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Everything posted by TGR

  1. According to Dr Larkins, Bugg could have killed him. Hogan's I assume couldn't have. Maybe delayed death... by 63 years. I disagree with Doc by the way, but he is a medical expert with a microphone, so...
  2. This if news pal. FCS
  3. It is the nature of the extreme right to think of "me". It is the nature of the extreme left to think of minorities and "we". If there was a dichotomous choice, there is really no contest. You can gush over your flag-bearers in Hanson, Bolt, (Trump), Abbott, Bernardi, Howard etc.... who invariably advertise that they are in-touch with the "average person". They are essentially nationalists championing a cause of "me". They are into "free speech" until you say something mildly negative about Anzac day or George Pell. To use a Gillardism, who history will look favourably on BTW, the sensible centre doesn't need to be lectured to by the likes of the far right, who play the "fear" card, the "what about me?" card, and really aim accurately to the lowest common denominator in the electorate. Now, whether this is a richard-swinging contest or a fannie-exhibition is of no concern, nor relevance to me.
  4. Hope the simpletons don't write of the new boys after what should have been a 10+ goal loss. They played for Casey last night; not Melbourne. Yes, the ball was butchered by both teams, especially us....I even questioned whether the balls were flat or off-stitched.
  5. You talkin' like a high-income middle-aged white man bro! Cheers to you brother.
  6. Bernie. We wouldn't want to scar any player under 29 with a week or 2 of fill in captaincy.
  7. I have a hunch the club will add a week to the AFL suspension. Melbourne have a PR problem; probably moreso that the "unsociable Hawks" of circa 2007/8. If "we don't stand for it", we need to live the values as well as talk them. Furthermore, he will be a convenient scapegoat for the good-will gesture. pTGR
  8. CoincidenceLand thank goodness none of us are involved in scientific research to solve major world problems. The poor sun would probably cop it I imagine.
  9. Brown gave him 1 vote on fox. Jetta - Best ever game Game Yesterday - Sydney versus Casey Sydney - Good bet yesterday Melbourne - Predictable handball off Melbourne receivers - Must keep width Melbourne - Will still contend Melbourne Forwards - Slow choked supply OMac - Good in circumstances Tyson - Has Joeboy photos Gawn - Second game hack Gawn - Will be back Trac - Our cleanest onballer Zak Jones - Good job interview Lewis - Proving Rono Right (sorry Martin) Jetta - Proving Rono Wrong (there you go...one from the vault. I will help you stay competitive)
  10. Shut up a bit last night compared to recent trends. Still not enough. He is there because he is a 'good bloke'. Can't see ang other reason.
  11. Yet you seem so fascinated with me? Hope Jordie has a good one tonight so you can perk up from your Valium overdose.
  12. Totally disagree. His family is massive and tight. Sacrificed a bit of dough to return to Moggs Creek, or wherever he lives. Grew up barracking for Geelong. He followed his heart in an era where heart and brain and principle in a full-time footballer is a rare combo.
  13. If you had a TG kid, come around to my place and I'll refer to it as 'it'. You won't be offended, so I will take the liberty.
  14. Bob Murphy is on a par with Danger. Both grounded but more spiritual and deep is Bob. Was Brendan McCartney's greatest mistake the fact that Ryan Griffen was appointed captain and not a slightly younger Bob Murphy??? Or was it the way he treated the Stevens family, and Kobe in particular, leading up to his milestone game?
  15. This guy has his head screwed on and feet firmly planted on the ground. The way he departed Adelaide was all class; leaving Judd, Ablett and to a lesser extent, the young pressured Scully in his wake. Didn't lie. Didn't ask clubs to present to him when his mind was made up. Just didn't treat the fan like a moron. Judd thinks he has a PhD on life, so difficult for Judy not to treat anyone like a moron actually. Paddy could have got 1.5k a year, but prioritised family, heart and team success to accept 60% of his worth. Danger's comments that supported the trans-gender community, squarely aimed at Newman and the carcass that is the Footy Show, was so accurate, that it flustered the unusually unflappable Newman. Dangerfield' view of footballers walking media street and separating it from onfield events is so refreshing and un-Paganesque in an era of the media and fans investing in their (players) huge and well-deserved rewards. He is so unlike the SEN simpleton. He thinks with clarity and courage. He gets a seat at my hypothetical last supper, with PJK, Roosy, Wallet, Julia Eileen, Ben Lexcen, Bevo, Rossy Lyon, Bruce McAvaney, BT (MC), Springsteen, Turnbull, Elvis, Lennon, and JFK. The guy with the PhD and his trophy superficial wife can get take away. (I withdraw this last line as I do not know them personally, and just went on the basis of a potentially flawed but usually correct perception) TGR dips his lid.
  16. I agree. His hand-to-foot seems ultra quick and sharp. Looks special.
  17. Exactly. He correctly said Neeld was finished and should be sacked in his first 6-8 rounds as coach, if I remember correctly. Six months after one or two keyboard warriors, but a long long way before the fence-sitting, hesitant nellies that make up most of us.
  18. He milked it. He staged. Accept it. We can't hide from it. If an opposition player did it, I'd say the same. But as the great leader once said (yesterday), he is toughness squared personified by the Cyril Rioli hit last year. The opposition will get into him for a few weeks; and then it will blow over. He won't be defined by this as Lyon said. pTGR
  19. Sorry, but a good commentator has absolutely nothing to do with MFC cheerleading. At least BT takes the [censored] out of himself and others. He loves the word "here", but says it "heear".
  20. Where have all the hesitant, weak, inward-looking nervous nellies, that connected his early form with the "burden of captaincy"? Remember that Goodwin was going to be held responsible? He had a lot to lose by putting his fingerprints on a decision that wan't universally applauded; and one that could have gone belly-up. Seriously, we have a once in a generation, Selwood-like dynamo that bleeds red and blue, that drives standards, that isn't weighed down by an irrelevant history, that eats footy; and yes has ambition to be captain. Yet some supporters here are weighed down by the emotional baggage that was the Trengove/Grimes appointment. They also often fall to the default position of over-correlating one variable with another. They remember Grimes/Trengove, but conveniently forget Kernahan and Carey. Thank goodness the team has more courage on-field, than some have with their thinking on here. pTGR
  21. A bit flat Martin? You seemed to have had more zest and energy last week. FWIW, his inside stuff is good....it has to be, because he is a liability on the outside, and often goes to ground leaving us -1. All I said last November, is that we are not getting the player we (club, media, and 99% of the public) think we are getting. Don't worry about getting thru 2 years of a 3 year deal, when I thought getting through 1 would defy objective clear logic. As one of the toughest most courageous players the game has seen, this player, with no tricks, was battle-weary in latter 2016. Lewis and Mitchell finished 1&2 in their B&F, but look at how Hawthorn got pulverised in the clearances and contested possessions in 2016. Yes his leadership record is high percentile; yes he is a calming influence: but at what cost? He goes to ground more than Simon Eishold. Internally, he is frustrated as he knows the game might be past him. Accordingly, he loses it occasionally which is the antithesis of leadership. Watch this space. Finally, for those that point to the coincidence of Lewis equals win, then what, Flower equals loss? With that logic, should we keep Hogan at Casey? Blind Fred suspects we could have carried Cale Morton for a similar W/L record. Actually, this debate is Morton Mark II. The last 2 games potentially in any year are for keeps, invariably on a big ground. Will he be exploited by a quick team and a sharp coach? I fear it. pTGR
  22. At the minute, I'd choose my mate who has never done it before, over Sir Edmund Hillary.
  23. Primary school quote of the season. FWIW, I back the tigs to miss the 8 a month or 2 ago. I would show you the crownbet slip, but your teacher would frown on it, and I shouldn't talk to little boys.
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