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Everything posted by Bossdog

  1. So far today you have blamed Schwab for....The list....the two young captains.....The injury to JT...... As far as I know he was not on the selection committee ....He was not responsible for the selection of the leadership group....He was not in charge of recruiting......He made a lot of mistakes but is not responsible for how we played during his time....How about giving it a rest for a while
  2. WOW.....I can't believe that a "Training thread" can develop into a Saty popularity contest I like his reports, I like that he sticks up for players, I don't care if he talks to the players,(I don't....but that's just me) Every one on here is entitled to his or her opinion whether or not you agree or not, but the snide remarks for a poster who has an opinion is ...well...a bit pathetic really I have noticed that during the season the player bashing on D'land is a product of frustration that supporters feel, and I understand what they feel....If you watch the other clubs play, you will notice that they make the same mistakes and miss goals from 10 yards out ect....The same as us...I get frustrated but I don't want to trade, delist, or get rid of players because they don't come up to my expectations Anyway this is just MY opinion......Carry on if you want to
  3. I normally don't listen to any thing Greg Denham says....BUT....This morning I happened to listen to him on KB's show. He stated that the only reason MFC posted a profit was that they had sacked half of their staff and the "profit" was misleading the members. When asked if he had read the financials, he stated that he didn't need to and that he knew the truth of the matter. Now I don't know a lot about businesses or how they are run, but I do know that if you have too many staff and have to down size it would be prudent to cut those staff.....Which I think is good business practice.....Is it not????
  4. Oh Dear.......I think you will find that the MCC is a lot younger than you think.....made up of supporters of many teams As a MCC member and also a full member of the football club, which is really a donation, I think you perception is rather outdated
  5. Thanks for all the reports It's funny that two D'Landers can watch the same training and have opposite views....One positive and one negative Not having a go at anyone.....just find it "interesting"
  6. Or maybe because a lot of people have been on holidays and after Xmas and New Year people have less money at this time of the year.....Just saying...
  7. But it wasn't the player manager or the list manager that was ridiculed when TS played his first game against us......It was the player who coped the abuse and that was without the knowledge of what his salary actually was. Supporters yell and abuse players because that is what they see at the game..... so if they now had the knowledge of exactly how much each player was getting paid the expectation would rise and fall on those payments. Which I think is unfair.
  8. Gee....Aren't players under enough public attention without their wages being put all over the media? I could imagine the uproar on here if a player was getting say $400,000 a year and has a bad couple of games. The media guess what a player is getting and over time it becomes fact....I think you would be surprised at what they actually get. I don't care what an individual player gets.....As long as the club stays under the cap. So that's a definite NO from me
  9. I just don't get this whole "Match day Experience Crap"....I just want to go to the footy and watch my team play.....I don't want Pre match entertainment.....I don't want a game day announcer telling me that I should now yell out for my team,I will do it when I want.....I don't want adds blaring and bursting my ear drums.....All in the name of "entertainment" What I would like is to have the seconds play before the main game so I can see the young blokes first hand and see the progress they make through the year without having to go all over the state to see this...... Football people go to watch the game but the AFL think we are theatre goers and like the Americans we cannot go for a few hours without some other form of "entertainment". I think the fixture is the main concern.....Even I won't go when we play Freo at the G at 4.40 on a Sunday evening I know I am old fashioned......I know that I live in a modern world but sometimes old is better, I don't need instant gratification. P.S. I hate 20/20 Love test cricket.
  10. I get your opinion......."You hero"....I don't get why you added that....Care to explain why I am a hero?????for having an opinion?.......Wow....
  11. I find it funny that posters attack saty for the relationships he has with the players.....He loves it and good on him....It is not my cup of tea as I have no wish to know the players or what they are like in their personal lives. Many years ago my best mate and his family were heavly involved with the StKilda footy club and as we lived near the Moorabbin ground we used to go and watch training and go into the rooms....I met some of their greats..Darryl Baldock,Big Carl, Ian Cooper, Ian Synman.... I even had my photo in the Herald with Ian Steward when he received his 2nd Brownlow. During all this time I had never met a Melbourne player yet still supported them with all my heart and had no wish to change teams because I knew the saints players. I guess it is each to his own, I will read saty's training reports because I like to know what is happening from afar. Keep going saty..
  12. I think that the days of "Doing it for...." are long gone......The sentiment lasts about 2 mins into the first quarter Look at the Tom Hafey game against Richmond this year....Didn't do them to much good. As much as I loved Rob, I don't think he means so much to the current players.....He was a legend to the footy club and the supporters. I just think it is time to move on.
  13. Sorry....I'm not going to get into a religious argument with you but do you have any idea about the Islamic religion??? Or are you just going by the media reports of the extremists and terror groups???? And what do you mean by "Grown out of it"....Its not a childhood illness.
  14. Wow......You can tell all that from a "Highlights tape"??
  15. There are many reasons that players switch clubs It happens so often these days that it's not funny........With Chip, he goes and all of a sudden he is a "spud", has no loyalty and some are happy that he is gone because of the draft pick we received. I believe we will miss him It just doesn't pay to have favourite players these days.......Unfortunately it is the way of the AFL world. Perhaps Jones next year?????
  16. I understand all of the above........But I look forward to seeing what these boys can contribute to the side.....I am not expecting any of them to be "guns" in their first year.....I am looking forward to see how Salam and JKH and the others recruited for the last couple of years perform after another pre season I do not have unrealistic dreams of these kids.....Just want to see what improvements they and others have made...
  17. If you can't get excited about our new recruits at this time of the year then what is the point of having a forum where we all discus them?......If we all don't read the profiles and watch the highlights and have hope and anticipation for the year ahead then what is the point? We may as well shut down demonland and hibinate for 6 months I enjoy the off season.....I enjoy seeing the new blokes....I enjoy the training reports....I enjoy reading others opinions. I also enjoy the anticipation of the coming year.
  18. I have stated this before about Sylvia......In his last season playing with us 5th in kicks 2nd in long kicks 5th in contested marks 4th in handballs 5th in handball received 2nd in tackles 1st in inside 50's 2nd in hard ball gets 5th in the b/f He also played 157 games for 129 goals playing in terrible circumstances at a rabble of a club(at the time) If he didn't live up to expectations, well so be it but I would consider that not a bad career
  19. The thing that gets me is that there are a lot of young people who die through accidents, illness, and other means. and they are all tragic.......How many footballers or other sportsmen and women have died at their respective sports? Does their game change because of it??....No I have found the media reports about Phil Hughes death over the top It is a tradedy but so are other young persons deaths who do not get the same coverage or reverence because they didn't play for Aust.
  20. Not wishing to start another huge debate but........CS and the board at the time also had a lot to do with the debt demolition For all his short comings CS did a few things right.
  21. I know OD....... but at the moment it is December......Posters that get to training can only post what they see at the time and report to us who cant. I like reading the training reports.....I know that they don't mean a lot in December but I find it good to see who is doing what and when, who is pushing hard and who is not, what player are injured and how the young blokes are going......If the training we do doesn't matter then I suppose that none of the clubs would start in November. Christmas is just around the corner OD a time for positives............You can do it......
  22. Viewing from the social club is alright Bob......Beer in hand and a smoke on the patio outside........You need something to take your mind off the dismal conditions and the way Casey played this year. The wind is always blowing a gale there it seams....
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