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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Surely it isn't over 9 years. It's not like they can front load it as they already have several other players in long term and high wage deals. Reid, hannenbury, Tippett etc. I wouldn't believe this story yet. However if it is, we should throw pick 2 at them for Parker and bird, as well as a pick from them. Make some big offers. It just shows the club ethics thoug doesn't it- sign players on deals worth less than market price promising team success, keep all of them together, and as soon as a chance comes along, blow that saved money on a player with marketability. I really hope it blows up in there face as much as I've respected the swans over the past decade. This goes against the fabric of the game and shows free agency as purely a system for the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer!
  2. Reckon you are better off trying seek, or hell, maybe even eharmony..
  3. Woweeee still not on the list. Who was gonna play instead of rodan in those games he played? What an injured taggert? Tynan? Or you are a magner sympathiser? Gonna blame neeld for him too?
  4. Are you kidding, not playing off for a flag soon? Wow. You did watch us right? 2013? You saw that? I know what you are trying to say, but we need ANYONE who can add to our list. People who don't see that, are really delusional. Wow so he comes in for 2 years. So what! We need all the help we can get.
  5. Happily visit this comment in a few years time and hogan is the 2016 version of Jonathan brown in 2006
  6. Absolute horse crap. Aish is a very level headed kid and I can tell you this matter of fact. Stop spreading rumour and innuendo.
  7. Waited for someone to bring it up. We have to keep in mind that davey, rodan among others won't be there to "fill in" games. As such, we do need to look at some way of covering that. Sure, they weren't stars this season, but they provided a few cameos that we can't expect blease, Strauss, taggart etc to consistently cover yet, unfortunately. Players like Matt Thomas, Daniel cross will all need consideration, but all this is dependant on trades, priority picks and our ability to retain players like Sylvia etc. Thomas is no star, but behind port's midfield that will eventually be seen on par with collingwood and geelong, perhaps only surpassed by gold coasts, you see why he struggled for games.
  8. I genuinely can not believe this. Here is a player, who we all know can play footy. The tigers have put every sort of procedure into helping him become a good footballer and stay in a position where he could find interests outside of footy to help his maturity. There have been countless mishaps from him and he has time and time again let Richmond down with his unprofessionalism. Am I being harsh or is he being selfish and unloyal?
  9. Best on ground for dandenong yesterday in a prelim final
  10. I hate to belittle anyone in life, but you are a muppet with as little footy knowledge as Julia gillard. You're yet to raise a valid point, and all you do is disagree with people who's opinion is different to yours. You are either the worst troll going around, or you are so far short of having any sort of credible footy knowledge or understanding of the game. I hope for your sake you go and watch chad wingard who was taken at number 6 in the 2011 draft and see how many said port should have selected Toby Greene before him after one season, or back in 2007 how many said Adelaide were crazy taking pat dangerfield before brad ebert. I don't know why I've even pointed this out to you as you have zero footy nous. But good luck to you.
  11. Greenwood and Adams/harper/Anthony. Adams and miles at gws, minchie and crozier at freo, vince and wright at crows, docherty, polec or Lester at Brisbane. Not match winners yet, but they are mostly younger and developed for a few years, or in the case of vince and Adams, offer a ready to go player now.
  12. I can't believe we didn't pick Chris grant at 105 in the 1988 draft. Surely we knew he would play 340 games?
  13. Dal santo? He would come at a price but could add a lot to our list.
  14. Doesn't matter a whole heap. Him leaving will be st kilda getting the best deal. If he goes it will be for the good of the saints, if that makes sense. As such, I think if we offer at kilda something higher than the compensation they'd otherwise receive, that would be enough for st kilda.
  15. Would you be tempted to throw our second rounder at them? Especially if we get a pp?
  16. Stress less bb, when was the last time a team named Thursday night lined up in the same positions on Saturday? It doesn't happen anymore. Thursday night teams are a romantic idea attached to the past. However, when final teams come available an hour before the game, you can almost bank that it will have changes. On another note, I'm not sure if any fellow demonlanders have had the misfortune of seeing or playing footy on aami stadium, however it resembles a giant sand dune and basically feels like playing up the top of the dandenong ranges! For what it's worth, taggert and the like probably have earned a game, however with the step up in intensity, as well as the Adelaide mound, I think a first game is best suited on the mcg. Sure it's not a major issue, but if you had your first game over there in round 22 it would be very easily to lose a lot of self belief. Weather forecast is mild, not a lot of breeze. That usually adds about 30points to the margin, and without any real emotion left I'm tipping Adelaide by who freaking cares!
  17. Brilliant. No point getting too upset. Over the past 5 years we've been at rock bottom so many times. I don't think we keep plumbing to new depths, I think we just invent new ways to make everyone laugh at us.
  18. Positives- ahhhhhh..... it's round 19, only 4 games to go Negatives- there are still 4 more games to go.
  19. Appreciate your efforts but I've never seen a 20 goal advantage. They would have had a light week on the track, recovery is all paramount at afl level. There are no excuses, no factors and nothing to warrant such an insipid effort by those players. North were coming back from a tough game against Brisbane then Carlton. You take the oval, you are right to go. Individually if you aren't right, pull out like terlich. They didn't look interested from the 2nd minute of the game after they scored the first goal. No intent, no spirit, no aggression and no desire. Where is the pride to be a competitor? Dead set, mark neeld would be laughing tonight knowing that even though he isn't a senior coach's boot lace, it's not his fault players can't come EVERY week ready to prove themselves. No excuses for CEO, coach, board problems, there comes a time when you just play footy. And collectively our players have not got the fundamental ability to do that.
  20. Just play the kids. I'll handle 122pt loss knowing they are young and learning. But flash, Byrnes, pedo, Dunn, etc fill me with no optimism. Even blease can go back to vfl and just learn how to get the footy. Tynan, Davis, taggert, I don't mind who. I've lost all discretion for caring about the players when they serve that filth. And they wonder why 16,000 people turn up. Here's a tip lads- no one will waste their weekend watching your abysmally inept effort at playing a team sport if you don't show any pride.
  21. When missed tackles, skill errors and unforced turnovers start to win win you games, watch the mighty demons roar up the ladder! That was disgraceful and they should be in the bay at 5am tomorrow running relays with tractor tyres. Bunch of spoilt brats and sulks. When will they ever get some pride? Do they not know that individually they are embarrassing themselves, and also destroying a once proud club?
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