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Norm Smith's Curse

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Everything posted by Norm Smith's Curse

  1. I liked Rivers, Blease, Howe and Martin's games today. GOod effort.
  2. 6. Jordie McKenzie 5. Rohan Bail (and ive never rated him before but he just kept on trying for mine) 4. Jeremy Howe 3. Sam Blease 2. J. Rivers 1. Stef Martin
  3. Its better this season than a future one where we can actually get up and win some games.
  4. I saw a team of players that is growing in confidence. We didnt miss Beamer at all today, maybe we missed Watts. But we missed Jamar more because it forces us to move Martin into the ruck and before that he was looking likely up forward (which was good to see because he has been no where his best this season. Bail made some errors but just kep trying and got rewarded. Couch looks alright to me. Trengove better but still not right. Blease I like.
  5. real shame - I saw a bit from him today that I hvent seen in years. So its a pity that he hasnt been able to show what he can do this season consistently.
  6. Maybe we should trade a few picks - its not like we have a track record of success in that regard in recent times (choices and development)
  7. I understand that, but my point is that he is the last thing we need at the moment. We lack class all over the ground and certainly in the forward 50, but we are routinely smashed in the midfield - infact the discrepency here is shocking.
  8. Anyone who thinks Cloke is a good fit for our side hasnt been watching games this year. A midfield that this season is ranked one of the last for forward 50 delivery. Lets have two expensive players standing around all day in the forward 50 because we lack the class in the midfield to get the ball to them. You get two classey midfielders out of other sides and you can have a hack taking marks alongside Clark, have Sellar attracting a few defenders and get a crumber. i doubt Jurrah will play again to be honest. Nothing has made our midfield lift at any other time this season so why would they then? But Gysberts does have potential.
  9. Good call mate - I really hope that this is right.
  10. Here's my take: Two things we need to consider - would these players be getting a game at a side in the top eight? AND - have these players stood up in a season where we have struggled and the opportunity has been there? We seem to have a side of battlers and potential. Frequently I heard players defended with statements like 'if he learns to kick' or 'if he works on his skills' or 'if he is given more time' - consider these statements with my two points above and you may conclude that many have been given too much time and many chances already. the fact so few have come on may reflect more about the club and development than anything else, but the truth is there for all to see.
  11. i tell you what - if by some stroke of fate Cloke is a demon and Boak and at least two other midfielders arent then I think Ill be very dissappointed.
  12. A routine Melbourne basher at work says he thinks it will be the lowest turnout at a game in 30 years. Since its at etihad he is probably right.
  13. He has been one of the few good stories of our season. But the words 'learn to kick' always worry me. We said the same about many players in the past.
  14. A few talented players in this side and we might see some change. 2013 is the go.
  15. Upsides for me were Sylvia and Tappscott. I enjoyed their games. Bail, Howe and Nicholson's kicking was terrible at times. Ive never rated Bail and have been waiting to be proven wrong. Trenners is just gawn this season for what ever reason. A shadow of his former self. McKenzie did ok in his role. Otherwise not much to say.
  16. I think using defenders in the forward line on occasion might be warranted but rivers is being wasted in there today. So structures are confusing, but yes skills - kicking and choices were very poor.
  17. Lucky Richmond were playing the dees or the turmoil of the week and the poor goal kicking might have had implications...
  18. We keep hearing about learning structures but watching the last 14 games I still have no idea what structures are trying to be put in place
  19. tappie, sylvia, mckenzie and perhaps spencer have been good today. Watts has done his usual - good things followed up by shockers on occasion. Back to kicking basics: Howe, Bail and Nicholson. But many players have had no impact.
  20. Bail must kick this... But he doesnt - continuing his kicking...
  21. Where to from here? Is Spencer a silver lining?
  22. Richmind are keeping us in this game.
  23. I like Tappscott - his as hard as nails and at least that's something. And a goal.
  24. We need to pick up a few otherwise its gonna be hard to attract anyone with anything but money
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