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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Bet your email to the AFL disappeared into the too hard basket inbox.
  2. The point about reputation is a good one. If Viney goes hard again in the next few years and smashes someone else, he will get months... Completely undeservedly.
  3. Well done, very clever. What are you going to do, storm his chambers?
  4. Will be very interesting to see if he picked up Brownlow votes for this. Obviously, the umpires would have submitted votes before the referral and it will be interesting to see whether this impacted their view on 'fairest and best' at all...
  5. He drove him into the ground - he could easily have just untangled himself.
  6. The deliberate, wilful and premeditated bodyslam was worse.
  7. You are so incomprehensibly stupid that I'm putting you on ignore. Arguing with fools, etc.
  8. And this one is even better. If you could read, let alone comprehend, which you clearly can't, you'd probably know the answer.
  9. Has nothing to do with contact or non-contact, but whether players play hard or not. I just get fed up with people using my other sport as a cheap way of illustrating wimpiness.
  10. Have to say I get pretty sick of pointing this out on this forum - basketball is not a proxy for 'softness'. For what it is worth, I have never, never had to consider not attacking a basketball because I might get suspended for rough conduct and I have plenty of broken bones to show for it. You should come up with a more articulate way of venting frustration.
  11. Oh spare me. I've said from the start Viney would go for it, but that doesn't mean it isn't a completely [censored] ridiculous decision. This essentially means now that no player can ever commit to a contest for fear of incidental and accidental collisions. That's very sad for football.
  12. True, but if he was playing outside instructions, I'd wager he wouldn't have played the first seven straight as an upgraded rookie, first year player.
  13. Still think that means he's doing his job.
  14. Sorry, you're right re intent and I should have been clearer - I agree entirely he didn't intend to bump. But he did arrive, at speed, and bump, in my book. As I said above, it is completely ridiculous, but on all readings of the AFL tea leaves, they want to stop these types of injuries. It is sad that the game is going that way...
  15. That's not what I said. I said that Lynch wouldn't have been injured if not for Viney's bump and it is silly to suggest I said the complete opposite.
  16. Jake Spencer got three weeks (I think) last year for being a complete unco and crashing into McEvoy (again, IIRC). You hurt someone by bumping, you go.
  17. Interesting - it looked to me like he was pulling up but had a fair bit of speed. It is just ridiculous, if it were someone like Jordan Lewis who smashes people all the time, we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion.
  18. Correct. He gets his hands free and has really clean disposal in traffic. An utter steal.
  19. He barrelled in from 20 metres away and smashed Lynch's face into Georgiou's head. In the end, that's all that matters. I HATE it, but they'll see it as completely unnecessary contact and give him a holiday.
  20. But we're not Port or Hawthorn and, for now, he's in our best 10 or so players.
  21. Can't believe they didn't pick up your irony!
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