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Everything posted by TGR

  1. Have fun watching the slowest team in the comp, along with Richmond and North Melbourne. We will open up the gap between us and Bulldogs/Saints/GWS.....I can assure you.
  2. I haven't had a go at the club since the Neeld days. But if this got through, FFS, I would have burnt my membership. If you are going to recruit a pensioner, at least recruit someone that would fix a deficit. Boomer at least would break a line. Lewis is slow and one paced. (Tyson, Vince, Jones, Salem.....we are a one-paced team already) He would have done nothing to our need for speed and line-breakage. Actually, Melksham doesn't really add to it either....and Hibbard aint quick. I think those on the inside of our club are as delusional as those supporters that actually think we are close to teams like the Bulldogs and St.Kilda. There is daylight between us in terms of speed. Lumumba gets a rough deal from Collingwood supporters and many MFC supporters. At least he tries to break a line. Jordan Lewis. FFS.
  3. What do you mean if? Barry was spotted yesterday wearing a Hawthorn tracky/rain-top. It's done.
  4. Don't think I will miss the hyperbole. ("That was the most fantastic game you would ever see...") Also, when you are Sydney-centric you can't really pull off the attempted love affair with AFL. But RIP and kudos for not going down in front of a Woman's Weekly photo shoot and the establishment of another foundation. Although most foundations are mostly altruistic...bar the Shane Warne Foundation.
  5. Problem with Etihad, is that for a non-tenant, it is a waste of money. The AFL could have received this in another 9 years for $30! Just because the Etihad home-game clubs were screwed (by Collins?), forced the AFL to cough up 200 mill now.
  6. We wont be any good until we don't bother with these excuses. Supporters and the club have to borrow a little from Lethal ("Don't complain, don't explain") and Rossy ( "anywhere anytime" team). Longest drought proportional to veil-of-negativity and loudest whine.
  7. "Only a few see a crystal ball; whereas many look right through it." TGR And yes AngryAtCasey, I (and maybe ProDee) wanted to copy a team that was knocked out week 1 of finals last year. Posted October 9, 2015 · Report post I think it is more reasonable to "copy" where the Bulldogs are going, rather than trying to emulate a team that has been labelled by some as the greatest of all time. This team, had the fortune to get it right and have early picks, in a couple of super-drafts. Then, they had the fortune after this stockpiling, for the league to introduce 2 expansion clubs that prevented teams underneath from rebuilding quickly. You can copy the Hawthorn model, and good luck to you; but you will be wasting your time. I'm with ProDee. You need a mobile forward line that can defend transition out. For what it is worth, Hawthorn's forward line is not slow. Roughead is super quick for his height/weight. Gunston, Breust, Poppy & Cyril don't allow hesitant defenders any time at all. pTGR
  8. Does Demonland have a hall-of-shame? If not, can someone cut and paste my thread from ology.
  9. It is always good for the club, when someone who lives interstate, and is in demand, elects to stay at the club. Always good. I have never salivated over Hogan, and in many ways I hope he proves me wrong. The Tom Boyd argument only arose here because of a simpleton questioning why I would reference Boyd's ruck-skills 3 weeks or so ago. This was never Hogan v. Boyd as like-for-like players. This was TGR again highlighting the value of a MDMT and mainly questioning why the average Melbourne supporter was under-rating Boyd and the Bulldogs in general, if you look at my posts about them (Bulldogs) over the past 18 months. Many supporters here were perplexed as to why they beat us; I never thought we were in their league. I rarely think a premiership coach is the best coach in the league. Simpletons do that. For once, I will gladly join them. The first inkling was when he didn't pick a ruckman to face Sandilands in 2015. Left the recent AA ruckman in the VFL. He has brains as well as balls. Rare combo.
  10. Clint, your eyes are usually better than that. Thank god you don't work in an emergency department. Many of you patients would be waking up in the coffin. Going up against the most brutal ruckman in the league for virtually the entire (PF) game, when Roughead went down last week....and then at least halving most contests....was all heart. Most of the time, it's not about licking the ice-cream. Boyd's effort and output in the PF was massive; but simpletons often just look at goals and possies. I backed JJ for the norm, but in reality, Boyd was the biggest difference on GF day. No Boyd, no flag. The best 10 million dollar investment of all time. Maybe Buddy might end up being the worst?
  11. Another [censored] bites the dust. Just took 9 days this time. Well done Pro Dee.
  12. TGR

    Thanks Jack

    The simpletons will say that the early captaincy did this. The rest will say he was a solid in many aspects. Unlike the 80's though, in the modern game, you need at least one great element to your game. I doubt Jack has one. Maybe courage, maybe awareness? Hope he gets a gig at another club, obviously the tigs.....and prove many wrong.
  13. Yes Caro. How dare you print the truth without the blokey SEN hyperbole MMM white male boys club carp...that is often music to the ears of the simpleton.
  14. Actually GTB, Hogan reminds me of Jono without the full-on intimidation, and reliable kick, ridiculous courage (mark v. Hawks) and fluctuating body-language. Hogan is better to listen to, if you ignore his left hand. Put Hogan into Brisbane circa 2001-2004, yes, he would have achieved most of what Brown achieved. Put Luke Breust or Josh Caddy in the red and blue over the past 4 years, and they would have done nothing. To answer your question, probably not. But Brown made up for it with A+'s in other areas I reckon.
  15. Look at my previous posts about him. All there. Caught on camera.
  16. Is Hogan a multi-dimensional mobile tall? No. Unlike Boyd, he can't play ruck. Lynch at the Suns is a better grab, more mobile, and more reliable kick. Hogan is good for his age, and super strong; but can he be as mobile or multi-positional say as a Roughead? I don' think so. Pidgeon-holed as a big forward. Would have done well in the days of Lockett and Dunstall. Lost it with me finally when he told VDB to PO at 3/4 time recently. A sook and one-dimensional unreliable goal-kicker that we can get dividends for now.
  17. Now I am salivating. All you Hogan-lovers have wasted good saliva on here for years.
  18. If I was Jesse Hogan, I would NOT be signing any long term deal right now with Melbourne. My last half of the year has reduced my currency. My kicking has suddenly become unreliable, and horrible at 45m out. I want to prove that I am worth the bucks they are paying Boyd etc... If I am to play footy 4000Km from home long term, I want the big bucks. Any club official or simple supporter who wants to force an answer now is kidding themselves. This simple supporter, who signs a 10 year mortgage for instance, would accept that bank asking for total repayment in year 9???? FFS. If I was Melbourne, I would be seeing what Freo and WC can offer right now. Freo has high picks (thanks to GWS refusal for the 2015 McCarthy trade) and the best player in the comp who wants September action soon. It aint that hard is it? 120 pages of BS and unproductive time. TGR
  19. What about the Bears under Feltham?
  20. Last year's stats may comfort us, but the eyes of good judges are worried about Hogan. He clearly over-thinks his set shot kicking. Interesting that Dermott puts Jack Watts up as the league's best set shot right now. Hogan over-thinks it terribly. 40+ out he goes on Buddy's arc x 3. As a poster I have never ever salivated over Hogan...I don't know why. His body-language at 3/4 time, pushing away VDB was pathetic. His goal-kicking action needs stripping back to ground zero. He is probably 1 year away from having a reliable set shot under pressure 40-50m out, if all goes well. Give me Fyfe and a first rounder for this sulker.
  21. For goodness sakes. We could play St.Kilda 22 times in a year and we would be lucky to win one. The excuses coming here now, after the fact that they have obliterated us twice, is "general after war" stuff. Not many here rated St.Kilda all year. Now suddenly their age profile and leadership is a massive factor. Suddenly we played "crap". We actually played great footy in the 1st quarter. Can't we just say that their hardness/pressure in combination with their outside speed just makes our task, with a one speed midfield, nearly impossible at the moment? Same would go with Bulldogs (full strength) v. Melbourne (full strength). They would smash us on the outside. Instead of coming out with 'general after war....Mark Robinson...SEN crap', sit back and understand our deficiencies at this stage; and respect an opposition that have it over us. St.Kilda looked a much better side in that win they got with seconds to go. St.Kilda looked a much much much better side in our encounter earlier in the year. St.Kilda looked a much much better side after quarter time last week.
  22. I thought it was a tad funny, relevant, and ironic that 12 months is a long time in footy. What else do we want cartoons to do?
  23. I'm rapt that he has signed, and will hopefully be a one club premiership player. He deserves it. No other player in history has dealt with that amount of cr@p from all footy supporters, including our own. The trash that has spewed out of Melbourne supporters' mouth at this bloke has been shameful. Fortunately it has been borne out of ignorance; rather than any astute knowledge. Tom Hawkins did nothing at Geelong in his first 5.5 years. Collingwood supporters are noweven questioning Darcy Moore, who will be a superstar. Some bigger guys take time; pure and simple. Now that some have nibbled at humble pie; and now that he has shown the ultimate faith in us, it is overdue that MFC supporters shut their gobs the next time he has a bad moment, or bad game or a couple; and take the very good with the odd bad. He has shown us loyalty through thick and thin, and it is about time we returned the favour. TGR
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