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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Nothing new to add as its been covered already- but congratulations dunny on your progress over the past few years. Much in a way that jack watts spoke to jobe watson for advice, in the next few years I can see players from other clubs coming to you. Credit to you, you've copped a lot of whacks and the level you have taken your game to doesnt go unnoticed, not by this particular poster anyway. Keep up the good work, go dees
  2. Were there any training drills that looked different from usual, as in how to try to combat port adelaides 2 way running and ability to get loose players forward? I watch them play in envy how they get loose players running forward of centre into open goals. Id love to know a stat of goals kicked inside 15metres from goal, I suspect port adelaide would be clearly ahead. Furthermore saty, did any player's mention any tips the coaching staff had used to get them firing coming off a bye? Plenty of teams have lost after the bye in previous years.
  3. Ill swallow my words wattsy, last week I bagged you for not showing enough application. Well, im sorry. If damo barret doesnt call the dom tyson trade a win this week for both clubs, he should quit purely for showing he has no footy nous or ability to reevaluate his failings. He wont, but it shows even more the credibility of him. Exciting to watch the boys play when you almost know they are going to give 100% now.
  4. Awesome. That is all. Every single player. Well done boys exceptionally proud
  5. Come on nasher, surely you have a phd in hindsight too. I thought they were giving them out.
  6. What? Dont you read the vfl review? Harmes had a 30 disposal game only a few weeks ago and has been tracking nicely in the muddy conditions in previous weeks. The club almost certainly got that pick right. Even if we picked templeton, chamces are he wohld be developing in the vfl in the same way as our guys are now. We arent in a situation like st kilda where we have to play first year players. We are in a position where we have reasonable depth but they needed to know how to play. Templeton wasnt the answer last year and i think harmes and hunt have been coming along nicely
  7. Fair point BB. perhaps I have gotten used to some of his previous half efforts, which may have clouded my judgement in this case. Perhaps also the dropped mark he had 35m out had something to do with it. Credit where it is due, he did play better than he has the past few weeks and thats in a game that was tight, contested and pressured. My only argument with what you say, lets for example say it was dawes or even frawley instead of jack. Do you think they would be have done anything other than put in a hard lead? A turnover would have been costly yes, but contrary to that, how much confidence would jack get from putting in a hard lead, making space and taking the mark? Lets hope he can continue to build on a solid game this week. I believe our height forward of centre could test the tigers out.
  8. come on BB. you have been a better judge of football in the past than that. of the 3 options which do you think it is? if you remember the moment, the player with the ball was actually holding it for a fair while as no players were free. But surely you have watched enough footy by now that if a player is manned up, they usually try to break off and get a step in front of their opponent dont they? this isnt me bashing on watts, he is a good kid and he had some good moments for the game. what i did say, if you read my post like you mentioned, was that it showed the difference in effort between the 2. one, a 70kg first year player who puts his body on the line whenever he needs to and works hard at every contest, vs a 6th year 196cm player who still isnt quite able to deliver intensity for 4 quarters. wouldnt you prefer BB if we could both watch and know every player is giving everything and working hard at every contest, not just occasionally?
  9. I did note that. He clearly can wotk present and pressure. So why only do it in bursts? If you can point me to where I said he was our worst too that would be good. I actually thought he was solid after a few down weeks. Hence the frustration when he lets himself down with those half efforts. Im far from a watts basher and I hate the crowd booing our own players.
  10. Not sure who was at the game, or who watched on telly or went by stats. But some posters have some serious clouded views of last night. I was at the game and took a few friends to their first game of afl. Ill start with positives. After going a few goals down I was impressed we held tight and worked back into it by quarter time. Early on it looked like dawes was going to kick 6 or 7. He presents so well and works so hard in his first few steps on the lead. Jamar was terrific and pederson gave him a good chop out to allow him to rest forward. It was a slippery footy with a dewy night, which probably worked against us with the forward set up. That said, if its decent weather next saturday against the tigers we could really exploit them. Terlich was great early, he works so hard but his skills can let him down. We definitely missed him when he went off. Dunn is quickly becoming our most important backline player, he spoils so well and he realy controls play around him. Tmac zones off so well to spoil, likewise howe, and id love a stat that measures that so they get some recognition. Unfortunately, the guys can let themselves down with disposal. Garland will help fhis when he gets back inti the groove. the midfield is really starting to click. Viney is an absolute terrier. He gets cleaned up and bounces back up, attacks the ball again and puts some fantastic pressure on that belies his age. Unfortunately he isnt a great kick yet either. Matt jones will get flak for his miss, but he ran so hard to get the ball, then run into the 50. He worked his guts out all game and to fault him on that miss is unfortunate as he had worked so hard. Again, disposal is the issue. He needed 2 steps less or jkh to keep his man back. Vince cross and jones all performed solidly. Jkh is just unbelievable. He isnt lightning fast, but he thinks quick and this allows him to put pressure on and get in space. He has a huge future and someone who prepares like him has leadership written all over him. My biggest praise is for dom tyson. Anyone who thought trading for him was a bad move, I hope you feel relatively foolish. When a ball is in dispute he attacks it like its his last contest, but then oozes class by hand or foot. His 60m goal lifted the crowd to levels I cant remember from being at a melbourne game in a long time. I dont know who is a good player to compare him to, however I feel like its only a matter of time before junior players coming through are being compared to him. I was excited when we picked him up, but the sky is the limit for him. Negatives. Matt stevic absolutely murdered us last night. Some terrible decisions from him and he deserves to be dropped to umpire in some faraway bush league never to be heard of again. It wasnt just the one on dunn, all night he was poor. I thought the other 2 were quite reasonable. There was an incident in last quarter that for me just typifies the effort of 2 certain players. I cant remember who had the ball for us at chb, but on the wing was watts standing on his man, not moving with his arm in the air pointing wider, as if it was some sort of lead. On the other hand, jkh started his lead from about 30m out, sprinted towards the wing, straight past watts and kept working up the ground. He didnt have his lead honoured but he busted his guts to lead 100m, while watts stood there. Not only did jkh work, he created space behind him. Watts stood there and I just thought it showed his desire perfectly. Hopefully someone else saw it too, i heard plenty in the crowd give it to watts, which I dont like, but when he starts to work he will earn respect. He needs a month at casey to learn to go and get the footy with less skilled players and tough it out. Yes he is skilled, but seeing someone constantly want the ball on their own terms is just the polar opposite of every other player on the ground. Byrnes was average but until he has someone to replace him, he will be there. I thought our composure went in the last quarter and we were rattled by some pretty questionable tactics from the dogs. A lot of sniping. Jones deserves 3 weeks for his hit. Overall I thought we would win right up to that dunn "free". You could see the guys panic after that. Its great to sit in the crowd and see youngsters at the footy smiling and cheering even into the last quarter, something thats been missing for a long time. Frustrated but so many positives, so many improvements and so much excitement is just around the corner to be too upset. Bring on the tigers.
  11. To be fair he has played well for a few weeks. JKH will have his turn. Class act and lucky for us he is a demon!
  12. Why on earth does it "pain you to say it"? Shouldn't we actually be happy that a player, no matter how maligned, has shown signs of improvement??
  13. Just heating up some popcorn. Anyone want any?
  14. No, no he hasn't. He has copped more criticism in the Adelaide media than anyone else in either port or Adelaide colours. The fact that he still turned it around last year under ken hinkley is a credit to him. That said, he was often Bronx cheered for a long time. What helped him is his games where he pulled a 3 or 4 goal performance from nowhere, a lot of the time in games when port were way behind, that reading the stats in no days paper you'd be forgiven thinking he was playing well. To watch him in his early years was considerable comparable to watts, that said I still think "Humphrey" as he is affectionately known, has a bit more drive and mongrel in him than watts. Said it last week and I'll say it again, for every game ways plays like last night, he needs 10 games in a row like the st kilda game to get the respect back from demon supporters. Last week he was pathetic, last night, well I don't have a word for it. Forget casey, he should be sent out to play in a low standard bush league for a struggling club. Then he can learn to fight for the footy and how to get it, instead of playing the insipid footy he is now. Obviously that can't and won't happen, but can you imagine a more gutless performance in recent memory?
  15. The difference in cheer for Salem and watts is disturbing. Almost warranted but disturbing
  16. If I don't see an article tomorrow saying the Dom Tyson/Chris Salem deal could prove to be the best deal since the inception of trading in tomorrow's paper, I'll never buy a herald sun again! First time I've seen every player run to a guy after a goal in years too! Onya Salem!
  17. Who the f is josh Kelly? Damo Barrett go play in traffic
  18. Agree entirely, just need a few guys to stand up and prove their worth. Frawley, jones, vince Dawes and grimes are all playing well defensively or with great effort, just polish up on the foot skills and we improve from an 8 goal a week side to a 12 goal a week side. I'd love to include watts but I feel he has peaked. Not a jab at him, just don't see the desire in him that I see in 99% of other afl players
  19. Jeeeeez pedo looks great tonight. Credit to him. Our pressure is better than vs Carlton! I'm so impressed with that. Just the skill...
  20. These umpires are a joke. I don't ever blame them but these holding the balls are a genuine blight on the game. Stupid rule that needs to be fixed. Put your whistle away umps- no one pays money to go watch you guys on the blower, if we did I'd be down watching the Scottish bagpipes every Sunday. I wanna see the players! Thanks dawesy!
  21. not just laid on, the second bloke jumped on him!
  22. That got what it deserved. Jeez the holding the ball rule is terrible
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