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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. Should he really be using Jimmy Stynes as a way to shame the players?
  2. Honestly his reaction then suggests that he expected more from the list, whereas now he's realised they are worse than he expected.
  3. Ofcourse, there is no evidence of this at all. Our performances suggest very happy players. Effort is up.
  4. Never trust a man that doesnt drink. But I think $culls has been proven right.
  5. Id say to Mark Neeld - time for some hard decisions. Back yourself and make the calls.
  6. Anyone else get the impression Colin was responding directly to the comments on this forum with his twitter responses?
  7. The problem is clearly many of the players dont enjoy playing for the demons.
  8. These youngsters should be in the side - we have nothing to lose now and they have a lot to gain.
  9. Probably a post that will get flamed but I thought I'd throw it out there - if you had the phone number of someone at the club and had an opinion or a point to get across to that person - be they a player, coach, administrator, etc. Who would it be and what would you say?
  10. I think the assumptions about the emotional state of the players come from the fact that NO ONE can understand why this is happening on the field. What is there to understand about either performance other than dismal stats? Why are so many players on our list consistently found wanting not only on form but on basic intent, attack, effort and one percenters? The difference is a new coaching panel. But the problems are persisting suggesting that what is happening on the field isnt a translation of the changes being pushed by the new coaching regime.
  11. Commonly discussed. In hindsight Id have taken Yarran in a heart beat. Hindsight Martin over Scully (but no one would have done this at the time and not because of potential but because of buy in), Gysberts might still prove a decent midfielder I think and hopefully Blease will keep improving. But there are numerous examples from each of the last drafts where players we didnt pick have gone on to be far ahead of any of our picks.
  12. confidence? poor understanding of their role or the structure? I can hardly think this is Neeld since he looks [censored] off for most of the game yesterday indicating that his troops were not doing what he wanted.
  13. Ofcourse the younger players wont be better witht he experienced players out of the side but at laest they will get some game time. But I think bringing in other experienced heads - maybe from the VFL (Magner has done well) or maybe from other teams might work. Look what GWS have done with hungry older players retired perhaps one season to early. None of this is about form, its all about heart and effort. It is clear that our older players arent just out of form. Some are getting some of the lowest stats of their careers. Its about making a statement that might hurt now but that might set the base for a new culture at the club where mediocrity isnt accepted. its also about appealing to potential players from other sides who we might target. Do they want to come to a club where soft performances week after week are accepted? Where the players can slack off and know they will still get a game? Or do they want to come to a side full of youngsters just being blooded who need the guiding hand of an experienced player?
  14. The Richmond supporters cant spit on their players if they dont turn up
  15. Its a team built for one dimensional attacking footy with no accountability. Essendon seemed to have turned this kind of set up around quickly but unfortunately at the Demons it doesnt appear its going to be an easy change. But we have no choice now. neeld has a firm view of where the club needs to be and he needs full license for better or for worse (can it get any worse) to make the hard decisions to make it happen.
  16. I agree. Junior put in week after week. hard working and a cracker of a bloke and an obvious steady head. Stupid decision and an obviously stupid decision at the time.
  17. its obviously time for a generational change at the team in line with the coaching staff change at the end of last season. Couch is eager and I cant think we would go any worse just playing the kids with Jones, Mckenzie, trenners and Magner for support.
  18. I dont think sacking Cameron Schwabb will make any difference now
  19. You have a go at me for posting about Jurrah then post this. Gees....
  20. go to the game and write up a banner saying what you want to say. I doubt I can make it next sunday unfortunately for family reasons but ive been to most.
  21. Your a crack up mate! There is hope. Blease was good, Gysberts has some talent, Viney is almost already at AFL level (well in our team anyway), Trengove and Grimes will be back and Watts has to eventually improve. Our next generation is where its at. And I genuinely think Neeld is the man to change the culture at this level. To stop the soft down-hill skiing type playing, the lack of accountability. Its taking longer than Id like and most would like but I now think (14 hours after the game) that things will get better.
  22. I think yesterday could have been worse if the Swans had tried. What I can see from the outside is a coach watching his players time and time again make decisions that arent sticking to the structures. Since the Daniher days there has been a problem with the Demons in terms of no plan B - no structure to fall back to minimise damage once we've lost the game. Daniher would often stick to the same match ups and game plan even when we were getting smashed. Similarly Bailey seems the most experimental with player placements when we were tanking. its hard for Neeld to just walk in and get players to get it.
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