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Ted Lasso

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Everything posted by Ted Lasso

  1. In my opinion Port were as bad as we are now under primus, the right people in place we might get more out of our players and realise we aren't as bad as we might have thought, Injuries aren't helping us at the moment.
  2. He is a workman, hard running type mid, reminds me abit of Daniel cross, never going to be an out and out superstar but reliable and definately in our best 22 at this stage
  3. If football was golf, we'd be winning every week.. New sport for Neeldy perhaps?
  4. He is a WA boy, if he doesn't stay at Geelong, he will go to West coast or Freo regardless of what we offer.
  5. If he isn't selected again would he be the worst rookie selection? or the risk of a negative impact on the group too great?
  6. Crouch and Billings for mine, love billings disposal and crouch is just a ready to go hard nut like ollie wines.
  7. I can honestly say this is the worst i have felt as a Melbourne supporter since losing in the 2000 grand final, i wish it was as simple as just supporting a different team.
  8. Get the feeling Jackson will want to know the opinions of as many people as possible before he makes a decision on when the right time is, i hope it's ASAP but that's just me
  9. He will also have some weight behind his word when he says we are on the right track, he has built a great culture and would be worth whatever we had to pay him in my opinion, i imagine alot of players would respond well to him also.
  10. I don't know the players personally, so i have no idea i am assuming something is wrong because the players aren't putting in enough effort, surely you have to admit that?
  11. I would like you to name these players, of yesterdays game i would say Spencer, Nicholson sellar and bail are outright not at AFL standard Frawley, Dunn, Mckenzie, strauss, davey, garland, tapscott, byrnes and dawes are AFL standard but didn't have good games. ( for whatever reason ) and the rest are the only thing holding our club together.
  12. Which players specifically are you suggesting? it's entirely possible a good number just have no faith in their coach and this is being reflected in their effot.
  13. The old saying " the best way to train is as you would play."
  14. I don't think there are too many concerns about GWS not playing for Sheedy though, my concern isn't the results as much as it's the way we are losing, the players don't seem to believe or understand Neelds plan, maybe he would be better off with another club and we'd be better off with someone else, no shame in the job being too much for him, pretty sure it would be for 99% of inexperienced coaches.
  15. We need to put it to the AFL that we are in danger of reaching a situation we can't come back from, they might help us get a good coach and deal with that situation, bit either way we can't sit on our hands when we are losing to teams like gold coast by 10 goals.
  16. I've heard much worse ideas! in the long term i think we need someone who has been there and done that though, tough decisions on Frawley, sylvia, watts coming up as well as potentially another priority pick that we absolutely must get right
  17. I agree 100% surely the board is going to meet today to at least talk about Mark Neeld, the longer this goes on the more we are destroying the players and allowing the club to slowly bleed to death.
  18. that's 17 games though, who's to say a new coach won't come in and we start winning games? I see your point though, personally i'd consider giving Trengove an extended recovery time as well, get these boys 100% right.
  19. See that's the point i can't understand, we should be better than this, Sylvia, jones, grimes, trengove, matt jones, viney, although young should still be able to match any of the bottom six teams, injuries aside our list itself isn't bad, just young which makes it Vital that we have the right people in place, if it's not Neeld, we should bite the bullet and make a change.
  20. Good chance we won't improve, but could we get any worse? Lets say Todd viney got the gig and got our boys playing one on one, that'd be better than his mess right now, plus we get the whole year with jackson at the helm to make sure we get the next decision right.
  21. the fact we can't stick tackles is the problem, they're the coaches.. we certainly shouldn't have been out muscled by Gold Coast.
  22. depending on GWS it could potentially be #2 and #3 or something like that, either way Couch and Billings, pencil them in! Couch is a clearance machine and ball magnet, billings personifies elite disposal and hard running, both ready to go at AFL level already.
  23. I can't see what Neeld has done to put his hand up and say i should be coaching, all the reasons not to sack him are about us, we are losing money because no body will watch us play, we're losing money because membership numbers are declining, we're losing faith because we have lost to Essendon by 148 points and Gold coast by ten goals are we're told to be patient. if we sack Neeld now, we can get craig or viney in as caretaker ( no way they could do worse than Neeld is ) and we have the whole year to make sure we get the right senior coach for 2014
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