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Everything posted by Jara

  1. Well said. 4 became 6 because we are Melbourne. Imagine what they would have given us had Clerry and Scofield's roles been reversed?
  2. I said nothing about communicating with terrorists. I didn't say communicate with "it", which is what I would have said if I was referring to the terrorism mentioned earlier in the sentence. I said we have to communicate with "them", the object pronoun obviously referring to the last people I mentioned, local Muslims.
  3. Should have smacked Clarrie. There's no penalty for that.
  4. Never ceases to amaze me how hated we are, both by the public and the media. Last year everybody was thrilled for the Dogs; none of that for us. I see it in my mates at work. I suppose it's a remnant of the days when we were the team of the toffs. Sure as hell ain't that any more. I always remember Dermie and that "line in the sand" game. Long term, maybe turned the Hawks around. Bugg's an idiot, but he's our idiot.
  5. Biff - surely if Pro is scouring the internet to track down all the unpleasant things he can find about Muslims and putting them on a football site, it's sailing pretty close to vilification of local Muslims? I hate terrorism as much as you do, but if we are to avoid it, we must communicate with them. I see this happening every day in my work.
  6. Oops - sorry, yeah, it was TGR. You know what these lefties are like - they all look the same to me
  7. The creepy video that Pro published was a litany of stories about women being raped by Muslims in Europe. I'm all for punishing crime when it occurs, and I'd happily throw terrorists into jail and throw away the key, but in cherry-picking incidents like that and splattering them all over a football club website, Pro is inciting division in our community and alienating the young men who are vulnerable to being radicalised. In fact he is increasing the danger to us all. I dare say there are people in Syria and Iraq putting out the same propaganda about us. They are bigots, and so is Pro.
  8. 2-3 % of our population is Muslim. Many of them were born here. They are our fellow citizens. Our only option is to communicate with them. If we keep vilifying them and cherry-picking revolting occurrences from around the world, it will make things worse.
  9. Sure, Wrecker - that would be fascinating. How does one "PM"? (Or does one want to?! Once you know who I am you may come round and wreck me!)
  10. Wrecker, I think you misread his post. Your "obvious" one isn't as obvious as you seem to think it is. TGR wasn't criticising flag bearers per se, he was criticising Bolt, Bernardi etc for being flag-bearers of the right. You are also rather prone to pointless generalisations. You'd probably call me "of the left" but I don't loathe myself at all.
  11. Now I'm confused, but I think this is the nub of the article, which is describing accelerated rises in global sea levels: "It's definitely faster than historical periods. In 1900 we were talking about 1.6 to 1.7 millimetres per year. Now we have roughly 3 millimetres per year. By the end of this century, we're talking about maybe 5 to 8 millimetres per year." He added that over 25 years, the largest contribution, of around 1 millimetre per year, "is not from land ice ... in fact it's from the thermal expansion [when the ocean expands due to ocean warming]." Overall, the study found that "while the rate of ocean thermal expansion has remained steady since 1993, contributions from ice sheets and glaciers have increased from about half of the total rise in 1993 to around 70 per cent in 2014." Dr Zhang said the research highlights the importance of mitigating climate change and committing to coastal adaption plans to reduce the impact of ongoing sea level rise." On the other hand, the fact that the guy's Chinese probably confirms Prodee's suspicions that it's a Commie plot.
  12. For god's sake, Prof, can you try to be a bit more succinct.
  13. You're telling me the Bourke Street feller - Dimiti Gargle-whatever - was Muslim?
  14. Not quite sure if you're joking. Anyway, in case you're not, I think satellite imagery is improving all the time - i.e. achieving higher resolution. That's "refined". The more accurate, the better, surely? (unless you're poor old Prodee - he'd be up there with his Box Brownie trying to show that it's all a hoax)
  15. What do you mean, the Bourke Street nut job was a brother?
  16. Sorry, I should have been more clear. You wrote about paedophilia (if that's the right word) being "normal" (your word) in the Muslim world. I was asking if you had any evidence of this happening in Australia (that's why I was saying I know about the recent Iman jailed for marrying an under-age female). I'm only asking because I've never known it among the hundreds of Muslim people I've known and worked with. Among the Catholics I've known ... jeez. My old parish priest (from Altona, actually) all over the front pages a while ago.
  17. Like some of what you say, but I still don't see how you can be so certain he exaggerated. You don't know. You can't know. Only he knows (and the other person to have a good idea was the ump, and we know what he thought). Either way, main thing is that he comes out and blasts em this week.
  18. Hey Biff - do you have any evidence for your assertion about Muslims and paedophilia in an Australian context? I know many Muslims who would be as horrified by it as we are - the people I know seem to adapt pretty quickly to Australian mores, and the next generation seem more or less solid citizens (mind you, I work in a university - I suppose they're the success stories - maybe things are different in North Altona, I don't know, but I've never seen statistics to suggest that there is a problem in Australia - I know there was that single case recently of an iman marrying off a child).
  19. OMG - the Chinese are in on the conspiracy! http://www.smh.com.au/environment/rate-of-global-sea-level-rise-jumps-50-per-cent-in-two-decades-20170626-gwyu52.html
  20. Pathetic losers. Show em a clip of the incredible clearance out of a rolling scrum that Clarrie got against Richmond. One of the most fearless, determined pieces of play I've ever seen They're just jealous.
  21. Hey B - I'm staggered by population growth as well - gives the bosses a pool of slaves to choose from and keeps wages down. Dunno about a lot of your suggestions, but I'd support a dramatic reduction in migration. I'm all for being harder on terrorists, but can't come at the death penalty.
  22. Don't make bland assertions like that as if they were proven facts. You may think he over-reacted - you don't know it.
  23. Do you agree with everything Hitch said, or just the bits that reinforce your prejudices?
  24. Hate to say it, since he gave me a lot of pleasure as a player, but Garry has sounded kinda weird lately.
  25. Nothing original to add here, but I just wanted to say that - after watching him being interviewed on Saturday night - his composure in the face of those smirking dinosaurs - and thinking about how he's played this year - I just love this guy. I still can't get that picture of him in the Richmond game out of my head - the one where he's up to his neck in a rolling scrum and somehow gets the ball out to Jeffy - brilliant. How could they - and even some of you on this thread - think for a second he's a diver? Love both Jonesy and Viney, but this kid's a freak.
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