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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Has nothing to do with belief. It has to do with the fact that the top 25% of our list are running laps not kicking footballs.
  2. Depressing how early we are reverting to the 'it's all just shuffling deckchairs' rhetoric of the last 5 years.
  3. Imagine we'd given him his first five years in there...
  4. Give the guy a break. He played most of the game as our single forward and he hasn't got the body type or skill set to do that. He'll be fine.
  5. That breakaway in the first where he set up Terlich was fantastic.
  6. All of this. Except the grandson bit, but if I had one I'd be apologising too.
  7. At least I'm in the UK and its morning. It is sad how many of us are here on a Saturday night, lamenting our fkucup of a football team. Think we all need to find something better to do.
  8. Don't panic mate, only 21 more times you'll need to watch him and he'll be off.
  9. Good point. We probably should have stuck Jetta at full forwad Absolutely agree, it wasn't hopeless. But we have to find ways of getting through games like that, without the excuses of being in traffic etc. Good teams kick goals from all over the place.
  10. Byrnes was our highest goal kicker and Spencer dominated the hit outs. It is so easy to pot players - but tell me, who would you bring in instead? Blease? Nicholson? Please.
  11. Shouldn't have smashed that bottle of vodka.
  12. We also could have had the blokes who were there kick straight. For all the talk about a lack of a forward line, we only needed a few of those easy ones to be converted. No excuses, forward line targets or not.
  13. So should we give Max King a run up there. Jamar maybe? Seriously, what's your alternative?
  14. Which bit? If you mean Frawley, no way. The guy asks for direction and success then totally bails on contributing to it.
  15. It isn't how, it's how many. We need to find ways to win games like that against crap opposition. The chances will be few and far between.
  16. We're really not a team who can afford to kick 6.15.
  17. Probably the only guy left who's played there before.
  18. We're clearly getting enough of it, we just have absolutely nothing down there.
  19. And I think Bernie boy might feel like he has a point to prove...
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