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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. This article - given its timing - seems pretty poor. Obviously Jolly hasnt got over the fact that he couldnt get a game. Dainher could have tried him up forward I guess but perhaps there is more to this than the story indicates. daniher was a successful coach. We made in to a grand final.
  2. According to who? Caroline Wilson? LOL. yeah Melbourne was so competitive under Bailey that we got beaten by 186 points in Geelong. Oh hang on, ignore that fact... Not everything you read in the media is accurate, not every opinion is correct.
  3. Everyone has an opinion, everyone expects endless success,
  4. Lately Jose I'm agreeing with everything you say...
  5. This club has need a rocket for a long time to harden it up and get rid of this endless sulky and 'soft' mentality - be it real or imagined because it doesnt really matter whether its real or imagined. Either way its bad news. And can be erased with deeds not words.
  6. I personally think Neeld will be proven the right man, but more to the point it almost doesnt matter now. Do you think that sacking the man will be the right call this early? Give the players a new coach and another game plan when they rarely seemed to understand Bailey's let alone Neelds. Stick it out, see what happens and if it was the wrong call THEN cut loose.
  7. What an absolute load of garbage. Have you met the guy? Was Dean Bailey getting the best out our players in Geelong last year? Did Neale Daniher get the best out the players in the odd years?
  8. If some of the players had shown half the passion of Neeld on Saturday the result might have been respectful.
  9. Does that mean they have improved or that the rest have gone backwards?
  10. Everyone seems to have good inside knowledge. I thought the guy at the pub had 'inside contacts' and was convinced Judd was coming home and Scully was staying. As for understanding Bailey I'd actually heard the opposite, but anyway. This is an internet forum and I honestly believe that we dont need to calm down. i think we've been pretty calm and most of the anger has been in the media rather than on forums like this. We need to get behind the club and see it through. But at the end of the day we are emotionally invested so anger is going to flare up.
  11. Agree with continuing to follow the club through thick and thin. But I have no provlem with people on internet forums speculating about what is wrong and I personally believe this club has propped itself up on potential rather than accountability for too long. The difference at the moment is that the teams doesnt just seem to be playing bad or being out of form. Speculation is rife on what is the problem and again I dont see the problem with speculating about what that problem is. If you dont want to hear opinion or want others to shoot off their's then this forum is going to be either pretty boring or delusional.
  12. Ok I guess you got me there. Midfield pressure has ofcourse been pathetic this year.
  13. It is just a crazy, short-minded way to think that Neeld is the problem. And you'll notice most in the media pedalling that idea cant really hang their hats on success either. Sure malthouse talked neeldie up, but the problem is that Neeld and Misson have upped the training regime by so much and expected accountability and discipline.
  14. its not the losses its the lack of apparent effort and heart. Things will improve.
  15. Tanking would assume that we could win, but are choosing not to.
  16. Exactly. Like I said, he cut sick. And this isnt someone taking the opportunity to sink the boot in for attention or for other reasons, this was from someone who obviously still cares passionately about the club.
  17. Personally Id prefer to see a new thread on the comments of people who actually played the game and who know people in the club or who have had an association with the club, than more illinformed 'sack the coach/administration' cycles, but that's just me. especially when that opinion is given with such passion. People are so precious about surname spelling. If thats the best way to invalidate a comment then no wonder the outside world view MFC supporters as elitest.
  18. Look at the stats - our younger players were the only ones that put in an effort. They have to go.
  19. No doubt. At least he didnt mention Jack Viney again. If all our hopes are pinned on someone who hasnt even played a game yet (no matter how much a potential gun) we are in trouble.
  20. I missed a bit of what he said. It went for about 20 minutes. If anyone else heard it please add as i was driving at the time.
  21. We are already in the shiz. I think its time to make a stand to change the culture of the club for the future. make the hard decisions that might hurt now but will be for our betterment in years to come.
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