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Everything posted by Bossdog

  1. I thought the way the club handled Salem and JKH last year was terrific.......Sub and then a couple of full games then a few more games with Casey come back as the sub......I believe that this will happen again with the new boys next year as well.
  2. My auntie is 92 years old and has been supporting the dee's all her life She still goes to most home games with a group of friend....Night games excepted (too late) I give her my MCC guest ticket.....She has seen most of our flags during her time I hope she will see another one before her time is up.....
  3. Next lowest number available OD......But just guessing...
  4. Petracca would have to be #26 wouldn't he.....???
  5. I used to love Brock when he played for us......I think he has slowed down a lot (not that he was ever fast)....I think others have past him by and I think this would be a backward step.........I think the same for Sylvia as well.....
  6. Sorry OD.......I live a bit far away to get there.......I will be there in spirit.......I think the dog would be shitty if we had to walk the 30km to get there....
  7. I am not into fancy diets but I have lost 23 kilos in 12 months.......I was inactive, had a beer gut and was lazy ....drank to much beer....ate all the fast foods I could get because I was too lazy to cook for myself......I then went to the doctors and she told me that diabetes was just around the corner and my blood pressure was about to go off the scale. I then changed my attitude.....I joined a Gym.......Ate a whole lot better(no Macca's No Hungry Jacks) cut down all sugars and breads,.....Started cooking good for you foods.....Walked the dog a lot more(Boy is he a happy chappie now) What I am trying to say Is that "Every thing in MODERATION".....I love pasta dishes but I only have them as a treat now....Instead of ice cream I have yogat for dessert. I am now 88kgs.......and that's not bad for a bloke that 6'3' .....That was my playing weight when I retired at 36....Also only have a beer on Sundays with friends and you know what?.......I feel great....The Doctor is as pleased as punch.......and as I'm in my early 60's, I can look forward to the rest of my retirement in good health....
  8. "List clogger" should be banned from this site. It is the most offensive phrase as is "Spud" Some of our players may not make it to star status, and some may not make it at all but they are all trying to make it as AFL players and that is all you can ask as members.
  9. A lot on here berate our kicking out of the backline......If you look at what they had to kick to when breaking away you would understand that they had no one and therefore had to break momentum which causes indecision and turnovers, sideways kicking, handball backwards until someone was free. I think with a stronger forward line these deficenties will improve and our speed out of the back line will be more polished than it has been......
  10. Jesus....I just chocked on my corn flakes.....Did you blokes ever see him play??? I know the trend is to bag our players on here but Neata was a champion of the Melbourne footy club. A lot of posters just like to bag past players because our team has been so crap for the past few years I loved watching him play along side the Ox in a team that made finals, a Grand final, and became our 1st Coleman medallist sine bloody Fred Fanning.
  11. I can't believe you guys are arguing over wether a player will play round 1 when we hav'nt even drafted him yet. Sorry.....Keep going...
  12. I would've been shitty sitting behind the lady with the huge hat......(First 2 minutes)
  13. Mate...I don't know much about him either.....But I certainly wont judge him from a highlight reel....If the club decides to draft him....there must be a reason and I will back them 100%
  14. I think I might have been one of the kids that jumped the fence a bit early...I got a bit excited in those days....
  15. Before the "ice" scourge there was the "heroin" scourge and before that was the "lsd" with a few other drugs inbetween Even before that was the underage drinking which we all did in our youth and smoking the horrid "Weed" I don't have the answer to the problem but it has been going on since time began Youth will always experiment with new things be that drugs or other very dangerous practises. Some will come through this and others will fall by the wayside. The one thing I know is that a whole lot of these temptations are due to peer group pressure. I think of all the drugs that are around today...Ice is the most dangerous that I have seen. Edit....This is not a race issue....It is a world wide problem It is not a western only problem.....Drugs have been used by Eastern countries and tribes of Sth American for centuaries
  16. When I was a lad....(I know...Sometime ago).....I could attend any game of footy on a weekend I could walk up to the gate, buy a ticket and sit anywhere in the ground, except the members...This gave me nearly 3/4 of the ground in which to sit. If it was a big game, I just got there early and watched the seconds play I did not have to pay a premium cost to sit in certain spots....I did not have to pay for reserved seats.....I could save seats for family and friends....I could go to away games and stand in the outer and support my side. I will state that I am a MCC member but still buy my footy club membership to support my club. The AFL is slowly killing this game for me. They are pricing the game out of the ordinary supporter's reach All for the sake of corperates, TV stations, do they really want empty grounds....Bad for TV audiences I would have thought. I would not know how to buy a ticket now....I am not that computer literate.
  17. Yes.....It was the feel good story of the year.......We were everyone's second team........Most supporters who did not support Nth or the swans were barracking for us Huge crowd.......Great atmosphere.....Aaahhh....Those were the days.....
  18. I'm with you rpfc.....I don't like the red....I also think that our coaches and staff should wear the blue polo shirts.....Looks much better....(Red makes Roosy look fat)
  19. I went to the first final, expecting us to be belted to be honest.......I was fairly happy with being a couple of points the difference at quarter time I then saw some of the best team football that I've ever seen for the next 3 quarters and was just dumbfounded The next week I thought that we had played our best footy the week before but it just kept getting better and better I still have the videos of both games and get them out just to remember how good we were with such a young team.....
  20. You were doing well......Until the last one.....The brady bunch......OMG.
  21. One year ago people were saying the same thing about Jetta....List clogger, ect....During the year he got his act together and people are all over him for his improvement....I take it that Evans doesn't get the same latitude???
  22. Wow......You can tell this by watching a 3 min highlights package......Just WOW.....
  23. It just amazes me that posters watching highlight tapes, which go for approx. 3 minutes, can proclaim certain players will be stars or that they are built like brick s***houses so can go into our midfield straight away. These posters often have never seen the said players play one game of footy but read the profiles and watch the highlights and are impressed, so that they profess to know exactly how this certain player will go in the AFL. "oh he has a great left foot......"He's as tough as they come"....."He is so composed".....They are playing against their peers and not against men in one of the hardest games in the world. If I put all my highlights from my playing days on tape and posted it on DL, I have no doubt that someone would be impressed and say "Bossdog" should be picked at pick 40(pick 2 I would've thought)......Even though I would not put on tape my missed kicks....missed handballs....stuffed up shots at goal....missed tackles...etc. I don't profess to know what the footy dept is thinking but I do know that they have been looking at these players for about 4 years and take into consideration how these players have gone and how they fit in to the style of footy wanted by the coaches.
  24. Is there a player on our list that some posters have not wanted to trade?......Some just to get a better draft pick, which we have been crap at for the past 6 years.
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