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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. I think he's more just saying that they don't need to be formally recognised as 'in a group' to be effective leaders, which they are already doing quite capably.
  2. Wow. Just an observation, but there have been literally 1500 posts on this topic since I last visited and, from what I can tell, almost nothing has changed... Not being critical of anyone on here, just observing how this seems to be just going in circles...
  3. No, I don't think we are. Let's not forget they weren't exactly world killers with him, either. Yes, he can turn the tide of a football game. I call that being an outstanding footballer, not necessarily an outstanding leader.
  4. That's being a good player, not a good leader. Plenty of douchebags have successful careers, doesn't mean they're not pricks.
  5. We kicked 6.15 not so long ago, so turn that around and we're square with the universe, I reckon. We should have beaten St. Kilda and Carlton should have beaten us.
  6. Really? Thanks for mentioning it - I haven't heard you say it before!
  7. I particularly like the way he discloates the shoulders of defenceless blokes on the bottom of packs. We should all emulate this maestro.
  8. I've always said that Watts will be, at some point, our best/most important player. I'm more and more confident that I will be vindicated by the end of this season. He's a gem, coming into his own, with a coach who finally knows how to get the best from him. Stop whinging about his style and get on board.
  9. Well done to all of you who had enough faith to drop some cash on us.
  10. He has to watch something this afternoon...
  11. That's a bit pessimistic... Give or take a week or two, we've got Jamar, Garland, Gawn and Dawes back or close to back, which quite outweighs one broken jaw to a fringe midfielder.
  12. That would be completely humiliating for him, sorry.
  13. I got howled down for pointing out he was an injury risk months ago...
  14. Deadset the best set shot kick for goal we've had in my lifetime... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aTTIm5ys78M
  15. You're kidding yourselves. We are going to get bent over and shagged stupid.
  16. Howe and Vince were dreadful today (though are AFL standard normally). Dunn is close to our best and most reliable at the moment. He's not 'depth'.
  17. Way to build the culture and purge the memory of rooting Jnrmac, Bruce and Green before their time. Idiotic.
  18. I don't care about Roos and Jackson committing for more than the next two years - I'd be more worried about getting the players to commit, to be honest.
  19. His duty is to serve his contract, which is two years. He has no duty beyond that whatsoever.
  20. What exactly would you suggest Bartlett, Jackson or Roos do that isn't already being done? Edit: typo
  21. He looks completely spent... Talked a lot about us not being close enough to tackle, but also interestingly talked about having to be on the boundary line to 'keep the enthusiasm up'. This says more to be than anything else - our players are completely shot.
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