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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Let's be realistic. It doesn't matter how the injury happened, it wouldn't have happened without the bump. He's stuffed - the AFL have been super clear about this. A real shame, because I think he is perhaps the one who gave us the most drive on Saturday - he just bullocked the ball forward constantly.
  2. I thought it was mildly refreshing for a coach to come out say that, basically, we're not even telling them what the other team is going to do until we get out own [censored] together first... Roos has cahunas, that's for sure.
  3. No changes save for injury. You don't have a massive win like that and then kick someone in the balls during the week by dropping them unless you absolutely have to. Byrnes was fine - he isn't going anywhere without serious pressure from below.
  4. When you think about it, we really have had some incredible drafting and trading success in the last couple of years. Discounting negatives, we've brought in Viney, Salem, Tyson, JKH, Cross, Vince and Kent, even Matt Jones, Pedersen and Terlich have been successes if you really get down to it. That is an incredibly high success rate. That's a huge hit rate and, despite the haters, does stretch back to Neeld's time. It also doesn't include guys like Michie and Hogan who aren't even on the park yet, or Toumpas, who will be fine in the end. Realistically, we probably won't finish too high this year, and another pick up like Salem around pick 3-7 (hopefully), with a decent free agent and another steal down the draft, starts to make us look pretty good.
  5. I'm watching the replay on my lapton and actually switched over to post exactly this. He would have been a steal at three.
  6. You could try paying attention to the people you're out for dinner with, just sayin'...
  7. Disagree. He's been much better in recent weeks. Also, what has been missing from his game is the run - those two bounces streaming through the middle were awesome. I know he missed the goal, but you don't run like that without being interested. And it brings back the attacking side to his game, which has been missing too.
  8. Well, I'd suggest it means something to the selection committee!
  9. That a 2 win season with a percentage of 69.3% is just as depressing as a 2 win season with 54.1%.
  10. I actually prefer this approach - what we have seen in recent years is players being dropped for poor form, without anybody really being in better form below. This way, Roos has picked his 22 and is backing them until someone else turns out to be playing better. Rather than Casey players waiting until they are called up due to the failures of others, they are now being required to lift their own standards and demand to be included. That can only be a good thing.
  11. In flying form tonight RTG, keep it coming.
  12. That's wading in with a pretty big stick for posts 4 and 5!
  13. When I last switched jobs, I gave out my old phone number out of habit for months. Move on.
  14. What's the point in doing this? He's already been thrown into basically all 17 other roles on the ground and he'd get smashed. Why humiliate him?
  15. I think players should be banned from Twitter if they can spell neither struggle nor half.
  16. Yep, that's about the fifteenth time you've posted that sentence in one form or another. We get it.
  17. Excellent point, actually. Same reason players like Sylvia got away with it for so long - there was just so much camoflauge.
  18. I know we're all a bit jumpy about this, but that suggestion is just silly.
  19. Pedersen skilled and Vince limited? Not sure about that...
  20. Ah well, in the end, sounds pretty sensible really. A real shame it has come to this, when we need to make the absolute most of the limited talent we have. I suppose when guys like Nicholson cant get a game, it would make them spew to see joggers get one.
  21. Think you're the second or third person to mention it, so it was obviously there! Absolutely astounding if true. I can still vividly remember my dad giving me a second spray when I was about 11 for doing the same thing.
  22. Fair enough, but that's a huge call. There is zero upside to any of those others.
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