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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. Gawn - tied with Hoges for BOG Hogan Cross Garland - much maligned but a great game Viney Dunn Cross and Viney had great games marred by some horrendous turnovers
  2. Bring back Salem and Kent and this is our future (maybe even Hunt). I was at the game today and watched Stretch running to the i/change bench two or three times and he was out on his feet. I hope we see the kids get plenty of games, but I'm happy to see Michie (Brayshaw)/M Jones (Stretch and ANB) come in here and there, to give the kids a week off. They look pretty spent. Absolutely rubbish game but a few positives e.g..plank hands marked a few and although at times we were in limbo (waiting for Brisbane to run over the top of us) we managed to hold them at bay. Either that or their goal kicking was as bad as ours last week.
  3. Scott Pendlebury - head clearly caught in a vice at some point. Dane Swan - the tatt infestation is to distract you from that scone But the clear winner has to be Aaron Sandilands Speaking of ugly, if someone could post a picture of Cam McCarthy alongside Wilfred the Dog, not only would you get a vision of ugliness, but this weeks instalment of 'Separated at Birth' - Cheers
  4. I'm just wondering the last time we won a game when we were favourites. Is that another embarrassing record that needs to be broken? Granted we wouldn't be favourites too often, but anyone know when was the last time?
  5. A question: Playing Howe week after week and knowing he's not going to have much of a crack - is that just taking the pi55? We may as well go in with one less player, with all this unaccountable, occasionally flashy bollocks. I'm just not sure what sort of message it sends to other players, knowing they've got to carry some one with chronic passengeritis.
  6. It confounds me how, after a decade of pure crud, we can think, even for one second, that just turning up, would get us over the line. We just bombed it forward and blazed away at goals. Just when you think we're becoming a serious team, we pull our own pants down. Effing joke of a club
  7. Tip of the week: Turn off television at 3/4 time.
  8. I was particularly taken by how he falls over after he misses a mark and that chasing is optional
  9. We should make multiple changes for no other reason than to make me feel a whole lot better and yeah, there's the Darwin energy sapping travel bit too. Out: Spencer (stiff but the two ruckman experiment is over for now), Bail, M Jones, Toumpas, Howe (Please!) In: Fitzpatrick (if we need for back up ruck work, otherwise Grimes), JKH, Lamumba, Harmes (upgrade), Newton I feel better already PS I'd even consider Riley in as the sub to smash up a few in the last (e.g.. Goddard)
  10. I'm not sure how the Toump escapes notice. Had a shocker and happy for him to join Bail and Howe out the door this week. So slow
  11. Good luck to Newton playing in the guts. I'm sure he'll feel more at home there. Hunt's back so quick after a broken jaw? Anything wrong with Tim Smith KC?
  12. No, IIRC It was Hall, Dixon and one other but can't remember which one
  13. If we're talking captions (G Rated for the kiddies) then Viney is clearly saying 'Tool' as he trots away from his road kill.
  14. This grief could be avoided by just giving players a mark out of 10 for the year. Eg Hogan = 10, Brayshaw = 10 Vince = 10 Then we don't have to knicker twist over salary caps or whatever tf this is.
  15. I'd prefer he play at Full Back so he can take the kick-ins
  16. LOL, what else is there to do? Ring up Roosy? Ring up Goodwin? Knock yourself out There's nothing we can do until Roosy calls it or he doesn't - If he doesn't you can pay out on Party Boy some more and gee, that'll show us. Or Party Boy will be right and that will be that.
  17. His Goodwin form was pretty solid last year, so that tells me there's some kind of link with Goodwin but not so much with Shiel We can always see how it plays out eh
  18. Hope it's not a million dollar mentoring role
  19. I think the lack of tall forward depth means Pedo will stay.
  20. Huh? I wasn't talking about the DE stat and I happen to agree with you. I was commenting on how Vandemon's kicking seems to have gone to the shitter lately
  21. IMO his kicking was fine during the NAB Cup and first couple of games. It then went pear-shaped. This tells me he can kick but have no idea why this skill has suddenly (and fingers crossed, temporarily) deserted him
  22. The week after Trengove's suspension, Jeremy Laidler laid a sling tackle on Allen Christensen, Christensen wasn't knocked out but was dazed and confused. There was't any particular attention drawn to it, although you could clearly see Christensen in trouble. He missed the next week with concussion, unlike Dangerfield and we'll wait and see with Gray. Going on the Trengove incident, Laidler should've got weeks, but it wasn't singled out by the commentators.
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