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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Was actually going to post this today, very unlucky to miss out- that said collingwood picked Jonathan marsh with 77! A lot of likely players missed out!
  2. Come on mate- you've watched enough footy in your time. Just because a player has a body ready made to play afl, and plays in a team with some midfield depth (and credit to wines for a ripper first year) doesn't make him better long term than a guy coming off injuries playing in the worst performed midfield in memory with a body that needed a year or 2 in the gym (and still managed to string some good games together). Don't be disheartened on what we "could" have missed out on, jump on board the guys we have now. Salem looks so impressive, can you imagine Jesse hogan and Mitch Clark, who themselves witll almost be 2014 recruits, looking up and seeing Salem or toumpas with the pill in hand??? What defender has a chance to stop that! Throw in that we now have jay Kennedy-Harris at the feet of these boys on the off ahamce that hoges or Mitch drop it, and I think the disappointment of not picking wines, or fyfe or whoever we overlooked, will be a distant memory in a bygone era that we hopefully won't ever visit again.
  3. http://m.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-11-14/melbourne-makes-list-changes
  4. Jetta has been delisted officially now. Source- mfc Facebook page
  5. Really excited about jimmy toumpas this year. I'm not comparing him as a player, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a chad wingard type of breakout season. The guy is too dedicated and focused not to succeed at this level.
  6. I felt that sheed was fortunate that his carnival efforts were probably of a higher standard than he had shown previously, I think that he is a quality player, but I feel others will overtake him. I see a lot of Brent reily, jack ziebell in him though, average footballer but always will get a game. Good luck to him though.
  7. I said in another thread I feel acres could be the best player to come out of this draft. Have to agree with wj, I think he has been hidden away for that exact reason. Plays a style of footy that will stand up in high pressure games and just has that assertive presence around the ground. Viney showed last year he can spot a player, and with Jason Taylor on board as well, I feel we will be able to trust their choices more so than we have the previous recruiters of the past decade.
  8. Anthony albanese from the alp looking at a trade. Libs are looking at a medical to bring him in, possibly at the expense of bronwyn bishop. Bishop has had a good career to date but stagnated a little in 2013 and could do with a new home. Libs not sure what it would take to get the deal done, possibly need to throw in a sweetener, with rumours an exchange of seats could push the deal forward. Stay tuned
  9. Since you have gone to that effort, I'll reply to your post firstly. First and foremost, as demon supporters we know there is no guarantee when it comes to the draft. Whether that be pick 1, 2 or 78. There isn't a sure fire way of knowing the player called out by the head recruiter on draft day is a 200 game player. The names you mention all symbolise that and there is no disagreement from me why freeman could not join them. That said, my post was aimed at a poster who continues to make calls on a lot of club issues with little regard to facts or figures, and his or her own opinion is blinded by that. The post I disagree with was that the more he/she watches of freeman the more he is another Nicholson. Dan Nicholson never ever was a top 10 draft pick. He was taken off the back of 2 year solid performances at uni blues and we picked him as a rookie in 2011. Now beg my ignorance, but I never once disagreed that freeman could be yet another top 10 pick who doesn't evolve into a long term player, merely stating that yet again, the poster in question made another baseless reference with little fact to support those claims. You should be able to bank on a long term player inside the top 10, however it's fair to say a second round rookie listed player who battled away playing amateur footy for 2 years and had to fight to get into a senior list, is more of a bonus to us than a hindrance and a player worthy of such derogatory abuse from posters in some instances. What's to say he can't be worked on and moulded into a long term player.many clubs have a player come on after battling away previously, Matthew stokes, clancee Pearce, Michael Walters, Ted Richards all spring to mind. If there is an exact science to recruiting with your top 10 pick, BB, I'm sure many a club would love to hear from you.
  10. Possibly the worst post on demonland, from the least knowledgeable poster. Seriously mate. Get a clue.
  11. This is exactly right, all the people on here grilling him for being "the most expensive bench warmer" and the like, really need to pull their heads in. The type of competitor he is he played injured throughout the season because he wanted the best for his teammates. Probably what caused the injuries here, but because he is that type of player, the type that would do anything to better himself for the club. Pretty frustrating reading the same posters bag out own players week in week out. Chris Dawes would be more disappointed than anyone.
  12. Considering the players who were available this off season, and by available I mean players that clubs would be open minded to trading if contracted, Melbourne could not have trades any better this trade period. Damien Barrett is one slip up from being outed as the no idea, bottom feeder that he is. I just hope that's soon!
  13. There is nothing more exciting ttgan seeing what this guy will bring in 2014. I'll call it- a more mobile aggressive version of roughead this year. Scary things. No body deserves a change in luck like Mitch.
  14. Wyl, you just did a disservice and probably offended all the hack journalists out there, who let's be honest, would never claim Barrett as one of their own...
  15. I wonder if Adelaide would do Sylvia compo for vince and their 3rd rounder, assuming that's around the 45 mark? I would love to bring in vince as he offers the foil for our new younger recruits. Perhaps even compo pick and our 3rd rounder for Lyons, vince and Adelaide's 3rd rounder. Dom Tyson is a great get, pick 2 could have been aish or Kelly, and we can judge how that plays out in time. That said, aish or Kelly could have had a bad knee injury in their first year as well. This guy has had 2 seasons now to understand the system. It's a great trade. As everyone has alluded to, 9 would be great on crouch or freeman, but even if we miss out there, there is still dumont, billings, haratung and my dark horse for this years draft- Blake acres. Great work dees!
  16. Wow. Oh my holy sweet lord Jesus. Mfc you are right on the money there. Wow is all I can say.
  17. Did you even read the whole post? About making a rumour up a la Robinson? Onya!
  18. If what you said right now didn't highlight how sad and pathetic 2013 sports journalism is in Australia right now, I'd laugh. The sad reality is various posters on here could, in fact, write for the herald sun in a manner not to dissimilar to mark Robinson. There is nothing about a journalist from the herald sun that shows any form of originality whatsoever! I've got one, and let's see how it rolls. Pick 2 to collingwood for pick 10 and dayne beams. Nathan Buckley has expressed his concern about beams and his ability to play team first, and with his contract sutuation, the club sees him as a likely candidate to claim melbournes much discussed pick 2. Collingwood would then try to package a deal and target gws and their pick 1, touting Tom Boyd as a long term replacement for Travis cloke. I think I nailed it, robbo- I'm coming for you!
  19. Bingo! Nothing against michie, I think he will be a very good player, and nothing against Lyons and his short career, but vince has the rums on the board and adds class, in a trade period which very shallow pickings in offer, he could prove to be one of the better acquisitions. We are in agreeance though- Sylvia and his inconsistencies were something we needed to lose to go forward, and the inclusion of vince is a positive start
  20. Just out of curiosity, how many if the anti-vince people on here have watched him play? I mean actually watched him, not just highlights and stats? Forget the fact that he is 28, or that he is "apparently" having knee issues, if you can get a guy in your team who adds class and experience, who will be one of your best 2 mids, then get him. Furthermore, when you acknowledge we've lost Sylvia and that we will be compensated with a pick of equal value, then that only adds to the urgency in which we should sign him. The guy has polish and knows how to find the footy, and a change for him away from the Adelaide fishbowl will do him wonders. Pick 20 is possibly overs, but a lot of water goes under the bridge before we can know that, ie- pick 2's future. Happy to say but I've watched him enough to know he will be a good performer for us and will add more than what col has over the past few years, and more than he would have if he'd stayed. Not that I'm rubbishing col.
  21. While I don't hate it, and let's be honest that trade is probably a loss for us, I think we are seeing that pick 2 this year to us is a lot less valuable than it was in the past in terms of a high end draft pick. We can discuss the poor development or the wrong choices if players until we are all black and blue in the face. However, the simple fact is that we need to inject 2 bigger bodied midfielders straight into our team for round 1, and if that's getting a 28 year old and a 24 year old, both of which will instantly help, then I have to say I'm probably for it. Yes it is likely that aish or Kelly will turn into a great footballer for their club in a few seasons time, but do we have that? Do we have the enthusiasm (not to mention financial viability) to endure more seasons with low competitiveness? I think with development and some stability at coaching and fitness levels, we have the prospect of trengove, Evans, viney, toumpas and watts all playing 18-20 games as well as grimes, both jones boys and Mckenzie already playing on ball. You find some improvement from Strauss, bail, Nicholson, blease, tapscott, clisby, kent and Howe, you have the makings of a competitive midfield after the addition of Myers/vince/cross or whoever else it may be.
  22. I hope you are happy- probably the best post on demonland in my 2 years reading. If you've dropped better, post a link but I wholeheartedly doubt it.
  23. you tend to learn quicker "on the job". Our forwards and midfielders seem to only have done the "theory" work so far
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