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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Problem is a few sooks that are highly paid can effect the whole side. Especially when they were regarded as leaders.
  2. Players in sides that are building momentum like Dangerfield at Adelaide or Foley at Richmond, whereas someone like Boak at Port could be more realistic so good thread.
  3. I honestly believe that we would have been poor under any new coaching regime a the moment. Our list needs a serious refresh.
  4. Neeld needs to pick up some players that suit him. I expect that rather than avoiding players with mongrel, we will actively pursue those kinds. Which makes me happy.
  5. Franklin, Dustin Martin, but im just too one eyed.
  6. Tigers midfield probably had better potential than ours does now when Hardwick took over and the addition of Grigg has made a big difference. We need three new mids I reckon - perhaps two in the draft including Jack V and then someone older.
  7. Nothing at all mate. Just what I heard. Which isnt surprising at all.
  8. Jeremy Howe has provided some rare highlights for us so that is enough for me at the moment,
  9. The difference was that Cloke kicked well at training so his poor accuracy was considered psychological.
  10. I think Neeld wants to harden up the Dees. I wonder about Cale's future.
  11. Watts has coffees with Malthouse now days. Will be interesting to see how that goes. I know a bloke who is a member of the same golf course as Watts. The view at the club - if you believe people you trust to know - is that Watts has coped unfair criticism and at times has worn criticism that should have gone to others.
  12. Bloke I went to dinner with last night is a member of the same club as a few players from MFC. In terms of round holes, they play a lot of golf apparently.
  13. What Ive heard is that Neeld wants to choose all his own recruiters as well.
  14. traditionally when stung hard enough the dees would respond
  15. Anyone else go to the game back in 04ish when we smashed the blues by over 100 points? Ah good times.
  16. I cant think of a more fascinating game in recent times. I honestly believe that sections of the media will not accept anything less than a death from exhaustion on the field sunday evening...
  17. Looks like Moloney is the one doing the talking.
  18. The MFC is getting more bad press than Julia Gillard at the moment. You'd think the world will end based on our performances.
  19. Sam Blease has played more than 2 games. Gysberts is the man. Get some solid games into him and your going to be blown away. And you heard it first from me.
  20. The comments were just stupid.
  21. It reminds me of Janis Joplin going back to her hometown to show the bullies she had made it. Seems kinda sad.
  22. I agree. he doesnt look phased at all. Andhe is passionate. SZtick with him.
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