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Everything posted by Jara

  1. Wish I had as much faith in top draft picks as you do. God, we've had some duds. So many high draft picks, and we haven't had an A-Grader for as long as I can remember.
  2. Good luck thinking we'll ever see a MRP or the umpires in our favour. I'm constantly amazed by the number of people in the general community who dislike us and take pleasure in our misery. I can only assume it's a residual dislike from the days, long gone now, when we were the preferred team of the elites. These days the spivs are all sitting in the Hawthorn corporate box.
  3. So we lose the game, the fight, the court case and the PR battle, all without a squeak. Goody should have been talking up our case, like Scott did his. Lots of things he could have raised: Oliver's punch in the throat, Vince's technicolour yawn. Instead he says - what? - we're "developing". Been a bloody long development. Eleven years, last time I looked.
  4. We lost the PR battle. Papers this morning were full of Scott pre-emptively whinging about how jumper punches were okay, precedents, etc. We get screwed all the time. We were screwed over Hogan, we were screwed by the umpires on the weekend. (I even heard a North supporter on the radio ringing up saying he felt guilty that every dubious decision had gone his club's way) Is there nothing our club can do?
  5. Poetry? Try reading Han Shan (Cold Mountain).
  6. Go Jesse. Your Melbourne family is behind you.
  7. Hear hear! I was thinking that myself. I was also thinking how disgusting it was that they got the No 1 draft pick for the year their lying druggies were suspended. It goes against the very idea of the draft - getting that pick when they had their best players due to come back.
  8. Condolences, Jesse. The Demons football family is behind you and yours in this tough time.
  9. Unjustifiably negative. "Supposedly" visit his dad? Jeez...
  10. Just stumbled across this. Agree, Daisy's great. Nixon, my god. That's one of the problems of social media - even pathetic drunks get a platform - guy can't even spell "sweet'".
  11. Great post, Chris - my daughter's was the school that they raised money for - (or one of them - can't remember if they helped others, but they were great for us) - it was very moving, and a great boost for the kids.
  12. Hmmm - thanks Ditcha - I was thinking of getting some new runners as well - haven't received the email (maybe club doesn't have my email address?) - would you mind telling me how it works? Do you get em on-line, or do you go into the Demons shop? Thanks in advance.
  13. My god, if we are going to rely on doctors so much, it needs some sort of objective system - an independent, AFL doctor. Imagine if we played the Bombers in the last round, were facing them in the finals a week later and one of our players gave Daniher a well-deserved punch in the moustache - how "objective" would dear old Doc Reid be?
  14. Some quality journalism in this morning's Age - match report: Best players: Freo: Neale, Mundy, Fyfe etc Melbourne: Umpires
  15. With you on Lewis, but I'm still pretty annoyed about Hogan. God, we could have used him today. We just seem to lack structure up forward. Still don't think he deserved two weeks, especially considering his record and the fact that Rowe was busily punching him in the shoulder when he struck back with an open hand. It happened right in front of me, and Rowe looked like he was milking it for all it was worth. What screwed us was the medical report, but even there I'm suspicious. No time out, played well the next week. I know somebody here defended the doctor, but there are doctors and there are doctors. Some are super-cautious, conservative, others will say whatever you want them to. I'd be surprised if half the Carlton team didn't show symptoms akin to those Rowe was supposedly showing.
  16. What a man. So sad. I remember a plumber working at our place once, just seen Death in Brunswick, commented that it was a boring film, but the screen lit up whenever Clarke was on screen. And his range! Those books of Australian poetry - some of the funniest writing I've ever read. RACV Milne , Walter Burley Yeats et al Sir Why You Little, you were blessed.
  17. Club says he's got serious health problems in family. Everybody else, back off and leave him alone. One [censored], for god's sake. We should support our players, not lambast them. (Re going to Festival, good on him - most of us have dealt with loved ones in critical health situations at some time in our lives - we cope with it in different ways, and you need some time out) The health issues might have even contributed to his actions last week. Let's just support him - he's one of us.
  18. Bloody useless Swans. Seeing Collingwood lose always gets me set up for a great week-end.
  19. Could one of you experts enlighten me? If Rowe's got concussion, is he even allowed to play this week? Isn't there some kind of compulsory rest system? (Like I lot of you here, I was sitting just a few metres from the incident - Rowe appeared to me to be acting like an Italian soccer player - either that or Hogan is one mighty beast)
  20. Well, I suppose not - by that standard, there's no such thing as completely renewable energy, as they all require manufacture of the technology. But, with respect, you're being a bit finicky - when we say renewable, surely most people understand it means the basic source (sun, wind, whatever) which is powering the device? I suppose the real question is which causes the more damage to the environment - the construction of a battery or the burning of coal.
  21. Cheers Will check it out (still recovering from weekend celebrations at present)
  22. Thanks Wrecker - googled it myself - main source seems to be Andrew Blot (and The Oz, which I can't access because I don't want to give Murdoch my money) - so it seems that both Labor and Liberal governments gave money to this organisation as part of their foreign aid - if anybody can direct me towards a more objective account, I'd be grateful (as I said, I'm genuinely curious about this - have had a couple of people telling me about it recently (but I rarely believe a word that comes from the mouth of The Blot - there's usually a germ of truth in there which he distorts for his own devious ends) All this "Crooked Hillary" guff from Trump - amazing really - biggest con-job I've seen since the right in America labelled John Kerry a fraud because they reckoned he hadn't done enough to earn his Silver Star - meanwhile they were supporting a playboy draft-dodger who used daddy's money to buy his way out of Vietnam (actually didn't Trump have his own equivalent? - what was the story? He couldn't go to Vietnam because he was fighting his own personal battle against ...VD (!)? ) Always the same story: poor folk die fighting rich folks' wars.
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