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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Max gawn. We're looking better. Gc getting ahead of themselves... We will be right!
  2. Stress less. We will win this. Sylvia is looking sharp, ball isn't bouncing his war, Evans and jones getting a bit. We will get up here. 3 hot days don't make a summer...
  3. Brutal honesty and no punches pulled. He didn't paint it out to be pretty but in a short space of time he has identified issues to focus on. Get the impression from both the afl website interview and the interview with Mark Stevens that he might be in the role for longer than 6 months. Interpreting his responses, it's also evident that Cam Schwab still tried to be too involved with the footy department and how it was being run. Interesting interview and although it hurts hearing we will have a massive loss, it also gives a glimmer of hope that Peter Jackson can identify these issues sooner rather than later and put stronger structures in place. Enjoy the ride demonlanders!
  4. I hope GCS take all their tall players in. Sunday forecast is 19 with rain. Who knows, Nicholson and McDonald's kicking might look alright if no one else can kick a waterlogged footy!
  5. Great job WW and wizza. I reckon all of us would have felt at times frustrated, maybe even disillusional, being a dees supporter over the past few years. But it's days like this that make it worthwhile and a reminder we are not alone. Training was sharp and the boys genuinely looked excited at the turnout. All the best to the boys and mark this weekend. Jeez I hope this is our line in the sand. Inwards and upwards from here. Go dees!
  6. Sent Emma Quayle at the age an email with the story, including the official hashtag. Hopefully she can post it on twitter or raise some awareness. Quite a talented writer. Looking forward to tomorrow! Go dees! #demonunity
  7. Great idea. Probably hasn't been thought of very commonly because everyone has seen Paul chapman potential in him. He could look at Brent Reilly, from Adelaide, as a example of a player who underachieved as a forward/mid before being moved back. Reilly was almost on the scrap heap 2 years ago and from memory was in the 40 man all Australian squad last season. Col could probably have a crack at kicking out too??
  8. Long time reader, first time poster. We obviously do all still care for and love this club. That's why we are here still. The open training session would be Wednesday or Thursday I assume? If we can find out what time, it would be a great show of support if the players ran out and saw a large contingent dressed in the red and blue. I've never been to a training session, and rarely get to games, however yesterday I made the move down from south australia (don't worry people, I am Victorian originally!!). I'd be very supportive of getting to a training this week with the scarf and guernsey on. The naysayers will say the players don't deserve any show of affection or sympathy. However, it really is obvious right now that they need some support. The media, opposition clubs and supporters are sensing blood, and we must take steps to unite and show the players that their cause isn't lost. I feel like I'm going through a teenage break-up right now, as all I can think of is how sad I am the club is in this position. Right now it is easy to throw the hands in the air and say you're done, and it would take a lot of character as supporters, but lets not forget the night is darkest just before the dawn and if we keep together now after this latest disappointment, we WILL appreciate it a lot more when things turn around. One quote that springs to mind at this point in time is from 19th century literacy critic John Churton Collins. "In prosperity, our friends know us, in adversity, we know our friends"
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