & determination that also saw him a regular in the Sheffield Shield with a great eye.

It also came as no surprise to find the Kookaburra's whip hosts India's butt in the final for the Champion's Trophy - 7-0 !! IIRC.

On a personal note, the sport of Hockey is a sensational game and should be of more significance in Australia, seeing as our country has dominated for a period of time in both men's and women's hockey at a world (international) scale. I recognise why other sports are more popular and are promoted more domestically and why they have more numbers - with good reason no doubt.

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Indeed. He will have to be pushed if he is to go.

My suggestion for CA:

I've read it bit over the Summer in relation to the structure of Australian cricket and respected views from alot of media from within the cricket fraternity (ie. Geoff Lawson, Roebuck, Reed, etc to name a few) even down to the great wisdom and visionary of the one and only WYL :P . This suggestion admittedly, has been mooted by Roebuck and I think it might well be worthwhile looking at.

The bloke CA might be interested in talking to, to help take cricket forward in Australia, played over 45 Sheffield Shield games for Western Australia alongside the great Dennis Lillee during the 70's. He represented Australia in Hockey as a player with high distinction , even as Captain, and now coaches the Australian Men's Hockey team ( the Kookaburra's) with success. He is Dr. Ric Charlesworth.

Well said HT. Rick Charlesworth would be a great addition to Australian Cricket. I too have heard him speak a few times, if he has the passion for it. 2011 shall be interesting after the world cup-behind the scenes.

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For someone who claims to have "media" experience, you would surely know that the press conference is one of the most contrived settings where its an exercise in media subjects rolling out cliches that hold little if any weight except for the simple minded and the basic. And your gross self serving overreaction to Hilditch's comments proves my point. It really is numbskull thinking for petty minded observers to dictate the level of humility, honesty or disclosure the torch wielders expect. We copped that sort of crap over Bailey in the early years of his coaching. And you should have learned from that. But I know not to expect miracles ....just small steps forward...well maybe one step.

You have had it in for Hilditch and any of the selectors for a long time without demonstrating at any time a coherent and logical argument for their failings. The problems with Australian cricket goes well beyond the selection panel but you have tried unsuccessfully to claim the problems stem from there. Its dull and its dumb. And you're the last person to realise it.

And given Hussey was already out for a prolonged period of time and not available for selection, it is immaterial whether Hilditch knew whether he was in for an operation or not. He was not available for selection. And if you had missed my earlier comment, Hilditch's contract expires in April. He will not be seeking a renewal. There is also a change in process over the past six months for G Chappell. You have stick pins in something else. And when Hilditch goes, the problems with Australian cricket remain to be addressed. Not that you will figure this.

So cut the flossed pretence.

BTW, can I send you more pins for the Hilditch doll?

Yes i know the "Doorstop" Interview and the Press conference very well, it's a shame that Hilditch & co do not.

Yep i have had it in for the Part Time Chairman of selectors for quite a while, because i think he is not accountable. I want a full time passionate CoS please.

Clarke out for 15 yesterday....3 more games to go....

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Clarke out for 15 yesterday....3 more games to go....

WYL, they have backed Clarke in until after the World Cup (ref: Greg Chappell). I fail to see the reasoning behind "3 games to go" as it is most evident there are more than three games, given the Cup includes at least several games.

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Also, Clarke won't get to play 4 day cricket if he plays club cricket. He'll get one 2 day match a week (possibly just a one dayer or T20).

A one day series that is basically a World Cup tune up is the perfect time for Clarke to try to find some form.

I do get it: You don't like Clarke.

I am suggesting 4 day club Cricket only so he can go out & enjoy a good bat.

I do get it AoB

You and i look at it from different angles

As Neil Diamond once famously sung out in Crunchy Granola Suite - Good Lord !

WYL, did you even read what AoB had to say, because the above quotes prove you didn't or totally ignored him !

No, you don't get it. How on earth can you suggest Clarke play 4 day club cricket, when (as AoB points out), it's not possible !

The only prep Clarke needs is the current One-Dayers against England. Top level stuff.

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Yes i know the "Doorstop" Interview and the Press conference very well, it's a shame that Hilditch & co do not.

Yep i have had it in for the Part Time Chairman of selectors for quite a while, because i think he is not accountable. I want a full time passionate CoS please.

No you dont know it well at all. You are just having an overblown slap at Hilditch.

As you have said you dont have much knowledge about the inner workings of Cricket Australia but you can make a judgement on accountability.Ridiculous. And you know nothing of his passion for the game. Also a full time CoS does not necessarily lead to better accountability or decisions.

Now where do I send the box of pins? You must be working at fever pitch on the doll.

Clarke out for 15 yesterday....3 more games to go....

Better make that two boxes of pins...with instructions.

If and when Clarke breaks his drought I am sure you will be howling "geez he was lucky" and sneer at his good fortune while ignoring his performance.

WYL, did you even read what AoB had to say, because the above quotes prove you didn't or totally ignored him !

No, you don't get it. How on earth can you suggest Clarke play 4 day club cricket, when (as AoB points out), it's not possible !

The only prep Clarke needs is the current One-Dayers against England. Top level stuff.

How many times now has this statement been proven a lie??

why you little, on 03 November 2009 - 02:13 PM, said:

I have been involved in cricket for over 35 years so i don't just write crap.

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WYL, they have backed Clarke in until after the World Cup (ref: Greg Chappell). I fail to see the reasoning behind "3 games to go" as it is most evident there are more than three games, given the Cup includes at least several games.

Like RR you are to literal...its 3 games to find some form. The choice they have made had better be right one, that's all i hope.

Right now Clarke looks a Mess with a bat in his hand.

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As Neil Diamond once famously sung out in Crunchy Granola Suite - Good Lord !

WYL, did you even read what AoB had to say, because the above quotes prove you didn't or totally ignored him !

No, you don't get it. How on earth can you suggest Clarke play 4 day club cricket, when (as AoB points out), it's not possible !

The only prep Clarke needs is the current One-Dayers against England. Top level stuff.

Top level Cricket aint doing Clarke any good at the moment....sorry but i have been watching these one dayers. He needs to go back to basics right now.

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I am sure he is saying that publicly and he may feel that way. But its not for him to dictate. But I reckon that once his contract is expired so will he be.

I think he's gone too, but you said something quite different - you said he wouldn't seek renewal.

I'd recently read a quote from Hilditch that said otherwise, hence my question.

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I think he's gone too, but you said something quite different - you said he wouldn't seek renewal.

I'd recently read a quote from Hilditch that said otherwise, hence my question.

Hilditch will only leave kicking and screaming, that's obvious. 3 Ashes losses and he still says "The Selectors have done a fine job"....It is entertaining though, i will give it that. B)

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Like RR you are to literal...its 3 games to find some form. The choice they have made had better be right one, that's all i hope.

Right now Clarke looks a Mess with a bat in his hand.

Its not literal at all. What's the relevance of the 3 games if you have been running a countdown and grandstanding every failure? You are focussed on getting him axed. Pathetic how you try to wriggle another point of view.

Michael Clarke should be playing for NSW right now to help regain his confidence, by making him ODI captain it just puts more pressure on him. ...

Let him go back to State level or even club level & Bat again-A long innings. ......I said it pages back and i stand by it. If any player fails in 5 consecutive matches i would drop them back to state level.


Standard for anybody regardless of Cricket Australia Contract or Advertising/Marketing Contracts.

Top level Cricket aint doing Clarke any good at the moment....sorry but i have been watching these one dayers. He needs to go back to basics right now.

Thats not the issue. As HT pointed out your alternative is completely unworkable and unrealistic. Lets just say you want him axed without the pretence of a poorly thought out strategy.

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I think he's gone too, but you said something quite different - you said he wouldn't seek renewal.

I'd recently read a quote from Hilditch that said otherwise, hence my question.

I think discussions will be had b/w AH and CA whereby the requirements of the CofS role will be such that Hilditch cant renew. Review, renewal and change are a healthy part of an effective selection panel. Hilditch has been around long enough to know the wheels of change are coming regardless of what other wingnuts froth about in media outlets.

As part of the discussion on selection I wonder what will happen to Boon and Cox. They must feel a tad safer than Hilditch given they are not part of the base level witchhunt being performed by some.

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Its not literal at all. What's the relevance of the 3 games if you have been running a countdown and grandstanding every failure? You are focussed on getting him axed. Pathetic how you try to wriggle another point of view.

What are you talking about??? Michael Clarke has got 3 games to go before the World Cup to find some form...Form that has alluded him for months ok. That is the situation.

I don't Think he should be Captain or picked in the one day side-But the reality is that he is in the side. So i want him to earn his spot, just like the rest of the team

So he better find that Form Quick. This is the World Cup, something that should have been building since 2007. I don't think Clarke is a natural one day Player. The Selectors do, so they better be right.

Like i said 3 games to find Form. I am not putting the Axe into anyone, Clarke is very well paid, so it's time to perform...3-2-1.

Edited by why you little
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What are you talking about??? Michael Clarke has got 3 games to go before the World Cup to find some form...Form that has alluded him for months ok.

As usual, its more a case of what are you talking about???? What is the relevance of the 3 games?? If Clarke does not fire in those 3 games its highly unlikely that CA will dump there one day captain on the eve of the World Cup.

The reality is that he will have somewhat longer depending on Australia's progression in the World Cup. But Blind Freddie can see he is out of touch and every failure is burning up credits he has amased over recent years as one of our leading batsman. And if he does not perform in the World Cup then he is in a precarious position for any post mortem.

No one is arguing the issue of form so dont go off like a wingnut about "Oh so your obviously happy with Clarke blah blah blah". I'm not and its obvious he needs to find form and we all want him to earn his spot but you spend alot of time dribbling over a players demise to the extent of being petty.

I am not putting the Axe into anyone..

Much :rolleyes:

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The reality is that he will have somewhat longer depending on Australia's progression in the World Cup. But Blind Freddie can see he is out of touch and every failure is burning up credits he has amased over recent years as one of our leading batsman. And if he does not perform in the World Cup then he is in a precarious position for any post mortem.


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    2024 Player Reviews: #43 Kyah Farris-White

    Date of Birth: 2 January 2004 Height: 206cm   Games CDFC 2024: 4 Goals CDFC 2024:  1   Farris-White was recruited from basketball as a Category B rookie in the hope of turning him into an AFL quality ruckman but, after two seasons, the experiment failed to bear fruit.  

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    Melbourne Demons 1

    2024 Player Reviews: #44 Luker Kentfield

    Date of Birth: 10 September 2005 Height: 194cm   Games CDFC 2024: 9 Goals CDFC 2024: 5   Drafted from WAFL club Subiaco in this year’s mid season draft, Kentfield was injured when he came to the club and needs a full season to prepare for the rigors of AFL football.  

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    Melbourne Demons 2

    REDLEG PRIDE by Meggs

    Hump day mid-week footy at the Redlegs home ground is a great opportunity to build on our recent improved competitiveness playing in the red and blue.   The jumper has a few other colours this week with the rainbow Pride flag flying this round to celebrate people from all walks of life coming together, being accepted. AFLW has been a benchmark when it comes to inclusivity and a safe workplace.  The team will run out in a specially designed guernsey for this game and also the following week

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    REDEEMING by Meggs

    It was such a balmy spring evening for this mid-week BNCA Pink Lady match at our favourite venue Ikon Park between two teams that had not won a game since round one.   After last week’s insipid bombing, the DeeArmy banner correctly deemanded that our players ‘go in hard, go in strong, go in fighting’, and girl they sure did!   The first quarter goals by Alyssa Bannan and Alyssia Pisano were simply stunning, and it was 4 goals to nil by half-time.   Kudos to Mick Stinear.

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    REDEEM by Meggs

    How will Mick Stinear and his dwindling list of fit and available Demons respond to last week’s 65-point capitulation to the Bombers, the team’s biggest loss in history?   As a minimum he will expect genuine effort from all of his players when Melbourne takes on the GWS Giants at Ikon Park this Thursday.  Happily, the ground remains a favourite Melbourne venue of players and spectators alike and will provide an opportunity for the Demons to redeem themselves. Injuries to star play

    Demonland |
    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    EASYBEATS by Meggs

    A beautiful sunny Friday afternoon, with a light breeze and a strong Windy Hill crowd set the scene, inviting one team to seize the day and take the important four points on offer. For the Demons it was not a good Friday, easily beaten by an all-time largest losing margin of 65 points.   Essendon threw themselves into action today, winning most of the contests and had three early goals with Daria Bannister on fire.  In contrast the Demons were dropping marks, hesitant in close and comm

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 9
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