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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Couldnt disagree more. The only midfielder that season that put an effort in every week. Having met the guy personally he is a top character and an obvious leader.
  2. the one where he got 34 touchs because he had no opponent and the one where he created numerous turnovers. I dont blame the kid - our defensive 50 was under siege for most of the day because we have no midfield, but chipping it around until the inevitable turnover occurs probably isnt the answer. I cringed when Watts created a turnover in the second quarter only to mop up successfully then chip another one to the opposition. But Watts wasnt our worst.
  3. Assuming Jurrah doesnt go to jail. Blease and Gysberts have potentiall.
  4. Mate i was talking about the players. I meant the older players playing badly because they had issues with the administration - tell me this would happen in any other side in the AFL.
  5. I guess I was a bit harsh but it was those sections of the game where he turned it over twice in les than 20 seconds that p!ssed me off
  6. You jest - no one in their right mind would start barracking for the Demons this season... Sure, never said otherwise but a midfield wont stop the ball being pressed into our defensive 50 until we cough it up. Watch and learn.
  7. I guess what I mean is the shinboners have that spirit, the other clubs stand up to their supporter's expectation. Our club just looks back to the 60s and dreams of the good old days.
  8. Like all demons players in the last 5 years or so. They'll prove the naysayers right.
  9. A midfield of Viney, Gysberts, Blease and Jones might be half competitive in 2014.
  10. Nope, i used to think that way but not after today.
  11. The problem with that comment is that Bailey started the trend of sacking leaders - Jnr, Robbo, 1 year contract for Bruce. Got rid of many loyal servants for the club and replaced them with youngsters who were expected to step up too soon without any experience or protection. Our current predicament started in the last years of Daniher, was worsened considerably by Bailey and compounded by some of the decisions under Neeld. I must admit the moment I heard the captains were Grimes and Trengove I knew there was something VERY wrong with the dynamic of the club. Good way to divide the club and make the older players look meek. But that is obviously an accurate assessment.
  12. Turning this club around will be a story worthy of a movie - but its fiction (I say that hoping someone will one day proveme wrong)
  13. Ive been thinking that and hoping that I am wrong.
  14. Maybe it is a conspiracy. It has to be. Surely this cant be a team that is trying.
  15. I edited that - thought it was too inflammatory and wondered if my anger about my team was being redirected to a pointless internet argument LOL
  16. Watts wasnt the worst but he was great at creating scoring opportunities for the opposition. Turnover in the second quarter, he mops up and kicks again - second turnover. I cant blame him really - the 'role models' at the club are a joke. The possession count indicates that the only players that turned up were our younger players. Blease looked good. Perhaps in the future a midfield of Blease, Gysberts and Viney might breath some life into the club. I can only hope. We have hit rock bottom. You can defend the players all you like mate but get back to me when we have a win.
  17. Want to hold the coach and the members to the dogs if your knickers get in a knot? Do so elsewhere.
  18. From the outside it looks like the older players thought they could just ride on respect whether it was earned or otherwise.
  19. Go the youngsters. Want to change the culture, start by getting rid of everyone who contributes to the old ways. Give youngsters like Blease and Gysberts (when not injured), Fitzpatrick, McDonald etc game time. The season is a right off - may as well use it to try and blood some youngsters.
  20. I used to defend our players like you but I can tell you from today's game that Watts was terrible. he panics too often and causes more turnovers than just about anyone else. Bartram tries but he has never been AFL standard, Bennell has had too many chances, Morton is a Tambling and its too soon to say on the other youngsters. We endless give these guys patience and year after year to come on. I can tell you that all of these guys would last five minutes in elite sides. I think a midfield of Blease, Gysberts, Viney and McKenzie with Jones and Trengove might offer something in the future but the biggest stand out stat of the game was the lack of possession of our older players. they are clearly not interested and they cant all be out of form. Now its up to Neeld to finally make a stand and show them the door.
  21. This is the worst melbourne side I have ever seen. Because they just dont care. they just cant be bothered.
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