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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. If we got Sylvia and Moloney off our list we would have plenty of coin for Boak.
  2. iNTERESTING observations. thanks for posting.
  3. I liked his spoil, when he chased a few and surprised them with his pace, and how he backed himself to kick goals (got one, missed two but had a crack). I can see why he was picked now and I think he is on par with Scully at the moment.
  4. If we lose that game I may have a mental breakdown! And if its all hugs and kisses with Scully ill vomit...
  5. The general feeling at the club from people who play in the same golf club as a few of the players is that Jack is carrying a lot of the load and sheltering others from criticism. he gets more ball than many so errors are more likely just because he has more chances to make them. There are moments where i admit I cringe and it annoys me that everytime he shows some great composure or decision making he will go and do something that makes you wonder. But he is getting the ball and as others have said that puts him in front of others.
  6. It was interesting how Carlton anticipated our entry throught the pockets and double teamed us forcing us to centre to corridor and bang - actual forward 50 entries that looked dangerous.
  7. I very much dislike Essendon. Im not sure im going to able to handle this game sober...
  8. The ball was in our attacking half more than the blues. We just didnt capitalise.
  9. Blease, Gysberts with a few preseasons and the addition of Viney gives me hope. We were BETTER without Davey and Sylvia. hard decisions loom.
  10. Look up some older footage of Trengove and compare it to the last few games. He HAS to have an injury. He was super fast and reknowned for it. Now he cant keep up with Brock - there is no other answer.
  11. Quit the Dunn bashing - he actually applies forward 50 pressure and he can kick. And he has more physical presence than many. if you want to look for scapegoats ask yourself whether Sellar has shown anything that suggests he is at AFL standard
  12. Probably disagree with most of that. Tapscott didnt get rewarded for what he did in the forward 50 and I was right in front of the goals so I could see. he moved into space twice and on one occasion had himself placed right where the ball was heading but the whistle went, otherwise he would have had a few goals. And unlike most of our side he intimidates opponents. the selfishness goal kicking-wise was three running goals that missed when we had two forwards at least in open spaec in the forward 50. Bartram's effort is high but his disposal is still frustrating. Why bring back Sylvia and Davey when this week we were much more competitive without them? Syvlia has done NOTHING this year - let him earn his position for a recall. Davey is finished. Sad but true. Blease in the backline - wtf?
  13. Dont agree Nasher, he was good Sunday evening - had things gone slightly differently he could have had two goals. He always moved to space and to the right location so he reads it well.
  14. Yeah we cant afford to lose him. He has composure and good decision making - two characteristics not that common at the Dees.
  15. I had my first doubts about Neeld tonight. Often the only time we made dangerous forward 50 attacks was when we were FORCED to use the corridor because Carlton were double teaming our pockets presuming we would come in along the boundry. SDecondly defensive gameplan didnt really work in the last quarter...
  16. I dont think its soft - sometimes he just seems like he is between minds about what to do or already thinking about what he is going to do two steps ahead and then not capitalising on the now if that makes sense?
  17. I think your probably right. Watts is getting a lot of the ball so more posessions may mean more mistakes by default. he did some great things but some silly things.
  18. I agreeed with all of this except Tapscott. A few times he dropped into space and into smart positions in the forward 50. They didnt pay off but I could see what he was trying to do and I think he adds a bit of balls to our forward 50. he isnt QUITE a Phil Read...
  19. Bennell took to running marks in 20 seconds and that looked ok. But he also paniced in the forward 50. he wanted to play tonight but he just seems to be a little confused about his role I think. two things that watts did that frustrated me was the waiting for the floater in the first quarter and when he got caught with the ball trying to be fancy rather than just disposing of the ball. To me Watts still seems a little low on confidence. I can see a good player in there but sometimes he does things that make me wonder. The bigger stories of the night for me were Blease and McDonald looking like we do have a future and trengove who must be carrying an injury or im very worried.
  20. he was and he looked great tonight. His stats dont show what he did. A few times he was in smart spots and had things gone differently would have been able to apply scoreboard pressure. Opponents are also intimindated by him. he shoudl be in our side every week.
  21. Possibly. Which might be beneficial in relation to jack Viney but depressing.
  22. My persective at the game was that we did not take advantage of forward 50 entries in the third quarter when we were actually looking dangerous. Blease ran in and tried to kick two when we had free players in our forward 50 and Frawley did once. But this didnt cause the blow out in the last quarter which seemed totally different to the rest of the game.
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