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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Did anyone else just tell out a 3 word sentence starting with F, U and C? And it wasn't frightening untidy chicken. We are on. I'm already happy to see it. Pressure and mongrel. First time in ages.
  2. Saw him in the rooms last week after their team meeting. He looked genuinely broken. I do wonder if he got a spray for his arm waving and playing for free kicks. A lot of players look dejected, but jw more so than usual. Hopefully he got a spray and comes out tonight and plays the ball from start to finish.
  3. On another note, as if they needed it , but the suns have themselves a real star with kade kolodjashnij. You throw him with swallow, prestia, omera, Mckenzie, Martin to come back. I'm top of Ablett, harbrow, Stanley. I personally feel they've had too much of a handout. Seems the afl went from one extreme to the other after the Sydney/Brisbane concessions.
  4. Did you actually read the article?? Or just going off a few phrases like usual?? Heading along tonight will be interesting to see how we handle the bright lights at night. If I recall correctly our last Saturday night game at the g we had a good, if a little uncertain, win over the doggies. A lot depends on which Melbourne turns up. If its the team that beat Carlton, I can see us getting within 3 goals and giving them a huge scare. If it's the team that played last week against gc, where we pick and choose which contests to run hard and when to tackle, I think it could be 50 points. Congratulations to ro bail, been a long time and you've had a lot of setbacks, best of luck in your 50th. Welcome back to jamar who's also had his setbacks over the past 3 years and good luck to Salem. My tip, swans to kick away at the end but not after a huge scare 22 points
  5. If you think plowman at 191cm is key position height you are delusional. Let's run through some other key forward heights.. Hawkins-197cm Cloke-196cm Tippett-200cm Kennedy-196cm Did you watch hawthorn vs Geelong monday? Did you see what happens when 188cm Cheney took on 197cm Hawkins? What about Andrew walker who is 190cm, you think he is key position defensive height too?
  6. I'd be doing anything to try and convince patton to come. Others include gaff, jasper pittard at port and ask about Charlie Dixon at gc. Gaff gets it a heap, pittard is a super kick of the footy and might just fall outside ports best 22, while Charlie Dixon is probably a long shot, when he gets on the park he can be a pretty damaging player. Might solve that second ruck/forward dilemma. Lastly, and least likely, zac Clarke at freo.
  7. I usually agree with a lot you say Ron, but in this case I feel you are clearly misguided. I understand you live away from Melbourne, you wouldn't have seen first hand his approach yesterday. The level of criticism his way is definitely warranted in this case. He was as poor yesterday in approach as I've ever seen of anyone.
  8. I know we haven't had a lot to cheer about these past few years, but I remember being a young fella going to the footy back in 98, 2000, 2002 and 2004, when we were up playing well, our supporters are as loud and proud as any. I honestly can't wait until we have some sustained success and we can pack the G and drown out visiting sides.
  9. I used that to describe him yesterday, probably said it a little loudly!! He just loves the tough stuff. Bit of little man syndrome about him!
  10. Howdy all, I was at the game yesterday, my take on it, and forgive me for being late as I spent last night celebrating Til the wee hours. I said in the game day thread that if we won the tackle count and clearances the result would look after itself, without having seen the stats yet I'd imagine we won the tackles convincingly and probably just lost the clearances. I haven't seen a Melbourne team tackle like that for a long time. Starting on defence, Pederson worked exceptionally hard. He gets his critics on here for his contract or his skill level, but the guy works hard. McDonald was awesome and I can probably only name a patch in the 3rd quarter where he was shaded but overall he was instrumental in keeping carlton out of it. Georgiou is a great pickup, he isn't a world beater but he is dependable. The midfield really was where we won the game. Grimes was probably close to best afield in my eyes. Just the team efforts he gives- the pressure, chases and yesterday the intercepts. There was a moment where he tussled with a Carlton player at half back and he just found a way to get the ball out to our advantage, which I think resulted in vince having a shot on goal. Jones was fantastic and absolutely destroyed Murphy. Spencer was probably beaten in the hot outs. But he worked hard around the ground and deserves a lot of credit for how much he has improved. He still has a few moments, he turned it over by foot going short a couple of times. When he did go long he is actually a pretty decent kick. I'd still love to see runners get past him for the quick handball though, something we didn't do. Viney and Tyson were terrific in close, bail looks more and more a footballer with consistent games and cross has already proven his worth. Matt jones, as our 7th or 8th midfielder, was terrific. He gets his criticism, but he showed good signs yesterday. A few things I did notice, we seemed to set up with watts goal side a lot at stoppages. I'd love to see him try to get back off the pack and use his skills in space. He seemed a little wasted around some contests. I'd also like to see more of jones away from the stoppages like yesterday, giving Tyson viney and those guys to keep learning. Jones was fantastic in that role and if it adds another later to our midfield, we will be better for it. Up forward Dawes won't have the stats, but his presence was undeniable. When the ball hit the ground he just keeps competing, and a 6'4 guy is going to have some of those defenders worried. JKH was lively, that goal he kicked had a huge degree of difficulty and he is a smart player. He could be a genuine star, similar to Cyril or Jetta. Frawley was terrific, hopefully the other guys can stand up and we can keep him up there with Dawes. Dunn was a little selfish yesterday, which I don't mind, but I felt he could have given a few off instead of his 2 low percentage shots from outside 50. I think yesterday was a sign we aren't that deplorable, but when we started to get ahead, we got scared and stopped taking those risks. I think it was due to it being foreign that we were in front. Just small skil errors kept Carlton in it. Hopefully now they have a taste of it they want to keep it. I think any other team would have put the foot on the throat and won that by 60-80 points. Carlton were terrible. Unless you saw the game there, you wouldn't have noticed the Melbourne run and working 2 ways, and the Carlton players flat footed. It feels good to say melbourne won that game by out working Carlton.
  11. Well it will tell us two things, if Carlton don't come out fired up after the treatment in the media they have copped, then the issues at that club are far worse than anyone could have seen. Secondly, if we have any sort of spirit, any remote vision of getting better as a club, then we will come out and win both the tackle count and clearances. Roos harped on about them after last weeks game and that should lead to Melbourne focusing on those two stats. I feel If we win those 2 stats, inside 50 and contested footy will look after themselves as it will show we are working harder. I'm dead set sick of going to the footy and hoping to see melbourne come out with purpose, only to watch as we inevitably go 4 goals down to kill the contest from the first bounce. It's not that hard to set yourself to tackle with purpose, to pressure the opposition into making mistakes. And mark my words, there is not a team in the competition right now who are more easily pressured into mistakes than Carlton.
  12. I like it. It's going to be wet and miserable on Saturday, the more big bodies at ground level we have, the less yarran, garlett etc want to get into the congestion. Games like this will make shutting Simpson and carrazzo down more important. It might help we played in the wet last week. Really hope viney, Tyson, jones, vince and cross can give us the edge over carltons midfield
  13. I think it was 2008, hardwick in his first year as coach, they started 0-9 and everyone was wondering what he was trying to do. By the time he finally got a few players back, as well as the youngsters understanding what he was after, I think they won 6 games in the last half of the year. Sure I'm not saying we will, I'm saying that if our players keep getting told they "can" win and they "can" play afl, sooner or later they will start to believe it too.
  14. I disagree, they were built on the back of boardroom competency, trust in the coaching staff and a system where development wasn't compromised for the sake of a headline. We could have the first 20 picks in this draft. It doesn't matter who we draft, what number they are picked or where they are from, if we don't develop them right with no pressure or expectation, then we won't see the best of them. It still mystifies me as to why people compare current players we drafted to ones we missed out, for example wines, Dunstan fyfe etc. we would have messed the development of pendlebury, franklin, Judd - hell I'll even go back to Leigh Matthews or Robbie flower. This is what gives me confidence now, that we have the right people in place to turn that around. I just hope it isn't too late for players like watts, trengove, grimes and the like. We just need to face the fact that we are probably going to trade early picks away and hope to trade in more players in the 21-25 demographic. Oh, I might add keeping hogan for his entire career. Some kids just have an attitude that will ensure they don't fail, and he is one.
  15. Not sure if you know of a bloke called Alistair clarkson.
  16. Guys and girls please, eating each other is not the answer. Facts are Mitch signed up as a all Australian, highly regarded player and we watched his first 5 weeks and saw that he is genuinely an a grade player. Some of the posts questioning that, his ethic, his moral fibre are purely absurd and the posters who write that vile should go and have a look at themselves. Not only as demon supporters but as human beings. If anyone blames him, the coaches, neeld, mission... You're kidding.
  17. A very intelligent man and a very good writer. I often wonder if the injured/squad players should sit with the cheer squad on game day one weekend. I know it would be illogical in some cases, but can you imagine if gawn, garland, Dawes, hogan, tapscott and blease all went and sat down next to the dedicated members in the demon army and saw that they ride every turnover, every lazy chase or 1 handed mark attempt. I wonder if it would give them even 1% when they get their next chance, realising that by not getting the best out of themselves doesn't just do themselves a disservice, it really hurts the morale of the average club supporter who still goes every week. Afurthermore, magine if it moved them enough that they spoke to the other players, namely frawley, watts, Howe etc, and explained that every time you accepted your errors or lazy approach, thousands of already dispirited supporters and members just get that little bit closer to breaking point.
  18. Was just about to post this, the journalist here is a family friend and her first piece published in the Adelaide advertiser. I must congratulate her on not asking if he really wants to play for the worst performed team of the past 50 years
  19. Word coming out that Clark and his manager will meet with Melbourne officials in the next week, severance package and retirement announcement to be announced. Not at all what I wanted or hoped for, but I'm hoping that Mitch can get his life back on track. It's a shame that we didn't see him long enough, the afl is worse off for it but health and family come first. All the best
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